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The Finest Line

Page 9

by Catherine Taylor

  Kylie smiled proudly and swivelled back and forth. “Aren’t they just, and they feel amazing. I can’t stop playing with them.”

  It warmed Mairead’s heart to see Kylie looking so beautiful, confident and happy. Only six years before she had befriended the terribly shy Maori boy who rarely smiled or talked. It was difficult to believe now that they were the same person.

  Kylie drove them into the city rolling cigarettes at every stop light, dancing and singing to the thumping music and chatting about her life in Wellington. Her exploits had Mairead laughing until tears rolled down her face.

  At one stop light, Kylie turned the stereo off, grabbed Mairead’s hand and gave it a slap. “You’re a bad girl Mairead, very bad but absolutely fucking amazing.”

  Mairead looked innocent. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Oh don’t give me that Miss ‘Watch me walk across a beam, ten storeys high and tell death to kiss my ass.’”

  Mairead laughed.

  “And how the hell did you fall in love with the butler? James used to scare the shit out of me.” Kylie bounced in her seat. “Remember that time he caught us smoking a joint behind the gymnasium?”

  Mairead winced with the memory. “Oh god that was so embarrassing.”

  “That was just cruel and unusual punishment.” Kylie shook her head. “What type of tyrant drives two stoned kids into the KFC car park and makes them wash his car while he sits and eats a bucket of chicken.”

  “Everyone was laughing at us like we were a couple of weirdos and we were so fucking hungry.”

  Kylie sighed dreamily. “The aroma of fried chicken... I blame that man for my addiction to fast food.”

  Her face softened as she reached over and grasped Mairead’s hand. “I also remember the same man opening a car door for me, when I first dared to wear a dress to our school ball, telling me how absolutely lovely I looked.”

  Mairead nodded. “I love him Kylie and I have to tell him because I’m never going to know how he feels about me, if I don’t.”

  “Don’t you stress girlfriend.” Kylie bounced about. “I’ve text his pic to every poof, drag queen and whore that I know and if that man is here in this town then we are going to find him.”

  For the next few days, Kylie reminded Mairead what being young and having fun was all about. They shopped, watched movies, and ate loads of junk food. At night they shared a bed and giggled and gossiped well into the night. On the fourth night in Wellington, they ventured into the city to a gay bar.

  “You just let your hair down girlfriend.” Kylie told her. “You aren’t going to find any journalists or reporters in here.”

  The place was indeed liberating and Mairead danced and drank and simply enjoyed the company of new found friends. It was just before midnight when Kylie screamed out loudly.

  “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god,” Everyone fell silent and looked at her. Kylie looked at her cell phone and beamed at Mairead. “We’ve found him.”

  Mairead swallowed her heart back to her chest and waited for Kylie to speak again.

  “He’s in a bar about fifty metres down the road.” Kylie looked at her phone again. “Oh that naughty boy, he’s in Silver Dreams.”

  Mairead shook her head. “What’s Silver Dreams?”

  “A strip bar.” Kylie grinned at the shock on Mairead’s face. “It’s a very classy establishment of course. I know all of the girls there.”

  Mairead was having trouble getting her head around the image of James sitting in a strip bar. It wasn’t exactly the setting she had imagined for where she wanted to declare her undying love.

  “Are you sure it’s James?”

  Kylie frowned and dialled her phone, walking away from the music which was the only other sound in the club. Everyone had taken an active interest in the events unfolding especially after Kylie’s interpretation of Mairead’s plight.

  She watched Kylie return. “Tell me it’s him.”

  Kylie nodded but had lost some enthusiasm. “It’s him. Miranda is one hundred percent positive but Mairead... “


  “He has a woman with him.”

  Mairead nodded. “That will be Vanessa, his friend. She’s not his girlfriend. He told me. They’re just friends.”

  Kylie wasn’t convinced. “Are you sure?”

  “James has no reason to lie to me.” Mairead grinned at Kylie and put her arms around her waist. “You look more nervous than I am but you mustn’t worry. I’m ready for this. If it doesn’t happen the way I hope, then so be it, but if I don’t do this then I’m going to go mad.”

  Her dearest friend sighed and nodded, looking around at the crowd gathered about them. “Well what are you bitches gawking at? I need a show of hands. Who thinks that Mairead should make a declaration of her totally weird and fucking unbelievably romantic love for James?”

  Hands shot in the air with cheers of approval. The verdict was unanimous.

  Silver Dreams was appropriately named with its mirror balls, mirrored walls, silver streamers and three chromed poles set into a silver stage. The decor complimented the sparkling colourful costumes of three girls who were entwining their bodies around the poles.

  Mairead was amazed at their talent, having never thought of pole dancing as anything more than some sleazy entertainment. Yet she could see how much strength and co-ordination was needed to allow the girls to suspend and twist gracefully at various angles and poses.

  Their beautiful toned bodies were evidence of disciplined fitness and Mairead marvelled at how liberated they must feel with their bare breasts and thongs giving them a freedom her gymnastics costume had never afforded her.

  How much prettier they looked with their long flowing hair than the tight bun Mairead wore during routines. One girl had a jewelled and feathered headdress while another wore a Venetian half mask that added mystique.

  “That’s Gina,” Kylie told her. “Her husband thinks she cleans office buildings at night.”

  “She’s married?” Mairead was stunned.

  “These girls are dancers not whores, completely different kettle of fish.”

  They sat at a table towards the back where it was mostly shadowed. Mairead looked about the crowded venue whose patrons were mainly men. Some sat at tables and in booths along the side of one wall, whilst others milled about the stage, waving money. The dancers would work their routine to leave their poles and slide along the stage where the money could be tucked into their thongs or collected from the stage.

  “I don’t see him.”

  Kylie sat up. “Here comes Miranda. She does the choreography here and trains up the new girls.”

  Miranda was tall, bleach blond and pretty with an enormous smile and a very short robe tied about her. She greeted Kylie with a kiss and immediately did the same to Mairead, before sitting down with them.

  “Oh my god, I can’t believe I am sitting with Mairead Kavanagh.” Miranda squealed. “I am like one of your greatest fans. You are so fucking amazing.”

  Mairead smiled humbly. “No different from the girls up there, except I do it horizontally, rather than vertically and don’t look half as good.”

  “Honey, I don’t think you’re going to see any of them in the Olympics.” Miranda laughed and pondered. “Pole dancing in the Olympics... I believe that could catch on.”

  Mairead was sure she had sabotaged any hope of Olympic glory. If there was still any chance she would certainly try but nothing could be achieved until she knew where she stood with James.

  As if Kylie had read her thoughts she took Miranda’s hand. “Miranda, the girl is dying here. Where is her man?”

  Miranda smiled weakly and indicated a booth near the front of the stage. The high back kept its occupants hidden from them. “They’ve been there for a while.” She reached across and grasped Mairead’s hands. “Honey, are you sure that’s not his girlfriend. She’s a bit of a sensation herself.”

  Mairead felt a little uneasy. “How do you mean?�

  Miranda shot a concerned look to Kylie before turning back to Mairead. “Look, I’m going to take you down the front there on the other side. You’ll be able to see them clearly then without being noticed.”

  Mairead and Kylie followed Miranda through the crowd on the far side that preferred to lurk in a much darker area. Whilst navigating through tables, chairs and people, Mairead glanced at the booth that was becoming angled for a better view. When they were finally at the front, she pushed gently through some people and looked across the room.

  James was sitting with his arm around the most stunning woman Mairead had ever seen.


  Kylie and Miranda watched Mairead drain another glass of scotch before Kylie grasped her hand. “Let’s just go home Mairead. Or get out of here at least.”

  Mairead grinned and shook her head. “I love it here. Those girls are fucking amazing.” She swayed along to the music as she watched the dancers and then turned to Miranda. “What time do you go on?”

  “In about half an hour,” Miranda looked at her sadly. “I’m so sorry Mairead.”

  Mairead laughed and shook her head. “I’m great Miranda. I achieved something tonight. In fact I achieved a few things tonight. I now know James doesn’t love me so that saves me making a complete douche bag of myself. I also know that he’s a fucking liar and a complete arsehole. Never would have thought he was into the whole blonde with big tits thing but what’s there not to be in to? She’s fucking hot.”

  Even from a distance there was no denying that the woman with James was beautiful. The lights had reflected off her white blonde hair and showed clearly the olive skin of a flawless face. Her large breasts were cleaved together by a tight dark brown dress that narrowed to a silver belt around a small waist. The rest of her was hidden under a low table but with her head resting against James’ shoulder it was easy to see that she matched his height.

  Mairead continued. “I also made a startling discovery about myself tonight. I want to be a pole dancer.”

  Her friends laughed and Mairead frowned at them. “I would thank you ladies to take me seriously. I’ve been studying those girls up there and while I’m totally amazed at their talent, I believe there are a couple of moves I could add to their choreography.”

  Miranda laughed and clapped her hands. “I would give my entire night’s wages to see that. Mairead Kavanagh, champion gymnast turned pole dancer.”

  Mairead grinned wickedly. “You’re on, but not the wages thingy. I’ll do it for free.”

  Kylie could see where this was leading. “Mairead Kavanagh, you stop this right now. One journalist in this place and you would be on the front page of every paper in this country.”

  “She could wear a mask.” Miranda was caught up in the fun.

  “I could wear a mask,” Mairead giggled.

  Miranda started bouncing up and down in her seat. “Oh my god, you could wear my brand new costume. Haven’t even taken it out of the plastic yet but it’s fucking stunning.”

  Kylie was furious. “Fuck up Miranda. She is not fucking doing it.”

  Miranda ignored her. “Oh my god, I even know the perfect song for you to dance to.” She paused for dramatic effect. “Nobody does it better.”

  “I love that song!” Mairead could feel the adrenaline beginning to course through her body.

  “Right, that’s it.” Kylie got up and took Mairead’s hand.”Get your purse girlfriend. We’re getting out of here.”

  Mairead snatched her hand back. “No I’m not going.”

  “You’re going girl, if I have to carry you out of here.”

  Mairead sat back wounded and looked up at Kylie tearfully. “Not you Kylie, not you telling me what to do, like everyone else.”

  Kylie could see the pain in her face and sat down defeated. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  Mairead shrugged. “Too late, James sorted that out already, but you... you’re my partner in crime. I need someone who doesn’t always think I’m wrong.”

  “Thelma and Louise,” Kylie nodded and smiled. “He’s going to be watching you, him and his bitch.”

  “And he won’t even know that it’s me.” Mairead grinned. “Imagine his face when I tell him about it six months from now. I’ll be sure to be wearing my seatbelt.”

  “Oh my god you are evil,” Kylie awed.

  Miranda had watched them and now ventured tentatively, “So are we really going to do this?”

  Kylie fixed a stare on her. “First I want to know just how this is going to happen. I would hate to have to come and smash up some bitches because they put my friend’s image all over the internet.”

  “Oh god,” Miranda looked at Mairead. “I’d never do that to you. We can get you masked and costumed out back and I’ll tell everyone that I’m trying out a new girl. Give me a name.”

  Mairead thought and her wicked smile returned. “Vanessa.”

  Kylie and Miranda dissolved in fits of laughter. As Kylie wiped tears from her face she shook her head at Mairead. “Girl I don’t even know you.

  Later she had to repeat her words as she looked at the goddess standing before her. Even Mairead was stunned as she looked at herself in the mirror. There was very little to the white costume with its sparkling silver thread interweaving it. A thin triangular strip ran from each shoulder to firmly round her breasts and just barely cover her nipples, gathering in the centre with a silver bow. The triangle of the thong with its matching bow just covered her pubic mound and thinned out to a silver thread which ran up between her buttocks. The two pieces were connected by more stretchy silver threads which were all held together by two bows, at the centre and small of her back.

  Miranda went to hand her a pair of silver stilettos but Mairead shook her head. “I’m going to need to practise in those. For now I’ll just use my feet.”

  Her hair was swept up tightly into a pony tail which hung from the top of her head. Long and dangling diamante earrings were put in place and a silver and diamante choker encircled her neck. Finally a silver half Venetian mask was tied firmly to her face and sparkling lipstick applied to her lips.

  Kylie’s mouth hung open until she could speak. “Hell Mairead, your own father wouldn’t recognise you.”

  Mairead giggled. “That would be really awkward.”

  “You’re telling me,” Kylie grimaced. “And especially if he tried to stuff a twenty dollar note into your thong.”

  “Kylie!” Mairead swatted her and then noticed Miranda was staring at her with tears in her eyes.

  “You are beautiful.” Miranda wiped at a tear. “I’m never going to be able to wear that costume now, not without knowing that I’ll never look half as good.”

  Mairead hugged her. “You are gorgeous Miranda and I’m not going to look that great when I fall flat on my arse out there.”

  “Oh hell,” Miranda became panicky. “Do you want to go through a routine quickly, get some pointers, top up your health insurance, or maybe sign a disclaimer not to sue me if you get hurt? What the hell am I doing?”

  Kylie grunted. “Oh now you start to see the flaws in this little scheme.”

  “No one is getting sued.” Mairead told her firmly. “This is mine. I want to do it and I’m going to be fine, but if I do happen to break my neck out there would you please get me off stage before someone finds out it’s me.”

  Miranda nodded grimly and Mairead gave her a wide grin. “Let’s do this.”

  Miranda took her backstage and introduced her as Vanessa to the other dancers in various stages of undress. Some were obviously astounded by her appearance and stared, while others gave her a critical sneer and went about their business. Yet when the call came, most wished her luck.

  On the wings, Mairead trembled with nerves. The courage of alcohol was long gone and the sobriety brought clarity to what she was doing. She could see some of the patrons near the stage and realised that this wasn’t her usual audience.

  This was a mob of
inebriated and lustful men that weren’t interested in her talent but in her body. That was probably a good thing, Mairead thought considering she had never danced a vertical pole before and was acting on an hour’s observation and an intense desire for revenge.

  A woman in a long red evening gown walked up and down the stage, telling very lame jokes but stirring the patrons to a mood of expectation, one that Mairead was having serious doubts she could fill. Suddenly she was being announced.

  “Ladies and Gentleman, the only thing I can tell you about our next lovely lady is she is making her debut tonight so she is going to need lots of encouragement. Tiny little thing that she is, we all know that there are often exciting things in small packages and most of you guys would know where I’m coming from.”


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