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The Finest Line

Page 19

by Catherine Taylor

  “Money isn’t a dirty word,” Mark smiled unscathed. “The construction of the homes, for those with your so called six figure incomes, is going to provide extensive employment, up to a thousand jobs, so there doesn’t have to be beneficiaries, drug dealers and child abusers.”

  His answer received a slightly greater support and Mark went on quickly. “Are you lot deliberately trying to get me in trouble with my beautiful fiancée here. I promised her no politics and when this woman says no to me, she means business.”

  He received laughter and someone asked his opinion of her walk on the scaffolding. Mairead groaned inwardly.

  “I wasn’t happy, I can tell you.” Mark grinned and put his arm around her. “We’ve had a few discussions about it and Mairead has promised me she’s going to keep her feet planted firmly on a gymnastics beam.”

  This immediately fired up questions about her future which made Mairead very uncomfortable.

  “Mairead does this mean that you’ll be making another bid to get back on the Australian squad?”

  Mairead was about to answer that one with a positive ‘no’ when Mark interjected again.

  “Mairead and I will be returning to Australia a week from now where we will be married. We’ve made no plans yet but Olympic gold is definitely a dream we both share for her.”

  When she was about to open her mouth, Mark moved his arm down so he could slyly pinch a welt on her buttock. Mairead shut up and let him bring the interview to a conclusion. She felt that if she heard one more word she was going to throw up.

  When all the journalists had gone, Mairead was not so quiet. “What the hell was all that about? Moving to Australia, training for the Olympics? And what the fuck was all that shit about my father?”

  Mark sat down in an armchair and grinned at her. “We are going back to Australia where I can have you all to myself. And yes I kind of like the prestige of an Olympic medallist as a wife. Good for business. Sportspeople make great advertisements.”

  She had plenty to say about that but it was her father that was concerning her. “You forgot to mention that you knew my father.”

  “I don’t really.” Mark shrugged. “I just know that it’s him that is stopping my father from getting what he wants.”

  “And you think by marrying me, he’s going to change his mind?” Mairead’s anger was rising.

  “Yes I do. In fact I’m sure of it.” His nasty grin was back. “After all, he wants what’s best for his little girl and wouldn’t want to see her hurt.”

  The choice to co-operate with Mark had turned sour like every other choice she had made. “You really are a fucking piece of shit aren’t you?” Mairead’s tears spilled over.

  The grin subsided and Mark got up and strode towards her but this time she had no intention of being struck. As he lunged for her, she ducked and vaulted over the couch, landing on the other side, where she kicked off her high heels. He came again and she repeated the manoeuvre back to the other side.

  The pain of moving was extraordinary but the consequences of being caught were worse.

  His face was red and snarling, “Don’t you fucking run from me bitch.”

  He went to move again and she moved simultaneously watching him, keeping the couch between them and using it to launch herself from his attempts to grab her. When he tried to clamber over it in and throw himself at her, she dropped and rolled away to come up and stand on the other side.

  The dress was a little restrictive but her adrenaline was peaking and she had energy to burn. She taunted him, “I can do this all day but I don’t know if you can.”

  Mark was breathing a little heavier as he glared at her and then he grinned back at her. “It’s only a matter of time.”

  Mairead shook her head. “No Mark, it’s not. I’m running out of options and now I’m seriously thinking I should turn myself in and let the media beat the crap out of me instead.”

  “You wouldn’t.” His face grew serious and she knew that she had him.

  “I don’t want to because I love my father and I know what it will do to him but I am not going to let you hurt me.” Her voice broke a little. “I’m actually a little fucking tired of being hurt.”

  He looked at her and some of the anger left his face. He nodded and shrugged. “Fair enough, I’ve lost my enthusiasm anyway.” He circled and flopped down on the couch and grinned at her as she backed some distance from him. “Are we going to be going through this every time I want to give you a hiding?”

  Mairead grinned back, “Every time.”

  “And you were so co-operative earlier.” Mark sighed. “So what do you want Mairead?”

  If you want to continue this charade then I get to make some rules too.”

  “Like what?”

  “You don’t hit me or hurt me in anyway physically. I’ll marry you and be some sort of wife but you are going to fucking respect me.” Her eyes bore deep into his face.

  He looked at her thoughtfully. “You’re probably the first woman, apart from my mother, that I do respect.”

  Mairead eyed him cynically. “You have a strange way of showing it.”

  “What other rules do you have?”

  “You can forget the Olympics. It isn’t happening. It was my father’s dream but it was never mine.” Saying the words out loud, Mairead suddenly realised the truth of them.

  Mark shrugged. “I can live with that, anything else?”

  “I want an engagement party and I want to invite my father and my friends and get really hammered and have the best time of my life.” Mairead was loosing the strength in her voice. “And then when we go to Australia, I never want to come back to New Zealand again.”

  He stared up at her. “I’ll throw you the best party you’ve ever had. Is Saturday night too soon?”

  “Sunday night is better. My friends don’t work.”

  “Sunday night it is.” Mark got up and approached her. This time she didn’t move, even when he kissed the top of her head. “Who knows, Mairead? Maybe one day we might even like each other.”

  “I wouldn’t go that far,” Mairead said grimly, “I want to ring my father before this story breaks.”

  “There’s a phone in the bedroom...Our bedroom.” She nodded and walked away, with Mark smiling as he watched her. “Are you sure you have your period?”

  “You can always pull on the string and find out,” Mairead called back and smiled when she heard his moan of disgust.

  Talking to her father proved difficult. As she expected he was angry when she told him of her engagement to Mark Lewis.

  “This is what you call something positive for your life?” His voice boomed into the receiver. “How the hell could you have thought I would approve? His father is a lunatic and the son can not be much better.”

  Mairead did her best to convey the guise of a love-struck girl. “I love him Daddy and he’s so good to me. He’s even going to help me get back on the Australian squad.”

  “And what does he want for a wedding gift? Let me guess... that development in West Auckland.” There was silence for a moment and Mairead knew that he was trying to calm down. “His father has used bribes Mairead. I’ve had members of my own party turn against me and I’m holding on to the slimmest of margins to stop that development going ahead.”

  “Maybe it will be a good thing Daddy...”

  “How can the displacement of a lot of struggling families be a good thing?” His anger was back. “Is that what he’s been telling you? People are going to suffer Mairead. Is that what you want?”

  Mairead wanted no such thing but if everyone learned about Sean Kavanagh’s daughter, he would lose anyway. Sometimes she wished that her father was an unscrupulous as other politicians but she loved him so much more because he wasn’t.

  His voiced softened again. “The last time I spoke to you, James was with you. I didn’t ask why and you sounded so happy and I just thought...”

  “Dad,” Mairead had to crush the dream for him as much as
it had been killed for her. “James is my chauffeur and nothing more. I keep telling you that. I love Mark Lewis and I’m going to marry him regardless of your approval.” It was all the feigned anger she could summon. “But I really wish you would come to my engagement. It’s on Sunday night at the Grand Vista.”

  There was silence again for a long time before Sean spoke again. “Is this what you want Mairead?”

  Mairead held back her tears. What she wanted was to be in James’ arms and in his bed and being loved by him. She wanted her father to be proud of her and she wanted so much to be happy. She took a deep breath and answered, “This is what I want.”

  “You’re lucky,” Sean grunted. “I had to be in Wellington on Monday anyway. I’ll bring my flight forward and you’d better organise a room for me.”

  When she had finished talking with her father, Mairead went back to the lounge where Mark was just concluding a call on his cell phone.

  “Yeah Dad, I agree. Anyway, I’ll see you on Sunday.” Mark tossed his phone on the couch and looked at Mairead. “I take it Daddy wasn’t overly thrilled.”

  “He’s coming anyway.” Mairead answered quietly as she sat gingerly in the nearest chair. “What about your father?”

  “Couldn’t be happier,” Mark grinned. “Now my bride to be, how would like to spend the rest of this romantic day?”

  As far away from you as I can, Mairead thought but answered, “I need to pick up my gear from my friend’s house after five.”

  “I’ll drive you there later after dinner,” Mark got up and went to her, holding his hand out. “Right now, I’d like a shower and I want you to join me and I’m going to tend to your wounds. I think you’ve suffered enough today.”

  Mairead felt nauseous, but she took his hand and followed him to the bathroom. She accepted his ministrations indifferently, not bothered by his touch or aroused by it. Only the application of some antiseptic cream brought any real pleasure.

  Later in the bedroom, as she dressed for dinner, she couldn’t help think about how different his sexual attentions to her were from those of James. In the shower, Mark had the capacity to be quite gentle and had constantly kissed her while his hands explored her body, though they had stayed well away from the bleeding zone. His only insistence had been for her to use her hand to bring him to climax.

  Mairead wondered how James would have reacted to her having her period and pondered that it probably wouldn’t have bothered him. He was far too earthy and primal. Blood would have been no deterrent from him fucking her. Her nipples hardened just at the thought, which was something that had not occurred once during her time in the shower with Mark.

  Mark was calling her. “We’re on the news.”

  Mairead came out and looked at the screen. They did look like the perfect couple and she imagined how so many romantics would be wishing it was them and how wrong they would be. The miserable expression that she wore would have easily been mistaken for the demure face of a bride to be. The camera really did lie.

  Upon entering the dining room of the Grand Vista, they received a round of applause from the patrons and hearty congratulations from the staff. It reminded Mairead that this was merely the beginning of the farce and the quicker she fell into character the easier it might get. Maybe some day she would get to like him if she pretended long enough.

  He certainly liked spending money on her and she obliged him by ordering big and expensive. There was nothing wrong with her appetite and food tasted even better when washed down with an eight hundred dollar bottle of champagne. Dessert was amazing and she scoffed it back like it was gold. Having bypassed sweets most of her life, she indulged greedily and wondered if he would divorce her if she got fat. One could only hope.

  Mark did comment. “Are we a little hungry tonight my love?”

  “Famished,” Mairead sculled back another glass, liking what the champagne was doing to her senses.

  “Then eat up. You’re going to need your strength for Sunday.”

  Mairead agreed, “I’m quite looking forward to our party.”

  “Me too,” Mark was leering. “I might be drunk enough to fuck you even if you are still bleeding.”

  The food rose in her stomach and she hid a gag behind a napkin. When she was sure she would not throw up, she smiled. “That’s what I like about you Mark, that hopelessly romantic thing you’ve got going.”

  Her appetite destroyed, she fidgeted with her utensils and sighed several times. “Can we just go get my gear?”

  “We can,” Mark got up and came round to hold her chair. “The quicker we get it, the quicker I can tuck you up in bed.”

  On the drive to Kylie’s place, Mairead felt apprehensive about seeing her friend. She was sure that the news of her engagement would have filtered through to her by now and she worried what volatile reaction to expect.

  It certainly wasn’t the quiet, reserved one she received when Kylie let them in. Her friend was in a dressing gown and wore no make-up which was unusual in itself. Kylie rarely got ready for bed until the last minute. Her face looked almost fearful as she smiled at Mairead. She avoided looking at Mark, which was probably a good thing since his own expression was contemptuous.

  “I didn’t think you were coming.” She turned and indicated her suitcase. “I repacked it all for you, washed a few things. All in there.”

  “And my other stuff?” Mairead hoped Kylie would understand her meaning without mentioning James.

  “About that...” She was cut off by a knock on the door. “Like I said, I didn’t think you were coming.”

  Nothing could have prepared Mairead as she looked at James as he entered. His presence enveloped her and she trembled. Every fibre of her being wanted to throw her self into his arms and never leave him. She had never wanted more than she did at that moment.

  His face was stony as he looked at her and then at Mark who was beginning to make his own observations.

  “Aren’t you going to introduce us Mairead?” he asked her coolly.

  She couldn’t speak and it was James that saved her. “I’m James, Miss Kavanagh’s chauffeur. Her father instructed me to retrieve her luggage and take it to the Grand Vista but I see my services are redundant.”

  Mark looked at Mairead. “You bring your chauffeur when you go on holiday?”

  She found her voice, “He’s kind of like a bodyguard too.”

  “Oh I can see that,” Mark smiled at James. “You’ll be relieved then that I’m now the one guarding her body.”

  “My congratulations to you both Sir,” James smiled and his eyes met hers. “Miss Kavanagh.”

  She tried to read his face but the more she looked at him, the greater her pain was growing. She turned to Mark. “We should get going. I’m tired.”

  “Of course baby,” Mark put his arm around her and kissed her hair. “It’s been quite an exhausting day hasn’t it?”

  James reached into his jacket pocket and held her phone out to her. “You left your phone in the car Miss Kavanagh. I’ve charged it for you and your charger is in your suitcase.”

  “Thank you,” Mairead whispered as she took it from him, hoping her words conveyed more than just gratitude for her phone.

  His face showed no sign of emotion which was more unbearable than if he had just gone berserk. She went to move towards the door but Mark held on to her and brought his face close to hers, “You’re forgetting your manners Mairead.”

  She looked at him and then at Kylie who still was strangely subdued. “Thank you for everything Kylie. Sorry for the trouble I put you through.”

  Kylie smiled weakly and nodded.

  Mark prompted her again, “And... the party Mairead, you would like to invite your friends to our engagement party on Sunday night at the Grand Vista.”

  It was the last thing that Mairead wanted to do. Wanting the party had been just another irresponsible compulsion and while she still desired very much to have one final goodbye with her friends, James was the last person she want
ed to attend.

  Yet she knew that once again she had backed herself into a corner. “I would like very much if you both could come.”

  “Be there with bells on Girlfriend,” Kylie replied with a little forced enthusiasm.

  Mairead glanced at James who smiled stiffly. “I will do my best to be there Miss Kavanagh.”

  “Can we go now?”

  “Yes we can, baby,” Mark smiled widely. “James, would you help me with Mairead’s luggage please.”

  “Of course Sir,” James gathered her things.

  Mairead held herself together until she was back in the car and watching James shake hands with Mark and then walk away. She angrily brushed away tears as Mark got in.


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