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Nothing But a Dare

Page 18

by Molly O'Hare

  He reached for the computer pulling open his email. He quickly opened a new message and addressed it to his old boss asking if they could meet or at least talk for a few minutes.

  Hunter left on really good terms. It helped his old boss was a hopeless romantic and he pretty much pushed Hunter into going after his girl. He also promised him if he ever needed anything to give him a call.

  And that was exactly what Hunter was going to do. He was going to ask advice on how to go about starting their own advertising firm.

  Hunter looked back up at the stairs once again.

  If Abbie was serious about this. He was one-hundred percent going to be behind her and help her succeed in every way possible.

  He knew this was the thing to prove to Abbie what she really meant to him.

  Abbie yawned as she finally woke up. Dang, she hadn’t slept this soundly in forever.

  She reached for the spot by her neck and came up empty. Her brows pulled together.

  No Rupert.

  Figuring he must have jumped down she stretched feeling her body ache.

  That’s right. A smile spread across her face.

  Hunter James was in her bed.

  Hunter freaking James. She never thought she’d say those words. However, as she reached for him, her hand hit a pile of clothes instead. What the heck?

  Abbie pushed herself into the seated position and surveyed her room. Ugh, it was a disaster.

  Deciding it was best to ignore it. After all, she was now a master at ignoring such things. She grabbed her robe before walking out of the room in a search for Hunter.

  Not that she enjoyed waking up next to him or anything, but she… okay, she was lying, she did enjoy it. Somewhere along the line her heart won out.

  At least for now.

  As she got to the top of the stairs she heard a grunt followed by, “I told you no claws, you rat.”

  A broad smile appeared on Abbie’s face.

  Man, how her life had changed so drastically and so fast.

  Plus, she was kind of glad Hunter was down there. With a hop in her step she hurried down the stairs.

  When Hunter appeared in her line of sight her breath caught. He had Rupert on his lap and was petting him.

  “I said no claws, dude. How many times do I have to tell you? That’s my dick.”

  “He likes to make people suffer. It’s Rupert’s own brand of pleasure,” Abbie announced.

  Hunter snapped his head around to her. The moment Hunter’s eyes locked with hers she saw a huge grin form on his face.

  “Hey, baby. Did you get in a good nap? If not, march right back up there ‘cause I plan on fucking your brains out the rest of the night.”

  Abbie rolled her eyes as her smile widened. “Do you really have to say shit like that?”

  “Like what, that I want to fuck you all night? Yeah, how else are you gonna know.”

  “Trust me, I know.” Abbie shook her head as a wicked smile appeared on Hunter’s face. “Good. As long as you understand me.”

  Abbie walked down the remaining stairs before trotting over to him. And for the first time since Hunter walked back into her life, Abbie leaned down and kissed him on her own.


  “Wow, what?”

  “I think that’s the first time you kissed me without threatening to punch me first.” He smirked.

  “Don’t get used to it.” Abbie sat down next to him. “What woke you up?”

  “My stomach.” He held up the bag of pretzels. “This is all you have.”

  “I needed to go shopping the day Bill sprung the trip on us.” She shrugged. “I’m surprised I have anything.”

  “All you have is tea, water, and these.” He plopped a pretzel into his mouth.

  “The essentials,” she laughed


  They sat in silence munching on pretzels for a few minutes until Abbie spoke up. “So, this is really happening right?”

  “What?” Hunter looked at her with his head cocked.

  “Us.” She motioned between them. “This weird thing that is whatever we are.”

  He leaned over kissing the top of her forehead. “Yeah.” He then pulled back and cocked his brow at her. “Actually, I guess that depends.”

  “On what?”

  “On if you plan on treating me like your plants?”

  The smirk on his face made her want to punch him. “I love my plants.”

  “To death.”

  “Shut your face, asshole. Clark is still alive, isn’t he?”

  Hunter pointed to the plant on the coffee table. “Only ‘cause your mom took care of it while we were away.”

  “Shut it.” She picked up her plant before moving it to the other side of Hunter so he couldn’t look at it.

  Out of sight out of mind.

  However, when Abbie turned back, Hunter was staring at her. “I’m in this for the long haul, Abbie.” He said making her heart do that stupid flip again. It was nice to hear him say it. Although, in her mind she still couldn’t quite comprehend it but she liked it and the more she heard it the more she wanted it to be true.

  “You keep saying that.”

  “It’s ‘cause I mean it. I meant everything I’ve said, Abs.”

  And for the first time since Hunter started using her nickname again, it didn’t hurt.

  She wanted to believe him. She really did, and she promised herself she was going to try.

  Hunter chuckled as he nudged her shoulder. “Come on, babe. Let’s go to bed.” He picked up Rupert from his lap and tucked him under his arm causing Abbie’s heart to melt.

  “We have an early day ahead of us tomorrow.

  “Why do I feel like you’re up to something?”

  “You’re constantly suspicious.”

  “How can I not be around you?”

  Hunter held his hand over his heart. “That hurts.”

  “I call them as I see them.” Abbie shrugged before sending him a wicked smile.

  “I’ll remember this.” Hunter narrowed his eyes directly at her.

  “So will I.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Abbie took a deep breath as she held her bag tightly to her side while her and Hunter rode the elevator to the office.

  Inside her purse, she had her two-weeks notice letter.

  She swallowed hard. Abbie hadn’t told Hunter anything about it, but she had a good reason. He might talk her out of it, and she didn’t need that. This is what she wanted.

  “Are you sure you want to talk to Bill first?” Hunter scoffed as he crossed his arms over his chest. “I have a thing or two to say to him as well.”

  “And, you can. Once I talk to him.” Abbie took another deep breath desperately trying to calm herself. You know, tell your boss he can fuck off for the stunt he pulled and then turn in your notice. Sounds like a fantastic conversation you’re about to have there, Abs.

  She broke out in a sweat. Did I put on enough deodorant? Without Hunter noticing she did a quick sniff check. I think I’m good. I mean, it’s not like it’s going to matter if I’m known as the stinky one, ‘cause in two weeks, I’m gone.

  Abbie swallowed. Why hadn’t she talked to Hunter about this? No, none of that thinking here. You are a strong independent woman.

  This was the right choice for her and once Bill knew what she wanted, she’d sit down and talk to Hunter.

  Abbie had to do this on her own.

  “I thought I was going to hold him down when you let him have it?” Hunter huffed with a grunt.

  It was kind of cute after all. Hunter being all big and bad on her behalf, and truth be told she still wanted to punch Bill right in the mouth. His stunt was the last straw for her sealing the deal on her decision. “I’m sure it will still come to that.” Abbie shook her head as her nerves started to get the better of her. Right now, this was the scariest thing she’d ever imagined.

  Abbie was putting in her notice to start her own advertising firm.

>   What if she failed? What if she told Hunter and he laughed right in her face? What if this was the beginning of the end for her career?

  Another annoyed huff came from Hunter as he leaned against the elevator wall. “I still think you should let me speak to him first.”

  Abbie’s heart did that stupid flip as she looked at Hunter who was pouting. He really did want to tear Bill in two. A sweet smile appeared on her face. “Later, killer.”

  “Fine,” reluctantly Hunter agreed. “But I want it noted, I don’t like it.”

  “If it makes you feel any better. I don’t either. When I graduated Bill took a chance on me. He somehow saw my potential and let me work my way up from an intern. The stunt he pulled was absolute horseshit and I want to know why. He and I need to have a heart-to-heart.”

  Hunter’s brows quirked. “Not with your fists, right?”

  With a gleam in her eye, Abbie winked at him. “Not yet.”

  “Okay.” He pushed himself off the wall before he leaned over and kissed Abbie on the forehead. “I’ll head to the break room, come and get me when you’re done.”

  She nodded.

  The moment the elevator chimed Abbie’s heart jumped. It’s time.

  They both stepped out of the elevator but before Abbie could turn toward Bill’s office Hunter smacked her ass.


  The corner of his mouth turned up in that stupid smirk. “I wanted to give you something so you don’t forget about me.”

  “How could I?” Abbie rubbed her bottom as she sent him an evil glare.

  Hunter responded with a wink. “I really wish you’d stop being difficult and let me go in there with you. It wasn’t just your life he endangered, it was mine too.”

  She knew he had a point, but Abbie had to do this alone. She pushed up on her tiptoes before giving Hunter a kiss. “Twenty minutes. Then you can do your worst. Okay?”

  Hunter looked at his watch. “Time starts now.”

  Abbie shook her head with a laugh as she walked toward Bill’s office. A relationship with Hunter would never be dull.

  Then she was there. In front of Bill’s office. She swallowed hard as her adrenaline kicked in.

  It’s now or never.

  Abbie opened the door.

  Bill beamed at her as he sat back in his seat. “Abbie, it’s nice to see you back already. Robert’s contract came across my desk yesterday. You and Hunter did magnificent work.”

  “I always do magnificent work, sir. I’m your best employee. Hell, I should be your Account Executive by now.” She stepped into his office as her hands shook.

  Bill sat back placing his finger on his chin. “You know, you make a good point. However, with Hunter signing on, we don’t need two Account Executives.”

  Abbie bit into her bottom lip in anger as the words hit her. “Was that always your game plan? Bring Hunter on for the position and I’d stay where I am?”

  Bill stared at her with his head slightly askew. “I hadn’t really thought about it like that, but now that you’ve said it, yes. If Hunter is willing to join the team, the position was always his for the taking.”

  Abbie nodded her head as all the work she’d done for WCM flashed through her mind. “Even if Jefferson Exports wasn’t a factor, Hunter would have gotten the position?”


  Abbie reached into her bag pulling out her notice. This suddenly became easier on her part as she looked down at her words. “I have a question for you, sir.”

  Bill pulled forward in his chair. “Ask away, but make it quick, I’ve got a meeting to get to in fifteen minutes.”

  “I’ve always made it clear about my fear of flying, right? Yet you decided to send me across the country on a plane.” She looked her boss square in the eyes.

  “The account needed to be secured, Ms. Collins. If that meant putting aside your silly fears then, so be it.”

  “Silly fears?” Abbie fought to keep her composure. “When you booked those flights, did you even consider the Hurricane?”

  Bill sat back in his chair once more. “What are you getting at here, Ms. Collins?”

  “What am I getting at?” Abbie’s anger peaked as she held onto her notice. “Why did you think it was a wise idea to send Hunter and me into a storm? Or, you know the fact I don’t fly.”

  “But, you did. That’s why you’re my top employee, Abbie. You always do what needs to be done, even if flying is involved.”

  “Not into a storm!”

  “You were supposed to be back before it hit. I don’t know why you’re getting up in arms about this? You’re clearly back safe and sound. Plus, you got the contract. This is only going to help you. Now, let’s put this in the past and move forward.” Bill turned back to his computer effectively dismissing her.

  Oh, fuck no.

  “I’m afraid you’re mistaken, sir.” Abbie walked to his desk and tossed the notice at him. “I will not put this behind me. I’ve given my whole career to you and you repay my loyalty with dismissing my fears. Not to mention, Mr. Jefferson didn’t need the meeting right away. You did.” Her nostrils flared. “I’m not even gonna talk about the fact you already had Hunter pinned for Account Executive, even though you knew I was gunning for the promotion. We talked about it. That’s a dick-hole move. This whole situation is so unbelievably fucked up. I’m done. Consider this my two weeks.”

  Bill looked up from her letter unconcerned. “If you walk out that door, you’re fired, Ms. Collins.”

  “You can’t fire me. I’m quitting.” She saw red. Who the fuck was this guy?

  “To do what? Work for another firm? I’d tarnish your name so fast, you’d be the laughing stock before you hit the ground floor.” Bill crossed his arms over his chest.

  Abbie’s eyes widened in shock as she saw for the first time what a horrible person her boss really was.

  “If you so much as tried, I’d punch you in the face,” Hunter spat storming into Bill’s office.

  “Hunter James, nice of you to join us.” Bill looked over at him.

  “Fuck you. I heard what you said.” Hunter stood next to Abbie who was still a little in shock at the realization of her boss. It shouldn’t be that much of a surprise seeing as what he’d done in the first place, but it was still eye-opening. She’d given so much to WCM and to be treated like this was a slap in the face.

  A sigh escaped Bill’s mouth. “I see this is going to be an issue.” He pushed back from his desk and stood.

  “Of course, it’s an issue. You just threatened me,” Abbie snapped.

  “It’s business, Ms. Collins. Sometimes, you’ve got to play dirty. Make no mistake. I will. How do you think I got to where I am today?” He crossed his arms back over his chest before nodding to Hunter.

  “What are you saying?”

  “Mr. James knew all along he was getting the Account Executive position. That’s what his trial contract stated.”

  Abbie turned to Hunter wide-eyed.

  “Did he leave that part out?” Bill asked with a smirk.

  No. Abbie shook her head. It didn’t matter. None of this mattered because I’m done. Abbie threw her hands in the air. “It doesn’t matter if he did or didn’t. I’m tendering my resignation. You can try and tarnish my career all you want, but after this, there is no way in hell I’d ever work for you.”

  Bill shrugged. “If that’s how you feel.”

  “You’re a piece of shit,” Hunter spat.

  “And you’re on the next flight back home I hear. I was speaking to your old boss this morning. He mentioned an email he got from you about a meeting. Sounds to me like you’re headed back.” Bill looked at them like he knew he’d won.

  Everything froze for Abbie.

  When she finally turned to Hunter, she saw the shocked look on his face.

  Her heart shattered into a million pieces.

  It was all the confirmation she needed.

  Fuck him. As the tears pricked the back of her eyes, she fought to ke
ep them down. Hunter didn’t deserve her tears.

  He didn’t when they were kids, and he didn’t now.

  Abbie cursed herself at her stupidity as Hunter stood there with his mouth hanging open.

  She knew it.

  Deep down she knew it all along.

  Hunter felt like the wind had been kicked out of him. How in the hell had Bill known about the email?

  That didn’t even make sense.

  “You mother fucker!”

  Abbie’s words snapped him out of his shock. “It’s not—”

  “I fucking knew it!” Abbie pulled her fist back and punched Hunter in the jaw. “I knew I never should have trusted you. You’re nothing but a lying asshole.”

  “Holy shit!” His hand went to his chin. She hit him. Abbie actually hit him.

  “Fuck you, and fuck this place.” Abbie turned to Bill. “Say whatever you want, but remember my ass will sue you so fast for defamation of character your head will spin.” Abbie threw up both her middle fingers. “I’m out.”

  The moment she took the first step out of the office Hunter went after her but to his surprise, something grabbed hold of his arm. “Let her go,” Bill grunted. “I’m willing to offer you a ten-thousand dollar sign-on bonus. You and I both know WCM is the best you’ll ever do.”

  Holy fuck, this guy was out of his fucking mind. Hunter snatched his arm from Bill’s grasp. “Don’t touch me.”

  Hunter stood there in shock as he watched Bill shrug. Then a smug look appeared on his face. “When you play with the big dogs sometimes you get bit.”

  Fuck this, and fuck him. Without another thought Hunter punched Bill right in the nose. “Eat shit.”

  With that, Hunter ran out of the building in search of Abbie.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Abbie stormed into her house.

  She was pissed. Fuck that, no she was beyond pissed. When she walked into WMC that morning, she had a plan. Go to Bill’s office, tell him to choke on a dick for sending her on a plane in a hurricane, put in her two-weeks notice, and then find Hunter and tell him.


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