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Daddy's Little Camper (Daddy Series Book 5)

Page 5

by Lila Fox

  She took a step back and covered her ass with her hands. “Are you going to spank me?”

  “No, I’m going to help you relax before you make ruts in our floors.”

  She took the few steps and then bent over the sofa. Right away, she felt her shorts and panties being pulled off. Then a pop sounded and she felt a glob of cold gel fall on her backside.

  “Oh, daddy. Are you going to take my bottom?”

  “Yes, baby girl. It’s the quickest way to relieve you.” He lined up his cock and started to press in. “Relax your bottom and play with your button, sweetheart.”

  She reached under her and started flicking her clit. Her eyes rolled in pleasure as he forced himself into her ass. “Oh, daddy. It stings,” she complained.

  “It always does the first time I push in, but then after that, you’re begging me to fuck you hard.”

  “You’re right, dad … ahhh.”

  Noah drove his cock in as far as it would go. “Are you ready for daddy to ride your ass?”

  “Yes, daddy, please go fast. I want you to canter.”

  “I’ll start at a trot first, but I promise I’ll move into cantering. We don’t have a lot of time.”

  She hummed and pushed back against him, trying to get him to go harder. He started pounding into her as she liked. “Oh, yeah, daddy. Harder.”

  He gripped her hips harder and thrust into her like a jackhammer. “Oh, fuck. Come, baby. Come for daddy.”

  A scream welled up in her chest as he pushed her higher. When she reached the top and blew, she screamed against the sofa cushion.

  After a long moment, she was finally able to take a breath while Noah thrust into her one last time and emptied himself into her ass.


  Noah groaned and leaned over Riley until he had the strength to stand. After a minute, he was able to pull up his own jeans and then slip her panties and shorts back on. He lifted her and laid her on the sofa with a pillow under her head.

  “How are you doing, baby?” Noah asked as he smoothed her hair from her face.

  A slow smile grew on her face. “Good, daddy. I feel like I’m floating.”

  Noah chuckled and stood. “You’ve got about two minutes before we have to go out and say goodbye to everyone who’s left.”

  She nodded, turned on her side, tucked her hands together under her cheek, and closed her eyes.

  An hour later, Riley stood beside Noah and hugged the last of the children who came to say goodbye.

  Noah would clutch her hand and grin down at her when she would sniff. Losing the children she’d grown close to was going to be hard for her, but she promised to keep in touch. He put his arm around her. “I bet you anything you’ll see them again. Some of them have already signed up for next year.”

  Riley grinned up at him.

  “Riley,” a deep voice said from behind them.

  Both turned to face Riley’s dad.

  Noah took a step forward and held out a hand. “Hello, Emerson. How was the trip up here?”

  Emerson shook Noah’s hand as he looked from one to the other suspiciously before he shook Noah’s hand. “It was good.”

  Noah pointed to his cabin. “Let’s go in there and talk. Riley and I have some news.”


  Emerson followed. His eyebrows went up when Noah grabbed his daughter’s hand. Once the cabin door closed behind him, Emerson looked around. The place was fancy for a cabin, he thought. He decided he could have probably lived in the thing and been happy.

  “Emerson,” Noah said as he put his arm around Riley. “Riley and I have become close this summer.” He smiled down at her. “We’ve fallen in love.”

  Emerson sputtered. “Now wait…”

  Noah held up a hand. “No, listen for a moment. We are going to be together no matter what. She’s an adult, but we would like your blessing.”

  “But the age difference…”

  “We know, and we don’t care. It’s only eleven years. Think about it. Riley likes having guidance. She doesn’t want to be a career woman. She wants to do volunteer work until we start having babies. We’re planning on coming here to the camp each summer. She’s already taken over the stables and horses.”

  Emerson glanced at his daughter. “Well, I won’t ask how you feel, Riley. I haven’t seen you smile this much in years.”

  “I’m so happy, Dad. Noah completes me. I feel safe with him, and I know he’ll always take care of me.”

  Emerson rubbed his chin. “I know damn well you can support her, but do you have the time she needs?”

  “Absolutely,” Noah commented. “If I must travel, which I hardly do, she’ll be with me, and we’ll hire a companion to have with us, so she’s never alone. I’ll be home every night. I’m also planning on selling some of the businesses and hiring managers for the others. My partners and I are all in relationships now and want to dedicate ourselves to the women in our lives. I promise we won’t go a night apart.”

  Emerson ran a hand over the back of his head. If he had to pick someone for his daughter, it would be someone like Noah. He’d dropped his daughter off six weeks ago with an adolescent personality, and now she stood before him an adult woman. He hadn’t thought it was possible for her to grow up and so quickly.

  He walked to them and held out a hand to Noah. “You have my blessing.” He turned to Riley.

  She chuckled as her dad pulled her into his arms after shaking Noah’s hand.

  “I’m glad we live in the same city. Hopefully, I’ll be able to see you a lot,” Emerson stated.

  “Whenever you want, Dad. Maybe we can have a few Sunday dinners a month together or something.”

  “I like that idea,” Noah said.


  She moved back into Noah’s arms. “We’re planning on getting my things next week. We have to close the camp down and get the horses to the stables that take care of them over the winter. They are used for special needs children over the winter, so they stay in shape.”

  “I’m glad you have found your place, honey.” Emerson glanced at both and cleared his throat. “I also have some news. I’ve been seeing a woman for a while. Barbara is her name. I asked her to marry me.”

  She stiffened as she felt her stomach tighten in pain. Then she glanced up at Noah and relaxed at the gentle, understanding smile he showed her.

  “I think it’s wonderful. Your dad is going to have someone, especially with you gone now. You don’t want him to be lonely. Do you?”

  She shook her head and put a smile on her face. Feeling terrible when she saw the worry on her dad’s face, she went to hug him. “I’m so happy for you, Dad. I hope we can meet her soon.”

  Her dad hugged her tightly. “Maybe next week, when you come to get your stuff, you can stay for dinner and meet each other.”

  “We would love that. Wouldn’t we, baby?” Noah asked Riley.

  She tipped her head up and looked at her dad. “We’d like that very much.” She pulled away and walked back to Noah’s side, and then he automatically curled an arm around her waist. Riley couldn’t grasp how her life had changed so much. Six short weeks ago, she came to camp a scared little girl, and now she was going home with a future husband, her place in the world, and a stepmother.

  She never would have imagined it but was glad it was happening.


  “I’m not ready for this, daddy. Let’s go back home,” Riley whined as Noah drove them over to a friend’s house.

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Of course, I do. But you don’t know how mean girls are,” Riley replied.

  “I know these girls, and they are all delightful. I promise you’re going to like them, and they you.”

  Riley blew out a breath. She wasn’t going to get him to take her home, so she decided to try the best she could.

  She’d dressed in her favorite pink dress, with her white bobby socks and black Mary Jane shoes. Her hair was left down and curled, so it bounced with ever
y step. Noah didn’t let her wear makeup except to play with, so she’d just put on her favorite bubble gum lip gloss.

  Riley’s eyes widened when they pulled up to Darian’s house. “It’s a castle,” she exclaimed.

  Noah chuckled. “I thought you might like it. It looks a little like the one in Beauty and the Beast, doesn’t it?”

  “This is where that girl Larkin lives?”

  “Yes, she and Darian have been married for a few years now. You’ll have to ask her sometime how they met. It’s a great story. In fact, they all have stories they can tell about meeting each other.”

  Noah drove up to the front, got out, and came around and helped Riley out. He took her hand and tugged her along, grinning when she tried to slow her steps. She even tried to dig her heels in.

  The door opened before they got there.

  “There they are,” Darian said. “We’ve been waiting for you.”

  Noah and Darian shook hands, and then Darian closed the door behind them after they’d come into the house. The other three men came forward to greet Noah.

  Noah huffed out a laugh when he noticed Riley had scooched to hide behind him when she saw the four girls in a group together, staring at her. He pulled her around in front of him.

  “Gentlemen, this is Riley. Baby girl, these are the friends I’ve been telling you about.”

  The four men grinned when she nodded, but she didn’t take her transfixed gaze from the girls.

  Kaleb cleared his throat to get her attention. “The girls have been anxious to meet you, Riley. I have to tell you they’re afraid you won’t like them, so they’ve been driving us nuts.”

  Riley glanced at him, and her mouth dropped open. “Really? I’ve been driving daddy nuts, too.”

  The five men chuckled.

  “Why don’t you go say hi to them?” Noah coaxed her.

  Riley stuck her pointer finger in her mouth as she gathered her courage to make the first move. She took several steps until she was close to the other girls and pulled her finger out of her mouth. “Hi, I … I’m Riley.”

  “I’m Larkin.”

  “I’m Aleena.”

  “I’m Brylee.”

  “And I’m Eve.”

  “You have the prettiest hair I’ve ever seen,” Eve said in awe.

  “Oh, um … thank you. I really like yours, too. It looks silky.”

  “Where did you get that dress?” Brylee asked Riley.

  “Daddy got it for me. Watch,” Riley said and twirled around, letting her skirts flare out.

  The girls giggled and did the same thing until all five were going in circles.

  “Girls, you’re going to get dizzy,” Darian warned.

  “Aleena, those are not the panties I put on you earlier,” Kaleb said.

  Aleena stopped suddenly and looked down at her feet. “I had to change.”

  “Why, sprite?”

  “You made them … you know.”

  Kaleb crossed his arms over his massive chest. “No, I don’t.”

  “You made them wet,” she whispered and then blushed.

  “I know I did. I did it on purpose. Now you don’t get to wear any,” he said and held out his hand.

  Aleena pouted, bent, and slid off her panties. Then she dropped them into her daddy’s hand.

  “Thank you,” Kaleb said.

  Darian spoke up. “Larkin, why don’t you show Riley your playroom? We’ll call you when dinner is about ready.”

  Larkin nodded and grabbed hold of Riley’s hand.

  Riley glanced over her shoulder at Noah. She smiled when she got his nod and then let the girls pull her along. Larkin showed the girls her room and the new coloring book she got that day. They all grabbed a doll and played together on the floor.

  “What are you going to do?” Brylee asked Aleena.

  Aleena shrugged. “Nothing I can do. He’s been a meanie all day.”

  “Do you know why?” Eve asked.

  “No, and he won’t tell me. Don’t be surprised if he plays with my kitty while we’re at dinner or after.”

  “In front of everybody? Is he punishing you?” Riley asked.

  “In a way. They all have their way of disciplining us. Kaleb likes to get me so revved up until I’m practically crying, and then he makes me stay like that until he’s ready to make me come. I don’t like it. I’d much rather be spanked.”

  “Really?” Riley asked. “Noah hasn’t done that yet. The revving up.”

  “He probably will eventually,” Brylee predicted.

  Aleena sat crossed-legged on the carpet. She lifted her short skirt and giggled. “Look how wet my kitty is.”

  The other girls snickered.

  Brylee lifted her skirt and pointed to the wet spot that showed on her white panties. “I’m wet, also.”

  The other three lifted their skirts and pointed out their own wet spot.

  “Girls,” a stern voice said from the doorway, making all five jump and drop their skirts.

  “Let’s go,” Kaleb said and crooked his finger at Aleena.

  Aleena bit her lip and stood and walked docilely to Kaleb.

  “Were you showing everyone your kitty, sprite?”

  “They’re my friends.”

  “That’s true. Guess what, you’re going to get to show everyone your kitty tonight.”

  “What?” she squeaked. “You mean the other daddies?”

  Kaleb nodded.


  He grabbed hold of her arm. “Let’s go. We have a few more minutes until dinner is served. Plenty of time to play.”

  Gage cleared his voice, which sent Brylee running to him. “I’m sorry, daddy.”

  “I know you are. But I still want to play.”

  “In front…”

  “Yes, now move.”

  The other two grabbed their littles, and then there was Riley.

  “Come here, baby girl.”

  Riley bit her lip and walked to him slowly.

  “Show me your wet spot.”

  Riley lifted her skirt.

  “You are definitely aroused, aren’t you? Tell you what, if you’re good and don’t complain, I’ll get you off before we leave here, so you’re not achy on the way home tonight.”

  She nodded and grabbed hold of the hand he held out to her.

  He glanced down at her. “I should warn you, so you’re not shocked. The daddies might get their littles naked, might even fuck them in front of us.”


  He huffed out a laugh. “I see you like that idea.”

  “Well, um…” she stuttered as she felt her face heat with a blush.

  “It’s okay. It will make it easier for you until you get used to it. We try to get together once a week so you girls can play together, so we’re all very close and comfortable with each other.”

  “I like them.”

  She stopped short in the doorway to the lounge. There were several sofas and chairs around the room. Three of the four other couples were talking. A few were just holding their littles against them in their laps. Patrick had his fingers in Eve cunt, making her squeak. Kaleb had Aleena over a chair and was driving his cock into Aleena’s bottom.

  “Daddy…” Aleena cried out.

  Riley stood transfixed. She jolted when Noah’s hand cupped her pussy under her dress.

  “Oh, sweetheart, you’re dripping wet.”

  “Is he punishing her?” Riley whispered.

  “It looks like it, but you can tell she enjoys everything he does to her. None of these men would hurt their girls for anything,” Noah whispered against her head.

  Riley looked down at Noah’s crotch and grinned. “I think daddy likes watching, too.”

  “It’s hard not to get aroused.”

  “Is he poking her in her bottom?” she asked in a squeaky tone.

  Noah chuckled. “Yes, baby. I think she likes it as much as you do.” He pulled her over to a chair, sat, and pulled her into his lap.

  They s
at and talked for several minutes until they were interrupted.

  “Dinner is served, sir,” an older gentleman said from another doorway.

  “Thank you, Elder. We’ll be right in,” Darian replied.

  Riley gasped and reached up to Noah’s ear. “That man saw Aleena and Kaleb,” she whispered in shock.

  Noah chuckled. “He’s seen a lot over the years. He’s been with Darian his whole life. He’s immune to everything.”

  Riley jerked her head around when Eve cried out as she came all over Patrick’s hand. She watched as Patrick calmed her and spoke softly to her as she settled.

  “He loves her a lot, doesn’t he?” Riley asked Noah.

  “Every man in this room loves their little, and we all know how lucky we are to have found you.”

  She snuggled against Noah’s chest. “I think the littles love their daddies as well.”

  He chuckled and kissed her forehead. “I think you’re right.”

  The End

  Other Books by Lila Fox:

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  Daddy’s Boss by Sam Crescent

  Call Me Sugar by Lacee Hightower

  The Payment by Allyson Young





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