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Showdown (Gridiron Book 2)

Page 10

by Lea Hart

  “You’re the most rational person I know, and you think everything through completely before making a decision. That doesn’t make you crazy.”

  “I’m not real normal, and neither are you or Ana or even Alex as much as he’d like to believe. Since we hang out with each other all the time, we think we are, but we’re not.”

  “Clark thinks you’re normal.”

  “He said he fell for me when I banged my head on the table when we first met. I’m not taking that as a real good sign, considering what he does for a living, but he accepts me the way I am. And, as far as I’m concerned, that’s everything.”

  Taking a sip of her drink, she considered what Ella had said. “I think that’s all we can hope for. Someone who sees us and takes us on just as we are.”

  She heard a bellowing voice and knew the man who wanted to take her on was home. Somehow, the sound didn’t bother her as much as she thought it would. Standing, she walked to the door and yelled back. “We’re on the patio. Get yourself a drink and join us.” Turning back to Ella, she smiled. “So, what happens when you get a job with the World Bank and start traveling?”

  “Clark says that he only has a few more years before he retires. His body takes a beating at every game, and he wants to be able to walk at the end of his career. So, I’ll stay here until he retires, and then he said he’d come with me wherever I needed to go.”

  “Well, that’s as good a plan as any.”

  Chase walked out with Clark to the patio with a drink in his hand and smiled. “Hey, ladies.”

  “There’s my woman,” Clark called out as he walked over to Ella. He set his drink down, tipped her over his arm and gave her a kiss that was worthy of a movie scene.

  Glancing over at Chase, she knew he had her in his sights, and there wasn’t a thing that was going to stop him. Sure enough, he leaned over and kissed her for real. “Chase Bedford, you behave. We have company.”

  “Honey, they’re smooching, and don’t care what we’re doing.” He snuck in one more kiss and then let her go. “Should I order some dinner for everyone?”

  Standing, she took his hand and pulled him toward the doors. “Let’s see what Gerald has left in the freezer. I usually have enough food to survive a month.” Glancing over her shoulder, she noticed that Ella and Clark were canoodling and not paying them any attention.

  “Good for her,” Ronnie mumbled as she walked into the house and felt Chase’s hands on her hips. The man reminded her of tape, and she figured getting him to let her go was going to be close to impossible.

  Standing in front of the freezer, Ronnie started pulling out tubs of frozen food. “I’m going to reheat the etoufee and can make rice. There’s bread in here, so the only thing missing is salad. Can you run to the market for me?”

  “Of course, just make me a list and tell me where it is.”

  Trevor walked in and had his phone in his hand. “You’re all set. The new system is in place, and the cameras are up and functional. Since Chase is home, I’m going to head out because I promised Katie dinner, and she’s just about done with work.”

  “Do you want to invite her over? I’m making dinner, and there will be plenty for everyone.”

  “Let me call her and see if she wants to drive over,” Trevor replied as he walked out of the kitchen.

  Chase wrapped his arm around Ronnie’s waist and kissed her neck. “Make me a list, and I’ll head out.”

  Turning in his arms, she studied him. “Your hands are all over me; what’s going on with you?”

  “I’ve been gone all afternoon, and I missed you.” Running his finger down her cheek, he frowned. “Does it bother you?”

  “I don’t think so, but I’m not used to it.” Placing her hand against his chest, she decided she actually liked it. “You just keep doing it.”

  “Oh, I plan on it, and when this house empties out later on, I’m going to show you exactly how much I missed you.”

  “I look forward to it.” Pulling his head down, she gave him a kiss of her own, knowing resisting him for much longer was impossible.


  “Chase, honey, what are you doing with your hands on me so early in the morning?”

  “I’m saying good morning.” Gliding his fingers inside her folds, he ran them around until her hips answered his movements and then he tucked two fingers inside. “That’s it, honey, let go,” he whispered as he pressed his thumb against her bud. He felt her tighten around his fingers as she peaked in orgasm. “Like I said, honey, good morning.”

  Rolling her over, he used his knees to spread her legs and pressed his body on top of hers and slid inside. Her dripping heat welcomed him, and he groaned against the pleasure. “You feel perfect, and I want to make you happy every day.”

  He watched her eyes close and brushed her hair away from her face, seeing a smile form as he rotated his hips. “You’re so beautiful, my love.” Feeling her body grip his, he started to move and thrust slowly, until they were one.

  Which is what he wanted above all else.

  Bending down, he brushed his lips across hers and then cupped her butt to lift her closer as he drove in deeper. “Open your eyes and look at me while I make you fall apart.” He slid slowly out, then thrust himself in, doing exactly what he promised…again and again. His name fell from her lips in a cry of pleasure, and she exploded.

  “More,” she said breathlessly as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

  “I’d love nothing more,” he groaned. Her orgasm gripped him, sending him over the edge as he gave one more sharp thrust. His heart exploded against his chest as he called her name and poured himself inside of her. Not able to stop, he continued to move in and out as pleasure buzzed over his nerves.

  Slowly lowering himself against her, he kissed her neck and shoulders as he brought them both down from one of the best rides of his life. Happiness filled his heart because this was beyond sex, and it always would be with her.

  “I guess it is going to be a good morning,” she said quietly. “Sweetie, you need to shift a little because I can’t really breathe.”

  Rolling off, he pulled her into his arms. “You just used an endearment with me.” He snaked his leg over hers and buried his face in her neck and kissed her. “You like me, Ronnie, and now you can’t deny it.”

  “I’m not going to deny anything. You keep doing what you just did and like is going to move to something else entirely.” Tracing her fingers along his face, she kissed him gently. “I don’t want to kill you anymore because I’m enjoying your company too much to get rid of you.”

  “Is that all I am to you…a sexual slave?” He moved his hand along her back and rested it on her nice plump behind. “I feel cheap.”

  “We’ve been together since last week, and have been getting along, so quit trying to start a fight. Especially after what just happened. I don’t know about you, but that was amazing and possibly life-altering. Though, I’ll have to do it a lot more to be sure.”

  Tilting his hips into her, he laughed. “Oh, honey, fighting is the last thing on my mind, and you are definitely right about it being life-altering. We should do it again in about five minutes after I grab a full breath.”

  Looking down, she let out a laugh. “You need to feed me breakfast first.”

  “So demanding,” he replied before digging his hands into her side and making her laughter fill the room.

  “That’s not fair.”

  “Who said life was fair?” He gave her one more good tickle and then hugged her tight. “What are your plans for the day?”

  “I’m going home for a while, so I have to pack.”

  Untangling his arms, he sucked in a deep breath. “What did you say?”

  “I spoke with Mama yesterday, and she suggested I come for a long visit until Joel and Trevor figure how serious the woman is about harming me.”

  “Were you going to tell me before you got on a plane or was I just going to come home and find you gone?”
/>   “I’m telling you now, and I would’ve left you a note.”

  Sitting up, he rolled his shoulders. “Nice touch.”

  “Chase. I was just kidding.”

  “Not funny, Ronnie.” He slipped out of bed and walked toward the bathroom, knowing he needed to get himself under control before he said another word.

  She was treating him like a plaything, not a boyfriend, and that need to change right away.

  “Does this mean that you’re not making me breakfast?”

  Slamming the bathroom door, he decided that was answer enough.


  Sitting at the kitchen table, Ronnie waited for Chase to come down and explain himself. She drank her coffee and noticed the perfect weather and wondered why they were mad at one another. His big footsteps echoed in the hall, and she knew they were moments away from a confrontation.

  Entering the kitchen, he filled a mug with coffee and stared at her without an ounce of warmth. His hair was still wet from the shower, and he had a dab of shaving cream on his neck. Standing, she walked over and wiped away the shaving cream and smiled up at him. “Why are you so mad?”

  “Do you think we have a chance at a relationship or are you toying with me?” Setting down his cup, he wrapped her in his arms and laid his head on top of hers. “This is real to me, and I want to know if it is to you.”

  “Chase, I’m having some big feelings for you, and am not sure what to do with them. We’ve only just begun spending time with one another, so I don’t know what to think. You live five hours away. How’s that going to work out if we begin dating seriously? The last time you left, you said you were going to call, and you didn’t. So, as far as I’m concerned, this is a wait and see situation.”

  “What would happen if I didn’t live far away, say in the same city? Would that make you take me seriously?”

  Releasing him, she stepped back and looked up. “What are you talking about?” He took her hand, led her to the table, and pulled her into his lap as he sat. “Chase, are you going to move down here?”

  “My agent has two offers for me to consider, and one of them is here in Miami. The other one is in San Francisco.” Tracing her fingers, he let out a huff. “I’m leaning toward the offer in Miami, for obvious reasons. But I need to know if you think we have a chance before I make a decision.”

  “Which one is a better opportunity?” Shaking her head, she slipped her hand out of his and started playing with her rings. “What if we don’t work out? What if you get tired of me and then you have a job that you don’t like? It’s a lot of pressure, Chase.”

  “I just want to know if you’re interested in a relationship with me. I don’t need a guarantee, but I’d like to know if you’re going to give us a shot.”


  Dipping his head, he stared into her eyes. “Think about it and let me know what you think when you get back from visiting your family. No pressure, honey.”

  “I’ll think about what you’ve said.” Patting his chest, she felt his heartbeat and knew this needed careful consideration. “I think this could be the real thing, so I don’t want to make a rash decision.” Lifting her head, she studied him for a moment then ran her hand over his face. She knew that his face was already in her heart, and just needed to get the courage up to deal with what already was. Facing a den of lions was a lot easier than facing her feelings, and she wasn’t fool enough to think otherwise. “You’d really move down here so that we could have a chance?”

  Tipping his head forward, he kissed her gently. “I’m serious about this, and I’d move anywhere to be with you.”

  A single tear slipped down her face, and she nodded.

  “That was supposed to make you happy.”

  “I am; can’t you tell?”

  “The tears kind of confused me.”

  Taking his face in her hands, she pressed her mouth against his and tried to convey what was deep in her heart.

  “Those are the feelings that I need you to have more of, and if I do anything that gives them to you, then I’d appreciate a heads up.” Gently moving his hand over her face, he kissed her nose. “Do you want me to fly you home?”

  “No, I have a reservation for this afternoon, and my sister TT is picking me up from the airport.”

  “How did she get the nickname TT?”

  My sister Vivi couldn’t say Valentina, so she called her TT. Somehow, it stuck, and that’s all she’s ever been called. Before meeting her, people assume she’s a man. With a name like TT DuMond, they’re surprised when my short firecracker of a sister shows up.”

  “I think firecracker runs in your family. What is Vivi like?”

  “Vivi is the sweetest out of all us girls. Her strength is quiet, and when people underestimate her, they realize their mistake. She’s just come back from a year with Doctors without Borders and is setting up a clinic back home.”

  “They must put something powerful in the water in Louisiana to turn out the five of you. What do your brothers do for a living?”

  “They have a capital investment firm in New Orleans. They’re both married, and between them, they have seven kids. It makes Mama happy and relieves the pressure for me and my sisters.”

  “Too bad you all are such underachievers. Your parents must be devastated.”

  Slipping out of his lap, she stood and kissed his head. “Funny is not your forte, Mr. Bedford. I think we should leave the jokes up to me.” She walked to the fridge and started pulling out things to make breakfast.

  “I’m funny; you just don’t appreciate my humor.”

  “There are enough things that I appreciate about you that we don’t have to worry whether I find you funny or not.” Blowing him a kiss, she returned her attention to making him breakfast. “You better call me this time, Chase.”

  “I will call you every day, honey.”

  “I’m counting on it.”


  Chase stood at the front door of the DuMond home and wondered what kind of reception he was going to get. Ronnie hadn’t answered her phone in four days, so he did what any normal person would do and found out where her parents lived and flew himself down.

  There was no way she was going to ignore him after the last week they’d spent together, and he was ending it right now. Pushing the doorbell, he heard the loud sound echo through the house and heard footsteps. He braced himself for what was about to happen and prayed the reunion would be civil.

  The large door swung open, and he was greeted with a rounder, shorter version of Ronnie, and knew it had to be one of her sisters, probably TT, based on the college sweatshirt she wore. “Hello, I’m Chase Bedford, and I’m here to see Ronnie.”

  “Oh, my God, you do exist. Come on in.” Turning toward the stairs, she called out loudly, “Mama, that northerner who made Ronnie cry is here. Come on down and don’t forget your gun.” Placing her hands on her hips, she studied him “I was on my way out, but I may stay so I can see the show. ‘Cause this promises to be a good one.”

  Seemed colorful and loud ran through this family like a river and he was comforted to know it was just their way. Glancing up, he watched an attractive woman walk down the stairs and knew immediately where Ronnie inherited her looks from. She was preceded by two large golden retrievers who came down quickly and skidded to a stop in front of him. He put his hand out and patted both of their heads and hoped these two were not going to be the only friendly faces he saw today.

  Straightening up, he waited until Ronnie’s mom stood in front of him and then extended his hand in greeting. “It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. DuMond. I’m Chase, and I’ve come looking for Ronnie.”

  “You, sir, either have a death wish or are in love with my daughter. Unfortunately, it’s sometimes difficult to tell the difference, so come into the kitchen and let me figure out which one it is.” Tapping her leg for her dogs’ attention, she walked toward the back of the house. “I won’t need my gun because Ronnie’s daddy is going to be home
soon, so I can let him take care of you if I find something that I don’t like.”

  Following her into a big kitchen, he nodded to a woman standing at the stove stirring a big pot. He gave her a smile and then glanced around and could immediately tell that this was the center of the house.

  The two goldens plopped on their pillows in front of the fireplace, and Mrs. DuMond opened the fridge and pulled out a big pitcher of tea. She motioned to the table and told him to have a seat. Not wanting to do anything to upset her, he did as he was told and held his tongue, though it was taking all of his self-restraint not to ask where Ronnie was.

  Sitting across from him, she poured him a glass of tea and then studied him with a gimlet eye that made him wonder if she had a part-time job interrogating people. “Thank you for giving me the opportunity to say my piece.”

  TT bounced into the room and kissed the woman at the stove, then stood next to her mother. “Hope I didn’t miss anything good.”

  “TT, you have class, and better get back to school. I’ll make sure to give you all of the gory details later on.”

  “Mooooom, I can skip one class. I can’t miss out on getting to know the man who made Ronnie cry. She’s never done it before, so it has to be good.”

  “Behave and go back to school.”

  “All right.” Giving Chase a sympathetic look, she got up. “It was nice meeting you. If I don’t see you again, then have a nice life.” Giving him a good once over, she patted his shoulder. “My sister was right. You are good-looking for an old football player.”

  “TT DuMond, go to class.”

  Kissing her mama’s cheek, she turned to leave. “Love you.”

  “I love you, too.” She studied Chase for a moment longer and then finally released him from her gaze. “My youngest child is my most challenging. I suppose it’s because the other four taught her every trick in the book, and she’s learned to put them all to good use. Lord save us if she doesn’t graduate this spring because I don’t think Tulane will have her back for another semester.”


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