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Born to Ride

Page 59

by Kasey Millstead

  As his lips played, his hands roamed from my hips to up under my t-shirt to my magic nipples and ultra-sensitive breasts. He tugged my tee up further; my slutty arms raised on their own and he threw my t-shirt to the floor.

  Finally, he moved lower; I had been just about ready to strum my fingers on the bed while waiting for his mouth to be upon my breasts. Now I didn't have to. Only he wasn't there long enough and went to move on but I wasn’t ready for that yet, I pulled him by his hair and positioned his mouth back where I wanted it. He chuckled and bit down on my magic nipple, causing a moan to escape.

  “Quiet, kitten,” he growled.

  “Seriously?” How was that even possible with a lover like him? I glared down at him as he stared back with his teeth clamped around my nipple. He bit; I shoved my fist in my mouth, smothering my moan.

  Jesus, if he doesn't get a move on I'm going to combust.

  “Talon. Honey. If you don't get a move on, I'll come on my own.”

  He stopped his attention to my stomach and hips, and looked up smiling. “So eager.”

  “Well, when it’s been six years—”

  I didn't get to finish what I was going to rant about. He hissed, my shorts and underwear disappeared, and his mouth was feasting upon the most vital (right now, anyway) part of my body.

  The shock of the invasion caused me to cry out. It wasn't long before his lips and tongue brought me to a climax.

  “Fuck. You taste un-fuckin'-real.”

  Oh. My. God. I was mortified that I'd lasted seconds. I covered my eyes with my arm; I knew my face was burning bright red. Talon settled between my legs; his arms folded across my hips and I knew his head was rested on those arms, watching and waiting for me while my body and breath recovered, along with my dignity.

  “Kitten,” Talon said.

  Holy shit. Did my stomach just wobble when he spoke? That was beyond mortification. I wanted to die. He was so used to perfection, and yet, here he had a woman who hadn't had sex in...forever and only took a second to climax, while he stared on at my cellulite.

  I felt the bed shift. Talon climbed up my body and lay next to me; I felt his arousal at my hip. He tugged my arm.

  “No,” I stated. “You, ah, better go to the couch now.” Wait. That was kind of rude of me. No one had gone down there before, so shouldn't I be showing my appreciation? Maybe if I did I wouldn't be so embarrassed; he could have something wrong with him. Then we'd be even.

  I was going to have to do this fast so he didn't see my wobbly bits doing their own jig.

  I pounced; my arm flew out, knocking him in the head. He swore; I mumbled a sorry as I spread his legs with my hands while he was in a daze. Before he got a good look at me moving, I rested between his legs with the sheet over me. I grabbed the waist of his boxers and pulled down; his erection sprang free.

  Talon's hands lay over mine, stopping me. That was okay, because I was still in shock from seeing a cock. Gulp, so freaking big. Or was it just the average size? From the experience I'd had in the past, I wasn't sure. But there could be a possibility that if Talon and I had a chance to do the 'dirty', he would be impaling me on his hard pole.

  “I like the way you’re looking at me, kitten. And I love the fact that you just licked your lips. But why the fuck did you just pull a speed marathon to get down there? I didn't eat you to just have you return the favor.”

  “Um,” I said to his perfect pecker. Damn him. Why did he look so fucking good? The prick. “It's not about returning the favor. I want to do this.” His cock twitched with...glee? I realized then that it was true. I wanted to please him, and that thought also pleasured me.

  Before he could say anymore, I went deep. My whole mouth covered all of him, making my eyes water. Huge. I pulled up slowly and flicked my tongue side-to-side along the way.

  “Fuck,” Talon hissed, arched, and fisted the sheets.

  I loved seeing that reaction from him. That it was me causing him to do that. I swirled my tongue at the tip and gently bit. Talon growled. I smiled and went down once again, taking my sweet time.

  “Kitten,” he warned. He wanted faster; I wanted to go slower and memorize the way his body moved, the way his eyes closed when I reach the base of his cock, and started back up once again.

  He fisted my hair tightly, I moaned. Our eyes met; desire pooled in both. With the pressure of his hand in my hair, Talon took control; his cock slid in and out of my mouth perfectly. I clenched my legs together; what I wanted was to let my fingers do their job and finish me off once again. My body was craving to be pumped like my mouth was. It was such a friggin' turn on. Something I had never felt before and wanted to feel for the rest of my life.

  “Hell, kitten.” Talon closed his eyes and moaned. He was close; I could taste it.

  He let go of my hair. I kept the pace going on my own, enjoying the rush of seeing him spread out and exposed.

  “Fuck, I'm gonna come, babe,” he groaned.

  His first shot reached the back of my throat; I drank it down with the rest. Even after there was no more, I tightened my grip at the base and pulled up, squeezing the last drop out before licking it off.

  I was about to wrap the sheet around me, but before I could, hands came under my arms, and I was pulled up to lay across Talon's naked body. My legs went around his waist, my arms to each side of him; I looked down, my hair spilling around my shoulders. I was shocked and happy to see that my own naked body wasn't making it hard for him to breathe.

  He grinned up at me. “No one has ever sucked me that hard, or taken it to the very last drop. That was fuckin' heaven, kitten.”

  A blush filled my cheeks; I looked away. Now I blush, what the hell?

  He laughed. “No need to go shy on me now, babe.” He pulled me down and kissed me stupid. His expert mouth moved to my ear and he whisper-growled, “Don't ever fuckin' hide your body from me again. I love every inch; and eventually, I will have tasted every inch, going back for more and more until I die.”

  Oh. My. Fucking. God. Words like that were going to make it hard for me to not fall for this biker.

  “Let's get some sleep before I have to fuckin' move.” He rolled me to his side and tucked me close. One of his arms went around my shoulders as I rested my head on his chest. His other hand took one of mine and placed them on his stomach. I entwined one leg through his.

  Again, he had me feeling safe, warm, and protected, even cared for. I wanted to cry.

  Waking up feeling well rested was something out of the ordinary for me. I stretched, as moments of last night played on repeat in my mind. I smiled and reached out to the side Talon occupied last night. He wasn't there. I giggled; he had moved after all. I had been so sedated I didn't feel him leave.

  My bedroom door opened; I pulled the sheet around me tightly as Maya skipped into the bedroom and onto the bed.

  “Morning, sweetheart,” I said as she plopped down next to me.

  “Mornin', momma. I had a dream last night. Wanna know what it was about?”

  “Sure.” I rolled to my side and faced her as she looked up to the ceiling.

  “Toby, from school, was being mean to Becka, so I kicked him in the balls.”

  I closed my eyes, only to open them when the room filled with deep laughter. Talon was standing in the doorway.

  “That's good, kid. Even in your dreams you gotta protect the ones you care for.”

  I rolled my eyes; still, I couldn't help but smile at Talon. “But you have to remember that kicking a boy there can really hurt them.”

  “I know, momma. So I'll only do it when they really annoy me.”

  Talon chuckled again. “Come on, kiddo. I'll make you breakfast; let ya ma get up and ready.”

  She grinned and bounced down to the end of the bed, then stopped. She looked from Talon to me. “Momma?”

  “Yes, baby?”

  “Talon's your boyfriend now, right?”

  I froze. This I wasn't expecting so early in the freaking morning. What could I s
ay though, after what happened last night? I looked up to Talon; he stared back with a...worried expression? “Yes, Maya. He is my boyfriend.”

  “More than that, kitten.” He smirked and turned to Maya to say, “I'm her man, baby girl.”

  “Cool.” She beamed, and then her face was puzzled. “Then how come Talon was sleeping on the couch when I came out this mornin'? Shouldn't he be in here with you?”

  Talon chuckled. I blanched.

  “From now on, Maya. That's where I'll be,” Talon said.

  She shrugged and said, “Okay.” Then bolted out of the room with Talon chuckling and following behind her.

  I flopped to my back, placed the pillow Talon had used over my face, and screamed. How was it possible that children were so carefree when it comes to life changing situations? Ones that would freak any adult out? Just like it had to me when anything came to Talon and myself.

  I was prepared to lay there for quite some time and debate on what to do next. Should I panic some more over the fact that my daughter wasn't phased by the fact that I would now be having a man sleep in my bed? A bed that she jumped into nearly every morning to wake my zombie form up from? Or should I leave things as they were, and not bother freaking out about anything that just occurred?

  All thoughts soon left me, because Talon's scent from the pillow distracted me, sending image after image of last night into my mind.

  It was time for me to get up and have a cold shower.

  I walked into the kitchen wearing a long, striped, black and grey skirt with a black tee that read 'Get Low and Go’. My hair was still wet from the shower, so I left it down. No doubt, by mid-morning I would have to put it up because it would turn out to be one big frizz bomb, because I ran out of my hair product that kept the curl at bay.

  I snorted. Let's see how Talon handled that look; he could still run a mile.

  Rounding the corner, I stopped dead. Maya was sitting at the table in her school uniform. Yeah, that was fine. Mattie and Julian were leaning against each other as well, on the bench. Yeah, that was fine too. What had me going o-kay and made my eyes pop from my head was Talon, my badass biker man, standing behind Maya and doing her hair in a ponytail...with a flipping ribbon to boot.

  Talon's hard eyes turned to me. “Do not say a...freakin' word,” he growled.

  My heart swelled. I wanted to run to him and maul him like a wild woman. Not only was he caring for me by caring for my daughter, but he was doing it in front of witnesses. To top it off, he actually listened to me and chose not to swear in front of Maya.

  Shit. Tears were forming in my eyes.

  Talon's eyes stayed on me as I saw them turn sweet. He knew it meant something to me, and just in case he didn't, I walked over to him and gently kissed him. My lips met him, and when I went to pull away, he pinned me back with his hand around my waist and deepened the kiss.

  “Aw, yuck.” Maya moaned.

  I smiled against Talon's mouth. He chuckled. I stepped out of his reach and went to the coffee machine on the counter. Though I didn't miss the gentle shove Talon gave Maya, or the wide happy smile that was upon her lips.

  If this was how it was going to be, I could handle that.

  “Mornin', guys,” I said to the two grinning fools. I hipped Mattie out of my way from reaching my morning coffee. “Get outta my way. If I don't have my fix in the next twenty seconds, all heck will break loose, and it's way worse than me PMS-ing.” I took a sip and turned to Talon. “Let that be a warning to you.”

  “Got that, kitten.” He smirked.

  A knock sounded on the front door.

  “Open up duck heads, I ne-e-ed a good coffee,” Deanna yelled. Mattie moved off to the front door.

  “Momma, can I go play before school?”

  “Have you had breakfast?”

  “Yeah, Talon got it for me.”

  Wipe the tears off my heart.


  She rolled her eyes. “Yes, Momma; Talon already told me to.”

  Forget wiping tears; let the flood begin.

  “And I can see Talon has already done your hair. So yes, baby; you can go play. We'll leave in ten.”

  “Okay.” She got up from the table and ran out of the room, calling a quick hello to Deanna on the way past her.

  “Coffee, bitch, quick,” Deanna ordered.

  I got a cup ready and handed it to her as she sat down at the table. Talon walked over to me and placed me in front of him, his arms twinning around my waist. I sighed and relaxed into him; he grunted his approval of me not fighting him on the close comfort he was offering after taking care of my young. And melting my heart into a big puddle of goo. The hairy ball sac. Though, I couldn’t help the smile creeping onto my lips.

  “Yo, boss man,” Deanna started after her first sip. “You gotta get better fuckin' coffee at the compound. It nearly choked the hell outta me.” She shuddered from the memory.

  “You got work today?” I asked Deanna.

  “Yeah.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Who in their right mind hired someone with such a colourful vocabulary?” Julian asked. Mattie nodded in agreement as he leaned back in his seat and placed an arm around Julian’s chair.

  I giggled. “The library.”

  Talon chuckled behind me. “You have got to be shittin’ me.”

  Deanna flipped him the middle finger and then swung it to Julian.

  “Oh, don’t give me that, caramel cake. I think it’s a great job for you. All that silence.” He snickered. “No wonder you swear like a trooper when you’ve been cooped up all day.”

  I cleared my throat. “Actually, she only works a thirteen hour week.”

  Julian raised his eyebrows and turned to Deanna. “I guess all the colourfulness just comes naturally.”

  Deanna snorted. “That’s right, sugarplum. Anyway, now that I’ve had me fuckin’ fill of all your shit, people, I better be off.” She rose from the table, bringing her mug to the sink.

  “Who’s on you today?” Talon asked.

  Huh? What does he mean?

  Deanna sighed loudly. “I don’t need no ass-wipe babysitter.”

  Well that explained that.

  Talon’s phone rang; he answered with a gruff, “What? Yep, she is. That right. Ok.” He flipped the phone closed and placed it back in his pocket. “Don’t fuckin’ move a muscle,” he growled.

  I moved out of his arms and faced him with a glare. “Don’t you talk to me like that; and I’m not moving, a-a-and keep down the tone. Maya’s still in the house.”

  He smirked. “I wasn’t talkin’ to you, kitten.” He nodded over my shoulder. I turned to see Deanna near the doorway looking out into the lounge with a tense body.

  “Deanna?” I asked.

  Julian squealed. “Whoo-boy, something’s going to go down. I so frigging love this place. It’s like having your own private movie. Wait, I need a snack while watching this.”

  “You just had breakfast,” Mattie said, shaking his head.

  “Come on—”

  “Guys,” I interrupted, and then spun back to Talon. “What’s wrong?”

  “That was Griz on the phone; he asked Hell Mouth to wait while he had a quick shower. He got out and she’d disappeared.”

  Deanna turned back around, hands on her hips, and a scowl on her face. “Oh, come the fuck on. I needed a coffee.”

  “You could have waited.” Talon glared back at her. “Have some fuckin’ respect, woman. Griz had a shit night; he doesn’t wanna deal with your crap all day, but he is.”

  “Whatever.” She shook her head and looked at me. “This is what you call friendship; now I have to put up with a body-fuckin’-guard all day and night.”

  I gasped. She was right; I was a terrible friend. All my past poo now affected her life in more ways than she could handle. I know Deanna; she’d hate being crowded all the time.

  “Don’t start all your wah, wah crap.” She rolled her eyes and walked over to me; our gazes met. “You know I
wouldn’t have it any other way. I love ya guts.”

  I nodded. She smiled, and the front door banged open.

  “Get your ass out here, woman, or you’ll be late for work,” Griz snarled.

  “I’m coming,” Deanna yelled back. She sighed, hugged me, and made her way out. “See you losers later.”

  Chapter Ten

  Talon and I walked Maya to school. We walked Maya—my daughter—to school. As in together. Both of us walking with Maya, to school. Like a real-life couple. It felt amazing. He held my hand; Maya held his other hand, and as we walked, we talked. More like Maya talked to Talon, and I walked along while trying not to bawl my eyes out, trip, or sing, “The hills are alive with the sound of music.”

  Once we got back to my place, he announced, “Kitten, I gotta take off for a while. Blue’s coming over, but I’ll be back later before you hav’ta get Maya from school. I’m gonna bring some of m’shit with me to keep here; saves me traveling home every day.”

  I gulped. This was serious stuff; still, I couldn’t stop from saying, “Talon you live right next door; it’s not that hard.”

  He laughed. “Babe, I don’t live there. I sometimes crash there when I’ve had too much. I live out on some land in Buninyong.” He kissed me before I had a chance to have a thought.

  I went to my tippy toes and tightly wrapped my arms around his neck. He growled deep, sending a shiver to my fandola. I loved it when he did that. Our tongues did the tango with an expertise of practiced partners.

  “Ah, don’t mind us.”

  I moved my head back enough to look over Talon’s shoulder, and while panting, I saw Julian and Mattie standing in the kitchen doorway. I wanted to hiss and yell at them to flock off. But I was also grateful they turned up, or I’d be turning myself inside out to claw my way into Talon’s pants.

  “Fuck it. One day, kitten. One day, I’ll have you, and then you won’t be glad to be interrupted.”

  I looked into his amused crinkled eyes. “Well, I wasn’t totally happy about it.”

  “I agree,” Julian said. “She was giving us laser eyes.”

  “That’s good to know.” He smiled down at me, kissed my forehead, and moved off to the front door. “I’ll pick up some takeout for dinner after I get Cody from his mother,” he said over his shoulder.


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