Facebook Marketing Step-by-Step
Page 11
Step four: Promoting the best content
Remember the content that your “warm audience” responded the most to in the previous steps? Now, you must use the same content and direct it toward your cold audience. The content can be in the form of a textual post, webinar, video, or anything else. If you do this carefully, then you will be able to appeal to your cold audience and can introduce them to your sales funnel, and they will become a part of your warm audience. After doing all this, the cold audience will now become aware of your brand and will have some inclination about making a purchase.
Step five: Remarketing
While advertising on Facebook, it isn’t realistic to expect a lot of people to switch from being your cold audience to being viable leads who are eager to make a purchase. Usually, your cold audience must be exposed to your brand multiple times before they are primed to purchase. So, how can you prime them and get them to move further along the sales funnel? The key to it is remarketing, and Facebook is the best platform for remarketing.
Step six: Using Facebook Pixel
You need to create a Facebook Pixel, add the pixel to your website’s code, and use it to start remarketing and directing visitors back to your website to make a purchase. By using Facebook Pixel, you can start collecting all the important data you need to optimize any existing ads and to develop more effective ads in the future.
Step seven: Using videos
There are various ways in which you can start remarketing. However, while using Facebook, the best idea is to use videos to get your target audience to move along the sales funnel. Since you are dealing with “warm audience” at this point, it is quite likely that they might have been exposed to your content in one form or the other and are even a little interested in it. By using videos, you can help make a connection and encourage them to visit your desired landing page.
Marketing is all about encouraging your audience to delve a little deeper and get better acquainted with your brand. This is a subtle way of converting your target audience into viable leads without coming across as being pushy. For instance, if you have watched any of the videos made by fashion influencers on Facebook, you will notice that in most of their videos they not only acknowledge the viewer for watching the video but also tell their viewers to visit their landing page to learn more about the items mentioned in the video.
Step eight: Keep remarketing
You might be quite eager to make some conversions, but don’t expect all your audience to convert. So, what can you do now? Now you need to come up with other ideas to remarket to your audience. Your intention at this point must be to reach out to those who haven’t converted and encourage them to convert by offering them something of value in return. You can offer an informational product that you know will not only be liked by your audience but that they will find useful too. You need to think of different ways in which you can get your audience to convert. Maybe you can offer them a free trial, an eBook, or anything else once they sign up. Offer them an incentive, and you are bound to increase their interest in your brand.
Step nine: Warming up your leads
It is great that you have managed to motivate a portion of your target audience to opt in. If you are using email lists to convert your audience into viable leads, remember that most people don’t open or go through their emails. Maybe you were offering them a free eBook or a free trial, and someone didn’t convert even after going through the informational product you offered them.
Now is the time to start warming up your leads once again. You can create an ad to explain the benefits of the product you are offering to gently nudge them to make a purchase. You can also include testimonials or anything else that you think will help increase the credibility of your brand. These things help the audience trust your brand and give them the motivation to make the purchase.
Step ten: Time to hard sell
The final step of the Facebook sales funnel is the hard sell. Yes, it is time to move on from all the subtle sales tactics used in the previous steps and go for the jugular. You will need to direct your attention to all those who used your free trial, downloaded the free eBook and so on but never made a purchase. The best way to goad this segment of users to make a purchase is by creating a personalized video ad that includes something along the lines of, “Thank you for checking out (the free content you offer), but for some reason, you did not complete your purchase (mention the product’s name.” Once you do this, it is time to go for the hard sell, and you can do this with the help of a not-so-subtle sales message about why they must make the purchase. By now, all your leads will be quite familiar with your brand and are as warmed up to your brand as they will ever be. It means they are primed, and they are ready to purchase!
Chapter Eleven: More About Facebook Ads
Carousel Advertisement
Before you can run ads on Facebook's carousel, you need a plan and strategy for your advertising campaign. Once you've decided on the message, image, and strategy you want to use, creating an ad is easy. You need to think about your target audience, what action it should take, and what gets your audience to take that action. You'll need to make a list of your customers and their interests, track down links to your website, and include high-quality videos or pictures that match your message.
Before you begin, review the recommended image size and other information listed on the Facebook Advertising Page. You can be inspired by the different formats of the advertising carousel. Then you can create the same layout in Creative Hub.
To create a carousel ad for your page, follow these steps:
Click on the “Promote” button on the page and select “Get More Website Visitors.”
In the “Ad Creative” section present on the upper right side of the page, click on “Edit.”
Enter the desired URL that you want people to be directed to when they click on the ad. If you want each carousel card to send the visitor to a different URL, then you can edit the ad in Ads Manager.
Once you do this, add the text for your ad.
Click the + sign, under the Images section to add carousel cards.
Click on the number of the card you want a particular image to be added to.
Then click on “Upload Image” to add an image from your computer, or you can click on “Select Image” to upload an image from your library that you previously used.
Click on “Reposition Image” if you want to crop the image.
You need to add a headline for every card in the carousel.
Click on the “Ad Creative” section and click on “Save” when you want to save the changes to the carousel.
You'll then need to enter the required audience, budget and duration information, and the "Payment" section to fill out the ad. Then click on "Apply."
Use an editor to create carousel advertisements.
One of the key benefits of using the Power Editor to create a carousel ad is that you can add more text to the ad. In Advertising Manager, you can use 25 characters for the title and approximately 90 characters for any text. If you use the Power Editor, you can add more text.
After starting your campaign and naming the ad set and ad, you can customize it in Power Editor. You will notice that the text contains no restrictions.
With the Power Editor, you can tell the audience the complete story about the topic.
You can also customize the display area of the URL. In this additional section, you can add additional text to the product or provide information about transactions. This feature comes in handy if the URL is long and cumbersome. For example, you can use additional tracking in the website URL and enter the actual website address in the Display URL field so that users know where they want to go.
If you would like to increase the call to action, you can mark the "Register" option in the URL display area.
In the Power Editor, you can mark other pages in the ad text. This helps make the ad look like a normal message, and it also increases visibility. If you mark other
pages, make sure the tags are relevant. To mark another page or people in your ad, you must enter @ and then the name of the page or person in the text box and select the appropriate name from the drop-down menu. If you use organic content for advertising, tagging increases visibility.
There are two types of ads in the Power Editor: Product Displays and Carousels.
Up to five products can be displayed in the carousel displays configured in the Power Editor. Not only can you select the images that you want to appear on your ad, but you can also add a link to a unique website for each product. Each announcement in the carousel has its own description and a title.
For advertising carousels, the image size should be 600 x 600 pixels. Once you've made all the necessary changes to your ad, your ad will run.
Split Test
With split testing, you can evaluate the effectiveness of advertising and determine which ad, image, or format leads to the best results. Split tests provide statistical results.
If you want to split an ad on Facebook, you'll need to select the “Campaign Breakup” option when you select a destination for an ad campaign. The only two goals that are not yet available are brand awareness and shopping. The split function test lets you test the audience, place, and optimization rates.
Click “Create” on the Display toolbar. You can use Guided Creation instead of the Quick Creation stream the first time you use split tests.
Let's take an example to understand how split tests work. Imagine you have two ad formats, and you do not know which one to choose. This where you can use split tests. The target you want to test is the amount of traffic intended for everyone who viewed the content and should be directed to the appropriate web site. You must check the destination using the list specified in the split test box.
After selecting a goal, go to the ad group level and click “Creative” in the Variable section. You can create two promotional options: A and B. You can add up to 5 different ads at once if you select the "Check Other Ad" option.
Select your audience, placement, bid optimization, trial schedule, and budget from the rest of the ad set.
In the previous example, the idea was addressed to anyone watching video content. In the "Audience" section, you must select "Video" for the user groups. You can also select the page view or a website. If no user group is available for you, select Saved user groups, and Duplicate user groups.
You can choose from options for the placement, delivery, and optimization settings. You can select the default automatic placement option and optimize it for link clicks (another alternative is optimization for landing page views).
After that, you have to choose a budget and a schedule for the tests. You can do the test between 3 and 14 days. When the Ad Unit section has finished, click Next to go to the ad level.
Now you need to create all the variations of ads you want to test. For example, if you want to test the effectiveness of a carousel ad and an image ad, you must label ad A as a carousel ad. Then you have to select the Facebook page in the "Identify" section.
Next, you have to select the format of the carousel and fill in the ad. This means you need to promote pictures, headlines, links, and descriptions.
After you create Ad A, you can switch to Ad B. Click on "Switch to Display B." Facebook automatically fills in the data according to screen A. You will need to change some details to perform the test task. In this case, you have to change the format of the advertisement.
Since display A is a carousel display, display B is a single image display. So, choose the "Single Image" option in the "Ad Format" section, and then add the image you used in your first carousel. Add text, link, and CTA (if available), and make sure that any details you add here should match the map from the carousel advertisement you've created.
Then click on "Confirm," and you can see the campaign. Now you can successfully split your advertising test.
The "Creative Split Test" option allows you to match two ad formats. You can also use it to test ad copy options, headlines, action prompts, images, image-based carousel ads, video-based carousel ads, and video ads that are not related to other commercials.
The split-test option allows you to test various creative options to maximize the use of FB advertising.
Chapter Twelve: Tips to Create High-Quality Content
General Tips
When it comes to marketing on social media sites, content is king. You need to churn out high-quality content that your target audience will find appealing, entertaining, or empowering.
Consider everything
There is only one way to determine if your efforts are working effectively, and that is completing an evaluation of all data. Some social networking platforms have built-in tools to help you do that. There are many options available for third-party analysis tools. Use them to see what gets the most feedback on the content you've shared or promoted, and, equally importantly, what does not get the required level of response. That way, you can find out where you are successful and where you need to improve.
Make sure you publish at the right time
It is important to post content that engages your audience by prompting them to like, comment, or share. When it comes to optimizing this, the timing of your posts is very important because that determines how many people will see the post. Most business to business companies tend to post during normal business hours, but even then, posting on certain days will produce a much better response than posting on others. Do your homework to find out when your target audience is likely to be online and plan to post messages while they're there.
Create your connections
One of the common mistakes that social networking marketers make is talking at the audience, not with them. Talk to your followers and interact with them by responding to comments and messages or liking their content. They want to know that you are human and not just some kind of computer that provides automatic answers. Ask them to share their thoughts and make sure you respond in good time to their comments. If they send you messages, contact them immediately. If you effectively ignore potential customers, they will be driven out.
Go visual
People are repelled by large blocks of text, but they pause and pay attention to the pictures. Photos, videos, and infographics contain information that is easier to recognize for people. Make sure your visual content is strong, engaging, and relevant to your business.
Make each of your selected platforms unique
Many tools allow you to share content across multiple platforms, and this can be helpful for important information. However, if you do this for each piece of content, all of your platforms will be the same. People following you on a platform are likely to follow you on all platforms, and they do not want to see identical content. This ensures that they only follow you on one platform. Make each of your accounts unique, and you will attract more people and gain even more followers and more potential customers.
Let people follow you
If someone subscribes to you on the social network, he wants to thank you. Offer bonuses for a subscription or a like such as a small discount on a product or a raffle. People need an incentive to join you, and providing perks for following you will keep them interested in continuing to follow you.
Remember to be personable but professional
While social networking can be a more relaxed way of marketing your business, you still need to maintain an atmosphere of professionalism. Yes, give out some personal information that will give your business a human face, such as birthday announcements of employee fun facts, but never express your personal views on things on your business page. When you start thinking about politics or talking about the latest celebrity tricks, you can easily start turning your followers away from you.
Social media manager
Not everyone can handle social networks well, and if you can’t, it's better to have someone at the helm who can easily communicate, interact, publish, and share with others. In this way, you will be able to
continue your business and take advantage of a successful marketing campaign.
If it does not work, let go
Not everything will work; no matter how much analysis you carry out or how many new team members you hire, there is bound to be a platform that is not right for your business. If nothing works and you get no results, drop it and go. There are better things to focus your time and energy on.
Build business relationships
If there are companies that belong to the same industry or the same niche as you, join them and follow them, but only if they are not direct competitors. You can connect clients, share subscribers, and get tips. You may wonder how much benefit you can derive from it. Interacting with other companies can attract their followers to your brand or business. It’s a great way to network and increase your reach.
Fight trolls