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The Finest Line

Page 13

by Catherine Taylor

  Mairead laughed. “Daddy will never be the Minister of Diplomacy but it still means we can move on from a professional relationship to one like this one where you kiss me and touch me and tell me you love me completely. I definitely prefer this one.”

  “Me too,” James smiled briefly before a slightly harder look set in. “In this relationship I will be able to speak my mind more openly and it will be far more appropriate in which to discipline you.”

  The tingles were back and Mairead gulped. “How do you mean?”

  “Mairead,” James pushed her hair back behind her ear and kissed her gently on her nose. “The air needs to be totally cleared between us Mairead, and frankly, I’m still a little bit angry with you.”

  “But why are you angry?” Mairead had a fair idea but hoped her vulnerable innocence might entice them off a path she wasn’t sure she wanted to go down.

  James showed some amusement. “Where do I start? The disruption of mine and Vanessa’s holiday plans? Phone calls from your father? Or shall we just skip to your behaviour of the other night?”

  “But you already told me off big time for that.”

  “I reacted as my emotions dictated and I regret it.”

  “And I forgave you so that makes us even.” Mairead suggested, “Time to move on.”

  James grinned and slowly shook his head. “You became the wet dream for every man in that club and although you took precautions, you opened yourself to be media fodder that would have been detrimental to your father. You made some poor choices Mairead, for the purpose, I believe, of pure revenge. Would I be wrong?”

  Mairead bowed and shook her head slowly.

  James reached out and lifted her chin. “Mairead it is not my purpose to make you feel badly about yourself, merely to point out that there are consequences for the choices we make. You’ve emerged relatively unscathed from some really bad choices and suffered little for them. In fact others have been far more wounded by your actions. That’s not going to happen anymore.”

  “What are you going to do?” Mairead knew the answer before she had even asked the question but she wanted to hear him say it. Her body was already beginning to tremble in anticipation. Every nerve was right on the edge.

  “I’m going to finish what I started the other night.” He told her quietly.

  There were a thousand objections presenting themselves in her mind but her body was ignoring them all. His announcement had unleashed every bodily reaction she had ever had to arousal.

  She whispered, “I don’t want to be sent to bed again.”

  James grinned. “This time you probably will.”

  He pulled her gently towards him and took her lips in his, kissing her softly again and again. When he stopped, he whispered to her, “I want you to stand up.”

  Slowly she moved from his lap and stood before him, her eyes never leaving him. James reached down and began to take off her runners and socks. He brought them together and put them to one side before reaching for the button on her jeans.

  Once unzipped he slowly drew them down until she was able to step out of them having to lean on his shoulders as she did. He folded them and put them with her shoes.

  It occurred to her ominously that she was dressed in the white French cut knickers of her fantasy. She was beginning to remember how reality was a lot more painful than fantasy.

  She resisted when he tried to gently pull her towards him. His eyes searched her face before he pulled her forcefully to stand between his legs.

  Mairead whimpered. “I don’t think I want you to do this.”

  James smiled thinly and released her. “Walk away if you want.”

  She didn’t. She couldn’t even move her feet and several seconds later found herself face down on the couch, her bottom perched precariously over James’ left thigh. Her legs were pinned by his and his left arm went across her lower back with his hand securing her at the hip.

  Strangely she didn’t feel as frightened now that she was secured and even some of her humour for the situation had returned.

  “You painted a completely different picture of what this night was going to be. This is so unfair.”

  His hand began to caress the lace of her knickers. “The night hasn’t even begun Mairead. Now take your spanking like a good girl and you might get a treat later on.”

  He infuriated her. “You really are a precocious bastard.”

  “Can’t help whom you fall in love with,” with that his hand descended with a mighty slap.

  “Ouch,” Mairead yelled as stinging pain flooded her right buttock and she immediately tightened her muscles.

  James sighed. “Do you remember what it felt like when I smacked the back of your thighs?”

  “Yes,” Mairead sulked as she remembered well. Reluctantly she allowed herself to relax and for James to shift her legs further apart.

  “That’s better,” James started spanking again but not as hard as that first slap. Mairead was able to grit her teeth and remain quiet whilst a small fire was flaring up in her bottom.

  There was life going on between her legs again and she began to shift her focus to that. Her clitoris was pulsating and she found herself becoming fascinated at the workings of her vagina. Without any conscious effort her vaginal muscles contracted and released at their own will and she wondered whether blood flow to her nether regions was the cause.

  The spasms were definitely stronger during a spanking than in masturbation. She thought how she would have to look it up on the internet one day and that made her giggle.

  Her spanking abruptly stopped and James leaned towards her. “Did you just laugh?”

  Mairead eyes widened as she realised how sore her bum was. “No I cried. It was a whimper. I’m really hurting.”

  “Obviously not hurting enough,” James hooked his fingers into the waistband of her knickers. “It seems to be time to bare your bottom young lady.”

  Mairead gasped and began to struggle. James was about to see everything without even the luxury of a thong. The position in which he held her gave him a clear view of her vagina and not even she had seen it from that angle. She reached back and clung to her knickers.

  James took her hand in his and held it at her side while he completed his task. Her hopes of modesty descended with her knickers.

  She heard the familiar sound of James expelling a breath and it excited her. James was aroused and if she had any doubts they were soon dispelled as she felt him caress her bottom.

  His hand moved slowly over the entire surface of her burning flesh, even allowing his fingers to gently squeeze each cheek. Her embarrassment returned as she felt him run two fingers down the cleft of her buttocks and softly part them.

  Oh my god, Mairead wanted to die, he’s looking at my... She couldn’t even think the word. With the humiliation came powerful spasms and a tiny trickle of moisture ran straight to her clitoris.

  He can’t see that, Mairead tried to tell herself but even as she thought it, he began to reposition her.

  “Lift up slightly Mairead,” James spoke quietly.

  Even though she was disinclined to obey, her body was more in tune with his voice than her brain and she felt a cushion being pushed under her pelvis. He opened her legs wider.

  By pushing a little firmer into her back, Mairead’s bottom was sticking up inviting punishment. Everything else was exposed for his viewing pleasure while he set about his task.

  James patted her bottom. “Well since you found the warm up so amusing, I can’t wait to see how funny you will find a good sound spanking.”

  Mairead pouted at his humour and braced. When the spanking commenced it was remarkably similar to her favourite fantasy but in all her wildest dreams she could never have imagined anything more painful.

  Her pleas for mercy went unheeded as James continued the relentless assault. When she tried to cover her backside with her hand, it was grasped and held at the small of her back. Pleading ceased and all she could do was cry and try to wiggl
e her backside out of the line of fire.

  James continued to find ways to make it worse. At one stage he pushed her cheeks together tightly and concentrated the slaps over the centre sending the pain deeply into her bottom. He would then focus on the area where her thighs met the cheeks and where she would feel it every time she sat down in the near future.

  Mairead eventually surrendered and no longer struggled. He released her hand but she grabbed it again, feeling its security and loved him as her renewed his grasp, their fingers entwining.

  Her mind seemed to grow drowsy and the agony was fading. She was acutely aware of the punishment she was receiving but it was no longer registering as pain. Even crying had ceased and she breathed rapidly as her vagina was beginning to regain the focus. The throbbing, the tightening and swelling, the pulsation of her clitoris, was spreading to her bottom, her inner thighs and low in her stomach. The intensity was new and startling and something she had never felt before.

  Mairead yelled loud and long as her powerful orgasm climaxed. Her hips were bucking against the cushion of their own accord and there was an intense desire for her vagina to be filled. The release came with a rush of liquid from within her and shaking and trembling, Mairead’s body collapsed, her strength draining away.

  James had stopped the moment she had yelled and waited until she had come. He gently lifted her legs so she could lie across him and caressed her back, bottom and thighs.

  When she finally calmed, Mairead sniffed and laid her head to the side on her arm. She was still trembling as tears rolled slowly down her face.

  “You said that I had a need in me that was drawn to someone like you.” Mairead sniffed again as more tears flowed. “Was that it?”

  James simply answered, “Yes.”


  James brought a bottle of water and a cold wet towel to Mairead who was curled up on the lounge. She gratefully accepted the water and drank half the contents, but when he tried to put the towel on her she moved away.

  “Don’t, I want to feel it... what you did to me,” Mairead told him harshly. “I want to see it.”

  She got up and ran half naked to the bathroom with James following. She had to stand on the edge of the spa bath to be able to see in the mirror above the vanity.

  James held out a hand to steady her but she pulled away and rotated to see her bottom in the reflection. Pulling up her shirt she gasped as she looked at the scarlet bloom contrasting starkly with her paler skin.

  James watched her confused. “Mairead I don’t understand what’s wrong?”

  She looked at him in disbelief. “Are you kidding? You just beat the crap out of my arse and I let you.”

  James nodded and indicated the mess all over his jeans. “And you just had the most intense orgasm that I’ve ever seen any woman have.”

  Mairead screamed at him, tears rolling down her face. “It isn’t normal.”

  “Mairead,” James spoke softly to her. “It was sensational. It was mind-blowing and it was completely normal.”

  She shook her head vehemently, “You said it yourself. It could easily be confused for love. We’re not in love. We’re just a couple of weird perverts that happen to go hand in hand like salt and pepper. Or in this case I suppose, hand on arse.”

  James could not suppress a grin. “Mairead you are reading way too much into this. Now get down from there before you fall.”

  “Or what will happen James?” Mairead challenged fiercely. “You’ll drag me off to a dungeon and chain me up and whip me?”

  “As tempting as that is...” He grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder, returning to the lounge. He lay her face down on the couch and sat next to her. “Now, let me put this bloody towel on you.”

  Tears were escaping again as she lay down, feeling a little grateful for the coldness of the towel on her burning skin. “I’m a masochist and you’re a sadist. We’re like those weird people who dress up in leather and latex outfits and have whips and paddles and chains and shit.”

  “Those people are normal human beings,” James sounded a little angry. “And I am not a sadist. Don’t ever call me that again.”

  Mairead glared up at him. “You’re obviously the expert on this subject so why don’t you explain it to me.”

  “If you use that tone with me again, I’ll be doing a lot more than explain.”

  Even in her distress, her vagina reminded her that it didn’t share the views of her brain. “You did it again. Every time you talk to me like that, I get horny. There is something really disturbing about that. You said that you weren’t a sadist, but you didn’t say I wasn’t a masochist.”

  “And what if you are Mairead?” He began caressing her back. “Does that make you any less a person? You are still the beautiful funny and obnoxious girl I fell in love with. It just means that I get a few extra benefits.”

  “Such as tanning my arse,” Mairead sighed. “So explain to me why that doesn’t make you a sadist.”

  “Because I don’t derive pleasure from inflicting pain,” He told her and grinned. “Admittedly I do get a bit of kick out of smacking your bottom, but only because I know you want me to do it and because you have a beautiful backside. It gets pink really quickly and it wobbles a bit when I spank you.”

  Mairead sat up, her mouth open. “James Vaughn! Are you telling me now that I have a fat arse?”

  He laughed loud and long. Picking her up, he took her place on the lounge and pulled her down on top of him, their faces close to one another.

  He ran his fingers through her hair. “I want to do whatever makes you happy. I don’t believe that you would be satisfied in what you would deem a ‘normal’ relationship, but if you want to try then I am more than willing. I also don’t believe that you are very far along on the grand scale of masochism but you did demonstrate something that I have observed before. You have the ability to refocus pain.”

  Mairead frowned. “How do you mean?”

  “I’ve read some articles about it,” James sighed deeply, “And I’ve seen it when I was in Afghanistan and I have had a little first hand experience. The body has its own natural defences to pain. Shock is the most common but can prove detrimental. Sometimes the brain releases hormones, something like a natural anaesthesia. The pain is refocussed and euphoria sets in and soon pain becomes something pleasurable.”

  Mairead was fascinated, “The fine line between pleasure and pain.”

  James nodded. “It’s real and not everyone has it but you certainly do. I’m not suggesting that we start dripping hot candle wax on you or branding my initials on your arse, but whatever you want to explore is fine with me, as long as I can come along for the ride and protect you.”

  “Why do I get so horny when you tell me off?”

  James laughed. “That’s the psychological part of who you are. You crave discipline because it feels so good when you get it. It brings security, love, pain and comfort.”

  Her face fell. “That just makes me lame. It means people can walk all over me.”

  “No it doesn’t,” James smiled, “Even your father has not been able to tell you what to do. Mairead Kavanagh does whatever Mairead Kavanagh wants to do.”

  “Except around you,” She narrowed her eyes at him and smiled wickedly. “But now it might prove a little harder for you to boss me around.”

  James casually shook his head. “Not at all, because I know how to really punish you and I did so quite effectively in the hotel the other night.”

  Her mouth fell open. “That was horrible. I was so agitated and angry and upset...”

  His grin was infuriating. “Nice light spanking, not enough to bring you to climax, just enough to arouse you, send you to bed and make sure you couldn’t help yourself to climax.”

  “That was cruel,” she pouted miserably. “You’re not allowed to do that again.”

  James kissed her pouting lips. “You are adorable but I’m sorry Mairead, if you want all the excitement of this type of rel
ationship, then I am in charge. I know what I’m doing and I know how to handle you. I will never hurt you beyond what you can tolerate in order to punish you, but I will discipline you as I see fit. Sometimes you need to be stopped before you hurt yourself.”

  “And if I don’t want this type of relationship?”

  “Then I will shower you in flowers and chocolates and diamonds if you want and spend hours making mad passionate love to you and I will never raise a hand to you or even try to tell you what to do.”

  Mairead screwed her face up, “That does sound a little fucking boring. Maybe I could have a little something from both options.”


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