An Unconventional Wife
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Other people who have provided invaluable assistance on this journey include the writers and academics Alison Alexander and Lucy Frost, whose work has been an inspiration to me, and whose words led me to Toni Sherwood, who was remarkably generous in giving me a full transcription of all Annie Baxter’s writing in Van Diemen’s Land, which she had produced as part of her PhD research. Others in Tasmania, wonderfully generous in giving their time and energy, were Jon Flach, Ian Broinowski, who first alerted me to Julia’s friendship with Charles Dodgson, and Reg Watson, who was indefatigable in his pursuit of sources and images for me. From further afield, Edward Wakeling, Jon Lindseth, and Mark Richards were all wonderfully generous in providing images and information about Charles Dodgson’s photographs of Julia and her daughters, as was writer Janie Hampton from the Oxford-based blog The History Girls, who provided me with background on Julia’s friend Felicia Skene.
On a more personal level, many people have been directly or indirectly involved in the making of this book: my father, Kevin Hoban, who instilled in me a great love of history and story; Christine Bayly, who introduced me to Tasmania and shared her Tasmanian connections and stories with me; Meg Mitchell and Brian Parkinson, who not only introduced me to knowledgeable Tasmanians, but who also hosted me on numerous trips to Hobart and showed me many of the sites in Julia’s story; Martin Clark and Sophie Rigney, who spent several days researching documents in London; Marg McCaffrey and Jan Cossar, who prompted me to apply for the Hazel Rowley Fellowship; artist Julie Irving, who shared with me some wonderful insights into portraiture in painting, which helped me in ways I could not have foreseen; James McCaughey, William Henderson, and Jonah Jones, who encouraged me to write, just write; Hilary Maddocks, Hilary Ericksen, Rosie Clark, Andrew Funston, Pru Black, David Wilks, Elizabeth Keyishian, Chris Brewer, Sarah Riordan, Helen Nevin, Michael Heyward, Penny Hueston, Linda Michael, Tiziana Mantynen, and Rosemary Barker, who have either encouraged, advised or assisted me on this wild ride; the women in my book groups who have listened with such compassion and interest to the travails (mostly) and triumphs (rarely) of writing and publishing; the wonderful bibliophiles who work at Avenue Bookstore in Albert Park, who continue to share the pleasures of reading with me, and more particularly, Kristin Otto, who has provided me with excellent advice and friendship; Giulia Giannini McGauran for her photographic skill and her laughter; Bernadette Maher, who closely read and critiqued my writing with care and enthusiasm and a clarity that I will forever respect and admire; and Ellen Koshland, with whom I began my writing career and whose intelligence and poetic sensibility helped me so much in shaping and writing this book.
To Robert Tuck, Nikolas Pefanis, and Emma Barnett — thank you. I will treasure your words of love and encouragement and your pleasure (and relief) in seeing this journey reach its destination.
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