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Born to Ride

Page 35

by Kasey Millstead

“What is it you’re lookin’ for exactly, boss? You’ve been on it for months. I’m thinkin’ I could use a break. Might come with you.”

  “I’m takin’ you on the next run. I need someone that can run fast.”

  Run fast. To catch me. Oh, God.

  “Run fast?” Colt questions, shifting closer to me and reaching for a glass.

  “I’m after a girl. She’s got something I want, but she keeps fuckin’ out-smartin’ me. God help her if I get hold of her now. I’m fuckin’ mad.”

  Colt’s hands slide into his pockets. “What’s a girl got to do with anything?”

  “Open your fuckin’ ears, boy; I said she’s got somethin’ I want.”

  “What’s she got?”

  Axel shifts. “Nothin’ that’s of concern to you. I suspect she’s around this area, so keep a fuckin’ eye out.”

  I don’t feel so good. My hands begin to tremble, and sweat trickles down my forehead.

  “What’s her name?” Colt asks, cracking another beer. “I might have heard of her.”


  I see the exact moment Colt stiffens, because his legs go rigid. Shit. Shit. Shit.

  “Here’s what she looks like. You see her in here, you call me.”

  Oh God.

  Colt’s silent, and I suddenly don’t feel like being here is a smart idea. If he decides to tell Axel I’m here, I won’t be able to get out. I have to run, and I have to run now. I crawl quietly from my space, and as soon as I’m near the back door, I stand.

  “What the fuck? Colt, were you gettin’ your fuckin’ dick sucked while I was talkin’ to ya?” Axel bellows, slamming his glass down onto the bar.

  He doesn’t recognize me. Oh God, he doesn’t recognize me because I changed my hair. My heart pounds, and a moment of hope rushes through me. I reach for the door, ready to run, when Colt murmurs, “Meadow, pretty sure there’s somethin’ you haven’t told me.”

  “Meadow?” Axel rasps.

  I turn, and I meet his shocked expression. His eyes widen, and he skids his stool back. His powerful body launches up and over the bar, sending everything within reach flying. The shrill sound of glasses smashing fills my ears.

  That’s when I run.

  “Don’t you fuckin’ dare,” he bellows, but I’m already out the door.

  I push through the offices out the back, slamming and locking as many doors as I can. My adrenaline spikes, and I duck through the back kitchen and out the back door. I hear Axel’s roar of frustration, and the sounds of smashing coming from inside. Shit. I run across the staff parking lot, and duck into the nearest alley.

  “You fuckin’ stop, now,” Axel yells, rounding the corner and charging down the alley after me.

  I pick up my speed, running as fast as I can. I reach the street and I skid to the left, shoving through the ocean of people as I try to escape the angry, determined man behind me.

  “South of the city, she’s on foot, dark hair. Get moving!”

  Axel is ordering his men in. I close my eyes, drop my head, and just run as hard as I can manage. I charge around another corner, and across the road. Cars beep and screech to a halt as I dodge my way past them. I stumble as I hit the gutter on the other side, and I go down with a pained cry. My knees scrape across the gravel and my hands go instinctively out in front of me to stop me from landing on my face.

  It’s the moment Axel needs. It’s the moment he’s been waiting for.

  He’s behind me before I can even get to my knees. People on the street don’t even stop to see if I’m okay, they just keep about their business. Axel’s hands go around my body, and he hurls me up, pressing me into his chest. He spins us both around, and begins pulling me toward the closest alley. I dig my heels in, not willing to accept defeat. Not willing to give in.

  “Let me go,” I cry, squirming.

  “Stop doing that,” he growls.

  I decide to try pleading. He’s not listening to anything else. “Please, just let me go, Axel, you don’t have to do this. Just stop. Please. For whatever friendship we had all those years ago...”

  He flinches, and his entire body stiffens. “I said fuckin’ stop squirming. If you keep it up, so help me God, I’ll put you on your knees and fuck you until you can’t breathe.”

  I stiffen, and my entire body slackens. What did he just say? I blink rapidly, trying to process his words. Why would he say something like that? Why would he even think it? He drags my body into an alley, because I can no longer make my legs work. They’re weak, and I’m exhausted.

  “You wouldn’t hurt me like that,” I rasp, quietly. “Would you?”

  He stops, and spins me around, staring down at me. His eyes are hard, and I can see deep in their depths that he would hurt me like that. My entire body breaks out in fear. “I’m a fucked-up man,” he growls. “I’m not the person you remember. You don’t know me anymore. You don’t know the kind of shit that’s in my head now.”

  I twist one more time, feeling panic rise in my chest. He’s right. He’s not the man I once knew, and I can’t risk staying with him. If he finds out I don’t have the USB, there could be a big problem. I put it in a bank yesterday, in a safe locker where no one could touch it. Axel is taking me, but he has no idea that it’s for nothing.

  “I said stop fuckin’ squirming,” he roars. “Goddammit, stop!”

  I stop, but not before I feel his cock brush against my ass. It’s hard against his jeans, and my body shivers. I’m not sure if it’s in response, or out of pure fear. My struggling arouses him, and that both scares and excites me. It sparks something inside my body that I don’t quite understand, and right now, I don’t want to understand it.

  “No,” he whispers, his breath near my ear. “Not possible.”

  What’s he talking about?

  He shifts his hips, and tightens his hold on my body. “Don’t fuckin’ move.”

  I whimper, and he growls deep in his throat. “Fuck,” he murmurs. “You like it.”



  His fingers slide down my over my shirt, and his finger grazes over the swell of my breast. Fear courses through my veins. He wouldn’t rape me...would he? I swallow, unsure of the feelings running through my body right now. Beneath the pain, and the hesitation, there’s something else. A slight want that I can’t make sense of. I turn my head, and Axel’s eyes meet mine, and the cold, deadly depths devour me. I look away; I can’t face this. I can’t face this uncertainty that I’m feeling.

  I can’t be as twisted as him.

  I can’t be enjoying his body against mine...oh god...can I?


  I lift my eyes to see four men in black leather jackets walking down the alley. Reality hits me like a brick, snapping me out of my haze, and I kick back, giving Axel a shock attack. My foot connects with his shin, and he bellows, releasing his arms. I spin, and my fist flies up, upper-cutting his nose. He roars in pain, and his hand goes over his face to halt the spurting of blood. His eyes meet mine, and they’re filled with uncontrollable rage. Blood drips through his fingers, and I shiver with fear. I’m not sure that was a good move.

  I turn without giving it anymore thought, and I run toward the other end of the alley. I’m nearly there when three other bikers step in front of me. I turn quickly, ready to go back, but I see Axel and the other guys standing, panting. Axel has a needle in his hand. There’s blood running down his face now, and dripping off one of his hands. I begin shaking my head, putting my hands up as panic fills my chest, and my legs grow wobbly.

  “Please, Axel,” I implore. “Please don’t do this.”

  He walks toward me, nodding at the men behind him. One reaches for me, and I dive forward. Axel catches me, and his large arms wrap about my body. I can feel his breath on my ear as he leans down, and plunges the needle into my arm. Warmth shoots through my body, and I reach up, taking Axel’s arms as my legs give way. I can smell the coppery scent of blood, mixed with his own manly scent.

bsp; “Easy,” he murmurs as everything fades to black.



  “She’s still out, boss,” Cobra says, walking into my office.

  “She chained?”

  He nods. “She’s chained, and the door is locked. She ain’t gettin’ anywhere.”

  “You find out where she was stayin?”

  He nods again. “I’m on it. I found her room and sent Jax and Pick over to get her stuff.”

  “Fuck, she’d better have that USB there.”

  “It ain’t on her,” he adds, lighting a cigarette. “I checked her body thoroughly.”

  My eyes widen, and a cruel smirk appears on my lips. “Yeah? You stripped her, eh?”

  “Yeah, boss. Nice pair of tits that girl has on her. Don’t worry I left the bra on. I’m not that much of a pig.”

  I grunt, and nod, dismissing him. Lucky fucker got to be the one to strip-search her. I reach over, picking up a smoke. I light it, and inhale deeply. A moment of calm washes over me as the nicotine fills my veins—but the moment doesn’t last long. What the fuck happened out there earlier? I got a fuckin’ stiff, and she liked it. She liked the fight. I’ve never met a woman that liked it. Most of them pretend to like it because they want my cock. I close my eyes, and rub my temple. Fuck. This is all too fuckin’ hard.

  My frustration fades for a second, replaced with complete exhaustion. This has been going on far too long. I get to my feet, shoving the chair back, and I walk out into the hall. I’m midway down when April saunters up, stopping in front of me. “Hey you, I heard you got what you needed?”

  I glare down at her. “Club business your business, April?”

  “Well, no, but...”

  “Then mind your own fuckin’ business, or I’ll mind it for you,” I hiss.

  I step past her, and head toward my room - the room where I have her chained. My body stiffens at the idea of her being restrained in there, unable to move, unable to get away, cock flinches, and I curse under my breath. I’m a sick fucking bastard, because the idea of her not being able to escape matter what she matter what I want to do to feels fucking good.

  I reach the end of the hall, and turn left, walking into the only room in this section of the three-story house. I turn the knob and step inside the dimly-lit space. Meadow is sprawled out on the floor, her now brunette hair fanned out around her. She looks peaceful like that, almost as if nothing in the world could hurt her.

  Except me.

  I can hurt her.

  I walk over and sit on the bed, staring down at her. She’s got chains around her ankles, and around her wrists. They’re chained to shackles on the wall. I have had to explain to many women why I have shackles on my wall, but most don’t understand. April is the only one who plays my game, so she’s the only one I keep around.

  Meadow stirs, and groans deeply. God damn her for looking as beautiful as a fallen angel.

  “Axel?” she murmurs in her haze. “I’m sorry.”

  Sorry? What the fuck is she sorry for?

  She shifts, and goes to roll, only to feel that she can’t roll. She’s chained. Suddenly her body jerks and she bolts upright, screaming. I drop down to my knees, and I grip her shoulders, causing her to scream even louder.

  “Enough,” I order, giving her a little shake.

  “Axel?” she cries. “What have you done?”

  “What I had to do,” I growl into her ear, and she tenses. “Now, we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Where’s the USB, Meadow?”

  “Why would I tell you?” she cries, her voice frustrated. “I can’t stand you.”

  She notices then that she’s wearing different clothes to what she came in, and her face pales.

  “Y-y-y-you stripped me?” she screams.

  I meet her gaze, giving her a deadly smirk. “Needed to make sure you didn’t have the USB on you.”

  “You fucking piece of shit,” she screams. “You’re useless!”

  My body jerks at her words, and I shake her harder. “Don’t fuck with me. I don’t have time for this shit. You tell me where that USB is or so help me God, I’ll do whatever it takes to get it out of you.”

  “I hope God helps you then,” she whispers.


  “I’m not giving it to you, Axel.”

  I snarl, and slam my fist into the wall beside her. She cries out, and shifts her body away from mine.

  “Fine,” I hiss, standing. “We’ll do this my way.”



  Chains and whips excite me.

  I yank the chains around my wrists, and let out a frustrated cry when all they do is dig into my flesh. I throw my head back and yell loudly, fighting the desperation building in my body. I can’t get them off, and Axel isn’t going to move them any time soon. He walked out about ten hours ago, and he hasn’t come back since. I’ve heard the music and partying outside, but no one has come in this room.

  It’s dark now, and I can’t see anything. It must be midnight, if not early morning. I’m starving, thirsty, and fully aware I won’t get a lot until I co-operate. I also know, they won’t let me die without knowing where that USB is, so for now at least, I know I’ll get fed eventually. I close my eyes with a sigh, and hang my head.

  “I’m sorry, Dad,” I whisper. “I tried.”

  I hear the sound of the door, and I quickly lie down. I don’t need to argue with Axel any further. I manage to get down and onto my side. I peek through my lashes as the door swings open. Axel all but stumbles in, gripping the table by the door for support. Great. He’s drunk. He slams the door behind him, and walks over, staring down at me.

  “You ain’t asleep,” he grumbles.

  I open my eyes and stare up at him. “I’m sure you’re proud of that clever observation.”

  He grins, and it’s shocking. Axel Wraithe doesn’t grin. He glares. He smirks. He smiles a smile that’s empty and broken, but he doesn’t grin. His eyes scan over my body for a slow, agonizing moment before lifting and meeting mine. His grin turns lazy, and I realize the only reason that grin is even on his face is because of alcohol. I hear it numbs even the worst hurts. He kneels down in front of me, and takes the chains, rattling them.

  “Not so smart now, are you? I told you I’d catch you...”

  “Fuck off,” I growl.

  He chuckles softly. “When did you get a backbone?”

  “Probably the same time your heart froze.”

  He narrows his eyes, and studies me. “What would you know about my heart?”

  I shake my head sadly. “You were the one who jumped off a bridge to save my life, were you not?”

  He narrows his eyes, and we stare at each other for a long, silent moment. I feel my skin prickle, and my entire body becomes aware of the large, beautiful man in front of me. After that moment is over, Axel turns his eyes away, and I watch them grow into those empty stones once again.

  “I know what you’re trying to do, and it ain’t gonna work.”

  I sigh, and shake my head. “And what is it you think I’m doing?”

  “Tryin’ to fuck with me.”

  I snort angrily. “Don’t flatter yourself, Axel. I already know a heart like yours can’t be warmed.”

  His face changes at my statement, and he almost looks offended by my words, however he quickly wipes the look and replaces it with that empty, blank look he carries around each day. I shake my head, proving to myself that Axel isn’t going to break. He’s managed to gather some kind of darkness in his soul, and he’s not willing to let it go.

  He rocks back on his heels after a moment, and gives me another empty smirk. “You got some sort of hero in your life that’s goin’ to come and foolishly try to rescue you?”

  I lift my eyes, and meet his. I know my expression is hard. “Heroes are for the weak, Axel. If I escape, it will be all on me.”

  His eyes sparkle with challenge. “Well, you’ll need al
l the luck you can muster up if you think you’re getting out of here.”

  “I don’t need luck,” I say, sitting up and crossing my legs.

  “So confident, aren’t you?” he murmurs, still kneeling in front of me, rubbing his big hands together.

  “What happened to you when you went missing for all those months?” I blurt suddenly, and then cringe at how forward I’m being.

  I’ve never seen someone’s body stiffen so quickly in my entire life. It’s almost as if he jerks, he stiffens that intensely. His eyes seem to glaze over, going off into a different place. His breathing deepens, and his hands form fists. I narrow my eyes, watching him closer, taking in every movement on his face as he goes through the motions. When his eyes finally lift to meet mine, they’re wild with rage.

  “What happens in my life,” he snarls, baring his teeth, “is none of your motherfuckin’ business.”

  “You made it my business when you killed the only person I had left in my life. You made this my business when you decided to make me run across the country!” I protest angrily.

  His eyes widen for a split second, showing his shock. But in true Axel form, he covers it quickly.

  “You’re walking a fine line, Cricket,” he says, baring his teeth.

  “Before all of this, before you killed my father and I was sent running, there was something between you and I. A connection. An understanding. Hell, a friendship. Now, though, you’re empty. Something eats at you, and the person I knew has been replaced with”

  “I’ve changed, and you’re pushing me over a very, very weak line right now,” he rumbles, and I catch a glimpse of his trembling hands.

  “People don’t change, Axel, they simply take paths that lead them down roads which are sometimes damaging. It doesn’t change who they are, it merely adds to it. You’re there, somewhere, past all that darkness and brooding.”

  “The man you knew is gone,” he says, so firmly, so icily, that I shudder.

  “I don’t believe that.”

  He gets to his feet, staring down at me. “Believing something is just a way of trying to convince yourself that something you so desperately want is real. You can’t make something real just by believing in it, Cricket. This,” he says, pointing to his chest, “is damaged, and there ain’t no glue in the world that can put it back the way it was.”


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