The Finest Line

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The Finest Line Page 14

by Catherine Taylor

James nodded. “Yes, from the first option you can a have a little taste of my belt for using profanity again and from the second, you can have the hours of mad passionate lovemaking.” He sighed. “Unless there is more you want to know.”

  “There is,” Mairead squirmed a little at the thought of a belt coming down on her backside which was still stinging and burning furiously. “Tell me what happened in Afghanistan.”

  He sighed, “Hop off and I’ll show you.”

  Mairead rolled off him and James stood up, removing his hooded top and t-shirt. His chest and arms were breath-taking, lean and curved with muscle.

  “I got hurt. We were ambushed.” James slowly turned around and Mairead could see the extensive scarring which had partially destroyed his tattoo.

  “I don’t want to go into details,” James continued frowning deeply. “It’s enough that you know that I lost five friends that day and spent nearly a year in hospital. Vanessa was also there at the time but thankfully not where we got hit.”

  “Vanessa was in the army?”

  “She was a great soldier, who had to deal with a lot more than any man there. She used to come visit me as much as possible, though I wasn’t in any mood for company. I couldn’t stay in the army and I couldn’t be around civilians but I still had to work. Vanessa came to my rescue. She got me a job that I could cope with.” He sat down again, looking tired, “Anything else?”

  “Only one more thing I want to know for now,” Mairead felt a little nervous about her final question. “I once told you it seemed that you had a proficiency in chastisement. I now know that you do and you seem to know a lot about things I have never heard of. Why is that?”

  James expelled a long breath. “The job that Vanessa got for me was in a BDSM club. She owned it.”

  The letters were familiar but unclear, “What’s BDSM?”

  “It’s a variable acronym encompassing bondage and discipline, domination and submission, sadism and masochism.”

  “And what was your job?” Mairead was almost too scared to ask.

  “Initially it was security. One night Vanessa approached me and told me that a client was continually asking her if I could be part of her fantasy. Vanessa kept telling her that I wasn’t available but this client offered to pay a thousand pounds and Vanessa had to check with me before turning it down. It was a lot of money and it got me curious about what she wanted me to do.”

  James grinned as he recalled the memory. “She wanted me to be her father to whom she was bringing a bad school report. It was a little weird because I was younger than she was.”

  Mairead giggled.

  “She wanted me to punish her severely with a variety of implements and put her into a naughty corner at the conclusion. She stressed that I was to eventually forgive her and love her again and tell her how special she was. So I did it.”

  “What was it like?” Mairead was intrigued.

  “Difficult at first, but when I sensed how much she was into it, I got more relaxed and even started to enjoy it. Vanessa had instructed me in how to conduct myself, and as a dominatrix, she knew what she was talking about.”

  Mairead gaped. “How can Vanessa be a dominatrix? She’s pretty and feminine and all tits and blond hair.”

  “And she can bring a man down to his knees both physically and mentally.” James replied. “Being such a beautiful woman, Vanessa had to deal with a lot of disrespect in the army. Her choice of profession helped her deal with a lot of issues and she loves her work.”

  “What happened with the client?”

  “She came back several times for much the same thing with a few different scenarios. I found out later that she was the CEO for one of the largest financiers in England.”

  “So this makes you a dominator?” Mairead teased. “Were there others?”

  “You mean a dominant. I was referred to as a disciplinarian and yes I built up a reasonable clientele.” His eyes stared into hers. “And I was very good at what I did.”

  I bet you were, Mairead thoughts were becoming carnal again but she met his gaze and scoffed. “Well if you think I’m going to pay you, you can kiss my arse.”

  James grinned and looked at her hungrily. “I think that would be quite a reasonable deposit.”

  Mairead went to leap off him but James caught her around the waist and soon had her face down on the couch. Holding her in place he straddled her backwards, keeping his weight on his knees.

  Leaning down, he began to plant kisses over the entire surface of her red bottom. Mairead tried to back kick him and he reached down and held her legs. His lips continued to kiss and gently bite her flesh.

  Her mouth was rebuking him, “You are so embarrassing.” But her body was traitorous and responding very excitedly to his lips on such an intimate area.

  James climbed off and helped her stand up. His stern face was back. “And you are a very naughty girl, using profanity again and having tantrums when I’m trying to prime you for a night of making love to you.”

  Mairead legs wobbled as she could barely whisper, “The whole night?”

  “Well that depends on your behaviour doesn’t it?” James scolded. “Right now it leaves a lot to be desired. I think you had better march your backside up to the bedroom and be bending over the side of the bed when I get there.”

  She whimpered. “But my bum is already really, really sore.”

  He gave no mercy. “It’s going to be a lot sorer before I’m finished. Now move.”

  He slapped her bottom and sent her running for the stairs. All her nerves and excitement and a little fear were back with a fury. Her brain was telling her to run out the door but once again her body responded to his command and she found herself positioned exactly as he had demanded.

  Her vagina was dancing with delight while her brain kept telling her that this was completely ridiculous and humiliating especially as he kept her waiting. Twenty minutes passed before he entered the bedroom, his presence sending electricity through her.

  As he came and stood next to her, Mairead looked up at him and died a little. James was undoing his belt and even the masochist in her cowered. She could not look away as he drew the belt out, doubled it and snapped it loudly together.

  “Here’s how this is going to work,” His voice was low and threatening. “You are going to get leather across that pretty little red bottom of yours three times. If you move I start again but if you take your punishment well, we will move on to something you might like.”

  Mairead sighed. “This is really going to hurt isn’t it?”

  “Extremely,” James rubbed her bottom. “Just remember Mairead, I might hurt you a little but I would never harm you.”

  “Is that like that great cliché: This is going to hurt you a lot more than it’s going to hurt me?”

  James smirked. “I wouldn’t go that far. Are you ready Mairead?”

  “No but just do it.”

  James caressed her bottom, paying particular attention to her lower cheeks. Mairead figured it was the area that would be targeted. He seemed to delight in making the simple act of sitting down a very uncomfortable experience.

  His hand was gone and suddenly the belt was cracking across the bottom of both cheeks, biting into her flesh. Mairead was up clutching her bottom and jumping about yelping.

  “Oh my god that hurt, that really hurt.”

  James watched her with amusement until she calmed down and shook her head vigorously at him.

  “I don’t think I can do this,” Mairead rubbed furiously at the stinging.

  The smile faded from James’ face and he took hold of her hand and led her firmly back to the side of the bed. “I don’t remember making this a choice. I just remember telling you what would happen if you moved. Now we start again. Bend over.”

  His tone seemed to vibrate between her legs which were becoming quite wobbly. Mairead felt as if she was shrinking and James was getting larger and her voice became very small as she offered, “I won’t throw any more ta

  “No you won’t,” James agreed. “Because from now on you are going to know what happens to naughty little girls who think they can get away with bad behaviour. I repeat, bend over and spread your legs wide.”

  Mairead sulked but obeyed, clutching the bedspread and screwing her face up in anticipation. When the belt struck again, the pain radiated through her savagely and she yelled loud and long.

  Tears welled up but she didn’t move. Submitting to his punishment had begun to work its magic in her thoughts and between her legs. Being totally vulnerable and humiliatingly positioned was intensely exciting. It was as if she was offering him everything to punish and be available for his inspection and she trusted him completely.

  Twice more leather thrashed across naked flesh, the sound echoing through the room until only her soft weeping remained.

  James tossed the belt aside and helped her stand up. He held her against him for a moment and then raised her head. He brushed her tears away and smiled, “Well done.”

  The pain did not compare to his praise and Mairead eagerly accepted his lips upon hers.

  His fingers started undoing the buttons on her shirt.

  Sitting down on the bed he pulled Mairead between his legs and slipped the shirt away from her body. The bra was unclasped and taken off and discarded. She was brought closer and each nipple was taken into his mouth in turn to be sucked and licked.

  Mairead’s breathing was becoming rapid as his hands gently caressed her bottom. His feet began to push her own wider apart until she was standing well spread. Her moan was loud and drawn out as one hand cupped her soaked vagina, rubbing along the mound to perineum. His fingers slowly slipped inside.

  James stopped and took his hand away and looked up at Mairead suspiciously. She was still in the throes of arousal and took a moment to realise his administrations had stopped.

  “What’s wrong now?” Her frustration was evident.

  “Mairead, would I be wrong in my assumption that you are still a virgin?”

  She looked at him annoyed. “What? Is it written in Braille or something down there?”

  James grinned. “Not quite but you do get a feel for these things.”

  “James, I just know that if you don’t stick something in there very soon, I’m going to have a fucking nervous breakdown.”

  He swivelled her and lightly slapped her backside. “Watch your language and be patient because I don’t get this treat every day.”

  He picked her up and lay her down on her back on the edge of the bed. Mairead gasped as he took hold of her knees and pushed them wide apart, fully exposing her vagina.

  His grin was cheeky and evil as he hovered above her. “Virgin come, yum yum.”

  Mairead was mortified.

  Still holding her knees down James slid down to his own and brought his mouth down upon her. Mairead cried out as his tongue licked up the length of her vagina.

  He looked up at her between her legs. “I need my hands so if you even dare try to close your legs, there will be no penis for you tonight and you can stand in the corner for an hour with your hands on your head. Do you understand?”

  Mairead nodded desperately and James grinned. “I actually really do know how to punish you and it isn’t with a hiding.”

  With that his hands left her knees and his fingers spread the lips of her vagina until her clitoris was fully exposed. Mairead was only beginning to understand true torment as she forced her knees to stay open as her favourite part of her body was introduced to James’ administration.

  She moaned loudly as her clitoris was examined with his fingers and rolled and flicked and breathed upon. Yet all that did not compare when it was taken in his mouth. The hood of her clitoris remained captured between two of his fingers while his lips and tongue licked and sucked at the protruding button.

  The only release from the exquisite torment was her loud and continuos guttural groan until she formidably climaxed. Immediately his mouth was claiming her juices.

  His tongue pushed deeply inside seeking out every drop, only to be rewarded by another climax. For a long time he feasted on her, returning to her clitoris to repeat his persecution. Mairead lay on the bed powerless, wondering how it was even possible to experience such ecstasy.

  Eventually he stood up, sucking her come from his fingers. He was breathing heavily, smiling down at her. “Move up the bed.”

  It was an effort with her strength drained away and she did not take her eyes from him. James undid his jeans and removed them, taking a condom out of the pocket.

  His boxers followed his jeans to the floor and she got her first view of his sizable penis. Mairead watched in trembling anticipation as he rolled the condom onto a thick, stiff shaft.

  James crawled onto the bed over her and hovered over her face on his powerful arms. His grin was cheeky. “This is going to hurt a little bit.”

  Mairead somehow managed to respond to his humour. “Oh, please be gentle with me James.”

  He looked at her as if she was crazy. “Bit late for that.”

  Mairead felt the pressure at her vagina and for a second there was resistance and burning, until suddenly he was inside her, filling her and fucking her gently. His breathing was heavy as he thrust his penis slowly and deeply in and out. Gradually he increased the tempo and power.

  Her vagina attacked, her muscles trying to crush the invader, grasping it at each thrust as if it was trying to devour him. Her hips rose and pushed and bucked against his, enticing him to pump harder and deeper.

  James lifted higher and Mairead marvelled at the intensity in his face and his laboured breathing as he fucked her more forcibly. He held himself up with one hand whilst his fingers moved down to her clitoris.

  She came just as his thrusting suddenly ceased and he was pushing deeply inside her, ramming her every few seconds until finally he was relaxing and lowering himself to his elbows.

  Their breathing fell in time as James leant on one arm so he could brush a strand of damp hair from her face. Both of them were perspiring.

  “How does someone as beautiful as you remain a virgin until now?”

  Mairead smiled up at him. “I waited for you.”

  Her reply affected him deeply. He stared at her incredulously. “Nothing will ever compare to what you have just given me. Thank you.”

  His gratitude was demonstrated through long and passionate kisses. When he finally rolled off to the side, he lay grinning at her sheepishly. “I did plan to last longer but your pussy had other ideas.”

  Mairead cracked up laughing at his choice of names for her vagina. “My pussy is practically purring, something like that cheetah was.”

  “And probably just as strong,” James laughed. “Damn you’re tight. I only lasted this long because it was also very wet. How on earth do you come so much?”

  “It’s been stored up for a long time.”

  “Way too long but that explains a lot.” James was grinning cheekily and Mairead glared at him.

  “Explains what?”

  “Well you know how frustrated old maids can get. They become grumpy and obnoxious after a while.”

  Mairead smiled sweetly. “Is that right? Are you telling me you were a virgin too James?”

  He laughed loudly. “You cheeky bitch, give me twenty minutes and you are going to pay dearly for that.”

  “Twenty minutes!” Mairead raised her eyebrows. “Damn, I was ready two minutes ago.”

  James sighed. “Greedy little wench, you create a whole new meaning to high maintenance. Lucky for you I love a challenge.”

  His mouth came down on her again.


  It had been such a long time since Mairead had felt so happy. She was really here, lying in this beautiful bedroom with a spectacular sunrise causing the sky to be pink and pale blue outside.

  Every time she shifted the pain in her backside was a wonderful reminder of the several hours in which her body had been subjected to unbelievab
le pleasures. Her vagina stirred as if to tell her that it had not been subdued yet and could easily go another several rounds.

  Turning her head, she looked at the epitome of masculinity lying asleep next to her. James was half on his back, turned towards her and she pulled the covers down very carefully so that she could watch the rise and fall of his chest. His exposed arm lay along his body with its arousing and well defined contours.

  Mairead had a thought and with it she delicately raised the covers and gaped as she saw his partially erect penis. As if sensing her inspection it moved and rose a little higher. She had to press her hand to her mouth to stop her giggles.


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