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Fox, Morgan - Craving Silence [Cowboys and Werewolves] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 14

by Morgan Fox

  A single tear slid from his eye. “After that, we began to grow apart. I thought that she was never comfortable with who I truly was. After all, she hadn’t chosen to be with me. We didn’t fall in love and get married like most normal couples do. The coven decided we would be a good match for one another. I began drinking even before I got your mother pregnant. She felt betrayed by me, and it wasn’t until Verrick Marshall came into our lives that I realized your mother wasn’t afraid of my wolf, but more so afraid of the man I had become.” He stepped closer to Walker. “I allowed my anger over what I believed others thought of me to keep me from being the man and father I should have been, and rather than embrace those powers, I drank them into submission. While I was getting drunk on my self-pity, your mother was being seduced by an evil bastard who only took advantage of her kindness and her need to feel loved.”

  His bottom lip quivered as he took another step closer. “I’m ashamed that I wasn’t able to be the man your mother deserved, Walker. I wasn’t strong enough to keep my family together. I wasn’t strong enough to be a true father to you. Verrick Marshall succeeded in getting what he needed from your mother, and it nearly cost our family and Silent Falls everything. Your mother begged me to step away from you. She knew I’d always be a cancer in your life, and she also believed that as long as I lived, the threat of Verrick Marshall’s return would forever weigh heavy on this town. When your mother passed, I did as she asked. I arranged for my death and planned to disappear forever. However, Verrick Marshall decided to return the moment you did, sensing the power of a lycan witch.”

  Walker suddenly began to make sense of things. “Since you hid your wolf away from him, he no longer perceived you as a threat, so he used Mom to gain access into the council. He was only after power.”

  Decker nodded. “Yes, as you may have guessed, a lycan witch is the only being powerful enough to reign as king over the lycan population.” His father was now standing toe-to-toe with him, and for the first time he realized just how much he resembled his old man. “Understanding our powers and knowing what kind of cretin Verrick is, I couldn’t sit back and let him sink his claws into you as he had done your mother.”

  “Why didn’t he kill you, eliminate you as a threat?”

  “I was a drunk, son. A man who pisses himself is hardly worth the time, don’t you think?”

  “My wolf was hidden before I got here. How did he know what I was?”

  Nana chimed in, “Because once you master your abilities, Walker, you will be even more powerful than your father. Verrick won’t risk that you will find the magic to stop him.”

  Silence spoke up. “How was he stopped before? Why can’t we just do that again?”

  His father met Silence’s gaze. “Walker’s mother was a powerful witch, and without her”—he swallowed hard—“I’m afraid we just can’t.”

  Silence jumped to her feet, still clutching Walker’s hand in hers. “So now what? We just sit back and let Verrick take over this town? I don’t think that’s going to work for me.”

  “There’s got to be something we can do,” Lance said, rising off the sofa to stand next to his mate.

  “There is,” Nana said, eyeing her son.

  Decker looked nervous and unsure. Walker demanded, “What? If you know something, then you damn well better spill it.”

  Before Walker’s father could explain further, the entire house rocked and shook as if being forced right off its foundation. The surrounding windows exploded inward as rocks and other projectiles were launched into the house. Everyone took cover, scurrying to the ground to avoid being struck.

  Nana was the only one still standing. With her palms pressed outward, she erected a protection barrier around them. Nothing could penetrate within her shields, at least as long as she had the strength to hold it up.


  “Walker, there are several young lycans surrounding the house. Verrick is using them as a distraction. You need to take Silence and your friend outside and put an end to their violence once and for all. Leave Verrick to me and your father.”

  Bile rose up into his throat. He didn’t want to leave his grandmother to battle Verrick. He needed to ensure her safety. “Nana?”

  “Walker, I don’t have time to argue with you!” his grandmother shouted.

  Decker wrapped his fingers around Walker’s forearm, and the electrical connection made him speechless. His father was charged to the brim with magic, powers he was able to control. “Son, we know what we’re doing. Please, trust us.”

  He stared at his father. The soft amber of his eyes never looked more honest and sincere. Even though his heart was full of hate, the magical power funneling through him chipped a great deal of it away, enough to give him the courage to trust. “Don’t make me regret this.”

  Walker turned to Silence. “Let’s go end this chaos before they end up bringing the entire house down.”

  Silence and Lance both nodded, and, as if they had all been joined as one, they transformed into their beasts. Walker had never seen his mate in such a primal way, the lengthening teeth and claws, the rounding of her back, the snapping and reforming of bones. The magical essence of the lycan was nothing until the fierce howl erupted from deep inside her.

  Silence was a majestic white wolf, pure and sweet, while Lance’s wolf was golden brown. Walker’s wolf was massive in size and midnight black. The power of his wolf combined with the magic of the witch he was connected to left him with a feeling of complete invincibility.

  Charging for the nearest window, he felt both Silence and Lance on his heels, following him into battle like the close family he’d always wanted.

  * * * *

  A wicked, crackling laughter forced Decker to look around the room. His mother had dropped the protective shield, leaving them vulnerable to the eyes of anyone who wasn’t them. Verrick hovered in the corner of the room like a praying mantis, preparing to strike.

  Lurching out, Verrick charged at him in wolf form, clawing and snapping like the snarling beast he was. Decker had been ready for that even before he’d encouraged his son to leave the room. He’d sensed Verrick slither his way into the house, using the young lycans outside as a distraction. What Verrick was too arrogant to comprehend was that Decker had already seen what evil plans were in store and had taken the necessary steps to see to Verrick’s destruction once and for all.

  A whirlwind of powerful magic swirled around them as he and Verrick fought, ripping into one another’s flesh. His mother was concentrating on working the necessary spell, and he knew it would only be moments before everything was set in motion.

  A ghostly image flickered nearby, and Decker knew his mother was close to completing the spell. He flipped Verrick over, and, with razor-sharp claws, sliced through his chest, leaving his enemy howling and writhing in pain.

  Like a flash, Decker was back in human form and standing beside his mother, hands clasped into hers. Decker had cast a spell over Verrick, keeping him immobile.

  Once Decker had joined forces with his mother, their magic was unstoppable. The surge of energy created a vortex inside the house. With a few chants, Evelyn Reed stood before them.

  Verrick shifted back into human form, not because he wanted to, but because the Reed family magic demanded it. Now that Evelyn was present, they could destroy Verrick Marshall once and for all.

  * * * *

  Sweating and covered in blood, Walker burst through the front door just in time to see his mother’s ghostly apparition. He’d felt her as he fought the young lycans, and the sudden rush of power overcame him, making him alarmingly stronger than he’d ever dreamed possible.

  His father stood beside her as did his grandmother. Verrick Marshall lay at their feet, motionless. A silver orb rested on Verrick’s chest, flashing over and over again like the light circling around the top of a lighthouse.

  Wide eyed and breathless, Walker hesitantly stepped closer. “Mom?”

  Smiling warmly, Evelyn said, “
Hello, my son. I’ve missed you so much.”

  A wild shudder rolled up his spine. The energy filling the room had his knees weakening. “Mom, how are you here?”

  Evelyn glanced from Annabel to Decker and then back to her and Walker. “You’ll soon learn that the Reed and Helmsley family are the strongest of witches and have powers that are unlike anything you could imagine. It will be important that you learn to harness your magic and only use your powers for good.”

  His mother whispered something into his father’s ear, and he wished he knew what she was saying. He watched as she smiled sweetly at his father, their gazes locked on one another for a long moment. There was love and sadness filling their eyes. Then she reached to touch his hand, but they were unable to truly touch, and that caring gesture broke Walker’s heart.

  Walker’s chest squeezed tight as he fought to breathe. His mother turned her gaze back to him as she said, “Walker, please forgive your father and allow him a second chance. He’s a changed man, and his heart is in the right place. Give him the opportunity to be there for you now. Trust me. You’re going to need him. I wish I could be with you both again.”

  “Mom,” he whispered. His throat tightened as he struggled to control his emotions.

  “I love you, Walker, and I’m so incredibly proud of you. Listen to your father and grandmother. They will teach you all about Reed and Helmsley magic. Whatever you do, make sure you take care of Silence. I always knew she was the one for you.” Her apparition began to fade. “Good-bye, my son.” Then she was gone.

  “Mom, wait!” he cried, dropping to his knees. Eyes full of tears, he wished more than anything he’d had more time with her.

  Decker knelt beside him, placing his hand on Walker’s shoulder. “Your mother always knew Verrick Marshall would return, and before she died, she created a spell that would forever end him. The spell called for you to be present, but didn’t require your assistance. With the full strength of our family, we simply had the power to take away Verrick’s life force.” Nana picked up the orb and wrapped it in a black towel.

  His father’s eyes warmed as he said, “Thanks to your mother, Walker, Verrick Marshall is dead. She was an incredibly wise woman who discovered a way to literally extract Verrick’s spirit and trap him inside that orb. As long as the sphere remains in our safe keeping, he will never be a threat to us again.”

  “What about the council?” Silence asked, stepping further into the room. “What part did they have in protecting or hiding Verrick? Will they have any part in keeping the orb safe?”

  “The council was nothing but a bunch of cowards,” Nana said with a snicker. “The damn fools were so scared of being overthrown they pretty much hid with their tails between their legs.”

  Decker added, “As far as the orb is concerned, no one but the Reed and Foster family will know of its existence, and the location will also remain within this circle.”

  With a stiff nod, Silence folded her arms over her chest and asked, “So the council did nothing to help you or my parents get rid of Verrick? They just let you handle everything.”

  Walker glanced over at his mate. “Sound familiar?” he asked with a crooked grin. They had pretty much done the same thing to her. Keeping the orb a secret from them was probably for the best.

  Nodding, Decker said, “Yes, that’s pretty much how it went down.”

  Nana had tucked the orb away for safekeeping and returned to stand beside her son. “They were afraid that your father would someday wish to take a seat on the council or maybe even run the show. Wouldn’t it be great if both father and son had that privilege,” Nana said, smiling proudly.

  “I bet that’s what they’re afraid of,” Silence said matter-of-factly.

  His father moved to stand in front of him. The signs of a hard life were etched around his eyes. Patting Walker on the shoulder once again, he said, “Maybe it’s time we had a little chat with the council.”

  * * * *

  Silence chewed the inside of her mouth as she watched Lance pack his new, white, fully loaded, extended-cab pickup truck, a parting gift from Walker. As she stood there, she couldn’t keep her heart from sinking to her stomach. He hadn’t even left, and she already missed him immensely. She was on the verge of tears, and that was something she never allowed to happen in public.

  Lance stepped close to her. “Well, it looks like I’m all set and ready to head back home. As long as I don’t get attacked by anything strange, I should make it safely before dinner.”

  Frowning, she glared at him. “That’s not funny.”

  Her jaw quivered a little as she imagined saying good-bye to the adorable cattle rancher that she’d gone and fallen in love with. When the hell that had happened, she had no idea, but she feared it might have always been so. There was something so instinctively natural about being with him, and the thought of him leaving was like a knife shredding through her heart.

  He cupped her cheeks in his hands and pressed a tender kiss to her lips. “Silence, I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  She smiled softly. “I’m not sure I’ll ever get used to the fact that you two will always know what I’m thinking and feeling.”

  “Well, you can thank Walker for that one. His magic sort of creeps me out.” He made an exaggerated shiver, and this time she really did smile. “That’s my girl,” he said warmly then kissed her like it was the last time.

  Her arms surrounded him, pulling him as close to her as he could get. She wanted this moment to last as long as possible because she knew, once they separated, it would be the last time she saw him for a long time.

  Lance cupped her face in his uncompromising hands, his thumb stroking her bottom lip. “Silence, before I go, I need to tell you something.”

  “What?” she asked, her heart galloping so fast she thought it might erupt right out of her chest.

  He kissed her once more before saying, “I have every intention of making you fall head over heels, madly, and crazy in love with me.”

  Tears struck her eyes as her heart and soul warmed. “Lance, I don’t think there’s going to be a problem with that. I’m already falling head over heels, madly, and crazy in love with you.” Capturing his gaze with hers, she reached up to caress his cheeks, and for a long moment they just held one another.

  Suddenly a giant thud erupted from behind them. Walker stood hauling a giant suitcase into the back of Lance’s truck.

  “What are you doing?” Silence asked with her brows pinched tight at the bridge.

  Walker placed another suitcase into the back of the truck and said, “I just couldn’t stand to see your face hanging down to your shoes any longer. So I made arrangements with your sister and Gavin to take care of things here while we ventured off to Kerrville, Texas with Lance.”

  She couldn’t believe what she heard him say. “You what?”

  Walker held her hand. “Silence, I know how much Lance means to you, and if it makes you happy to get his ass settled, then that’s exactly what we need to do.”

  Her mouth hung open. “What about your business and the council?”

  He shrugged. “If my office needs me, I’ve got my laptop, cell phone, and a helicopter on speed dial.” He grinned. “My business affairs will be fine. Besides, I’ve got the brightest minds working for me, and I don’t imagine things will fall apart too badly while I’m away. As far as council business, my father is handling things in my absence, and it seems they’re more than eager to keep us happy.” He winked at her.

  “I bet they are,” she teased with a grin. “What about my job?”

  Walker propped himself up against the bed of the truck. Smiling wide, he said, “You’ve been given a vacation without a return date, sweetheart, and as long as you wish to stay in Kerrville, that’s where we’re staying.”

  Her heart was doing somersaults in her chest. She was simply overjoyed. All night she’d prayed for more time with Lance and wished more than anything that she could find a way to be with him. Parting w
ould’ve been a slow, painful death for her, but no more.

  In the next second, Lance pulled her into his arms. “It looks like we’re going on a road trip, sweetheart.” His mouth crushed against hers in a powerful, possessive kiss and left her toes curling for more.

  Walker cleared his throat, and they both laughed. “Sorry, I just got a little excited,” Lance told him, stepping back just a little.

  “Well, don’t get too excited. I really don’t want to know that you’re driving around with a hard-on.”

  Silence couldn’t help but smile at the man who had won her heart the moment he walked back into her life. She pushed up to her tiptoes and kissed him. “Walker, thank you.”

  With an arched brow, he told her, “Don’t thank me yet, honey.” She narrowed her brows. “This road trip is going to take us a hell of a lot longer than anticipated.”

  “Why is that?”

  Grinning like the devil she loved, Walker said, “There’s no way I’m going to make it to Kerrville without making love to you at least a dozen times.”

  Lance chuckled, opening up the truck door to help her inside. “Oh, man, I do like the way you think.”

  Walker patted her ass as she made her way to the middle of the front seat. Gazing back at them, she told them, “You two are simply wicked, you know that?”

  “Yep,” they said in unison.

  As they drove away from Silent Falls, Silence felt an overwhelming joy ignite inside her heart. She’d found love and couldn’t believe how amazing everything about it was. She had her fierce, strong cowboy on one side and her gentle cattle rancher on the other. Nothing could ever be better than this. She was sure of it.


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