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You Own My Heart

Page 15

by Juliana Stone

  “Look. You need to get over whatever this is, because she’s going to be around for a long, long time.”

  “You sure about that?” Hudson asked, his face dark and serious.

  “Yes.” Nash’s answer was clipped. He pulled on his gloves. “Tell Becca I said goodbye. I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

  Nash strode to his Jeep and headed out into the early evening, his mindset a complete one-eighty to what it had been less than half an hour earlier. A quiet disenchantment settled over him. He didn’t know it yet, but it was one he wouldn’t be able to shake for long time.


  “He’s hot.”

  “Huh?” They were stopped at a red light, just before the bridge, and she glanced at Brooke. The teenager looked good. No dark circles under her eyes. There was color in her cheeks. No bruises either. The young girl had come a long way in a few months. She’d gotten out of a toxic relationship with a boy who hit her and abused her verbally and emotionally. But more importantly, her mother had agreed to get counseling for her problems with drugs and alcohol, and for once, where there had been darkness, now there was light.

  “Nash,” Brooke said with grin. “I get it. Like, he’s really hot.”

  Amused, Honey accelerated over the bridge. “Twenty minutes ago, you were grossed out by him.”

  “Not him. Geez. The kissing. It’s kind of awkward watching two adults basically having sex in front of you. Pretty sure that’s against the law.”

  “Okay, now you’re exaggerating. We were not having sex.”

  “No, but you were putting on a pretty good preshow.”

  Honey zipped her lips. She so wasn’t having this conversation with a sixteen-year-old. “Did you have fun today?”

  “Not as much fun as you’re going to have tonight.” At Honey’s look Brooke laughed. “I know. I’ll drop it. I guess it’s just the little girl in me who used to like watching Disney movies, you know? He’s like the ultimate prince. Totally hot with rock-hard abs and a butt to die for.”

  Okay. This kid was only sixteen, right?

  “And oh my God, do you see how he is with his little nephew? Like, seriously? I hope I can find someone like that one day. There’s something so sexy about a guy who pays attention to little kids.” She paused. “And he’s hot.”

  “You already said that.”

  “I know. I just like saying it. I bet he’s a really good kisser.”


  “I mean, it sure looked like it.”

  Honey pulled into the girl’s driveway, which hadn’t been plowed, but she had no problem navigating it since Nash had gone ahead and installed winter tires on her car the first week in January. She paid for them, of course, but the simple gesture meant a lot. She wasn’t used to people doing nice things for her simply because they cared. A lump formed in her throat, and she gave herself a mental shake. She was becoming too soft.

  Brooke lived in a modest bungalow on a quiet street not far from Nash’s parents. The house had seen better days, with a few missing shutters, and the front stoop was a little off-kilter, but the place was tidy and there was a warm glow coming from the front windows.

  “Thanks for today. I’ve lived in Crystal Lake my whole life, but I’ve never been snowmobiling or gone to a sugar shack.”

  “I’m glad you came. We’ll have to do it again. I think Nash said the sap runs for another month or so.”

  “Sounds good.” Brooke smiled wickedly as she jumped from the car. “Have fun at the gala tomorrow night.”

  “How do you know about the gala?”

  “Please.” Brooke made a face and giggled. “Everyone knows about the gala.” She slammed the door and waved before heading to her house. Honey waited until the girl was inside and then sped to the Coach House so she could grab a few things from her apartment. She waved to Tiny, who told her everything was ready for the following night, and said hello to a few regulars seated at the bar.

  Once she watered Earl, she headed to her room and grabbed the overnight bag on her bed. She’d packed it this morning after Nash had left, and hiked it over her shoulder. A tattered pink bear sat in the window, and she stared at it for a long time. She took a step toward it, wondering if it was time to toss it, but something held her back. She flipped off the lights and headed into the night, eager to get to Nash.

  The house was empty when she arrived, but the table was set for two and the kitchen smelled divine. She sniffed the air. Prime rib? Her favorite. Chilled wine. Candles. Flowers. Her heart swelled. When had Nash had time to do all this?

  She ran up to the loft and his bedroom, but he wasn’t there, and she realized he was outside, most likely in the hot tub. A wicked smile curved her mouth as she headed for the back deck, and when she found him, that heart of hers constricted so tight, tears sprang to her eyes.

  Nash was in the hot tub. His bare chest shone from the torch lights burning behind him, and his head was thrown back. She thought at first he was asleep, and she was quiet as she made her way toward him.

  “It’s amazing, isn’t it?” His voice was husky and low.

  He wasn’t asleep. Nash was looking up at the night sky, and when he turned to her, Honey felt as if he could see into her very soul. Her mouth was dry, as dry as the desert, and she smiled wanly, overcome with an emotion she couldn’t name. It clung to her. Seeped into her skin and bones until she was warm from the strength of it. Until every nerve in her body hummed with an energy that made her feel as if the world was at her feet.


  Honey Harrison. The little trailer park girl.

  “It is,” she replied, moving forward. “It’s incredible.”

  Nash nodded but remained silent as if aware that something was different. In this moment, something tangible had happened. A hard, erotic, and moving moment where it felt she’d never been so connected to another human being in her life. She thought that maybe she’d been moving toward this for some time now, and smiled at the idea.

  It was cool, but steam rose from the hot tub, surrounding Nash in a mist that made him look dark and dangerous. Honey reached for her clothes and slid them from her body, never taking her eyes from him. She didn’t want to break the connection. Not yet.

  Maybe not ever.

  She was fully aroused by the time her toe hit the hot water, and she went to him immediately, her body sliding across his until she straddled him. He grabbed her, and their mouths met in a fury of passion. Honey kissed him, and their tongues danced, their teeth gnashed, and every bit of emotion she possessed, she could taste. She wondered if he could as well.

  There were no words. No uttered phrases meant to inflame and arouse. There was no need, because they were on a different plane altogether. Nash’s hands held her steady while he plundered her mouth with his, while his hardness teased her aching center. When he kissed his way down to her breasts, she groaned and threw her head back, eyes on the Milky Way, while he pleasured her as if she were his queen.

  She rocked against him, and as if on cue, Nash entered her, his long, hard length stretching and filling her like no one else could. Quickly, they found their rhythm, and she matched his fervor, his passion and desire, with an aggression of her own. Her fingers dug into his shoulders, and she kissed him hungrily while he grabbed her hips and thrust deeply.

  He owned her in this moment, and her heart sang a song she’d never felt before. The pressure began to build, that sweet spot between pleasure and pain, and she felt tears sting her eyes as she met his gaze and held him there.

  Still no words.

  Still no need.

  They raced toward an end that was explosive and mind-bending. The hardest orgasm she’d ever had shook Honey to the core, and she collapsed onto Nash, her body shuddering with aftershocks as her mind raced to catch up.

  “I love you,” she whispered hoarsely.

  Nash stilled. His body tight was tight, and she felt his heart hammering against her own. He was still inside her. Still hard. He moved her so h
e could see her face, and he cupped it gently.

  “I love you,” he replied.

  Three words spoken. And it was enough. She smiled tremulously and began to move again.

  It had to be enough.


  Nash could watch Honey sleep all day long.

  Seriously, the woman was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. He watched her for several moments, marveling at the place they’d found themselves. There was something special about the trust a person had with someone, to fall asleep beside that someone, because when you were asleep, you were at your most vulnerable. And Honey had been all about hiding any kind of weakness. So this right here, it was huge.

  She lay on her side facing the wall, and his eyes traced the curve of her delicate spine. All that long sexy hair waved around her shoulders, and in the early morning light, the tattoo looked like a magical vine etched into her skin.

  One of her hands was curled onto the pillow next to her face, palm open, as she slowly inhaled and then exhaled. She was completely relaxed. Completely at home in his bed, and the feeling that punched him in the gut was one of possession, pride, and wonder. She was like a wild, untamed creature, and somehow, he’d managed to snag her interest and her heart.

  I love you.

  Powerful stuff. Words said often, but how many times were they said with unedited, raw feeling? How many times were they pulled from someone, even against their wishes, because the truth in those words couldn’t stay quiet? He was humbled to know Honey loved him. Humbled to know she’d chosen him to hold her heart, to take care of it and to nurture it.

  There was still so much about her he didn’t know. But one thing was certain. Honey Harrison did not give her love freely or easily or thoughtlessly. She’d given him a gift, and he was gonna do his damnedest to protect it. To cherish it. To make her understand that there was nothing to be afraid of.

  Nash Booker was an all-in kind of man. He gave one hundred and fifty percent when he wanted something. And two hundred percent to make it happen and keep it safe.

  Last night had been incredible, and to see her here, spending the night in his bed for the first time, did crazy things to him. On one hand, he wanted to jump to his feet and pound his chest and tell every single man who looked her way, she was his. But that was a little too Neanderthal, and he didn’t think Honey would appreciate the knuckle-dragging.

  Instead, he bent forward and kissed the back of her neck and trailed his hand down to the curve of her hip. He was hard, and he curved into her, his breaths falling quickly at the thought of being inside her again.

  Nash kneaded her hips gently and kissed her neck, nibbling his way up to her ear, while eventually, his fingers found their way to that slick, hot center that begged for his touch. He slowly slid his cock up and down the small of her back, while circling her clit with his fingers.

  Her hips began to move slowly, and she moaned in her sleep, her hand no longer soft and pliant or open. It was clenched into the pillow and her head rolled back, exposing more creamy skin. Such a rush of emotion ran through Nash, he made a guttural sound and pulled on her gently, positioning her ass so that he could enter from behind. She was wet and so ready that he didn’t hesitate.

  Nash sank deep inside Honey and clenched his teeth as he tried for more control. His instinct, his need, was to fuck hard and fast and release the exquisite pressure he felt. But he took a moment and then slowly began to move inside her. Her breathing changed, but she was still asleep, and he smiled wickedly, nipping her shoulder. She clutched the pillow and matched his rhythm, their movements slow and erotic and so damn perfect, he knew it would never get better.

  Nash knew the moment she woke. By then, his skin was slick with sweat, his muscles tight from the effort it took to hold back. To increase her pleasure and prolong what he knew was going to be amazing.

  Honey’s eyes flew open, and she turned slightly. He saw the sweep of her lashes, the rosy flush to her cheeks, and her mouth open as wave after wave of pleasure ran through her.

  “Nash,” she gasped. “If this is what it’s like waking up in your bed, I might have to spend every night here.” She moaned as he increased his tempo.

  Nash bent forward. He bit her shoulder and then licked her earlobe as she shuddered and began to tighten around him. “That a promise?” he asked, voice thick with passion.

  “Do you want it to be?” she asked as she cried out.

  “You own me, Honey,” he whispered hoarsely into her ear. “All of me.”

  He lifted her hips, and she screamed as he brought them home. She was so tight and hot and wet that when she convulsed and tightened even more, he lost it. Nash Booker roared his release as if he were a damn Neanderthal—he couldn’t lie. It felt fucking great.

  They collapsed together, a tangle of slick limbs, cotton sheets, and hungry mouths. They kissed for a long time, tongues tasting and teasing.

  Honey broke free and looked at him, her hands on his face, her eyes serious. “You own me too,” she whispered.

  Nash replied with a deep kiss and pressed her back into his sheets. She moaned and kissed him back, and sank her hands into his hair, and then…froze.

  “Shit,” she said, pushing him back. “Nash, stop.”

  Alarmed, Nash looked down at her. How in hell had he managed to ruin this before they even got started?

  “The fundraiser. I have to… I’m supposed to be there to help set up.”

  Relief flooded him, and he took one of her nipples into his mouth, angling his head so he could watch her as his tongue flicked over the sensitive flesh. She hissed and bucked against him, laughing as he grabbed hold and turned to the other one.

  “That’s not fair,” she gasped, legs already creeping upward to encircle his hips.

  “Life’s not fair,” he said with a grin. “Andrea can wait.”

  “No, I can’t…” But her protest was weak, and his game was on. Nash was in the zone and looked to score one last time.

  “I’ll give you three,” he said, nuzzling her breasts as his hands began to wander. “And then you can go.”

  “Three minutes?” she panted when his hands sank between her legs. “I can do that.”

  “Nope.” Nash grinned, curving his fingers as he massaged his way inside her. “Three orgasms.” He hit the honey spot, and she cried out. “One down. Two more to go.”

  Two hours later, she was gone, and he hauled his ass out of bed. He thought about making it, but what was the point? He planned on spending most of tonight in it, in her, and the messy sheets could stay messy.

  Nash glanced at the clock on the night table. Honey was right about one thing. There was a lot to do, and this was something he had to get right. He hopped in the shower and, less than half an hour later, was on his way to town. He stopped in to see his parents, ran two errands in town, and was back to his place by early afternoon. He changed into his tux, made himself a drink, and headed outside.

  Nash looked out over the water. It was warm for mid-March—an early thaw—and he was enjoying the temperature. It had been a long winter, and finally, a break from the cold was in sight. The sun shone down, making the ice on the lake shimmer like a blanket of diamonds. The sky was as blue as a robin’s egg, with only a few puffs of white clouds to be seen. It was quiet. Serene. That sweet spot between late afternoon and early evening when most folks were tucked into their homes having dinner. Overhead, the drone of a plane crossed the sky, and in the distance, he heard a whip-poor-will.

  A shiver ran down his spine. Always happened when he heard one of them—probably because they sounded so damn sad. Melancholy settled over him. As if that wasn’t bad enough, he couldn’t shake the feeling something was headed his way—something bad. Which was crazy after the night he’d had.

  “Get a grip,” he muttered, frowning. He was restless, that was all. Nervous about where his thoughts were taking him, and about what he was contemplating.

  Nash didn’t know how long he stood on his dock, only
that shadows started to creep over the dock, darkening the bit of snow left on the beach. He glanced at his watch and swore. He was going to be late if he didn’t get his butt in gear. The fundraiser was about to start, and he had a woman to see. Just the thought of Honey had his heart banging against his chest so hard, it left him breathless.

  He was going do this. Shit. He was really going to do this.

  Nash started up the steps that led from the beach to his house when he realized he wasn’t alone. Hudson stood up top, waiting, and Nash clapped his friend on the shoulder when he reached him.

  “Did I miss something?” As far as he knew, he was meeting Hudson at the fundraiser. He needed to get going. Had a lady to pick up.

  Hudson shook his head. “We need to talk.”

  Nash tightened his periwinkle tie and frowned. Hudson was a former FBI agent, and he had that look. The one that was hard and serious and gave nothing away. It meant that there was something in play, and by the looks of it, Nash wasn’t going to going to like it.

  “Do I need a drink for this? Or are we good?” Nash’s voice was light, but he sure as hell wasn’t feeling it.

  Hudson didn’t take the bait. Tight-lipped, he was silent for a few moments. When he spoke, his tone was dead serious. “Cam told me you were thinking of making a big life decision tonight. You might want to wait.”

  Irritated, Nash glared at his oldest friend. “I didn’t think I needed your permission to ask a woman to marry me.” Gritting his teeth, Nash made the decision to kick Cam’s ass from here to tomorrow when he got the chance.

  “I need you to trust me on this.”

  Nash was confused. He had no idea what Hudson was getting at. But the man was determined, and he knew from experience, Hudson was a stubborn son of a bitch. He didn’t have time for this.

  “Look, Hudsy. You don’t know her the way I do. If she’s going to be a part of my life, you need to get on board or…”

  “Or what? You’re going to throw away twenty years of friendship over a woman you don’t know?” Hudson didn’t try to hide his anger.


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