Cinder's Rising

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Cinder's Rising Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  Half an hour later, the limo pulled to a stop in front of her apartment building. It was in the rougher part of the city. The crime rate was higher in this area, and he instantly hated that she was here. He wanted her safe, and this was not the place for her to be to accomplish that. After he was out of the limo, he glanced up the building. He took in the rundown appearance. The sound of yelling in the distance, and of bottles breaking close by, had his rage escalating.

  Ryder went inside, got to her door, and before he could knock, it was opening slowly. The sight before him had Ryder taking a step back, looking Cinder up and down, and feeling as if the moment was zeroed in on only them. Cinder wore the evening gown he had bought, a deep, sapphire color that was made of satin and lace. It had light Swarovski crystal embellishments under the bust and tiny, almost delicate-looking straps. In the limo, he had a shawl that matched the gown for her. She smiled, a soft, shy one, and stepped aside.

  “I’m sorry. I’m almost ready.” She moved out of the way, and he stepped inside. Her apartment was small, so small and cramped it pained him to see her living in a compact and aged space. He wanted to treat her to all the things she deserved, and had probably been deprived of.

  “I heard the neighbors yelling through the walls about the limo that just pulled up, and assumed it was you, seeing as we don’t get many luxury cars in this neighborhood.” She shut the door and smiled over at him. “I just have to find my earrings, and then we can go.” She looked down as if embarrassed, and he took that moment to look at her again. Like really look at her, because he couldn’t help himself when he was around her.

  The dress was slightly loose, but formed to her curves well enough that it accented them instead of hiding them. Her hair was up, and a few locks cascaded along her temple. He’d wanted to treat her to an entire day of pampering, but she’d declined, and he knew it was because she wasn’t used to such niceties. He could see it on her face, could hear it in the way she spoke, and felt it when he had held her in his arms. The slender column of her neck drew attention to her delicate collarbones and cleavage that just hinted at her sexuality. It was a sexy gown, and she made it look so fucking good. He set the box with the jewelry down on the small table by the door.

  “You look stunning.” He moved closer to her, and lowered his gaze down the length of her body. When he looked back at her face, he saw her cheeks were red. “I’ve embarrassed you.”

  She glanced down again and nodded. “Yeah, a little bit. I’m not used to hearing people compliment me.”

  “That’s a damn shame.” He took her chin between his thumb and forefinger and lifted her head up so she had to look at his face.

  “I’ve never been dressed like this before, worn clothes that cost so much, or had men staring at me the way you are, Ryder.”

  He stared into her light colored eyes, and the need to kiss her rose up like a violent monster inside of him. Ryder wasn’t about to deny himself. He leaned down and kissed her softly, letting her know he desired her so much. He looked at her, felt this warmth move through his veins, and hated that he hadn’t been strong enough to keep this at a professional level.

  “What was that for?” she asked softly when he pulled away from her.

  “Because I wanted to kiss you, Cinder.” He caressed her cheek. “And because you look gorgeous.” He cupped her face in his hands. Her skin was luminescent. “I have something for you.” Ryder grabbed the box by the door and turned toward her again. Would Cinder think he was insane for what he was about to give her, and for what he was starting to feel for her? Yes, things were moving fast, but he also knew these feelings were genuine. It was something he didn’t want to ignore, something he wanted to explore, but the truth was it also scared him.

  Cinder glanced down at the box. “What’s that?” Her voice was so soft he almost didn’t hear her.

  He didn’t answer, just moved closer to her and opened the box. Her eyes widened as she looked at what was inside. “I saw it, and thought it would look lovely on you.” He took the necklace out and set the box down again. It was a delicate, little, platinum chain with crystals lining it. “Let me put this on you.” He stared at her, and when she turned around and pushed away the light strands of hair that had fallen out of her chignon, he clasped the necklace around her throat. His fingers brushed her skin, and the warmth and softness he felt was instantaneous. He grabbed her shoulders and turned her around so he could see her face. The necklace looked lovely on her, and he saw that she breathed heavily.

  “Is it okay?” he asked.

  She placed her fingertips on the necklace. “It’s beautiful, but it is too much, Ryder. I can’t accept something so extravagant, but thank you.”

  “I saw it, and knew I wanted you to wear it. Although the necklace is beautiful, you’re far more gorgeous.”

  Her cheeks turned even redder, and he brushed his thumb across one side. She smiled, and slipped away from him to finish getting ready. When she reemerged five minutes later, he took her hand in his and brushed his thumb over her wrists.

  “Come on, before we are late.” He smiled and led her out of the apartment.

  Chapter Six


  Ryder’s pulse beat in his shaft as he stared at Cinder in the ball gown. He felt perspiration start to dot his skin, felt his heart beat faster, and shifted on the seat. She sat beside him, her focus on the window and her hands clasped in her lap. God, she was so damn curvy, so sexy and gorgeous in a way she didn’t even realize. Here he was, wanting his cleaning lady with a passion that rivaled anything else he’d ever wanted.

  “You are so beautiful,” he said in a soft voice, and she turned to face him, her eyes widened and her mouth parted slightly.

  “Th-thank you.”

  It wasn’t only about wanting to sleep with her, but about being with her in every way. Whatever it was about her set his blood on fire and made him want a relationship. Hell, he didn’t have time for anyone but himself because he was so focused on his career. But he did want Cinder, and wanted to show her that the ugliness in the world didn’t have to touch her when she was with him.

  The truth was he was scared of what the future held, and didn’t know if he could be the man Cinder deserved. Reaching out and taking her hand in his, he saw her tense from her surprise. This wasn’t the first physical situation they’d had with each other, but it certainly was intimate, and was about to get a hell of a lot hotter if he had any control over it. He wanted to show her how much he desired her. Ryder brought her hand to his mouth, kissed her fingers, and set her hand back in her lap. He placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her so she fully faced him now. Oh, he wasn’t lost to the way her body responded to him, at the way her chest rose and fell, and her cleavage became more pronounced with each passing second. She was nervous, that was clear, and he didn’t want her to feel anything but the warmth he felt.

  Her lips were parted and her breath came out in fast little puffs of air. Her breasts rose and fell beneath her gown, and he imagined taking hold of the little zipper on the side and slowly bringing it down. He could have her naked faster than either of them could even realize, but he’d never force anything on her. This wasn’t about fucking her. He wanted to savor every inch of her, wanted to memorize every part of her lush body. He wanted her as a man took a woman, as a male possessed and claimed what was his. But he also wanted to know about her, about what she liked, craved, desired.

  He envisioned himself taking her hardened nipples between his lips and sucking on the peaks until she writhed beneath him. God, he was burning alive for her. He needed her like he needed to breathe, as if he’d never been with another woman before, and she was his breaking point. Without realizing what he was doing, he found himself lowering his head, his gaze riveted to her mouth.

  Ryder saw her pupils dilate, watched as her lips parted and her little puffs of air bathed his face. She smelled sweet, like honey and mint. He knew she wouldn’t resist him, but if he thought for one moment sh
e didn’t want this he would have stopped, wouldn’t have even went forward. But her body language said she was eager for more. When his mouth was mere centimeters from hers, he watched as she tensed.

  “Cinder.” He said her name and her eyes fluttered closed. She leaned forward that last bit of space that separated them and sealed her mouth with his. At the first touch, he groaned and cupped her cheek. Oh, God. She is so damn good. Working his mouth on hers, the male in him demanded he take her against the seat and show her how much he wanted her, but he refrained. He knew he didn’t want to rush her, or make her think he was pressuring her into this. She may not have said she was hurt in her past, but he could see it on her face, in the way she held herself, and Ryder wanted to make that pain go away from her.

  He itched to run his fingers over her nude body, could practically envision her laid out before him, naked and submitting, giving every part of herself to him. Ryder found himself gripping her waist as if he couldn’t control himself. Ryder clenched her hips and dragged her across his lap. She felt so damn good on top of him, and when he felt the material of her gown rise up her thighs, showing him the lacy top of her pantyhose as they stopped at her upper thighs, his dick jerked behind his tux pants. There was no doubt in his mind she could feel his erection pressing between her thighs.

  She didn’t stop kissing him, and in fact opened her mouth wider to take more of his tongue inside. He groaned, loving that she was so willing, so primed for him that he could feel the heat from between her thighs scorch him. This was not something he’d ever done, ever even thought about being so bold with a woman. He fucked them, yes, but he’d never felt this need to be with them in some way so badly that he had to take them in a limo.

  “God, I want you so much, Cinder.”

  Her answer was a groan, a response that was just this breathy little sound because she was just as lost in this as he was. “Maybe we should stop,” she panted against his mouth.

  “If you want, baby. I’ll do whatever you want, but will never force or pressure you.” Ryder cupped either side of her face, needing her with a desperation that bordered on insanity, but not about to make her feel like she didn’t have a choice.

  “I want this, you, but I’m afraid.”

  He leaned in and kissed her. “I don’t want you ever to be afraid of me. I want you to be honest and open, and feel like you can tell me anything.”

  She breathed out softly, and leaned in that last inch and kissed him this time. “I don’t want to lose this feeling.”

  He was too lost in the moment and with this woman. The kiss was deep and long and he broke away, dragging his lips down to her throat. “Anything for you, Cinder. I’ll do whatever you want, make you feel so good inside and out.” He kissed and licked her neck, sucked at her pulse point. She tilted her head to give him better access. The feel of her on top of him, her pussy heat nearly burning straight through his dick, had him reigning in his desire by the skin of his teeth. Gripping her hips tighter, he forced her down on him at the same time he lifted his hips slightly. He didn’t want to take her in the back of the limo, but the way things were going, he didn’t know if he’d be able to control himself.

  Dragging his mouth up her neck and latching it back onto hers, he deepened the kiss until he was fucking her mouth. There was no other way to describe what he was doing. It sounded so vulgar when he thought of it like that, but there was no denying the act was extremely intimate. Moving his hand lower, he gripped her full ass. He squeezed the flesh, bringing her as close to his body as he could. A growl of approval left him when she rubbed herself on him. Damn, he wanted to pull his throbbing dick out, pull her panties aside, and run his erection along her cleft. Ryder wanted her to know how much he desired her, wanted her, and could treat her with only respect. He moved his tongue out and teased her bottom lip, and a little cry left her.

  “I’ve never done anything like this, Ryder,” she breathed against him, her voice a soft whisper. “Never felt this arousal before.”

  “Neither have I, baby.” He kissed her again, then pulled back slightly to stare into her blue eyes. “I don’t want to stop, but we can if you want to.” God, he didn’t want to. He wanted to turn this limo around, go back to his place, and show her all night long how much he wanted her. When she didn’t tell him she wanted to stop, he lifted his hips up again. Grinding himself on her, he heard her gasp. She moved her hands to the back of his head to grip his hair. On her own accord, she started moving against him, back and forth, rocking herself on him and causing this tortuous pleasure to fill him. With his hands still on her ass, he squeezed the mounds, relishing in the way the spongy flesh molded to his palms. He used his hold on her to help her movements, pushing her back and then bringing her forward, over and over again. He heard the pitch in her breathing, and knew she could get off from this alone. God, he wanted that, but he wanted her there, too. Her mouth opened, a gasp left her, and he swallowed the sound, wanting her to come undone for him alone.

  Her movements slowed and he wanted to growl in disapproval. He wanted her to come, wanted her to realize that he was the one making her feel like this. Whatever her background was, they would work through it. They’d figure a way out to make sure it wouldn’t shape their future. The satisfaction that she would find her release because of him was exhilarating, exciting, and he anticipated it. Ryder slid one of his hands up her back and gripped the nape of her neck when her gaze met his. He hoped she could see all of the built-up desire he had for her.

  “Look at me.” He gentled his voice, but made sure it held a commanding note. He wanted her to have no doubts on what he wanted, and that was her fully giving herself to him because she couldn’t help herself. “I want you to just let go. Let me make you feel good, baby.” He leaned in and resumed kissing her, showing her with the gentle sweep of his tongue and the urging pressure of his mouth that he wanted that from her desperately.

  The feel of her generous breasts pressed against his chest was far too much of a temptation. He moved his other hand off of her ass and undid her zipper. Her flesh was warm and smooth, and the fact she wore no bra was almost his undoing. Cupping one of the heavy mounds, he swept his thumb over her puckered nipple. The tips were hard, and he gave a groan of pleasure at the feel. She started rocking against him once again, a little faster this time. He gripped her nape a little harder, exerting pressure and bringing her mouth even harder on his. They kissed as if they couldn’t breathe without it, as if they were these animals that couldn’t get enough. And just like that she exploded on him. A cry of pleasure left her, and he swallowed the sound, loving the power it made him feel.

  Breaking away from her mouth, he leaned down and started sucking at the pulse point right below her ear. He moved his hand back to her ass, curled his fingers into the flesh barely covered by the silk of her gown, and helped her rocking motion. The fact he was acting so possessive of her this quickly should have made him feel uneasy. But all he felt was a deep-rooted need to protect her and keep her close, to make sure she knew there was something special about her. She moaned again and continued to grind her pussy on him. Shit, he felt her wetness start to seep through her panties and his pants.

  She started to slow her grinding on him then finally collapsed on his chest, breathing heavily. Cinder had her hands on his chest, her face in the crook of his neck, and panted. He held her close, didn’t care that he was so hard his dick could rip right through his pants, because he just wanted to hold her. She was his, he knew that more than he knew that he needed to breathe to survive. She would open up to him when she was ready, comfortable and trusted him. Right now, he just wanted to make her feel good in every way possible, because he knew she hadn’t been given that luxury in her life.

  Chapter Seven


  Cinder stared in wonder at the scene around her. The gala was being held in the ballroom of the Art Institute of Chicago. It was a wondrous, huge building, and so lavished with extravagant decorations it was like money
dripped from the ceiling. She stood at the top of the double staircase staring at the room before her. It was packed with people dressed in expensive gowns, ones like she wore. Their masks were intricately made, with feathers, crystals, and beads. They were gorgeous, but she felt hers was even more so. The mask that Ryder had given her before they exited the limo was the same shade of blue as her gown, and had the same crystal and beadwork that was inlaid in the material of her dress. She glanced at Ryder, who spoke to a man in a black tux with a matching satin mask over his eyes. Cinder couldn’t help but feel warm at the remembrance of what they had shared in the limo, of how Ryder had touched her, spoke to her, and held her afterwards. She wrapped the shawl he’d given her more firmly around herself, trying to hide the few scars on her inner forearm, and glanced around the room again.

  There was balcony seating above, tables covered in black linen on the flooring before her, and the music was soft and classical. It was a gorgeous atmosphere, and she felt lucky that she was able to experience it. Ryder moved closer to her, took her arm and slipped it in the crook of his. He led her over to the row of tables placed around the room, and once he found the one he’d been clearly searching for, he held the chair out for her. She felt special, loved even. Never had anyone, man or woman, done something for her like this, or just treated her so well before. Only two weeks had been spent with Ryder, and they had been the best two weeks of her life.

  “Thank you,” she said, and took the offered seat. The fact Ryder kept his mouth by her ear, and she could hear him breathing heavily, as if he were still affected by what they had done in the limo, had her body becoming heated and chilled all at the same time. He took a seat beside her, and before too long waiters in black and white livery were setting plates of food in front of them. The whole atmosphere was whimsical, fantasy-like, and she felt as if she was high, just floating above it all. It was hard to believe that in the short time since coming to Chicago, she was part of something magical and incredible. She glanced at Ryder, who spoke to the man sitting next to him. Everyone kept their masks on, and as wonderful as this entire experience was turning out, there was a part of her that felt a little out of place. She kept the shawl wrapped around her, making sure to keep the small cigarette burns hidden, but the fact remained that she’d gone out of her comfort zone wearing this gown. She wanted to look pretty for Ryder, and when she had gotten the dress, had it delivered with the shoes and lacy thong, she’d felt as if she was in heaven.


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