The Finest Line

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The Finest Line Page 15

by Catherine Taylor

  She wanted to put it in her mouth again and practice drawing it deeper into her throat without gagging. She remembered how James had just laughed when she apologised for it, with a lengthy explanation that it wasn’t because his penis was unpleasant, but simply because it had kept choking her.

  He had refused to allow her to reciprocate and bring him to climax in her mouth. “Whatever I’ve got left in me is not going to be used up here.” James had told her when he had managed to free his penis from her. “I’m having enough trouble keeping up with you.”

  This had been during her fourth venture into this incredible new world of sex and she had learned so much already. An eager student, she had coaxed James to demonstrate several positions and was having trouble deciding her favourite between two.

  His bed, with its wrought iron headboard, had proved a useful instrument in which she could employ the flexibility of her body. Grasping it tightly, she had brought her feet up to join her hands and when James had entered her, the penetration was deep and slightly painful, taking her breath away but allowing her to watch James fucking her. The sight alone of his penis moving slowly in and out of her vagina had commissioned an orgasm.

  In contrast, the other position offered her no view at all but afforded James plenty. On widely spread knees and with her head resting on the bed she had offered up her bottom and vagina for his inspection. James had decided that they both looked very naughty and had given each a light spanking.

  Her vagina had received extra punishment with James rubbing his penis against it while his fingers worked her clitoris. Each time she had tried to push back on to him, James had moved back and brought his palm down on her burning cheeks several times. “When you learn to hold still,” James had scolded her. “I might let you have what you want.”

  Her eventual obedience had earned her a hard fucking simultaneously with a hard spanking in which her vagina rediscovered that first powerful orgasm.

  Whilst running her hand gently over her bottom, Mairead startled to feel a few lumps and blisters. Even sitting on a soft mattress was painful and she couldn’t even imagine what a chair was going to feel like.

  Sneaking another peak at James’ penis, she decided that the pain was a fair price to pay for the pleasure and she could probably afford a little more.

  “Are you looking for bed bugs?” James was looking at her through sleepy eyes.

  Mairead giggled and dropped the covers. “I think your penis likes me. He was waving to me.”

  James grinned and shook his head. “I think my penis is as masochistic as you are.”

  Mairead pouted and looked sad. “I think you’ve broken my bum too.”

  James sat up. “Aw baby, lie down and let me see.

  Her smile was back and she quickly obliged. James leant across her back, his weight on his forearm while he moved the covers from her backside. Very gently he ran his hand over her buttocks and felt the bumpiness of her lower cheeks.

  Mairead savoured his touch, feeling her arousal grow stronger as his eyes and fingers explored her. James patted her gently and rolled off.

  “About what I expected, some bruising, a few blisters and a little colour but all good.” He grinned at her. “But I strongly advise good behaviour today because another spanking is going to have a nasty sting.”

  His matter of fact tone incensed Mairead. “You would really still spank me even though you’ve battered my poor backside to disfigurement?”

  James grinned, “Without hesitation.”

  His answer was powerfully arousing and Mairead could not suppress her smile. “I really am weird aren’t I?

  “Oh definitely,” James agreed.

  Mairead gaped and punched his arm. “You’re supposed to say no.”

  James laughed and moved closer to her putting his arm across her back and drawing her to move onto his chest. He embraced her with one arm, searching her face lovingly, and smiled. “Spectacular was the word I was searching for.”

  Mairead blushed slightly and grinned. “Yeah you were okay too.”

  His eyes immediately narrowed. “Okay? That’s really the word you want to use, remembering how very uncomfortable your bottom is right now?”

  She fluttered her lashes innocently. “It’s just all so hard to comprehend. If I could just have a little reminder, I know that I could definitely find the right word.”

  At the same time she was crawling further on top of him, bringing her leg over his and spying a slight grimace on James’ face. He allowed her to kiss and suck his nipples before moving up to his neck, ears and mouth. His breath expelled tremulously, “I just hope that your backside is half as sore as my dick.”

  Mairead was enjoying her attempt at domination and looked at him evilly. “My arse is killing me but my pussy is hungry and wants to be fed.”

  James sighed. “Grab a condom.”

  Taking one from the bedside table, she opened it and handed it to him, lifting up so he could put it on. His hands returned and he put his arms behind his head, “Whenever you’re ready.”

  Annoyed at the disruption, she refocussed to become the mean dominant woman with her slave at her disposal. Summoning her most serious face she leaned down close to his. “The welfare of your dick is of no concern to me except that it is able to perform its duty which is obtaining my ultimate pleasure and satisfaction.”

  With that she lowered herself onto him only to discover that his penis had grown as hard as an iron bar and she cried out as it filled her.

  James was grinning up at her. “Allow me introduce you to a morning glory.”

  And a glorious morning it was. Mairead reflected on every part of it as she applied make-up in the downstairs bathroom. The sex, a shared hot spa bath and a spanking on her wet backside simply because she had thrown water on him after he had dried himself off.

  She smiled as she looked in the mirror at the scene of the crime behind her. On each side of the half moon spa, a tiled area fanned out to provide an area for bath products, candles or for an annoyed man to sit comfortably whilst he disciplined an errant nymph.

  His prediction had been correct and her punishment, though fairly playful was still very painful, causing her to kick more water all over the bathroom floor. At the conclusion he had provided her with a mop and bucket which she resigned herself to accept.

  She was applying her lipstick when James came and stood behind her. He was dressed casually in jeans, t-shirt and jacket with his sunglasses resting on his head.

  “Are you nearly ready?” There was a hint of annoyance in his voice.

  Mairead glanced at him in the mirror and maintained the same pace to finish her lipstick, pluck a stray eyebrow and inspect her appearance thoroughly. “Are you in a hurry?” she asked casually, straightening the hemline on her pale yellow blouse.

  “Not at all,” James replied. “The last half hour of the movie should give us some idea of what the story was about.”

  Mairead grinned. “We could always just stay here and make out.”

  “And waste the efforts of your two hour application of cosmetics to your pretty face?” James shook his head. “I don’t think so and besides, unlike you, I do need a rest.”

  She sighed and pouted. “You didn’t tell me that I was falling in love with a tired old man.”

  A little chill came over her as she watched him come up behind her and pull her back against him. He kissed her ear and whispered, “An old man that will tonight give your clitoris a sound thrashing with my tongue if you’re a good girl and your backside one if you’re not. Now get in the bloody car.” Mairead could only tremble and nod.

  During the drive into the city, Mairead discovered that even the comfort of the Audi was insufficient for a sore behind and she had to shift several times, much to James’ amusement.

  Later when they left the cinema, Mairead gave James a glare. “Are you deliberately choosing activities that involve sitting?”

  James laughed. “Would you like to suggest one that doesn

  “I would,” Mairead nodded decisively. “It’s called shopping.”

  It was not the first time James had accompanied her on a shopping trip, having escorted her several times in his professional capacity. In their new relationship, James was a little impatient after several boutiques.

  “Go and do your own thing,” Mairead suggested as James sighed when they stopped at yet another shop. “Give me half hour and I’ll meet you at the buckets in Cuba Street.”

  “Keep your cap and sunglasses on and don’t draw any attention,” James instructed. “And make sure your phone is set to ring.” His eyes narrowed as a sheepish expression crossed Mairead’s face. “Mairead, you did bring your phone.”

  “I forgot.” She sighed and waited for the lecture which came loud and clear.

  “I told you to take it off the charger and put it in your bag just as we were going out the door...”

  “And I had to pee desperately and when I got out I just forgot because you were rushing me.” Mairead hurried to continue when she saw James take a breath for the next part of his lecture. “It’s only half an hour and a hundred metres to the buckets. I won’t need to ring you.”

  James wasn’t happy. “You don’t know your way around Wellington and I have no way to find you if you go the wrong way.”

  “I’m not going to go the wrong way and everyone knows where the buckets are. I’ll just ask someone if I’m so thick that I can’t find a landmark which we’ve past several times today.” Mairead felt her own temper rising.

  There was a long silence before James looked at his watch and glared at Mairead. “Three o’clock at the buckets. Do not be late.”

  “Fine,” Mairead smiled thinly and walked away. She hated parting with him like that probably more than she hated being told what to do. It didn’t put her in a mind for shopping.

  Looking back she could see him disappear into the crowded street and she had half a mind to run after him. After a few seconds deliberation, she did just that though kept her pace to a half jog, half power march. Keeping on the same street she looked ahead to see if she could see him but there were too many people.

  The street led to an intersection and Mairead looked up and down to see the slightest hint of black hair above most heads about her. It was pointless and she resigned herself to having to wait the half hour until he was back. At least she could surprise him by already being at the buckets when he got there.

  Starting back the way she had come, Mairead was quite clear of the route and within several minutes she was admiring one of Wellington’s more quirky icons.

  The fountain consisted of several scooped red, yellow and blue buckets set into a metal frame at different heights. It rose from a stone and tiled rectangular pool which captured the water. As the top bucket filled, it tipped to allow water to cascade into the bucket beneath which in turn tipped to fill lower buckets. The process was continuous and attracted a regular audience.

  Mairead found a dry spot on the tiles and sat down. She still had fifteen minutes to wait but she didn’t mind. There was so much to reflect upon and just enjoy a little solitude whilst surrounded by people. No one was taking any notice of her and an afternoon spring sun was warming her face.

  She felt at ease enough to remove her cap and push her sunglasses to the top of head. The bucket’s audience was being diverted to an irate mother who was trying to get a little boy out of the shallow pool. He was successfully dodging her each time she made a grab at him and giggling as he continued to splash about in the water.

  Mairead laughed with a few others and was tempted to join in the fun, imagining the look on James’ face when he returned. Eventually the mother claimed her very wet child, whose delighted face remained unchanged as she scolded him. His triumphant grin made everyone laugh until his mum could only shake her head and laugh too.

  Mairead was grinning too when she became aware of someone come close to her and partially shadow her sun. “About time you got here.” She said haughtily looking up and shading her eyes.

  Her hand dropped away with her smile as she stared at the man gazing down at her.

  “I got here as soon as I could.” Mark Lewis was grinning. “Hullo Kiwi girl.”


  He was still smiling while Mairead was unable to speak. She could only look at him and remember how his face had leered over hers, his hands invading her and destroying her underwear.

  His eyes were clear now, blue and piercing under a defined brow. His thin mouth still sported a few days growth of blonde hair on his upper lip and chin. His hair had been cut almost boyishly and a blonde fringe was wisped to the eyebrow. He was undoubtedly attractive but her memory of him was distinctively ugly.

  When he spoke he still had that slow, quiet and menacing tone. “The gods are good Mairead. The virgin price was paid and here you are.”

  “Fuck your virgin price.” Mairead found an angry voice. “I left the money behind and if you didn’t get it, then I will send it to you. Just give me an address.”

  Mark laughed quietly, “You and I have more than one business deal to negotiate and I didn’t really expect to be conducting it here in Wellington.” His face creased into a humourless smirk. “I had planned to catch up with you next week... in North Shore.”

  Mairead cringed to hear his knowledge of her home. “Stay away from me. I could have had you charged for what you tried to do to me but...”

  “But that would have involved the police and the media,” Lewis leaned in until his face was close to hers. “And we both know that you wouldn’t like that. I doubt they would have taken your word over mine, especially after the show you put on.”

  “I was drunk,” Mairead glared at him. “That didn’t give you the right to do what you did to me.”

  Mark nodded, “Maybe not the right but certainly the means to get what I paid for.”

  “What means?”

  “I loved your video, but I have your debut performance and I bet that would be just as popular.” His grin broadened as Mairead reacted. “You should have told me what a little starlet you are Mairead. I would have paid twice the price.”

  It occurred to Mairead that three o’clock could only be minutes away.

  “I don’t want to talk here.” Mairead got up and looked down the street, dying a little when she saw the black hair of James above the crowd in the distance. “There’s a bar down the end of the street. Could we please just go there and say whatever you have to fucking say.”

  Mark smiled and nodded. “Lead on.”

  Mairead hurried away from James with Mark clutching her arm. She wanted to pull away from him but knew it would draw too much attention. They had nearly reached the bar when he suddenly steered her off into a narrow alley.

  As she resisted, he clutched her arm cruelly and put his hand to the back of her neck, propelling her down the shadowed thoroughfare to an area at the back of the bar. It was deserted except for bottles, boxes and waste bins.

  He slammed her forward into a bin and pushed his weight against her to hold her in place. He leant his face against her head, his breath hot against her ear.

  “Who would have known that the little party slut was so very famous? Mairead Kavanagh, daughter of New Zealand’s Minister of Development, bronze medallist for gymnastics at the Commonwealth Games and star of one of the most watched videos on You Tube.”

  Mairead was trembling and crying as he turned her to face him. “Let me go or I will fucking scream this place down.”

  The blow to her throat was fast and powerful, crippling her instantly and cutting off her air as she fell to her knees, not even able to draw a single breath for several seconds.

  Lewis showed no emotion as he crouched down next to her and waited for her to recover. “I’ll choose the time and place for you to scream. As for what I have to say, I’m afraid there is not enough time. I have a meeting in half hour with my father.”

  Mairead was gasping on her knees as Lewis watche
d smiling. “Even in pain you are incredibly beautiful.” His eyes searched her face and body. “I’m beginning to think that destiny has brought us together and that could be dangerous for me considering what happened to your little boyfriend Joshua.”

  Hearing his name, Mairead managed to look into Lewis’ face. She tried to speak but it took away her breath.

  “Don’t try to talk,” Lewis showed some concern. “Breathe through your nose and keep your head up. I’ll do the talking.”

  He took a pen out from an inner pocket of his jacket and searched his trouser pockets to pull out a business card, which he wrote upon.

  “This is where I’m staying. Two days from now, you will come there at noon so if you have plans to leave Wellington, change them.” He took her bag and deposited the card. “It’s in your interest to be there Mairead and without a police escort.”


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