Born to Ride

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Born to Ride Page 41

by Kasey Millstead

  I can’t turn my back on him again.

  I get out of the bed, stretching with a loud yawn. I ruffle about until I find a dress and some panties, and then I head out into the halls. It’s quiet, which is unusual. I don’t know where the guys are.

  I run into April when I step into the kitchen. She’s making herself some coffee. When she sees me, her eyes narrow and a scowl forms on her face.

  “Well, well, I can’t believe you’re still hanging around.”

  I put a hand on my hip, and lean against the counter. “What would you have me do? Go out and get shot?”

  She shrugs, and chews on a fingernail. “I really don’t care what happens to you.”

  “Look,” I say, walking over and taking a coffee cup. “I get it. I wouldn’t like me, either. You’re what he’s had for many years, and I’ve come in, and suddenly he’s not looking at you the same. That’s not my fault. I didn’t ask to be here anymore than you want me here.”

  She narrows her eyes, and studies me. Then, she sighs. “I’ve always known I came second to you. Not even I’m that stupid.”

  “Axel doesn’t like me, April.”

  “Do you honestly believe that?”

  I turn to her, my eyes wide. “Do you have any idea how he’s treated me in the past week?”

  “Do you have any idea how he would have treated you if you were anyone else? Do you not think that if you weren’t important, that he wouldn’t have just shot you, instead of chasing you for over a year?”

  I’d never thought of it like that. My heart flutters.

  “He didn’t kill me because he’s known me since I was a young girl. It’s got nothing to do with caring, or anything else.”

  She snorts. “If you say so, but I can tell you now, Axel looks at you like you’re something different.”

  I shake my head. I can’t believe it...not after everything Axel has said and done.

  “So you’re telling me he hasn’t fucked you then?”

  I feel my cheeks heat, and she snorts. “Exactly.”

  “That means nothing. Axel probably fucks half the women in this compound.”

  “No,” she says, her eyes growing a touch sad. “I’m the only one.”

  Really? She’s the only one?


  She glances at the door for a second, before saying, “Because I let him fuck me the only way he knows how.”

  “Restrained?” I say in a small, timid voice.

  “Restrained, and fighting. It was good...for a while...I thought it was just a fetish, but I quickly realized that it ran far deeper. I started digging, I overheard things, and I figured it out. Axel was abused. I don’t know how, exactly, but when Beast took him for all those months, something bad happened. It fucked him up. Now, he needs to fuck women in a certain way to get off, it’s imbedded in his head. He won’t change who he is. I tried...I thought maybe I could be the one to save him, but then I heard him dreaming, and I knew there was only one person who could save Axel Wraithe.”

  “And that is?” I say, feeling my eyes grow wide.


  I shake my head again. “Me?”

  “You’re something to him, even if he won’t admit it. Don’t give up on him. I’m a lot of things, hell, I’m probably what you’d call a whore, but I see something in Axel that can’t be put back together by just anyone. It takes a special person, someone who knew what he was before all this. Don’t walk away, not if you don’t have to...I think he needs you.”

  She gives me a weak smile, and walks out of the room, leaving me standing there...confused. I thought April was just a cheap fuck for Axel, but I can see she actually cares about him, and I feel bad for her. Sometimes you just know you’re not enough for someone, no matter how desperately you want to be.

  I take my coffee cup, and I walk out, staring down the empty halls. My guess, from experience, is that they’re at church, a bikers’ weekly meeting that no one is allowed to be involved in, except them.

  I treed slowly toward Axel’s office, and I peer through the door when I open it. It’s surprisingly neat, for a biker’s office. I walk in, shutting the door quietly behind me. I walk over to his desk, and begin lifting papers and snooping. Don’t judge; I’m a woman, and let’s face it, we’d all think it, and most of us would do it. I open his top drawer, and the first thing I see there is a badge. A policeman’s badge.

  I lift the golden, heavy piece into my hand, and stare down at it. I don’t really know a lot about Axel’s family, but maybe his granddad or someone close to him was a cop? It would make sense.

  I place the badge down, and I catch a glimpse of my USB right at the back of the drawer. Seriously? He just left it in a drawer. Okay, granted, most of his men would never dare enter this office the way I have...but still.

  I lift the device, and stare down at it. This caused so much pain for me, yet it brought me here, and sometimes I wonder if that happened for a reason. I hear the door knob turn, and I spin around, gaping. Axel walks in, and when he sees me, his eyes widen. His mighty arms cross over his chest. “The fuck are you doin’ in here?”

  I could do one of two things in this situation: I could lie and stammer, and rush out of the room, or I could take April’s advice, and I could push Axel, to see if there really is a chance for something between us. Seeing him standing at the door, his dark jeans hanging low on his hips, a tight black singlet stretched across his chest, makes me so damned wet I find myself squirming just looking at him.

  I know what I want to do. I lift the USB into the air, and his eyes widen.

  “You little...give me that, Meadow. Don’t fuckin’ start that bullshit with me. I refuse to chase you across the country again.”

  I can’t help the smile that creeps across my face. Axel’s eyes narrow with confusion, and I keep my eyes locked on his as I bite my lip, and move my hand around to my back, holding it tight. I see the moment when he catches on, because his eyes sparkle, and then his expression turns hungry. He begins walking toward me, and I walk backward, quickly.

  He lunges when he gets around behind the desk, but I quickly dodge him. With a smirk and a growl, he stalks toward me until my back is against the nearest wall. He presses his hard, large body against mine, and I quickly tuck the USB deep down into my panties, placing it right between my butt cheeks. Axel grips my shoulders, and runs his hands down over my shoulders and down my arms, until he reaches my ass.

  “You want it, biker? You gotta get it.”

  His eyes blaze, and he makes a throaty sound as his hand cups my ass cheeks, and he squeezes, lifting me off the ground before gyrating against me. I can feel the hard, firm denim rubbing against my pussy, and I whimper, pressing myself harder against the wall. Axel jerks my ass, and begins rotating me, moving his hips so the friction causes bolts of pleasure to shoot though my body.

  “God,” I whisper, dropping my head back.

  “You want to be searched for that, Cricket? I’ll fuckin’ search you.”

  He spins my body around quickly, and slams me against the wall, pressing my cheek to the cool wood. His body presses against my ass, and his cock rides between my ass cheeks. I can feel his solid body moving over me, and I want to push myself against him, but the idea of letting him have all this control is doing crazy things to my sex drive.

  “Hands above your head,” he directs, taking my hands and lifting them high above my head.

  “Now,” he rumbles against my ear. “Spread your legs.”

  Biting my lip, I slowly spread my legs. Axel starts with his hands up near mine, and slowly he moves them down over my arms, making my skin break out into tiny goosebumps. When he reaches my shoulders, he squeezes them, before moving his hands around to my breasts. He cups them, and gently massages them, pinching my nipples through my soft, flimsy bra.

  “Are you concealing anything in here?” he rasps into my ear.

  “No, sir,” I whisper.

  He moves his hands down my sides, stopping to sl
ide them over my stomach. He flattens his hand just over my belly button, and uses it to push me gently backwards, so he can take the opportunity to grind his cock against my ass once more. I let off a little squeak of pleasure, before he begins moving his hands down to my panties. He slides his fingers down my legs, until he reaches the hem of my dress. He lifts it up, and then proceeds to hooks his fingers through my panties.

  “What about in here?”

  “No...sir.” I breathe, closing my eyes.

  “You understand I have to check. It’s the law.”

  “Yes sir.”

  He slips his fingers inside my panties, and runs one right down my damp slit, skimming my clit as he ventures lower.

  “Spread your legs further,” he orders in a husky tone.

  I do as he asks, spreading them until they’re a solid meter apart. He slides his finger down to my entrance, and then slips a finger inside. I cry out, slapping my hand against the wall. He thrusts his finger, and I feel my eyes roll. God, it feels so damned good.

  “Are you gaining pleasure out of this?” he chastises.

  “No sir,” I croak.

  “So you won’t come if I continue this inspection?”

  “No sir.”

  “If you do, I’m going to spank you, and then I’m going to cuff you.”

  I whimper as he thrusts his fingers again. I can feel how wet I am, and I know his fingers will be coated in my arousal. I’m on the edge, biting my lip so hard, trying desperately to stop the warm feeling that’s rushing into my pussy. I need to come. Axel reaches his other hand around, and flicks my clit, and the flood gates open. I come all around him, whimpering his name and arching into him.

  “Bad girl,” he murmurs into my ear.

  He slides his fingers from my damp depths, and raises them up, pressing them against my lips.

  “Open,” he orders.

  I do as he asks, and he slips two fingers into my mouth. His fingers are big, and rough, and they taste like me. I suck on them, wrenching a ragged groan from his lips. He slips them from my lips, and I hear him shift about, then he takes my hands and lowers them, pulling them behind my back.

  “I don’t believe you’re not concealing something. We need to continue this search while you’re detained.”

  “I don’t have anything,” I protest.

  “We’ll see about that.”

  He takes me over to his desk, and he pushes my front down. My hands are cuffed behind my back. I feel his boots edge between my legs, and kick my feet apart, so I’m spread-eagled with my ass in the air. My heart picks up. The idea of playing a game like this with him excites me. I feel my throat constrict as I try to smother my moans of pleasure. I feel his hand run down my back, stopping at my ass. He cups it again, his fingers biting into my flesh.

  “What about in here?”

  Oh God.

  No one has ever gone there.

  “Answer me, girl,” he orders, his voice hard, rough, and sexy as hell.

  “, there’s nothing in there.”

  “You ever had someone touch you here?”

  I squirm, and he chuckles softly. “A sweet virgin ass. Do you know what I want to do to you now?”

  I shake my head, biting my lip. He leans down, putting his lips beside my ear. “I want to fuck you there. I want to slide my cock deep inside you until you scream my name.”

  I gasp, and turn my head, meeting his eyes.

  “You want that, Cricket? Do you want me to put my cock in your sweet ass?”

  “I do-do-don’t...”


  His hand comes down over my ass cheek, and I squeal loudly.

  “Answer me properly,” he breathes. “Do you want my cock in your ass?”

  I shake my head, confused. I don’t know if I want him there. I’ve never had anyone there before, and the idea of having him fuck me there, kind of scares me.

  “Is that a no?”

  “That’s a no...for now,” I whisper.

  He leans down again, and I can feel his warm breath against my ear. “You scared to say no to me, baby?”

  I shake my head quickly.

  “I think that’s a lie.”


  His hand slaps my bottom again. I mewl loudly, and push my ass back into his jeans. I feel his cock graze against me.

  “Do I scare you, Cricket?”

  “No, Axel,” I say in a small, meek voice.

  “Do you trust me?”


  He stiffens behind me, and the room falls silent for a moment. I don’t want to lie to him, because the truth is that I don’t entirely trust him. After the things he did to me, I can’t fully believe he won’t do more. If I let go, if I believe that this is all perfect and dandy after one session, then I am an idiot. Axel has problems that run far too deep for a few good sex sessions to cure.

  “Well,” he says, his voice barely above a whisper, “you will.”

  I make a mmm sound with my lips, and he’s silent a moment. I hear the sound of his belt buckle being undone, and then I hear his zipper. My body tightens in anticipation. I want him to fuck me like this. Restrained. A captive to him. He slowly removes my panties, and I hear the USB drop onto the floor. He doesn’t move for it, instead he takes hold of the cuffs and pulls them, jerking my body up and into his.

  “How do you want this? I’m thinkin’ hard, baby.”

  “Ohhh, yes,” I rasp, pushing my ass back into him.

  He pushes me back down onto the desk, and then I feel him behind me, his cock pressing against my damp entrance. He takes hold of my hands and pulls them, all while slowly sliding his cock deep inside me. I make a strangled, pleasured sound as he buries himself to the hilt. Then he sits there, not moving, just letting me feel the fullness that is overwhelming my body right now.

  “Do you like my dick rings, Cricket?” he growls.

  “Y-y-yes,” I moan. “Please, Axel, move...”

  He laughs, and it’s a deep, throaty sound. He slides his cock out of my eager depths, and then he plunges back in, quick and nasty. I cry out, throwing my head back and bucking against him. He drives into me like that three or four times, pulling out and plunging back in, then he slows, and begins lazily dragging his cock in and out. Then he stops.

  I hiss, and squirm. “Why are you stopping?”

  “You wanted both. I’m giving you both.”

  “Goddammit, Axel,” I grind out between clenched teeth. “Fuck me, hard, fast, deep...make me come.”

  “That’s more like it.”

  He pumps his hips, starting off with a slow, but firm rhythm, and then he picks up his pace until his balls are slapping against my ass, and the sounds coming from both of us sound more like animals in heat then two people fucking. He’s grunting, and every now and then, my name slides from his lips. I’m screaming, and moaning, and squirming. Pleasure is swirling in my core, ready to erupt.

  “Come on,” he moans, his voice tight. “Come on, Cricket...”

  It takes a few more thrusts, and I’m sent over that blissful edge. I scream his name as my body jerks with rush after rush of intense pleasure. Axel works me until I stop trembling, then he pulls out, repeating the same process as yesterday. He spins me around, lowering me, and then he thrusts his cock into my mouth.

  “Fuck, suck it,” he bellows. “Suck my dick.”

  God, hearing a man talk so dirty has my entire body warming for him again. I take all of him, swallowing him down, and relishing in the feeling of his cock swelling, before he spurts his release into my mouth. His groans fill the room, and I realize his fingers are tangled painfully in my hair as he uses my head to drive his thrusts. When he’s done, he slowly pulls out, and stares down at me, his eyes wild.

  “You look so fuckin’ perfect down there, on your knees, lookin’ up at me with those innocent-as-fuck eyes.”

  “I’m not innocent, Axel,” I mumble, not taking my eyes from his.

  “You are, Cricket. If you fucked m
e the way I need to be fucked, it’d break you.”

  I shake my head. “You don’t know what would break me. Not even I know that.”

  He shakes his head, and pulls his jeans up, before leaning down and taking my arms, pulling me up. He turns me around, and uncuffs me. While his chest is pressed against my back, I think about how our sex continues to end...without him coming inside me. He has to come with his cock in my mouth, and curiosity has me blurting out, “Why don’t you come in me, Axel?”

  He stops moving behind me, and he’s silent for a long moment.

  “Because, Cricket, that’s the kind of fucked up I am. I have never, nor will I ever, come inside a woman. I don’t trust them enough. I refuse to give them that part of me.”

  He thinks coming inside me is a weakness.

  My heart hurts just that much more for him.



  I stare down at her, sleeping, her brown hair fanning out against the pillow as she breathes softly. I lift my hand, and run my fingers through my hair, feeling like a weight is sitting heavily on my chest. I shouldn’t be doing this. I’m playing with fire. A girl like her, she doesn’t deserve scum like me. She deserves only the best, but I’m letting her get in, and that shouldn’t be happening.

  This isn’t how this is meant to go down.

  She’ll never understand what kind of shit runs through my head. She’ll never understand that the reason I don’t come in her sweet depths is because I can’t. Me showing that kind of weakness isn’t something I’ve ever wanted to let myself do. I’ve never wanted to give a woman a moment where she sees I’ve lost my control. The only way I can find release is in her mouth. Seeing her kneel before me, it gives me a feeling of dominance, like I’m not weak, like I’m not completely fucked up.

  I turn and walk from the room. I head back to my office, and slam the door behind me when I get in. I slump down in the chair, and stare at the desk. There’s paper everywhere, because I bent her over it, and fucked her...hard. Damned hard. She liked it. She’s got a dark side, and I don’t want to delve into it, because then I’ll let myself believe that maybe something can happen between us.


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