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Hooked by Love (Bellevue Bullies #3)

Page 6

by Toni Aleo

“Don’t worry, young one. The force is strong within you. Your game shall come. I feel it.”

  “I hate you.”

  “Just remember, don’t stare at their boobs.” Jude is still laughing.

  “And listen to what they say,” Jayden adds. “Girls like that shit.”

  “You guys are dumb, and plus, I don’t want some boring marriage. I want fun.” I get into the car.

  “Ha!” Jude laughs. “I had fun for a good long time. Let me tell you, my boring marriage is a billion times better.”

  I roll my eyes as Jayden says, “I’d take Baylor over a thousand different women. You just wait. There is a girl out there ready to knock you on your ass.”

  “Yeah, right.” I slam the door and wave at them. “I’m sure as hell not looking for her.”

  “You don’t have to,” Jude calls out to me. “She’ll come along and hit you harder than a two-hundred-pound defensemen, you watch.”

  “And then you’ll be saying, man, my brothers were right.” Jayden’s attempt at mocking me is a fail in my eyes, but apparently Markus and Jude think he’s funny.

  “Whatever. I don’t have time for all that, and I sure as hell won’t admit that you two losers are ever right.”

  “You’ll see,” Jayden calls out as I back out of the driveway. But I just wave, thinking they are both crazy.

  But for some reason, those turquoise eyes flash in my mind and I quickly shake my head.

  Nope, no girl is worth all that.

  Especially when you add in the possibility of admitting my brothers are right.

  No way.

  Won’t happen.

  The campus is buzzing with excitement as we head toward the Bullies’ house. Every person I pass is talking about the party and asking who is going. With every step I take toward the house, excitement rattles within me. According to Mekena, this is the party of the year. It is always wild and so much fun. There is already even a video posted on Facebook of people doing keg stands and a big game of broom hockey. It was huge, and it looked like fun. But I can’t say I wish I had been there for that.

  Since I hate hockey and all.

  Well, maybe not the sport…but eh, whatever.

  Mekena is excited, though. She is smiling, waving at people, and quickly I realize my assumptions of her were wrong. She is a people-pleaser and she obviously knows everyone. She hugs and kisses a lot of our classmates as we make our way across the quad. Soon, I learn that she went to high school here in Nashville. Along with that, her sister is a senior here and took her to all the parties last year to get her ready. While my home life is shit, Mekena’s isn’t. She loves her family, and her sister is basically her best friend.

  Lucky bitch.

  God, how I wish I’d had a sister. Someone I could confide in, someone to tell about my newest crush, and someone to hold me when that boy breaks my heart. We’d go shopping and share clothes; we’d be two peas in a pod. Man, how amazing it would be. Instead, I got three huge brothers who smelled most of the time and made me carry their shit after games. No shopping, no heart-to-hearts, and definitely no holding me after a breakup. Nope. Nothing.

  But Mekena has all that, and when I come face-to-face with Skylar Preston, the only thing I can think is, holy crap, they are twins. Just Skylar is thicker…a lot thicker than Mekena. Not fat, but I’m pretty sure the girl could bench me over her head.

  Kind of scary.

  Especially when she sets Mekena with a look that tells her she is not playing around and also that she is annoyed. “I’m not going to chill with you all night. You’re on your own.”

  “I got this,” Mekena says confidently, and that blows my mind. Where was this girl for the last week? I swear, she had her nose in the books, was quiet, and nothing else mattered but getting A’s in all her classes. This girl is ready to party, dressed to kill, and self-assured. What the hell? “And you know what? You can’t chill with me and my friend.”

  “Oh, poo.” The sarcasm is strong in Skylar’s voice, but worry is still in her eyes. “Remember, don’t take drinks from dudes unless you know them, and even then, be careful. You start feeling weird, drop the cup and find me. Don’t do drugs here. They are mostly laced with something. And also, don’t end up getting raped, please. Be smart. This ain’t your first rodeo.”

  “Yeah, I know. Don’t worry.”

  Skylar isn’t convinced, though, and she rolls her eyes. “So who are you trying to holler at? I know you didn’t leave your books for a party unless it was for some guy.”

  Oh…that makes sense.

  Mekena’s cheeks flush with color as she shrugs, which makes Skylar laugh. “Oh gosh, please tell me it isn’t Markus,” she says, twirling her hair on her finger. “Aren’t you over him yet? It’s been like a year.”

  This is new. I’ve never heard her mention him. Like, ever.

  Now Ron Weasley, yes, she’s talked about him constantly.

  “I didn’t know you were crushing on someone,” I add with a grin. But before she can say anything, Skylar is talking.

  “Girl, please. She’s in love with a dude who doesn’t want anything to do with her or even know her name.”

  “Shut up,” Mekena urges, looking around, but no one is near us. We are the only ones standing on the sidewalk in front of the house. Everyone else is either inside the party or lying in the front yard. From the looks of it, the party is insane. Music is streaming loudly, lights are flashing, and the backyard is filled with people. It is so loud my ears hurt, and I’m not even inside yet.

  But I am ready to get in there.

  “Whatever. You didn’t introduce me to your friend.”

  That catches my attention and I turn to meet Skylar’s eyes. “Avery. We’re roommates.”

  “Oh, the singer,” she says, nodding her head. “Yeah, Kena told me all about you. Cool, nice to meet you.”

  “You too.”

  She isn’t paying attention to me, though, as she turns back to Mekena. “Markus is a bad idea. He’s hooking up with Leslie, and rumor is, she has herpes.”

  “Jesus! Her poor vagina,” I say, disgust all over my face, which sends Skylar into a hoot of laughter.

  “Right? It’s gross, but yeah, that’s the rumor. So just be careful, Kena. Okay?”

  “Yeah, I heard you.” I smile as Mekena nods, toeing the ground with her foot. They are cute, and it’s apparent how much Skylar cares about her baby sister. Makes me completely jealous. I’d love for my brothers to care just a little bit about me. I push thoughts of them to the side and look toward the house before letting out a long breath.

  “Are we going in?” When I turn, they are both looking at me. “What? Let’s go.”

  Skylar grins, her eyes narrowing as she holds my gaze. “Someone you wanna see? Who? I know them all. I’m the captain of the dance team, which means I can get you an in with any dude on the team.”

  I give her a condescending grin. I feel that isn’t something you should be proud of, but who am I to judge? Two hours ago, I was considering the ho life, so I’m obviously no better than her. Shaking my head, I go to say something snarky, I’m sure. But before I can answer, Mekena volunteers, “Jace Sinclair invited her, and Ross Asher did too.”

  “Oh, wow, I’m impressed,” Skylar says and her face shows it, which is odd to me. What, are those dudes hard to get to? Every hockey player I’ve ever met has been quick to jump into bed with any girl.

  Maybe I should be worried about my Lame Line Larry?

  Nodding her head, she adds. “Ross, don’t even try. He’s totally in love with his girlfriend, and he has a small dick. Been there, done that. But he probably invited you for his brother, Richie, who is the biggest asshole I know. Also a small dick. But Jace, Jace is good.”

  I can only blink. Did she sleep with Jace?

  “That’s who she’s wanting to see, Jace.”

  Skylar nods once more. “Good choice. He’s a good dude, should be the captain this year, just like his brothers were. By the way, his brot
her was great in bed, so I’m sure Jace is too. Also, my best friend is married to their older brother, and she says he’s amazing.”

  “So you haven’t slept with Jace?”

  She grins. “Nope, never got a chance to. He’s young, though, and that makes me feel weird. Plus, I’ll never get to Jude, so really, no point. I like to finish my sets.”


  “Told you she’s a slut,” Mekena mutters and I grin.

  “Whatever. I got things to do,” Skylar says, sending me a suggestive grin.

  “Obviously. Lots of dudes, so little time.”

  “Right!” Skylar hollers, pointing at me. “At least your friend gets it.”

  Mekena rolls her eyes as she lets out a breath. When the door opens and catches our attention, people spill out and I’m eager to get in there.

  I want to go to my first party.

  I want to drink and let loose.

  I want to be immersed in the college lifestyle.

  I want to live.

  And…I kind of…want to…see…Jace.

  Okay. A lot. I want to see him a lot.

  “So, we’re going?”

  “Yeah. Let’s go,” Skylar says then, starting for the house. “You two stay close.”

  Mekena rolls her eyes again, but I smile. It’s sweet and obvious that Mekena doesn’t even know how great she has it. But it isn’t my place to remind her of that. I would have given anything for someone to look out for me when I was younger. I’ve learned to do it on my own, but some guidance would have been nice.

  But before I can dwell too much on that, we are walking across the yard and into the Bullies’ house. As soon as I go through the door, someone hands me a drink. I don’t even see the person, but Skylar takes it from me and then one that was handed to Mekena, trashing them both.

  Rolling her eyes, she yells, “Follow me, and deny anything from anyone.”

  We both nod, looking like deer in headlights as we follow her through the wild party. People are everywhere, dancing, playing broom hockey, beer pong, keg stands—it’s everything you see on TV and more. It’s kind of overwhelming, but then, so fucking cool. With a huge grin on my face, I bypass people, guys mainly, handing me drinks as I take everything else in. When we reach the kitchen, it isn’t so loud, but holy shit, this place is trashed.

  Beer bottles, cans, empty liquor bottles, trash, and filth are everywhere. It’s disgusting. When I look at Skylar, her eyes are wide. “Holy crap, this place is fucked up.”

  “My thoughts exactly.”

  She looks back at me and shakes her head. “Where the hell is Jace? This place should not look like this.”

  “Right here, and I know.”

  All three of us turn around, and with no warning at all, my jaw drops. If I thought Jace Sinclair was hot this morning, nothing could compare to the picturesque man in front of me right now. Standing there in a pair of loose-fitting shorts that hang low on his hips, he has no shirt on. Nothing.

  Just abs, pecs, and tattoos.

  Holy. Shit.

  His left arm is covered with vines that form a hockey stick in the middle. Along the vines are little red birds with what appear to be names within them. I can’t make out what they say, but I can count five little red birds. Maybe his family? I don’t know because then my eyes are roaming across his chest where a little watercolor elephant sits with the word “Mom” beneath it. Aw, he’s a momma’s boy.

  And Lord, is he hot.

  With wide eyes, I look up to meet his gaze that’s a little panicked. But soon it transforms into an appreciative look. His eyes darken and I swear the air thickens. Gasping, I tuck my hands into my pockets, watching as he devours me with his eyes.

  Roughly, he says, “Hey, No Dating Diane.”

  A grin pulls at my lips. “Hey there, Lame Line Larry.”

  A grin crosses his mouth and everything inside me goes hot. His teeth are so damn straight and look so clean. I know, I’m weird, but crap, it is hot. His lips are full, except for a little spot where a white scar sits. His jaw is covered with dark hair, giving him a scruffy look that shoots need down between my legs. Hair dusts the middle of his chest—not much, but enough to have my body burning with need.

  Lord, he is gorgeous.

  “Nice tattoo,” I say, lifting my chin in the direction of his arm. “Who are the birds? All the girls whose hearts you broke?”

  He laughs, shaking his head. “My family.”

  Aw. Before I can say more, his lips are curving. “I’ve broken way more hearts than just five.”

  With a straight face, I nod, knowing damn well he’s full of it. “Of course.”

  We hold each other’s gaze, and my heart speeds up in my chest as I get lost in his sinful eyes.

  “Put your tongue back in your mouth,” Skylar teases, and I snap my mouth shut as Jace’s grin grows. “What the hell is going on here?”

  Without taking his eyes from mine, he answers her. “Mayhem. I don’t know how my brothers did this crazy. I tried to enjoy the party. Five seconds later, shit is wack.”

  “Did you give everyone duties?”

  His brow rises as his eyes do a slow trail down my body. “Um… No?”

  “There is your first mistake. Y’all are gonna be cleaning like mad tomorrow. Coach sees this, he’s gonna flip.”

  “I know,” he said, letting out a long breath, this time looking away, which is good. I can finally breathe. “Oh well, I’ll worry about it tomorrow.”

  He looks around and then runs his hand down his chest. I’m not sure what Skylar and Mekena are thinking, but I am thinking one thing.

  Holy hot sex!

  He is basically dripping with sex, trouble, and everything naughty. It’s seeping out of his pores and intoxicating me. And I want nothing more than to be consumed by him.

  Looking back at Skylar, he asks, “Is this your baby sister?”

  Now, I’m the one who can’t stop staring at him. I just have to drink in everything I am seeing. I’m worried it’s all a dream. That he’s not real. He can’t be. I mean, he has the V! The V that points down to where I suddenly want to explore more than I want my next breath. His body is just downright wicked and illegal. No one should be this hot.

  “Yup, this is Mekena.”

  I’m paying them no mind, and I really don’t notice that he reaches out to shake her hand. I’m too obsessed with the dips of his muscles, the lines of his chest and jaw, and then the impressive bulge in his shorts.

  I’m thinking that Ms. Skylar was completely right.

  Because I’m pretty damn sure that isn’t a hockey stick in his pants.

  Before I can stop myself, I’m reaching out, my finger poking him in the shoulder. His skin is hot under my finger, and I swear every inch of me breaks out in gooseflesh. He must have been talking because he pauses, looking over at me with a grin. His eyes are locked on mine, and it takes everything for me not to drool.


  “Sorry,” I say stupidly. “I don’t think you’re real.”

  His grin is unstoppable as Skylar and Mekena laugh. Taking a step toward me, he invades my personal space with his nose almost touching mine as he holds my gaze. “I said that earlier, that you were a complete figment of my imagination because there is no way someone as gorgeous and talented as you could be gracing my presence.”

  I’m breathless and my stomach hurts from the butterflies going nuts as I gasp for air. He takes a step closer and I honestly don’t know what is happening. I want him—Lord, do I want him—but I have no clue who he is. Nothing. Only what I’ve heard. I’m not that girl, but he’s bringing that girl out somehow. I’m two seconds from climbing him like a tree and riding his face until I can’t take it any longer.

  “I’ve been thinking about you.”

  “You have?” I gasp and he nods.

  “All day, and then I was wondering when you’d show up.”

  “We got food first.”

  I don’t think he hears me, though, his
gaze dropping to my lips. I hold my breath as he cups my jaw, his thumb moving hypnotically along my bottom lip. His eyes are so dark, almost black, as the air around us becomes electrified. I don’t know what is happening, but shit, I want more. His body is so hot, desire coming off him in waves, crashing against me as I just try to breathe. He’s like a lion and I feel like his prey with the way he is looking at me. So animalistic, and I’m honestly unsure if he wants me or if he wants to kill me.

  It’s intoxicating.

  Never in my life has anyone looked at me like this guy.

  This hockey player has my whole body begging for his.

  How? Why? And Jesus, what is going to happen next?

  “Do you two know each other?”

  “Nope,” we both say at the same time.

  “But that’s gonna change,” he murmurs and I nod.

  “Yeah, it is.”

  “I feel like I should look away,” I hear Mekena say, and I would laugh, but we are sharing the same breath, our lips are so close.

  “Yeah, let’s get a drink.”

  But Jace doesn’t move.

  Neither do I.

  “I got you something,” he mutters and I hold my breath as he moves. Suddenly, he brings a beer bottle up for me to see. “I’ve been keeping it safe for you.”

  Swallowing loudly, I know I’m in trouble. I know I should run. But instead, I hold his gaze, my lips curving as I whisper, “Oh, Larry.”

  Well, I thought I’d whispered, but actually, I whimpered. And that has his eyes darkening even more. His face flushes, the splotches appearing down his chest. My body is tingling, and the white-hot lust that is running through my body is downright confusing. How can I want someone this badly? Especially someone I don’t even know.

  “What is going on here?” he asks suddenly and I can’t even answer.

  My breath is coming out hard. His hands tighten on my hip and jaw, and I can feel his heartbeat against mine. I know I shouldn’t let him be this close, touching me, but I can’t stop him. Let alone think. Because thinking isn’t even an option.

  Nothing is except to be completely lost in the green depths of his eyes.

  Somehow, I blink dumbly at him and I shrug, which causes his lips to curve. “I have no clue.”


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