Island of the Cavemen: Huge Size Caveman Erotica
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As she passed under the waterfall, its icy chill drove a shocked scream from her lungs, and she clamped a hand over her mouth as she staggered into the rushing torrent. She expected to find a rock wall, but instead, her questing hand found only air, and she fell through the cascade and onto a dry stone ledge, where centuries of water had scalloped a rounded alcove about ten feet deep, its entrance partially concealed by the falling water.
She huddled against a smooth rock wall, shivering violently, rubbing her arms with trembling hands. Her clothes were soaked, and her t-shirt clung to the shapes of her breasts, her nipples hard and puckered against the fabric.
Cursing herself for crying out, Paige stared out at the night beyond. Perhaps she was being paranoid. Had the caveman really even smelled her? If so, surely he hadn't followed her up the mountain. All she had to do was wait until morning, and...
Flickering orange light bathed the waterfall, turning it into a shimmering curtain of fire. As the light grew brighter, and Paige pressed herself back against the wall. The hulking outline of one of the cavemen appeared, and as his torch moved slowly back and forth, she knew that Urgar had heard her scream and come searching.
Searching for her.
For an endless moment, he stood before the falls, the light of his flame shimmering in the water. For a moment, Paige thought he would turn and leave, but then he moved to the edge of the waterfall. She stifled a moan as his torch thrust into the alcove, flooding it with light. A savage face followed, and dark eyes widened at the sight of her.
Paige slid down the wall and tucked her knees beneath her chin. She knew running was hopeless; she'd seen these brutes move. Besides, where could she go?
Urgar cocked his head to one side and looked at her curiously, pushing the torch forward to illuminate her fully. He carried no spear; perhaps he had been the one to throw his at the boat.
"Please," she said. "Don't eat me."
The caveman grunted and scratched his shaggy head, then jammed the butt of his torch in a crack in the rock wall, freeing both his hands. He came and squatted before her, resting his elbows on his knees. Up close, she saw him clearly for the first time. He wasn't old, but sun and salty ocean air had weathered his skin to the color of old bronze, and thick shaggy hair framed his face like a lion's mane. Beneath a broad, flat nose, his mouth hung halfway open, and he breathed in ragged gasps. His dark eyes glimmered in the torchlight like obsidian, full of surprising intelligence.
Every inch of his powerful body bulged with thick, heavy muscle sheathed in a thin layer of fat that softened his hard angles. This close, his smell was inescapable, a strong odor that filled the back of her throat with its earthy musk. It made her think of fine leather oiled with liquid testosterone.
One callused finger reached out and touched her cheek, and Paige recoiled.
"Gor," the caveman muttered. "Gor zug."
Paige didn't know what it meant, but the way he stroked her cheek, it was clear he liked the way she felt. Life on this barren rock must be hard; had he ever touched something as soft as Paige's pampered skin? The scientist in her relished this chance to be near this creature from another time. How did he live? Was there a crude village full of cavemen somewhere on the island? If mammoths roamed here, what other relics might still live on this forgotten rock?
Urgar shifted closer, and as she sensed his eagerness, her gaze darted down to his loincloth. When he squatted, the brute's manhood hung exposed below the strip of fur. Paige's eyes widened; she had always thought Ben's cock was big, but it couldn't compare to this caveman's monstrous member. Hard, she was sure it would be big enough to use for a club.
A chill ran up her spine, cold as the water she'd run through moments before. What would happen if Urgar became aroused?
Maybe you aren't hairy enough or big enough for him to find you attractive, Paige told herself, but Urgar's eyes drifted down to the swell of her breasts, the dark circles of her nipples starkly visible against the tight wet fabric. The caveman grunted with admiration, and he cupped one in his big hand, giving it a good squeeze, rolling his thumb over her hard, aching nipple.
Paige writhed, but she didn't pull away. Who knew how Urgar might react if she fought him? She hadn't seen any females in the hunting party that had happened upon their campground, but they must be somewhere. It was hard to imagine a fearsome brute like Urgar begging for sex like Ben. It seemed more likely that the cavemen simply took what they wanted from their women.
Paige forced herself to meet Urgar's small black eyes, and in his gaze, she felt herself reaching back across millennia. Her heart pounded in her chest, but not with the fear she expected. She feared him, certainly, but what stirred in her heart was more primal. Before the cavemen had chased a mammoth through the expedition's camp, she had been full of arousal, prepared to let Ben take her virginity. Now she felt amped up, as if all the fear and excitement and sexual energy of the past hour had been magnified a hundredfold.
Whatever caused it, she couldn't deny the intensity of her own arousal, but Paige tried to ignore the feeling or explain it away. Better to surrender to this one than to be shared by all of them.
Here behind the waterfall, she could at least pretend she had some control. If Urgar hauled her back to his village or cave, she would be his forever, but if she could sate his primitive lusts, perhaps she could slip away later.
Trembling with cold and fear and excitement, she peeled her wet shirt over her head and cast it aside. It slapped against the cavern's stone floor with a wet smack. Paige arched her back as gooseflesh rippled across her bare skin. The firelight cast a warm glow on her pale curves, a sharp contrast to the deep cherry red of her swollen nipples. Hard and tight, they ached with unspeakable want.
Urgar growled his approval at the sight of her bare breasts, and Paige didn't flinch away when he brought both hands forward. She gasped at the rough calluses of his fingers against her smooth skin, yet the texture sent a sharp tingle through her flesh. When he bent his huge, shaggy head and put his mouth around the scarlet tip of one breast with an instinct older than history, she shuddered.
Urgar didn't try to keep her in suspense with gentle teasing. There was no delicate circling with the tip of his tongue. He sealed his mouth against her skin, pressing the flat of his tongue against her hard nipple as he pulled at it like a babe giving suck. Paige moaned and raked her fingers through his coarse hair as her head rolled back to rest on the smooth stone at the back of the cave.
The caveman's rough beard bristled against the taut skin of her breast, but his lips were warm, and the heat of his tongue against her cold nipple was sweet relief. Her crotch felt hot and slick with moisture that had nothing to do with her icy plunge through the waterfall. The muscles of her sex flexed with an eagerness that surprised her. She'd been turned on with Ben, but that was a flickering candle next to the flame she felt now.
Urgar lifted his head and left her breast glistening with saliva as his mouth moved to the other one. Meanwhile, his big hands explored her body, thick fingers raking her skin, sweeping down the tight curves and over her slender legs. Paige could feel his strength through those hands, more like the primal power of a silverback gorilla than a man. He could break her delicate body easily, and all she could do was hope he would be gentle with her.
But if gentle was what she wanted, why hadn't she given herself to Ben long ago? Because I don't really want gentle, she realized. I'm afraid to admit what I really want.
But here in this cave, alone with a savage brute driven by lust, Paige's fear was irrelevant. All that mattered was desire. Urgar's desires couldn't be more clear. Could she admit to herself what she really wanted?
Ben had been right; she wanted her first time to be special. But fucking some horny college student on a field trip wasn't special. But being the first woman to fuck a caveman? That was different.
Paige's hand shook as she reached down to grasp the monstrous length of flesh hanging beneath the caveman's loincloth. Despite her ea
rlier glimpse, its thickness surprised her, so big around that her thumb and forefinger didn't touch even when she squeezed. She stroked him, and Urgar's cock stirred, awakening with hunger. The caveman let out a low rumble of pleasure and untied the crude leather strap that held his loincloth in place. His cock rose, writhing like a serpent in her hand as it grew to its full size, thick and powerful and impossibly long.
Doubt crept into Paige's mind as she thought about this monstrous beast of a man ramming that thick rod between her slender hips. Again, fear and desire clashed, but as Urgar's body tensed like a tiger preparing to pounce, she knew it was too late for second thoughts. She embraced her fear, stroking him harder, urging him on. Urgar stared down at her hand in astonishment. Did the females of his tribe not pleasure their men so?
A moment later, Urgar swatted her hand away. Breathing hard and fast, he shifted from his squat, kneeling on all fours as he pushed he pushed her legs apart. He reached between her thighs and grabbed a fistful of her gray athletic shorts, pulling at them.
The caveman had no idea how to remove her shorts, and Paige cried out as he dragged her bottom across the smooth stone. She fell back, catching herself on her elbows. "Wait!" she cried, pushing his hand back. He grunted, pointing at the shorts, and she hurried to slide them down her thighs. When Urgar saw how it worked, he yanked them down her calves and tossed them away.
Paige lay beneath his bulk, her heart pounding in her ears loud enough to be heard even over the rush of water. Urgar dipped his head, slathering her with wet, sloppy motions of his mouth that were licks more than kisses. She held his big head in her hands as it moved down past her breasts, past her navel, and lower still. He sniffed at her crotch and shuddered with eager pleasure at the smell of her damp, hot sex.
Remembering the feel of his strong mouth at her breast, Paige braced herself for what came next. Even though she expecting a direct assault, when Urgar's mouth found her pussy, her eyes went wide with shock and she cried out in surprise at the force of his tongue. Instead of Ben's delicate foreplay, Urgar burrowed into her like a starving man trying to lick the peanut butter out of the bottom of a jar. His tongue forced her slit apart, exposing the slick pinkness of her folds, and he raked it upward, plunging into her tight virgin hole as he sucked her juices into his mouth. Meanwhile, the rumble in his throat continued, a steady vibration that shook her clit and filled her with waves of pleasure like nothing she'd ever experienced.
Urgar's massive shoulders pushed at her shins, and she slipped her bare feet up to rest on his hairy back, but with her legs out of the way, the caveman pressed his lips harder against her, sending a fresh surge of sensation through her body. Her feet shot out, and her toes curled as her thighs squeezed against his wide skull.
Urgar growled and shook his head back and forth, slathering her labia with a potent mix of his spit and her own moisture.
Paige' shifted her hips and forced her legs apart, opening herself to him, but a moment later, the caveman grunted and pushed himself up, heaving her legs off his shoulders with a casual motion of his powerful arm. His cock jutted from his crotch like a heavy wooden club, pulsing with angry color. Paige knew he wouldn't wait any longer for what he wanted, and as he heaved himself atop her, Paige cringed. The caveman was nearly three times her weight, a slab of horny muscle controlled by a brain with a single-minded focus. She couldn't escape now; her only hope was that he wouldn't smother her.
His face hovered inches above her own, and his scraggly black beard lay wet against his square chin, his lips glistening with her wetness. She could smell her own pussy on him, a subtle note of feminine musk beneath the overpowering manly odor of his body. The mixed scents stirred her desire even further, and when he forced his legs between her thighs, she didn't resist.
She could feel the weight of his cock press down on her, heavy and huge in its virility. She braced her arms against Urgar's bulging biceps and felt the tension running through his body as he drew his hips back. For a moment, he hung suspended, all his energy gathering for the thrust. Paige clenched her teeth as she thought of that huge shaft penetrating her tight sex, but she knew her tension would only make it worse. As Urgar lunged forward, she let out a slow, deep breath and forced her body to relax.
His hard stone-age member sunk into the warm, wet embrace of her pussy, and her back arched as she dug her nails into the thick skin of his arms as he met the resistance of her hymen. Pressure swelled and exploded inside her, and as easily as a finger punching through wet tissue, he broke her. Pain burst sharp and bright like the new-cut edge of a flint spearhead, and a wordless cry forced its way out of her throat.
Then he was inside her, tunneling into her unexplored depths, stretching her insides tighter than a rawhide drumskin. The pain of his initial thrust spread through her in a hot glow, and all the air left her lungs as he filled her with his hard flesh. In the firelight, black spots danced across her vision as his broad chest pressed down atop her, and she felt a buzzing sensation in her brain. She gasped for breath, filling her lungs with cool, sweet air.
The caveman's cock plunged ever deeper, until finally he pushed against her cervix, sparking a bright flash of sensation so intense that Paige could no longer distinguish between pleasure and pain. It felt as though the tip of his cock might pop out of her mouth, and she pushed against him, urging him to go no further.
The slick tightness of her passage drove Urgar wild. The big caveman began pumping his hips with the hungry efficiency of a hunter who didn't know if his next meal was tomorrow or next week. His huge shaft moved back and forth inside her with the force of a piston in a hot rod, and her breasts swayed with the motion of her body sliding against the smooth rock floor.
Urgar's hands were everywhere, groping and squeezing. He rubbed at her flesh, drinking in the unfamiliar sensations of a body untouched by the elements. Paige knew she was a novelty to him, yet his hands, almost worshipful in their attentions, made her feel beautiful.
She stared up into his dark eyes, wincing as every thrust roiled the sensations swirling through her body like bellows stoking a forge's fire. Pleasure and pain were one, and she embraced it all, her slender young body nothing more than a sleeve of flesh for the caveman's cock. She felt his tension rising with each forceful stroke, and she urged him on, knowing she could only endure so much of this rough pounding.
At the height of his frenzy, the caveman suddenly pushed himself up, and Paige felt the inside of her pussy collapse as his massive manhood slid out, leaving her aching and empty. Despite the fear she'd felt only minutes before, she craved him now, needed him back inside her.
She didn't have to wait long.
Kneeling atop her, Urgar took her by the shoulder and flipped her onto her stomach, then took her hips in both hands and lifted her ass into the air. She rested on her elbows, looking back over her shoulder at the giant caveman behind her. The tips of her breasts brushed against the stone floor, but its coolness couldn't soothe their heat. Her slit gaped, wet and ready, and he plunged back into it with the same eagerness she felt. She cried out again as he went deep, and from this angle it felt as though he was taking her virginity for a second time. His girth touched new places inside her, sparking sensations that made her scream and writhe and wriggle on his cock as he pumped her with vigorous barbarism.
Each thrust elicited a whine of pleasure now, and though she pleaded in words he couldn't understand, he needed no urging. His wants and hers were the same now. He fucked her with savage enthusiasm, throwing himself into the act with abandon. This wasn't a man worried about his own performance, or football, or his grade on the midterm. Urgar's primitive brain lived only in the moment, sating the lust he felt with no thought of what might follow after. The fullness of his cock inside her echoed the pure intensity of his desire, and as its swollen length plumbed her depths, she felt a rising pressure deep in her abdomen, like something immense and heavy being pulled from the dark abyss of the sea, the waters rolling back to reveal its beauty and pe
Paige had brought herself to orgasm before, using her hands or the little battery-operated toy she'd bought herself online. But nothing could prepare her for the surge of ecstasy that exploded inside her now. A shockwave of sensation seized her body, pushing the air from her lungs in a wild shriek of pleasure raw enough to leave her hoarse for days. Her muscles thrummed with the power of it, tensing and clenching as the orgasm sparked by the caveman's massive cock rolled through her. She flexed around him as though trying to keep him inside her forever.
Her thrashing climax and clenching hips drove Urgar over the edge, and he growled as he buried himself deep. With his hips pressed against the swell of her buttocks, he moved her body up and down, pressing her wet pussy against his cock. Her only warning was a slight, jerking tension in his hands, followed by the swelling throb of his already enormous manhood in her tight hole.
The caveman exploded inside her like a gushing geyser. His hot, fertile seed erupted into her, and his grip tightened, big fingers digging into the flesh of her buttocks as he pulled her hard against him. Paige hung in his grip, powerless between the throes of her own orgasm and the power of his lust. Each pulse of his cock sent another thick streamer of primordial jizz into her cervix, and she shuddered, begging him for more with each wordless gasp.
The moment stretched out as the intensity of orgasm cleared Paige's mind of all thought, filling her with the pure, sweet light of unspeakable pleasure. As it finally ebbed, she wished she could find some way to communicate with Urgar, to make him understand what he'd done for her.
As Urgar's huge cock throbbed its last and began to soften, she felt his whole body relax. He lowered her to the ground, and she slipped out of his grip and turned to look at him. He panted for breath, his simple face full of the same deep satisfaction she felt beneath the ache of her ravaged body. His cock, still wet with her fluids, had begun to sag.