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A Changed Man (Altered Book 1)

Page 15

by Unknown

  "Wait!" Jordan said putting his hands up again. "Let me explain! I knew your grandmother." He looked at Jackie.

  Jackie grabbed Remington’s arm as if to hold him back from having another go at Jordan’s quickly swelling face. "You knew my grandmother? How?" She asked skeptical.

  "I was never trying to scare you I promise. I was just trying to see what kind of person you were. If I could trust you like I could her. Your grandmother saved my life."

  Jackie looked at Remington then back to Jordan. "How?"

  Jordan looked at Remington. “I know what you are. I know what they did to you because they did it to me too. When I was finally able to escape I found this place and just needed some time to rest and figure out what to do." He looked at Jackie. "Your grandmother found me in her shed and instead of calling the cops she listened to my story. She fed me and took care of my injuries.

  Jackie looked at Remington. "That sounds familiar." she said.

  "I'm so sorry about her passing, she was like a mother to me. She hid me out and let me build a small place at the far edge of her property and in return I helped her out around here."

  "The handyman." Jackie said staring at Jordan.

  "Yeah, I guess." he answered. "But it was more than that, we had a friendship, a mutual trust. If it wasn't for Evie I'd be dead."

  Remington could feel Jackie’s arm tighten around him, he knew she was confused and frightened and he would do whatever he had to do to keep her safe. "So you escaped that place? When?" He asked Jordan.

  "It's been almost a year. After Evie found me, she helped me get better and I was finally able to get a grip on what I've become." Jordan said, looking back-and-fourth between them. "I was pretty messed up for a while, kept changing randomly, I had no control over it. She taught me breathing techniques that calmed and centered me, after that I learned how to control it pretty quickly. I've spent every day since casing the place where they held me. I have log books full of all the info I've gathered since my escape." He turned his focus solely on Remington. "I want to go back in, and I need your help."

  Chapter 14

  "How do I know you are who you say you are and not just one of their mutated guard dogs trying to get me back to that shit hole and lock me up again?" Remington asked.

  Jordan could understand why he didn't trust him. Hell, he probably wouldn't trust him either if the situation were reversed. "Because I'm the one who saved you. I found you passed out in the woods and the team that was sent to find you would have done just that if I didn't find you first and bring you here."

  "You brought me here? Left me in the shed?" Remington asked with a stunned look.

  "Yes. I watched you fall from the cliff and thought for sure you were dead but then I saw you struggling in the river so I followed you. When you lost consciousness I carried you back here in hopes she would find you." Jordan pointed to Jackie. "If I worked for them I would have just taken you back to the den."

  "The den? Is that what it's called?" Remington asked.

  "Yeah, that’s what the guards call it anyway. It's built into the side of a mountain, like a giant cave. There are four entrances and five exits. The fifth being the one you fell from." Jordan watched Remington for any signs that he may believe him. "What’s your name?"

  Remington looked at Jackie as if asking her if she thought he should give his name to this stranger. Jackie nodded. "Remington Cross." He stated.

  "This is a lot to take in." Jackie interrupted, sitting down in one of the rockers. "You say my grandmother saved your life, then she let you live on the property?"

  "Yes, she was a wonderful woman. I was hoping you would do the same for Remington here when I left him in your shed. It seems your heart is as big as hers was. You look just like her you know?" Jordan smiled at Jackie.

  "I've heard that a few times." Jackie was freaked out but fascinated at the same time. "Okay, So they did this to you? The people at the den, they gave you that ability? To fade into smoke?" She asked with almost child like curiosity.

  "They did. I was in the Army for four years when one day I woke up in that place. Apparently they only recruit, err, I mean kidnap, the best people of any military branch. It doesn't matter if you were a soldier or a tech-y, as long as you were one of the best at what you did. When I woke up a man had come in and told me that the procedure was a failure and that they would try again in a couple of weeks. I sat in that cell seeing no one except the guards who brought my meals and a doctor who took blood samples. One night I was lying in bed just staring at the ceiling when I felt my nose start to bleed." Jackie and Remington looked at each other.

  "It happens to you too." Jordan said to Remington, more of a statement than a question.

  "Yeah, well not so much anymore. Headaches too, bad ones."

  "Yeah. Me too." Jordan said. "Anyway I went to sit up and I couldn't see myself. There was just a black fog laying where my body was; it scared me shitless. It happened a few more times and since I seemed to be totally aware of what was going on when I changed, I figured I would just float the fuck out of there. So when it happened again that’s exactly what I did."

  "No one saw you?" Jackie asked.

  "No, I got real lucky I guess. I found a door that led out and just flattened myself against the wall. It didn't take long before someone opened that door and I just zipped out into the night. Like I said. Lucky."

  Everyone just looked back-and-forth at each other. They were all shocked in one way or another. Jordan couldn't believe someone else that had been changed was able to escape. Deep down, Jackie felt better knowing that Remington’s crazy story had just been corroborated, and Remington now had a way back into the place.

  "I know it's a lot of information at once, believe me, I understand." Jordan looked at both of them. "But there are other people there, people that are having hideous things being done to them right now and we need to get them out of there."

  "Do you have any idea how many people are being held?" Jackie asked.

  "I'm not sure, dozens if not more. When I escaped I passed at least twenty-five cells and that was just down one corridor. The place is pretty massive."

  Remington looked at Jordan. "You say you've done recon? You have information on the people that work there, a map of the place? Times, dates?"

  "Yeah, I have all that and more. Listen, I know it's getting late and you guys probably want to let all of this sink in. How about I come back in the morning, I'll bring all my data and we can go over it together."

  "I think that’s a good idea." Remington said looking at Jackie; he could see the exhaustion in her eyes.

  "Okay great, If you need me for anything I live on the far east corner of the property. Just head through the trees and you will eventually run into my cabin."

  "We'll be fine." Remington said holding out his hand to Jackie helping her up. "One more thing." He looked at Jordan with a stern face. "No more of that ghosting shit inside the house, got it?"

  Jordan smiled the smile of a teenager that had just been busted for peeping on his neighbor. "Got it. See you tomorrow." And with that Jordan slowly faded to dark, spinning like a small twister until there was nothing human left before swiftly floating off the porch and disappearing into the woods.

  "That’s fucking creepy." Remington whispered.

  Remington and Jackie were sitting on the sofa having a glass of wine. Jackie was still a bit amped up by everything they had just learned and needed to calm her nerves.

  "So what do you think?" Jackie asked Remington, leaning back and putting her feet up on the coffee table.

  Remington lifted her feet off the table and pulled them onto his lap, he took off her socks and started rubbing her feet like it was something he had done a million times. "I'm not sure. Everything he said makes sense, he knew about the place and I tend to believe him since he's been changed too."

  "Yeah, and he knew a lot about my grandmother. Damn, it's like she had this whole secret life I knew nothing about."

p; Remington looked up at her. "Maybe she just didn't want to worry you. I mean what would you have thought if she called you up one day and told you about Jordan?"

  "I would have thought her senile and imagining things and moved back right away to take care of her." Jackie laughed.


  "So what are we going to do now?" Jackie asked with a yawn.

  "Well first, I think we need to get you to bed, you’re exhausted. We'll wait for Jordan to come in the morning and take a look at his books. Then we'll figure out our next move."

  "Okay, sounds like a plan." Jackie stood up and took their glasses to the sink while Remington engaged the deadbolt on the front door and turned off the lights. They walked down the hallway together Remington stopping at his room. "Sweet dreams Jack."

  Jackie stopped in her doorway and turned to look at him. "Sweet dreams Rem." She went in to her room and closed the door halfway.

  Jackie laid there for almost two hours. She tried every trick she knew to fall asleep and was having no luck. She was just lying there with so many thoughts running through her head about what had transpired earlier in the evening. She finally decided to turn on the dim bedside lamp and try to do a little reading hoping it would make her sleepy. She propped up her pillow and opened her book. "Here goes nothing." She whispered to herself.

  Remington saw Jackie’s small light go on, it shined low like a nightlight against the hallway. He wanted to go to her and see if she was all right but wasn't sure she'd want to be bothered. Well she was obviously awake right? It wouldn't be like he was going in there and waking her. He was trying to drum up an excuse for him to go see her. "Fuck it." He said to himself sitting up and throwing the covers off of him. He walked quietly down the hallway stopping at Jackie’s half closed door and softly knocked twice.

  Jackie looked toward the door when she heard a soft rap. "Rem?"

  "Yeah, it's me." He said pushing the door open.

  Jackie saw Remington standing in her doorway with one hand over his head holding onto the frame in nothing but a pair of sweats, god he was gorgeous. He looked so strong and perfect it almost made her mouth water. "Is everything okay?" She asked closing her book and setting it back on the nightstand.

  "I was about to ask you the same thing, I saw your light come on."

  "Oh, I'm sorry if I woke you. I couldn't sleep; thought I'd try reading for awhile."

  "It's no problem, I couldn't sleep either. Just wanted to make sure you were okay. I'll let you get back to it. Goodnight." Remington started to back away from the door.

  "Wait." Jackie said in a low voice. "I don't want to sound like a big baby, but would you stay with me awhile? I think I'm just a little wigged out still."

  Remington took a step in to the room. "Sure I will." He said in an understanding tone. He walked over and sat down on the side of the bed next to her. "Is there anything I can get you? You want some water or something?" He asked.

  Damn he was sweet. She barely knew him a week but he was always trying to take care of her. "No, I'm okay, thanks." She gave him a soft smile. "Would you mind laying with me?" She was almost too embarrassed to ask. She didn't want him thinking she was some week sap, but she hadn't felt a man next to her in so long.

  Remington looked at her with raised eyebrows. "Are you sure?"

  "Yes." was she could manage to squeak out.

  As Remington walked over to the other side of the bed Jackie reached over and turned the bedside lamp off, plunging the room into complete darkness. She laid on her side facing away from the side of the bed that was to be his. She felt him pull back the covers and slide in behind her. He scooted right up next to her, she could feel the heat from his chest through the thin t-shirt she was wearing, she could feel his soft warm breaths on the back of her neck.

  Remington wanted so badly to put his arm around Jackie and pull her into his body, but he didn't want to over step her boundaries. If she needed him to just be there with her, just lay behind her so that she felt safe, then that’s what he'd do.

  Jackie laid there hoping to god Remington would make a move of some kind, put his arm around her, something. When it didn't seem like it was going to happen, she scooted herself backwards getting even closer to him. She reached back for his arm and pulled it over her waist. She felt brazen in the dark, she was shy when it came to sex, never making the first move, but with Remington it was different; this felt right. She softly stroked his strong forearm with her nails when she felt Remington move even closer, pulling her flush against him.

  Remington started rubbing his hand up and down Jackie’s slender hip; still not sure how far she wanted to go, but her scent was intoxicating. He had to keep going. If she told him to stop he would. It would surely kill him, but he would stop for her. He pulled her hair off the nape of her neck and placed a soft kiss behind her ear. Jackie responded with a soft moan, giving Remington his green light. He continued kissing his way down her neck while moving his hand up from her hip and under her shirt finding her silky breast. A gentle squeeze brought out a faint gasp and Remington was pulling her shirt over her head. He continued kissing her across her shoulders and down her back until he reached the small indent just above her bottom. Still lightly kneading her breast, he laid his tongue against her hot skin and slowly made his way up the length of her spine.

  Jackie shivered as goose bumps broke out over her entire body. Turning to face him, she couldn't see what emotion he wore on his face but his rapid breaths and the bulge against her thigh told her it was need. Remington slid a hand behind Jackie’s neck and pulled her lips to his. Jackie didn't hold back as she thrust her tongue into his mouth. She had never wanted a man like this before. Remington met her hunger equally with his own, both of them clinging to one another as if they needed to breath each other’s air.

  Remington broke the kiss panting. "Are you sure?"

  "I have never been so sure of anything." Jackie’s soft lips once again found Remington’s.

  "God you taste good." he whispered

  Remington kicked off the covers and then his sweats. He sat up on his knees and found Jackie’s hips. Taking hold of the cotton material, he slid her panties down her thighs and off completely, tossing them somewhere on the floor. He gently spread her legs wide and crawled up her lean body leaving a trail of hot wet kisses up her thighs and across her stomach. He dipped his tongue into her navel and was rewarded with another moan. Remington worked his way up her body like he had all the time in the world. When he reached her breasts he took one into his mouth twirling his tongue over the taut nipple as he palmed the other. God she was beautiful; he didn't have to see her to know how beautiful she was. Her skin was as soft as silk and smelled like lilacs after a heavy rain. He could feel her chest rise and fall with every breath she took. She was rubbing her hands up and down his back and dragging her fingers through his short hair, raking his scalp with her nails. He moved his mouth to the neglected breast while his hand moved between her legs.

  Jackie felt like she had an electric currant running through her entire body. This man knew what he was doing; he seemed to be everywhere all at once. His mouth came crashing down on hers just as she felt him enter her with one thick finger. She let out a loud moan against his wet lips. It had been a long time since she was with a man, and never with one so skilled. It was like he was there just for her. Like her pleasure was his pleasure. He added another finger and Jackie gasped and bucked her hips.

  "Not yet beautiful." Remington whispered against her mouth.

  "Please." Was all she could manage to respond.

  Remington removed his fingers and lifted himself above Jackie’s trembling body, positioning himself at her entrance. He entered her slowly and moaned at how wet and tight she felt around him. He slowly began to move inside of her, plunging deeper with each push, relishing every murmur that came off her sweet lips. He could stay here all night, with Jackie’s smooth toned legs wrapped around him like an embrace urging him on. She dug her nails into his
shoulders and bit down on his earlobe; a silent beg for him to pick up the pace. He could feel her getting even tighter around him; he knew she was close. He ached to feel her release. She pulled his head back down to hers and kissed him like he was everything, like she needed him to survive. She broke the kiss with a loud moan and threw her head back. Remington felt her shatter beneath him. Her breaths became quicker and louder as he kept up the pace until he was rewarded with his own release.

  Remington kissed Jackie long and sweet before removing himself from her body. He laid on his back pulling Jackie to him. She had her leg thrown over his and her head resting on his chest. Her arm was laying across his wonderfully muscled stomach.

  "That was amazing." Remington said as he caressed lazy circles on Jackie’s back. "I've been wanting to do that for days."

  "Days? Wow you move fast." She laughed.

  "I've wanted you since the night you took me in."

  "You didn't even know me then." She sounded surprised.

  "I knew you. You took me in, took care of me. Nothing sexier than that." Remington placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

  "I wanted you too." She admitted. "Maybe not right away, but you definitely grew on me. I know it sounds stupid, but it seems so easy with you. To me it feels like we've known each other a lot longer."

  "It doesn't sound stupid." He said pulling her closer. "I feel it too. You feel like... home."

  Jackie didn't know what to say to that. That was the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to her. All this time alone and Remington shows up in her life in the craziest way imaginable.

  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to freak you out." He whispered.

  "No, it's not that at all. It's just that, no ones ever said anything like that to me before."

  Remington could feel the wetness of a tear on his chest. "Oh, don't cry baby." He turned his head toward her and with two fingers lifted her chin and kissed her sweetly on the mouth, then kissed her temple still wet with her tears. "I didn't mean to make you cry." He said softly.


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