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Downs, Jana - Ravyn's Heart [Ravyn Warriors 2] (Siren Publishing Allure ManLove)

Page 13

by Jana Downs

  “See you, Kal.” Damian waved and went back to sorting his boxes. Everything in his life was finally looking up. He heard Dageus ascend the staircase into the upper realms of the theater’s offices, knowing that he was probably meeting Alex there. He sent a mental message to Alex as he flipped open the first new folder and set the other aside.

  Thank you for taking care of him, brother. It was the first time he’d acknowledged the relationship between Alex and Kal to his brother. Surprise flickered from the other side of their communication.

  You’re welcome, Alex replied quietly. Damian felt the love for him come down the line, warming him from the inside out. He’s good for you, Damian, he added. It took Damian a minute to realize who “he” was.

  Yes. He’s mine, Damian said simply. He’d never said anything as true as that.

  * * * *

  Ally felt like shit. His stomach was churning, and his mouth felt like little fuzzy aliens had taken up residence there. He’d already puked twice, and it didn’t feel like it would be the last time tonight. Tony had been shoveling stomach medicine down his throat and fever reducers, but nothing was helping. His forehead was still slicked with sweat and his skin pasty white.

  “Maybe we shouldn’t go out,” Theron suggested after taking one look at Allasandro’s complexion.

  “I’m fine,” Ally murmured. “It’s just the DTs from Damian’s bite. That’s all.” Tony glared in his direction.

  “Is this going to happen every time you two spend five minutes apart?” the leader of the Ravyn’s all but snarled in his direction.

  Ally shrugged. “Got me. Ask Dageus.” He wanted Damian. Needed him. Now. He needed to taste his blood and give him his in turn. He ached to go to him. Damian needed him, too. He was sure of it. He trembled as his mind raced from possibility to possibility. Maybe he could ask Salvatore if he could just have an hour. No. They were all ready to leave. Dammit. He should have gone with Dageus when he’d gone to the theater with Alex.

  “Get a grip, my brother,” Druas whispered, casting an anxious look in Tony’s direction.

  “I’m trying. Swear.” Allasandro counted the hours since he’d last seen Damian. Six? Seven maybe? How much longer did these damn withdrawals last? Oh yeah, a week. Fuck. He’d see Damian before then.

  It was then that Alex and Dageus appeared in the middle of the Salvatore’s sitting room. They both looked happy.

  “’Bout damn time, Dageus,” Tony rumbled in his normal gruff manner. He was such a hard-ass.

  “Sorry, got caught up talking with my father and lost track of the time. We ready to move out?” Dageus asked, obviously ready to go as well.

  “Yes. The cars are being brought around now,” Tony said, turning his back and ordering people into formation. The two new shifters took the rear while Allasandro and Dageus took the center. Tony and Druas flanked either side of Salvatore and Theron, and Germany took the front.

  Dageus took one look at his brother and blanched. “He did it again? What the hell? How often does he feed on you?”

  “Uh…” Allasandro blinked. He hadn’t expected the incredulity behind those words. “Like, every time. What’s wrong with that?”

  Then Dageus paled. “Every time. Do you exchange? Like, do you take his blood while you take his?”

  “Sometimes?” Ally offered.

  Dageus’s jaw tightened. “He shouldn’t be doing that. He needs to be careful, especially with you.” Ally patted him on the back.

  “It’s seriously all right, my brother. We’re tight. I just like how close we get when we…yah know, share. Damian just gets carried away when he’s feeding sometimes.”

  “Damian shouldn’t be losing his control. He’s old enough where it shouldn’t be a problem.” He glanced at Allasandro as they started walking down the main staircase to the waiting Escalade. “And the side effects from Bite Withdrawals shouldn’t be affecting you. You only go through the really bad DTs once. After that, you should just get a severe headache and a little stomach ache. You’re acting like the first time all over again.”

  “So it’s not normal?” Allasandro blinked. He had just thought it was a consequence of having a vampire lover.

  “No. Definitely not normal.” Dageus worried his bottom lip with his teeth. “How serious is it between you two?”

  Ally shrugged. “We’re pursuing serious, but we’re not ready to get married yet, if that’s what you mean.”

  The other Ravyn shook his head. “I wouldn’t be so certain about that.”

  * * * *

  The Haven’s Ridge Mall was a large gray building that was obviously one of the more recent additions to the cityscape. It was a modern structure with great concrete columns and a blacktopped parking lot with crisp white lines to indicate the spaces. The gray Escalade pulled up to the fire lane in front of the building and the side door closest to the entrance opened. Druas hopped out, then Germany. They reached back inside and helped Theron and Salvatore out before Dageus and Allasandro joined them on the sidewalk. The two shifters and Tony went to park the car and they decided to wait just inside the entrance so that they were out of the open air.

  The dark-blue carpet was well maintained and echoes of their footsteps were muffled by it in the cavernous interior. Shops lined either side of the entryway until the floor split into two sections, left and right, with one continuing forward so that the layout was a large T shape. They all breathed a sigh of relief when Tony and the two shifters walked through the door.

  “We went online and scoped out the place,” Tony said in his most authoritative voice. He always spoke like he was instructing a combat mission instead of a fun outing. “Salvatore wants to hit the major clothing stores starting with Sears and working clockwise to the tuxedo shop. As often as we’re at the theater he wants Theron to have the appropriate attire for the event. Also, Theron has requested we go to the cookie kiosk and coffee shop, both of which are located roughly halfway through our excursion.”

  “Oh for the love of the gods!” Salvatore grumbled, rolling his eyes. “It’s the mall. It’s not a den of assassins. Let’s go.” He didn’t even look for approval but stalked toward the large Sears sign up ahead of them. Tony made a noise of frustration in the back of his throat before stalking after the Prince.

  “Move it!” he barked at the rest of them. Dageus and Allasandro smothered a snicker of laugher. Their brother was far too serious.

  They wandered the mall, each of them picking up a little something for themselves along the way. Allasandro managed to get a new yellow T-shirt to replace the one that had gone missing a couple weeks before and a digital Sudoku game from one of the kiosks they passed. Everyone was in good spirits, especially the Princes who were chatting merrily about Earth, which was declared to be the best place in the universe by both of them. Ally smiled warmly at their banter. It was nice to see Salvatore so carefree. Coming to Earth really was the best decision they’d made concerning their Prince.

  “I’ll be right back,” Dageus said, waving at Tony and pointing off to the left of the group. The other Ravyn rolled his eyes but nodded his ascent. Within seconds he’d returned with two large Icees and handed one of them to Ally. Cherry, his favorite.

  “The cold will settle your stomach, and the sugar will keep your energy up,” he provided simply. Ally bumped him with his shoulder lightly.

  “Taking care of me now, little brother?” he teased.

  “Somebody has to.” Dageus smirked. “Gods know that you aren’t very good at taking care of yourself. Look at you, all strung out from too much vampire L-O-V-E.” The entire clan of Ravyns catcalled at that. Allasandro blushed crimson.

  “Thanks,” he muttered.

  Dageus grinned and slapped him on the back. “Anytime, brother.”

  “All right, everyone,” Salvatore called over their chatter. “We’re going to the tuxedo maker now. Please make sure you’re all fitted for a new one before we leave. I want us all to have new outfits for the charity performance.�
� His gaze flickered to Dageus and Allasandro and winked. He was very proud of the two of them for being involved so deeply in La Petite Morte. The Ravyns twisted their middle and ring fingers together on their right hands and placed it over their hearts before inclining their heads in acknowledgement. It was the way a Ravyn bowed before their Prince.

  “We don’t need new tuxedos,” Ally heard one of the shifters protest. What was his name? Hmmm… Michel maybe? He was so bad with names.

  “Of course you do, Michel,” Salvatore countered, waving his hand in dismissal. Aha, so it was Michel.

  “Forgive me, Sire. But, Michel is correct. We are not a part of your Ravyns. We are a part of Alexander Daranoz’s household-shifters. We are just temporary guards. There is no reason for you to spare any expense for us. The Entertainer house will provide us clothing if they want us to wear it.” The other shifter added his voice to the disagreement. Tony looked thunderous. No one argued with Salvatore in front of him. This was looking like it was going to turn into a knock-down-drag-out between the shifters and the Ravyns’ leader if they didn’t start toeing the line.

  “You will obey Prince Salvatore as you would obey myself or my grandsire, Cord.” A familiar voice sounded. Dageus beamed and broke formation so that he could throw himself into his soon-to-be husband’s arms.

  “Alex! You came. I thought you had paperwork to do tonight?” Dageus gushed. Before, Ally would’ve made a wise-crack about fools in love and rolled his eyes at the tender look they exchanged, but now Ally felt a little jealous. He wished his gypsy man was here instead of wherever he was.

  “I thought I’d take a break and see what my favorite bunch of demons was getting into at the mall.” He glanced around at the other warriors and smiled, flashing pearly white teeth. “I see no one has attacked you yet. That’s good.” The jab was intended for Tony, and if his stony expression was any indication, the remark had found its mark. Of course, Tony normally had an overly serious expression on his face, so it was hard to tell, especially given his mood just seconds before. Allasandro resisted the urge to laugh.

  “Sire, we truly don’t need new tuxes.” Michel continued his protest, bringing them back to the conversation they’d been having before. “We don’t want to be a burden.”

  “Nonsense. Salvatore has more money than you or I could ever hope to have, given the amount of precious gems he’s been flooding the market with. Consider it your bonus for taking on the extra responsibilities outside the house. Speaking of which, Salvatore, I’ve been meaning to speak with you. I have a friend who’s in the jewelry-making business.” Alex put his arm around Salvatore and escorted him into the tux shop, the Ravyns and company trailing along behind them.

  “I love how he’s so savvy,” Dageus sighed dreamily. Ally winced. He prayed he never sounded like that when he talked about Damian.

  “And he’s got such a cuuuuuuuuuuuute butt, too,” Ally mocked, giving a bigger and even more dramatic sigh. Dageus punched him in the arm and glared. “Ouch!” Ally griped.

  “Serves you right. I can’t help it if I’m marrying a man that makes Adonis look like an ogre,” Dageus snipped.

  “Are you talking about the Adonis from Longtown in Demontia? The one with the wart on his cheek and the bad pockmarks on his face? The one that smelled like three-day-old rotting pig’s entrails. You know the one I’m talking about,” Ally wondered, his face a mask of innocence. He couldn’t help but smirk as his brother flushed red in the face, his eyes narrowing in annoyance. “Well, if you’re comparing him to that Adonis, then sure. He’s a great-looking guy.” He paused for effect. “Of course as far as vampires go, he’s okay.”

  “Just okay?” Dageus growled.

  Ally shrugged nonchalantly. “He’s okay. The blond hair, the blue eyes, the six-foot frame, and the tight ass are okay. Sure. Mediocre, but pretty good.” He imagined his own ideal vampire. “But if you really wanna know, the total package comes in a six-foot-six frame with dark-blue eyes and hair as black as pitch. That’s a real vamp for you.”

  Dageus made a face. “Ew. Yuck. You just described my dad like he was a lollipop and you just have to have a lick. Gross. Please. Don’t ever. Ever. Ever. Say that again,” he pleaded. Ally smiled wickedly. “I mean it, Allasandro. You are forbidden to mention my dad being in any way a sexual object. He is virginal in my eyes, and your relationship is as a pure as the new-fallen snow, you feel me?”

  Ally just laughed.

  Chapter Eighteen

  One T-shirt, one digital sudoku, three ICEEs, and one cotton candy later, they were ready to leave. Despite Alex’s assertion that he was only on break, he’d kept them company through the rest of their outing, even going as far as walking them to the car. He and Prince Salvatore had a lot in common, so they were often in deep discussion while Dageus flitted back and forth between his brothers and his lover. Tony had finally relaxed a smidgen as the time to get back to the house neared. Ally felt like whistling despite the weakness that still had him counting the steps he took. At least his stomachache was gone.

  They found the aisle that they were parked down and walked toward the back of the SUV which could only be partially seen due the huge black truck parked beside it.

  “I think I need a nap,” Ally whined, yawning widely. His brother Germany smiled and gave him a playful shove.

  “Wake up, lazy bones,” he taunted. Ally scowled.

  “Better ease off the pushing, or else you’re going to be digesting that fancy new leather journal you bought today, because I’m going to shove it down your throat.” Ally delivered the threat without any real anger in it. He was too tired to be angry.

  Through the Bond he felt a ripple of unease. His head snapped up, instantly alert to the change in the atmosphere. His mind expanded, seeking what was making Tony and Dru so antsy. A group of shifters reclined against the side of their SUV, obviously hanging around and waiting for something. Tony spat a vicious curse in his mind which reverberated through them all.

  Ally, tell the shifters to take Theron and Salvatore back inside and to guard them with their lives, Tony commanded.

  Should one of us go with them? Germany’s voice cut in.

  They all felt Tony’s affirmative nod. Go for it, Ger. We’ll bring the car around when it’s safe.

  “Hey, guys, take Salvatore and Theron back inside,” Ally said to the shifters. He had to admit they were trained efficiently. They didn’t even ask why. They just grabbed the arm of each Prince and hauled them back toward the mall entrance. Ger followed behind them, his power swirling around him. Light and shadow chased themselves around his body, obscuring him from normal view.

  “Hey, fellas,” Dru greeted. He was the biggest out of the Ravyns and as such acted as the muscle when it came to confrontations between extremely physical beings like shifters. Their kind tended to appreciate a nice display of strength, and strength was right up Dru’s alley. “You mind getting off our car so we can get out of here? We’re kinda tired.” The earth slang fell from his lips in a perfect cadence. No one would suspect that he was a demon from a parallel dimension.

  “We don’t really feel like it, do we, boys?” the middle shifter said. He was a shorter, meaty version of the two thugs beside him, with a close-cropped military cut and a mean look in his eyes.

  Ally wanted to growl. Ever since he’d come to Earth, every damn bunch of shifters that wasn’t affiliated with the Entertainer household were a bunch of assholes. These jerks were not teaching him exceptions either.

  “Then we’re going to have a problem,” Dru drawled in dangerous unconcern. The Ravyns fell into an easy battle formation behind him, Tony by Dru’s side. Ally knew they presented a hell of an intimidating picture. The Ravyns were all too well muscled, too graceful, and too dangerous to do otherwise.

  “You must be Anthony,” the shifter returned, pushing off the side of the car. The Ravyns laughed in unison at that. The shifter scowled. “What’s so funny?”

  “Get away from the car,” the re
al Tony warned. “Last chance, gentlemen.”

  “Or what?” the shifter snapped. The Ravyns shared a glance and a mental shrug. Let them have it their way.

  “You’d figure Desmond would hire better thugs,” Ally offered with a slow easy grin. “I mean, this is just pathetic.”

  “Desperate times for the sitting King, brother,” Dageus replied, playing on Ally’s banter. “With odds like these, there really is no reason to fight.”

  “You’re right. It’s just cruel to pick on such puny shifters,” Ally agreed. Tony gave a nearly imperceptible nod as three more shifters piled out of the truck that was parked beside their car.

  Ally’s limbs were trembling with adrenaline. He was so ready for this. He reached inside himself as the bond between the Ravyns widened and expanded before encircling them in the comforting blanket of unity. Ally felt the power of his brothers thrumming with vitality and confidence. He pushed his own power toward theirs. Nothing happened. Ally frowned and tried again, only to have the same result.

  What’s wrong? Dageus’s voice spoke to his mind easily. He’d already drawn his Ravyn’s sword and was stalking one of the bigger shifters. Alex stood by his side, his own power like a physical shroud that covered anyone within a few feet of the epicenter.

  My power is off. I don’t know what’s wrong. I can’t access it. I don’t have the energy to call it up, and the bond is sapping me of what’s left. Allasandro stated in a panic. He fell back as one of the shifters lunged at him. Dageus elicited a striking series of curses before exchanging a rapid conversation with his vampire.

  Alex is going to stay beside you. Try not to expend too much energy.

  What’s happening, Dageus? Ally demanded, anger rising up to replace the fear. He whipped the Ravyn’s scimitar that was attached to his back out and charged at the shifter. He usually preferred his scythes but they weren’t practical out and about. Weak or not, he was a damn Ravyn.


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