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The Big 4-Oh!

Page 3

by Wylde, Beth

  "Arrested?" I gasped and whipped my head around so fast it actually hurt. "You don't think she'll really call the cops, do you?"

  Dave looked unsure, but Craig seemed certain she wouldn't. "No way. Did you see what was going on inside? There's so much illegal stuff taking place, she wouldn't dare call the police. The party's over for the night, though. No one is going to want to stick around once she realizes she got punked in front of all her cronies. She's going to go ape shit."

  I took a deep breath, mentally erasing the images of myself in a putrid, orange jumpsuit as I worked out a plan. The rest of the ride was quiet, each of us caught up in our own thoughts and feelings about the party fiasco. It wasn't until we pulled into our own driveway that someone finally spoke up. I expected Dave to be the first to speak, but it was Craig who broke the silence.

  He cleared his throat and tapped me on the shoulder to get my attention, directinghis question specifically toward me. "Um, do you care if I hang around for a while? Veronica's going to be royally pissed and I was hoping to avoid bumping into her. I figure she'll raise holy hell for a while and then once she runs out of steam, she'll pack up her shit and leave. Do you mind?"

  "You don't need my permission to hang out. You know you're welcome here."

  "I wasn't sure after what happened tonight. I'm really sorry. I should have thought it all through better before I issued the invitation to Dave. Are we cool?"

  He seemed genuinely concerned and there was no way I could stay angry at him when he blinked his baby blues at me with such regret shining in their depths. I nodded. "We're cool, but I'm not going to apologize for decking the bitch. She had it coming."

  Craig tried hard to muffle his laughter and failed miserably. "I'll remember that sight for the rest of my life. I owe you one." "Nope." I pointed over at Dave."You owe him." I got out of the car and let myself in, the guys following close behind. "There are plenty of snacks in the kitchen. Make yourself at home." I glanced at my hubby. "I might join you downstairs later. I've got something I need to do right now."

  He raised his eyebrows in question, but kept his mouth shut. I stepped forward and gave him a peck on the cheek then turned and headed upstairs to the spare bedroom. My watch read ten P.M. so I figured Candice would still be up. My thoughts were a jumbled mess and I desperately needed to talk to someone impartial. I had a plan to make things up to Dave, but I needed my best friend's help. I only prayed she'd be willing to listen before she turned me down.

  Chapter Five

  I knew Candice's phone number by heart. After all, we'd been best friends since elementary school and even more than that by the time I graduated high school. I was a year older than her, but our difference in age had never really interfered with our relationship. We'd grown up side by side as children and as time passed, we grew closer to each other than most friends ever did. Extremely close. In fact, Candice was the first and only woman I'd ever been intimate with. We'd actually been living together as lovers when I met my husband Dave. Candice picked up on the second ring. "Hey, sweet cheeks." The way she used my nickname to answer the phone always made me slightly giddy. "Hey there, babe. I've got something to talk to you about." "What's up? Is everything okay?" I shook my head then remembered she couldn't see me.

  "Not really. I did something pretty horrible tonight." "Do you want to talk about it?" "I was hoping you'd offer to listen. I have to warn you

  ahead of time: it's a long story." "You know I've always got time for you. Now tell me what

  you've done." I spent the next forty-five minutes telling her about my crappy afternoon at work, the discussion I'd had with Dave earlierand all about the disaster at the party.

  "Whoa, babe. You've had a rough day. If it wasn't for the hot sex with your hubby, I'd say the day was a total loss. Do you think Dave's really that mad at you?"

  "I don't know. He seemed pissed as hell when we left, but I really think he was angrier at Craig for setting things up than he was with me for punching the bitch. She really did have it coming. I still feel bad, though. If I'd just played meek like the rest of the party goers, we probably could have had a fun evening."

  Candice let out a whoop of laughter so loud I had to pull the phone away from my ear. "You? Meek? That'll be the day." "Yeah, I guess I never made a very good sub, did I?" She chuckled. "Not really. It took way too much time and effort to make you properly submissive. Guess it's a good thing I didn't mind you being the dominant one."

  I thought back to some of the wild things we did in college together. "We hadsome good times together, didn't we?"

  She sighed dreamily as if she were reliving some of our finer moments as well. Seemed like everyone I talked to lately ended up reminiscing about the good old days. "Yeah, we did. We were a hell of a team then and we still are now."

  Her statement was the opening I'd been waiting for. "Speaking of teams, I've got a proposal for you."

  I could tell I had her instantly intrigued. "What's up? Is it something kinky?" "Actually, it is." I could hear the sound of her breathing as it sped up. "I'm

  your girl. Tell me more." I explained my plan and she agreed immediately the way I'd

  hoped she would. "Sounds like fun. Where should we do it? My place or

  yours?" My house seemed like the most logical choice since Candice's apartment is small and in a very public part of town. The time was a bit harder to choose, though, and it was Candice who finally came up with the perfect idea.

  "Why not do it on your birthday? You're turning forty next Saturday. What better excuse to go wild?"

  "That should work great. Dave only works a half a day on Saturdays. I'll think up a few errands for him to run to give us a bit more time to get ready. You'll need to be here kind of early."

  "Why don't I just spend the night on Friday. I'll call Dave tomorrow and tell him I'm going to take you out to dinner on Friday to celebrate. We can come in real late and I'll crash in the spare bedroom." I was totally impressed with her idea. "That sounds great. Thank you."

  "You don't have to thank me. Consider it your birthday present from me. Besides, it's not like this will be some big hardship for me. You're a tiger in bed and Dave is hot."

  We spent the next hour working out all the details before we said our goodbyes and promised to rendezvous in six days. **** A week later, I walked up my driveway with my arms full of packages and my stomach tied in knots. As I let myself inside the house, my feelings were on an emotional roller coaster. I was nervous, excited, extremely aroused, and a bit concerned that Dave might not approve of what I had scheduled for the evening.

  Now that the actual day of my birthday had arrived, I wasn't sure I had the guts to go through with my plan. I headed upstairs, smiling as I walked inside my bedroom and overheard Candice singing in the shower. I dumped my load of goodies on the bed and started sorting through them in an effort to decide what I was going to wear. Once I had my outfit picked out, I stripped quickly and started getting dressed.

  I rolled my new thigh-highs slowly up my legs, determined to be extra careful so as not to rip the sheer black fabric. The hose had been extremely costly, so I'd only bought one pair, which meant that if I tore them, the garters I'd purchased would be useless. After getting them on run-free, I clipped the garters onto the tops and slid my silky black thong on last so it could be taken off without having to remove the thigh highs. After smoothing out the wrinkles, I bent over and grabbed the last piece of my ensemble. The satin corset top with the see-through panels hugged my body like a second skin while leaving my breasts completely visible. I was hoping my husband would like the effect.

  I turned my head to the side and caught sight of myself in the closet mirror. With my long, cinnamon-colored hair pinned up in an intricate waterfall of curls, my make-up expertly applied, and my risqué outfit on, I looked more like a professional stripper than a forty year old lawyer on her birthday. It was a look I thought I could get used to.

  I kept my gaze on my ass as I wiggled it from side
to side, watching it sway in a sexy way that made me grin even more. "I look pretty good at forty, even if I do say so myself."

  The water in the bathroom shut off as my best friend called out. "Abigail, are you talking to yourself? You know that's a sign of senility and insanity."

  "No, it's not," I yelled back. "Forty is not old and you're only considered crazy if you answer yourself."

  I heard her laugh and suddenly the door swung open to reveal Candice wearing nothing but a towel and a smile. She took one look at me and whistled her approval. "Dave is going to have a stroke when he sees you." She stepped up against me until my arm brushed against her full breasts. "You look good enough to eat."

  She traced her right hand down my arm, lingering at the bend on my elbow where she knew I was ticklish. The look she gave me was full of sexual hunger and I shivered as I got instantly hot and wet. I moaned out loud, I couldn't help it, and Candice giggled like a schoolgirl at my reaction. It reminded me that she had more experience in the bedroom with both women and men than I did. I knew right away she was the perfect choice for our third.

  Chapter Six

  Candice was the only person I was willing to intimately bring into the sanctity of my marriage bed and Dave liked her, so I hoped he wouldn't have a problem with the arrangement. Candice and I also knew each other's sexual likes and dislikes on a personal level, so being together for us would be an easy task. Judging by the heated way she was staring at me, it was going to be a pleasurable one as well. Most guys would give their left nut for the chance to sleep with two women at once. It might be my birthday, but it looked like my husband was going to get plenty of enjoyment out of my present as well.

  Candice dropped her towel and I scanned her tall body from head to toe. She caught me watching her and did a slow turn that showed off her full figure to her advantage. I licked my lips as she gave me a complete view of her lusciously round rear. She'd added on a bit of weight since we'd last been together, but it suited her nicely. Overall, very little of her appearance had changed. She still had the same gorgeous green eyes, wavy blonde hair, curvy ass, and big breasts I remembered from years ago.

  I pulled my thoughts back on track as she started rummaging through the duffel bag she'd brought with her. She pulled out several pairs of push up bras and skimpy panties. "I'm not sure what I should wear." She eyed me over her shoulder. "It doesn't really matter anyway." I gave her a questioning look. "Why would you say that?" "Cause Dave only has eyes for you and you're dressed like every guy's wet dream. He's going to cream his pants when he sees you." "Somehow I feel like I should apologize for that." She shook her head. "Never apologize for finding true love." Her gaze turned dreamy. "Hopefully I'll be as lucky as you are someday."

  I pulled her into my arms in a comforting embrace and when we parted, I handed her a gift bag with the outfit I'd bought for her nestled inside. "I got you this." I eyed her large boobs. "I hope it fits."

  She pulled out a short lace teddy the same color as my corset and a matching pair of red bikini panties. As she put on the underwear, I took the time to reacquaint myself with her body. I stood behind her, running my hands up over her breasts and down across her full hips until I had her moaning in anticipation. She wiggled into the top and I paused in my exploration to adjust the straps when I heard the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. "Oh, crap! Dave's home." I finished the adjustment and she dashed into the bathroom to put the finishing touches on her make-up. She'd already pulled her hair back into a sleek ponytail, so all she had left to add was some eye shadow and lipstick. I tossed the remaining contents of my purchases under my bed. Dave still had to park his car, and I hadn't heard the sound of the garage door opening, but I knew we had less than five or ten minutes to get downstairs and get ready for my hubby's entrance. There wasn't enough time left for Candice to put on the black fishnets I'd bought for her, but I knew we'd manage to make do without them.

  As we ran downstairs, I caught the clicking sound of the garage door rolling open. We dived onto the couch, arranging ourselves into the most provocative pose we could manage on such short notice. I was flat on my back with Candice situated between my legs and her face mere inches from where I really wanted it to be. Her teasing caresses made it almost impossible to concentrate on Dave's whereabouts because all I really wanted to do was rip off my thong, grab Candice by the hair, and push her tongue deep inside my pussy until I came all over her face. Her ass was high in the air and on complete display as I heard Dave walking up the front steps. The thought of her sucking me off while Dave took her from behind had me so hot, I feared I was about to spontaneously combust. I just hoped Dave thought the same thing. I tensed for his reaction as I heard the sound of his key in the lock. All too late I caught the sound of a second male voice.

  "Oh, my God! Candice, get up. Dave isn't alone." I tried to push Candice away, but the sound of the door opening told me it was too late.

  Chapter Seven

  "What the fuck? Abigail, what the hell are you doing?" I looked up to find my husband and his best friend standing in the doorway, staring at us with identical looks of shock on their faces. I had no idea how to respond to Dave's question because what Candice and I were doing seemed pretty selfexplanatory. I couldn't think of any other way to account for our actions without looking stupid. In the end, I decided to keep quiet and shrank back down beneath my best friend, using her body as a shield to hide behind. As I slumped back against the sofa, I counted off the seconds, waiting for Dave to go ballistic. After several moments of complete and total silence, I worked up enough courage to face my husband for what I thought might be the last time. I expected to find him red with rage. Instead, I peered over Candice's shoulder and found him flushed for a totally different reason.

  His cheeks were tinted with a dark pink blush and though his eyes were focused in my general direction, I noticed that his gaze kept straying downward towards Candice's ass. From the obvious tent in his khaki dress pants, it looked like my birthday plans might be salvageable after all. Apparently, Craig was just as aroused as Dave, even though the bulge in his black slacks was a little bit less noticeable due to the fact that he had both hands crossed in front of himself in an effort to hide his rampant erection.

  Craig sighed loudly and gave my husband a clearly envious look. "I'll let myself out. It looks like your wife already has something arranged for her birthday." He patted Dave firmly on the shoulder. "You are one lucky son of a bitch. Good luck, dude."

  As he turned to walk off, my husband did something totally unexpected. He grabbed Craig by the shoulder and pulled him to the side of the living room. Even though he was whispering, his voice carried to where Candice and I were seated.

  "Hold on a minute. Let me talk to Abigail and see what we can work out. There's no need for anyone to have to go home alone tonight."

  Craig nodded and looked back over at the couch like a starving man eyeing an all-you-can-eat buffet. "I hear you, but if Abigail thinks four is a crowd then I understand. Don't get me wrong, though. I wouldn't mind sticking around to watch her blow out the candles, if you know what I mean."

  After overhearing their conversation, I slowly realized why Dave had brought Craig home with him. It was the same reason I'd invited Candice over. He'd been planning a threesome for my birthday, too, just with someone else in mind as our third. Since my hubby has never been intimate with another man, it made his arrangements seem so much more heartfelt than mine. In an instant, the entire evening took on a whole new view and I figured that if three promised to be fun, then four would probably be even better.

  I reached down and took Candice by the shoulders, urging her to scoot herself higher up on my body until we mimicked the standard missionary position. We were lacking some very important equipment at the moment to complete the actual act of intercourse, but with two extremely virile looking men standing just a few feet away, the possibilities for enjoyment seemed endless. She gave me a wicked grin and I realized she'd overheard Dave's s
uggestion as well and was willing to go along with whatever I felt comfortable with. At the moment, I was feeling extremely comfortable.

  I gave her ass a squeeze and raised my head up, my lips meeting hers. "How about a kiss, sweetheart?"

  She gave me a flirty wink and descended on me with a lip lock that made my toes curl. It looked like my party was back on after all.

  Since Candice was in the dominant position, she took control, leaving me breathless as she pulled away and slithered her way back down to the end of the couch. "Itsy, bitsy spider..."

  I giggled helplessly as she held me down and walked her fingers playfully over my body while reciting the silly children's nursery rhyme. When she reached the edge of my slinky thong, I immediately quit laughing. Without warning, she slid one finger beneath the fabric and thrust it inside of me in a motion that raised my hips up off the couch and left me panting.

  "Oh, my God!" I screamed in surprise, rotating my body and begging her to take my underwear off and finish what she'd started. Candice got the hint. The black panties came off and her mouth replaced where her finger had just been until I was hanging on the edge of an intense orgasm.

  "That's it, baby. Come for me." As she worked me over with her tongue and her hand, she kept pausing occasionally to talk dirty to me, whispering naughty phrases softly against my skin until I was actually shaking with the need for release. "Mm, you taste so good. I'll bet Dave's getting hot just watching. I'll bet he'd like to see some more." As she spoke, she lifted my left leg and slung it over the back of the couch. The movement spread me wide open to everyone's gaze, but I was too caught up in the moment to care.

  She thrust a second finger inside me as she sucked my clit between her lips and I came apart at the seams, screaming my orgasm to the world. Candice continued to lick and suck on me until I got so sensitive, the feeling was almost painful. I finally managed to push her away and she grinned as she sat up and licked her lips, cleaning my juices off her face with obvious delight while I relearned how to breathe. I turned my head to check on my husband and found him and his buddy with their pants down around their ankles.


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