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A Changed Man (Altered Book 1)

Page 4

by Unknown

  Jordan Chase had been spending almost every night staking out the various exits leading out of The Den. Trying to figure out the routine of all those coming and going. He kept track of what time the new shift came in and the others were sent home, and what entrances and exits they used. Hoping for a break in the sequence of events that could give him a chance to sneak back in and execute a rescue. It was a well-organized operation. There wasn't much time between shifts that there were no people around. The place hummed with activity. He kept track of the guards, lab technicians, kitchen staff, and orderlies, even the suits that would only show up once or twice a week. He figured they were the money; they backed these sick experiments. Tonight, he was across the river from the only entrance that no one used. It was a cave mouth; high up on a sheer cliff surrounded only by loose rock. He had to check every possibility. If he was able to escape sometime ago, maybe someone else could too. Besides, this would be the way he would eventually have to go back in. As he laid there in the grass on the bank of the river he watched the entrance for a few hours. He was ready to call it quits when he saw a figure at the mouth of the cave. He sat up so he could see better when he saw the figure move out onto the rocks. "That's a bad idea," he said to himself. He watched the figure slowly make his way across a narrow ledge when it fell into the freezing cold river below. Jordan jumped up and ran down the riverbank trying to keep up with whomever it was bobbing up and down in the fast currents.

  Remington had walked as far as he could through the woods over night, never coming across any roads; which was a plus. They would be patrolling the roads looking for him. He guessed it had been around five to six miles before he was completely exhausted and had to stop. He was freezing and banged up good. He had a twisted ankle, large gashes running up and down both legs, and his back felt like it had been hit with a bat. His head ached with the worse migraine he had ever had. It was just starting to get light out. He needed a place to hide. He was looking around the woods when he found a huge gutted tree lying across the forest floor. Remington made his way over to it. He desperately needed to sit down and rest, just for a few minutes. He sat down on the log and tried to catch his breath; the cold air pierced his lungs and it was painful. He tried to take shallow breaths, but his head was spinning. Remington knew he wasn't going to be able to stay conscious much longer. He looked around at his surroundings and saw something odd; a shadow in the trees, it was out of place, he could see between all the other trees now that it was beginning to get light out, but between two particular trees back in the forest there was a black mass. It startled him, had they found him already? It didn’t appear to be shaped like a person, but he couldn't be positive, he was having trouble staying focused. Remington jumped up from the log to run but his feet wouldn't move. His vision started to get spotty when everything went dark. He passed out.

  The sun was starting to shine. Jackie could see the warm light trying its best to shine through the closed curtains. She finished watching the news and cut herself up some fruit for breakfast. She poured herself another cup of coffee and headed outside to sit on the front porch. It wasn't anywhere near as ominous as it was the night before. The birds were singing and the slow breeze caressed the wind chimes. She sat down in the rocking chair and just looked around. She checked the tree line and saw nothing but the woods. She looked out toward the road and saw no other tire tracks besides her own, no dirty shoe prints on her porch leading to her front door. She was sure of what she saw; even though it was hard to think she hadn't just imagined it all when she was now outside in the light of this beautiful day. Jackie finished her coffee and took her plate back in the house. It was time to go to town; she would try to spend the whole day there if she could keep herself busy. She needed away from this solitude for a while. Jackie grabbed the clothes to be donated to the local Goodwill, locked the front door, loaded her car, and left. It took about a half hour to get to town. When she reached the hardware store she saw Henry Miller sitting on the front porch. She pulled in and got out of her car to greet him. "Hello Mr. Miller!" Jackie said as she climbed the porch stairs.

  "Well hello young Lady! How are you on this beautiful day? Please, call me Henry." Henry stood up and offered the chair next to him to Jackie.

  "Um, I'm ok." Jackie said taking a seat.

  "What can I do you for? You needing more paint already?" Henry laughed.

  "No, no, nothing like that. I was just wondering if you had a few minutes to talk?"

  "Oh sure! Carl’s minding the store, and there’s no one in there anyway." He smiled. "What do you want to talk about?"

  "Well, I'm not sure exactly. My grandmother's place; has she ever talked to you about anything that goes on up there? I know she came in to see you a lot. I was just curious if she ever mentioned, uh, well, anything weird?"

  "No, not really. She would come in to buy some big tool, I would try and talk her out of it, not wanting her to hurt herself." Henry laughed. "She told me she had someone doing the hard work for her. That’s why I figured she must have had a handyman, though, she never said for sure or who it was. Other than that, we'd sit right here like you and me. We’d talk about the weather, and she was always quick to ask about my family; a great woman your grandmother."

  "Yeah, she was. Did she ever say anything about weird noises at night? Did she ever seem shaken up about anything?"

  "No, your grandmother was a strong woman. If she had any problems out there, she never told me. Why? Is something bothering you out at her place?"

  "Well, I hear weird sounds at night sometimes, it kind of freaks me out." Jackie laughed.

  "Well darlin’ you are in the mountains, them woods are full of critters and a lot of them come out at night!"

  "Yeah, I guess." Jackie was starting to get the feeling if she said anymore the guy was going to think she was just a scared little woman afraid of every little thing that goes bump in the night. "Well I better get going. I have some errands to run. Thanks for your time Henry." She smiled.

  "Oh anytime, anytime!"

  "Oh, could you tell me where the Goodwill is at?"

  "Sure, you head down main street four blocks, then swing a right. It’s the second building as you’re coming up the street. There’s a big sign, can't miss it!"

  "Great, thanks again!"

  "You have a great day darlin’!"

  Jackie waved goodbye, got back in her car, and made her way up Main Street.

  Chapter 4

  Slade Thompson was awakened by the ringing of his cell phone. He rolled over to see it lit up with the name Josh across the screen. "It's midnight. This better be good,” he answered.

  "Mr. Smith! It's me, Josh. We've had a breach at The Den!"

  "What? That’s the second one in the last six months!"

  "I know sir. I'm sorry. A guard was killed."

  "Why is it every time I leave that place something happens Josh? Is everyone just screwing around while I'm gone? The cats away so the mice will play?"

  "I dunno sir. All subjects were locked in their rooms. I checked them myself. Most were sound asleep."

  "Well are you going to tell me who it was that escaped or do I have to prolong this tedious conversation by guessing?"

  "Uh, yes sir, it was Remington Cross sir."

  "Remington Cross? That’s impossible! He failed us! There is no way he could have escaped the cell, let alone the den!"

  "I know sir, never the less, he's gone."

  "Are you positive it was him? You don't have his cell mixed up with someone else’s?"

  "Yes sir. When I opened the door he looked to be sleeping so I went on to check the others. They were all in their rooms so I went back to his cell; opened the door and told him to get up. He didn't move, so I called Phillip on the radio, he was guarding the east entrance."

  "Get to it!" Slade yelled.

  "Uh, yes sir. Well he joined me at the cell and we went in to wake the subject, but his bed was empty. He had laid pillows out and covered them up to look like a
body. We checked the bathroom and under the bed, he was gone."

  Slade began to roar with laughter, not the oh that’s so funny laughter; more like the laughter the devil would make while holding innocents over his fire pit in the deepest bowels of hell.

  "Sir?" Josh felt it through the phone; the evil that emanated from this man was sending cold shivers up his spine, as if he was standing right in front of him. Good thing for his sake that he wasn't.

  "Ahh" Slade sighed loudly. "You're telling me the subject fooled you with a teenagers prank? Like he was trying to sneak out of his parent’s house after curfew? Is that what you're telling me Josh?"

  "Uh, yes sir, it looks that way. The cell door was locked when we got there, so we really don't know how he was able to get out. Unless he was able to bribe a guard or something."

  "Indeed. Who was on shift during the escape?" Slade was starting to get really bored with this conversation now. When he got back to the den heads were going to roll.

  "It was just me, Mike, Phillip and Travis sir."

  "Did you send out a search team Josh?"

  "Oh, yes sir! We did that immediately after realizing the subject was missing. The team took the dogs and they are still out looking. They've been out all night."

  "Well it seems you do have half a brain Josh. I was beginning to wonder. No one leaves until I get there, is that understood?"

  "Yes sir! Uh sir? Do you know when you will be arriving?"

  "Yes, but you won't."

  "Understood sir. You didn’t ask which guard was killed sir."

  "Because I don't care!" Slade yelled into the phone and hung up.

  He was surrounded by idiots; one of the reasons he couldn't use his real name. He needed the muscle to keep the subjects in line; too bad the bigger they were the dumber they were. He'd deal with those imbeciles later. Slade set the phone back on his nightstand then rolled over and went back to sleep.

  Jackie had no trouble finding the Goodwill. She pulled up and unloaded her car. It took her two trips to carry in all the bags of clothes and shoes she was donating. She made her way to the counter where a short and rather plump woman in her late sixties with silver hair up in a tight bun and bright blue eyes behind a pair of round glasses was tending the register. She was the epitome of Tweety Birds grandmother! Jackie had to stifle back a laugh.

  "Well hello young lady, what do you have there?"

  "I was hoping I could make a donation." Jackie said.

  "Well of course! We are always excepting donations. It's rather hard keeping this place stocked, especially when winter is approaching."

  "Well I have a pretty good mix of clothes here." Jackie pointed to the bags leaning against the counter.

  "Are you new around here?" Asked the older lady. "I don't recall ever seeing you around town."

  "Oh yes, I've only been here for a short time. I just moved in to my grandmother's place up the mountain."

  "Oh! You must be Evie Stone’s granddaughter! Henry Miller from the hardware store told me he met you the other day; said you looked just like Evie, and I have to say besides the huge age difference you do! You definitely have her eyes!"

  "Well, news travels fast huh?"

  "Small town dear. Everybody knows everybody and if they don't it doesn't take long." She laughed, "My name is Olive Hathaway. Your grandmother was a great friend of mine, we would sew together."

  "Oh really?" Jackie asked surprised. It was great to be meeting people that had known her gram so well.

  "Why yes! A group of us would meet twice a month at the recreation center and have a sewing circle. Wonderful woman, your grandmother."

  "Yes she was, thank you."

  "Oh dear, I'm so sorry, are those Evie's things your donating? Where are my manners? I am so sorry for your loss dear. If there’s anything I can do please just let me know. Your grandmother and I go way back."

  "That’s very sweet of you, thank you. Jackie said suddenly feeling emotional.

  "So you're living out at her place now huh? I bet it gets pretty lonely out there all by yourself; or do you have a husband I have yet to hear about?" Olive giggled.

  No, no husband. It's just me."

  "Well nothing wrong with that! My Charlie passed on some years back and it's been just me in that big ol’ house for a while now; doesn't really bother me. I like the quiet. Don't get me wrong, I loved my husband to the moon and back, but that man could talk the ear off an elephant!"

  Jackie laughed. "Hey, are you free for lunch? I am trying to stay out of the house for a while today and I would love to talk to you some more; maybe hear more about you and my grandmother?"

  "Well I think that’s a great idea! Maybe I could introduce you around some! There’s a diner on Second Street called Rosie's; they have the best apple pie you have ever let into your mouth! How bout we meet up there in about a half an hour?"

  "That sounds great Olive. I'll see you there."

  Jackie left the store and went back to her car, now what to do to kill a half hour? Jackie needed lumber to replace the broken deck planks on her porch steps, something that should have been done already. They were a bit dangerous if you didn't watch where you were stepping. She decided to head on over to the local builder supply store and see about having some wood delivered. She only had her Subaru, so there was no way to haul it herself. She pulled in and parked. Walking up to the front door, a man came out and held the door open for her to go in. "Ma'am." The man tipped his ball cap.

  "Thanks" Jackie said walking through the door. She made her way to the counter and placed her order with the large burly man working the register. He had a name tag pinned to his chest that read Adam. She told him how many pieces and what size boards she needed. He took down her address and told her it would be delivered within the next two hours. Perfect she thought. It would be there by the time she got home and she could start on it first thing in the morning. She promptly paid and thanked Adam for his time and left for her lunch date with Olive.

  Jackie pulled into the parking lot of Rosie's Diner with five minutes to spare. She went in and grabbed a table next to a window that faced the street so she could watch for Olive. She had just sat down when the front door swung open and in walked six rather big men all dressed in black. They all wore black cargo pants, black t-Shirts, and laced up military style black boots. They definitely looked like a team of some kind. They walked straight to the counter and started talking to the lady who was working there. Jackie watched as one of the men, the one who seemed to be in charge, took a picture out of his back pocket and showed it to the woman while the other men walked around the diner looking at the patrons. These guys are definitely looking for someone. Jackie thought. She watched the woman behind the counter shake her head no, and with one more glance around the leader of this dangerous looking pack snapped his fingers and they all filed out the door in true military style. Jackie watched them split up once outside; with half of them going to the right out the door and the other half going left. She guessed they were going to search all the businesses on the street, probably the entire town. Men like that weren’t out just looking for a small time burglar or something. Whoever they were searching for must have done something pretty bad. Just then Olive walked in the door.

  "Olive! Over here." Jackie waved her hand in the air.

  "Did something happen? Olive asked. I just watched a group of men leave the diner and scatter up the street!"

  "Yeah, I think they were looking for someone. They showed the lady at the counter a picture."

  Olive looked over toward the counter. "Oh that's Rosie, she owns the place. Rosie!" Olive waved at her. "Come here dear, I want you to meet somebody!"

  Rosie came out from behind the counter. She was a pretty woman with long brown hair pulled back in to a ponytail and big brown eyes; she was on the thinner side and looked to be in her mid forties. She walked over to Jackie and Olives table.

  "Rosie, I want you to meet Jackie" Olive said. "She's Evie Stones granddaughter. Sh
e's living up at Evie’s place now."

  "Nice to meet you Jackie, I'm Roseanne Barrenger, but everybody just calls me Rosie. I was so sad to hear of your grandmothers passing, she was such a sweet woman."

  "Very nice to meet you too; and thank you. It seems like she was loved by a lot of people around here." Jackie stood and shook Rosie’s hand before sitting back down.

  "Oh she was." Rosie confirmed. "Your grandmother would come in here every Saturday afternoon for pie and coffee. I always looked forward to seeing her and listening to her stories. She talked a lot about you; she was very proud of you, you know."

  "Yes, thank you. I miss her so much." Jackie said.

  "We all do sweetie, but don't worry; I'm sure she's still watching over you. You were very precious to her. Now what can I get you two?"

  "Well first of all," said Olive. "Who were all those hunky young men I seen leaving the diner a few minutes ago?"

  Rosie laughed. "They said they were in the army and looking for a deserter. They handed me a picture and asked if I'd seen anyone who looked like that and I told them I hadn't. They left me with the picture and asked if I see him would I call the number on the back."

  "Well let's see the picture!" Olive said, "Maybe I've seen him around, you never know!" She winked.

  Jackie started laughing and Rosie walked back over to the counter, grabbed the picture and brought it back to their table. Rosie sat down next to Olive and held out the picture so they all could see it.

  WOW! Was all Jackie could think. The man in the picture was gorgeous! He had jet black hair that hung to his shoulders and outlined his chiseled jaw; perfectly tanned skin and dark blue eyes that reminded her of the sky when a storm was rolling across the mountains. It was just a head shot, but damned if Jackie wouldn't like to see the rest of this guy. She stared at the eyes; they held something, some deep secret. They were so intense she couldn't look away.


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