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A Man Who Knows What He Wants Box Set 5

Page 14

by Flora Ferrari

  “I need you now,” he says. “I’ve needed you forever.”

  “Take me,” I say if he can even understand the words I speak between attempts to catch my breath.

  He must understand me because immediately I feel the head of his cock line up to my opening before he grabs his shaft and rubs the head up and down over my opening but not entering me.

  “I need you inside me,” I say.

  “I need to be inside you, but I’m trying to slow things down first. If I enter you right now I’ll lose it and you’ll see a side of me you didn’t know existed…that I didn’t fully know existed.”

  “I want to see it. I want you to take me how you want to. To make me yours.”

  “Are you sure?” he says between gritted teeth.

  “I’m sure. Take me now.”

  As the last word leaves my lips I feel his rod slide inside and my head goes completely empty and I only feel.

  Feel him open my walls.

  Feel my walls try and close around him, holding him in place.

  Feel years of desire and want and need for him finally fulfilled in this moment.

  And then suddenly that feeling is gone.

  My eyes dart open and I see his hips glide back.

  “More. Deeper,” I plead.

  And he answers my calls sending me right back to the utopia where I just was.

  Where I belong.

  Where only he can ever take me.

  He slides in and out of me so slowly I swear I can feel his dick so well I could make a mold of it from memory. It’s like I know it that well already. Like I’ve memorized its every angle not that it really has any. It’s rock hard and straight as an arrow, and I feel it throbbing inside me and wonder just how soon that arrow will start shooting its juices inside me.

  Because after all the lust and all the passion and everything else that’s what I really want deep down.

  His child. His commitment forever. A life together.

  I moan without even realizing I’m doing so as he enters me deeper than ever before.

  “You feel so fucking amazing,” he says.

  “You…feel…so…” I can’t even complete my sentence because I’m about to complete something else entirely.

  “Sean! I’m…I’m…I’m going to…I’m coming! I’m coming! I’m coming!”

  “Oh fuck,” he says and his thrusts become deeper and more mind blowing.

  “I’m coming!” he says.

  And our bodies come together both literally and figuratively.

  I feel my walls lock around his dick like a vice grip as my walls milk him of everything he has inside. As his juices fill me so deeply there’s no way we’re not making a baby tonight regardless of where I might be in my fertility cycle.

  It doesn’t matter one bit with a connection like this.

  And just when I think I’m almost finished and the contractions become more spaced out I feel the wave wash over me again and I learn something else about myself, but of course. How could I not be multi orgasmic for him?

  The connections is too cerebral, too physical, too everything.

  I feel one more enormous load leave him and enter me and then my body stills.

  My eyes open and I look up at him. At this point he’s got his hands on both sides of me, fists on the bed as his chest rises and falls above me.

  It’s like all my senses that he had complete control of come rushing back into my control and suddenly I hear it.

  I look to the side and feel his eyes follow.

  Fireworks fill the night sky in a spectacular fashion. An explosion and a celebration of freedom.

  But freedom is achieved in many different ways and at this moment I feel like I’m finally free to be who I’ve always wanted to be because we’ve finally both captured each other’s bodies, minds and souls.

  But this isn’t the time for deep thought and reflection. My head is still spinning as I take in the beauty of the celebration and the beauty of what just happened.

  I don’t like to compare, but is it possible that any woman’s first time was ever more spectacular?

  I don’t know and I don’t really care. All I care about is him and the way he cares about me. Taking my virginity in a way I could have only dreamed of and even allowing me to come first and then taking me to the edge and bringing me to a separate climax right after the first.

  I really don’t even know what’s happening right now.

  This time yesterday I was thinking of what shows I might watch on my home computer to avoid all the noise of the fireworks being lit in the desert surrounding my small town.

  And now?

  Now all I can think about is how I’m here with him, and as he collapses next to me and takes me into his arms…well…

  I have no words.

  Nor do I need them.

  Chapter Ten


  Three days later

  I’m on the I-15 barely out of Baker and I’ve got two very different feelings in my head right now.

  On the one hand I’m bummed. I feel like something I’ve wanted my entire life has been taken from me. Somehow, miraculously, Victoria and I were able to avoid detection from Vince and Gail the last few days. And as much as a “victory” as that might sound now it feels like it’s all for naught because she’s going to be avoiding detection from me in the coming days…because I have to go back to base.

  On the other hand there’s an anger in my brain that I’ve focused into finding a way to get closer to her.

  There are so many options. Shoot, I could even marry her and bring her to live with me. But that’s not the way I want to do it. I want to give her a proper engagement and that starts with the time and place I pop the question.

  I could also try and find her a job closer to me. She might want out of the non-thriving metropolis that Baker is.

  And there are more options. I just have to pick the best one.

  I’ll be back on base in about ten hours with the way traffic is right now. It’s like everyone decided to travel this 4th of July weekend. I thought everyone went to Vegas, but apparently everyone’s heading to the California beaches now.

  And if I get stuck in a traffic jam I’m just going to get even more frustrated.

  Frustrated that she’s not in the passenger seat next to me.

  Frustrated that tomorrow I’ll wake up alone after waking up next to her in Vegas and then sneaking around back in Baker.

  Frustrated that it’s Gail that’s pregnant and not Victoria with my child. I’m super excited for Vince, but I just feel inside that it’s my time. My time to pass on my seed and make a baby of my own. And it could only be with Victoria and we’re so close already.

  I’ve got a lot of things on my mind and I need to put plans in place pronto to make Victoria my woman…forever.

  Chapter Eleven


  “Is everything okay?” my boss asks.

  “Yeah, sorry. I just…didn’t get much sleep last night.”

  “Do you need to go home and catch a few Z’s?”

  “No, I’ll be all right. Thanks.”

  I love working at The Mad Greek. It’s really a Greek owned family business and they take good care of their employees. They pay us more than they have to and the work can be fun at times. Everyone is in a good mood when they come in. They’re either on their way to Vegas or heading home, usually with plenty of wild stories even if they did lose a pretty penny it seems they view it as more of a trade off for the good story they usually get in the process.

  But my story right now is a sad one. I’m the only long face in the restaurant and when I told my boss I didn’t sleep much I should have really told him I didn’t sleep at all.

  It sounds crazy, but after falling asleep in Sean’s arms in Vegas I don’t think I’ll ever sleep as soundly again until I’m back in those big, burly arms of his.

  He promised me he’s going to find a way to make this work, and I believe him. But I’m also
of the belief that the military, while meaning well, is a slow moving bureaucratic government organization…and slow moving is not what I need right now.

  I need him. Him and only him.

  HIs look. His touch. The way he makes me feel.

  “You feel okay?” the milkshake maker asks me.

  “Yeah. I’m okay.”

  “Those strawberry milkshakes have been sitting there for like three minutes and you’re just standing there staring at them like your mind isn’t here.”

  “I’m sorry. What table do they go to?”

  “Table four.”

  I grab the milkshakes and walk towards the table like the zombie that I am.

  Of course it’s a young couple on their way to California. They’re kissing and cuddling and rubbing their new wedding rings together.

  I’m not sure if they got them in whatever state they’re from or if they just picked them up on a spur of the moment thing in a Vegas chapel, but either way they’re married and very clearly in love…and I’m not.

  Well at least not the married part.

  But I am very clearly in love.

  And love is a two way street. I need him. But he’s already headed down a different “street.” The I-15 which takes him in a totally different direction. The one that leads out of here and out of my life.

  Chapter Twelve


  One month later

  Victoria and I have been keeping in touch constantly over this past month.

  But equally as important I’ve been in constant contact with my commanding officer, who’s doing everything he can to get me transferred to Fort Irwin, which is right in Victoria’s backyard.

  Once I’m there things will be much, much better.

  I haven’t even been able to get off base since our Vegas rendezvous. We’ve had so many training classes come through that I’ve been working weekends in addition to my normal workload. It’s like the military is adding insult to injury.

  But if I get that transfer to Fort Irwin everything will change. Everything.

  But I don’t want to tell her yet, because I don’t want to get her hopes up and then possibly let her down if it doesn’t come through.

  I’ve called in every favor I’ve ever saved for a rainy day and my hopes are high.

  The commanding officer’s secretary motions that I can go into his office now.

  I straighten my uniform and step in with strength as a soldier should.

  “I know you’re busy, sergeant, as am I, so I’ll make this quick.”

  I can’t believe how nervous I am. I’m not one to be intimidated or worried about the future. And I’m certainly not intimidated now but worried about the future? Absolutely.

  “Some very big names have called me since you put in your request. I wasn’t aware that you were so highly connected politically, but good for you that you are. Anyways, I’m not about to go against the great soldiers who spoke on your behalf, nor would I want to in the first place. I don’t know what your plans are in Fort Irwin, or why you would want to be transferred out of this paradise but your request is your business. All I can say is good luck.”

  The CO hands me a manila folder. My hands are literally shaking as I reach for it. Either he notices and is too busy to care right now or he just pretends not to see it. Either way I take the folder, give him a “Thank you, sir,” execute an about face and then high tail it out of his office before he can change his mind.

  When the door behind me closes I want to jump in the air and shout “victory,” but that behavior is not very becoming.

  I waste no time hustling back to my room and collecting all my things. In my haste I almost forget to read the orders. I’m to report to in three days time from now. They gave me some time to get my affairs in order, but I’m already ready. I’m out of here in under an hour. Tops.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I stack three plates in my hand and make my way to the table. Somebody gets up from their booth too quickly and I pull the plates back towards my chest, trying my best to keep the sunny side up eggs from becoming a yellow mess on the tile below.

  Luckily I pull it off, but as the plates come back and make contact with my chest I feel a real pain shoot through my breasts.

  What in the world?

  I’ve noticed an increased sensitivity there and hope it’s not something serious.

  I put the order on the table and let the customers know I’m going on my break but someone else will be around to help them.

  I step outside into the sweltering heat and pull out my phone. I’m not about to Google this stuff in the break room.

  And by stuff I mean all the little strange things that have been happening with me lately.

  Google returns a result quickly, but it must be wrong.

  I rearrange the symptoms in a different order and try again.

  Same result.

  I add Doctor Oz to the search.

  Same thing.

  This can’t be. No way.

  I feel my back find the wall behind me and I slide down it into a sitting position, or more accurately a puddle of my former self.

  Tomorrow’s my day off so it’s obvious what I have to do now.

  I’ll wake up early and drive straight to Vegas to get tested…

  And see if I really am pregnant.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Forty minutes later and my car is completely packed and gassed up. Gotta take advantage of those cheap gas prices you can only get on base.

  I say goodbye to a few friends and I’m off.

  As I approach the exit gate one of the sentries steps out and puts his hand forward.

  I slow down. He doesn’t move until I come to a complete stop.

  “Soldier, you are to report to the commanding officer immediately.”

  “I just spoke with him. I’m good-to-go.”

  “I have orders to see to it that you’re to turn your vehicle around and report to him immediately.”

  “Are you sure?”

  He motions with his hand to turn around, obviously annoyed that I asked him if he was sure. Luckily I outrank him so there’s not a lot he can do.

  And the CO outranks me so there’s not a lot I can do there.

  I’m not happy about this slight delay, but I go ahead and spin my wheel bringing my car around and back into the base.

  I’ll get this sorted out quickly and be back on the road. It won’t cost me more than twenty or thirty minutes and then I’ll be on my way to surprise Victoria.

  And oh will she be surprised.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “I’m really sorry, sergeant, but this Russia thing is really heating up fast. We need you there to get our troops up to speed on the language and culture as quickly as possible.”

  “There’s no one else, sir?”

  The CO looks at me in a way that tells me I’m dangerously close to being out of line, if I’m not already, and to take my orders and get out of his office.

  “Yes, sir,” I say, correcting my behavior.

  I take the new manila folder, my second of the day, and head back to my car.

  I can’t believe this is happening. I technically never even made it off base.

  “…this Russia thing is heating up fast.” What the heck? We’ve been in the cold war for decades. Throwing a little gasoline on the fire for the hundredth time isn’t going to result in anything at this point.

  Except me getting my original orders to Fort Irwin cancelled. And now all those favors I called in are wasted and much more importantly my chance to be with Victoria down the drain.

  But I’m not giving up. I can bring her here, but there’s a housing crunch on and off base.

  It’s like the entire world is conspiring against me.

  But I won’t let it. No way. No how.

  I’m a man who knows what he wants and what I want is her.

  And I’m not going to stop u
ntil I get her.

  And that includes this setback and the time I’ve lost. I’m going to get right back to work devising a plan to bring the two of us together.

  This time once and for all.

  Chapter Sixteen


  One day later

  I see Sean’s name on my phone and I hit the green button.

  “Hello,” I say. I pull off on the exit for one of the casinos at the state line. I can’t talk to him when I’m driving right now, especially after the news the doctor just gave me.

  “Hey beautiful. How ya doin?”

  “I’m good. Thanks,” I say as I bury my head in my hand. The tears are starting already so I need to get these words out before he picks up on it. “How are you?” I say softly.

  “Never good unless you’re by my side. I’m just calling to let you know you’re going to hear about a deployment from my base later today. CNN will probably be the first to pick it up. Anyways, it does involve me, but I’m doing everything I can to try and bring the two of us together.”

  “Deployment?” I ask. Today has gone from bad to worse.

  “Yeah. The whole Russia thing is heating up apparently.”

  “Okay,” I manage to choke out. I want to tell him so bad that he’s going to be a father, but I can’t. There’s nothing I can do in comparison to what the military can do to him. Now I know what it feels like being a military spouse. I hit the mute button on my side of the phone and laugh at myself in-between tears.

  No, I don’t know. I don’t know at all. First of all I’m not a military spouse. And this is a pregnancy, a wonderful thing. I couldn’t imagine if I really were a military spouse and I got a call from some foreign country telling me…I don’t even want to think about it.


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