by K. L. Savage

  I jiggle the next handle and the next. I feel like I’m in one of those fun houses with different sized mirrors that give the illusion you’re lost.

  When I grab the next handle, it turns and opens. Cold air hits my face, and a broken stairwell vanishes into the depth of darkness in the basement. The void seems never-ending. I know I’m in the right place.

  “Uncle Zain, you have to stop. You’re going to hurt yourself.”

  Bang. Bang. Bang.

  Reaper’s voice has me rushing down the stairs, almost tripping since I can’t see.

  Bang. Bang. Bang.

  “Let me out! I need her,” Zain’s voice is raw and emotional, piercing my heart with another wave of guilt.

  The only light on is one above Reaper. It’s a pale-yellow light, barely casting a glow across the floor. There is a bright white light in the room Zain is in that’s shining through the circular glass, casting a reflection on the wet floor. Reaper has his back against the wall, his head in his hands.

  “Uncle Zain, please stop. You’re going to hurt yourself. I’ll get the straitjacket if I have to, if it means it keeps you safe.” Reaper rubs the heel of his palms in his eyes as Zain continues to torment the metal door.

  Bang. Bang. Bang.

  “Let. Me. Out!” Zain roars, smashing against the metal door again. There is blood smeared on the glass and floors shake every time Zain connects with the metal.

  The water on the floor ripples and it helps me peel my feet off the floor. “Let me in!” I tell Reaper.

  “Chloe? Chloe? Is that you?” Zain appears in the glass. His forehead has a cut on it and his lip is busted.

  “Zain, what did you do?” the words shake as they leave me. I hold up my hand to the glass and Zain does the same.

  “I can’t let you go in there, Chloe. I’m sorry. He is too dangerous.”

  “He won’t hurt me, Reaper.”

  “I was only trying to get to you,” Zain says. “You came back.” He sags against the door, still thumping it with his head. “Thank you for coming back to me.”

  I don’t think I stood a chance at leaving. “I’ll never leave again. I promise.”

  “Why did you leave?” His shoulders heave as his arms cage his head as he reaches to the top of the door.

  And he sounds fucking pissed.

  “Why. Did. You. Leave!” He spews spit against the glass as he shouts, his voice echoing off the walls.

  “Let me in,” I whisper to Reaper.

  “No. I’m afraid you won’t come out.”

  “I don’t care.”

  Reaper stands there, exhausted, the bottoms of his jeans wet, and his hair messy from running his fingers through it too much. “Fine. It’s your fucking funeral.”

  “And as long as you bury me with him, I’ll be happy.”

  He unlocks the door once Zain has stepped away from the opening, and throws it open, metal grinding against metal. He shoves me inside just as Zain charges and the lock slides into place, trapping me inside with mania.

  And Zain doesn’t slow down.

  I don’t have time to scream before his arms wrap around me in a tight, punishing hold as he straps me to his chest. He slams me against the wall, his eyes glowing that sinful garnet as he glares at me. “Why did you leave? I told you,” he leans his forehead against mine, “I told you you’d be locked away.” His hands wrap around the base of my neck and press me harder against the pads. “I was serious. You are mine. Do you understand?”

  “I understand, Zain. I left because I didn’t want to be a symptom of your mania. I didn’t want you to regret me.”

  His brows pinch and pain stretches across his face as if my words inflict pain. “I could never regret you, but I am mad at you. I’m fucking furious that you think you could ever be a symptom when you make me feel like this…” He rocks his pelvis against me, and the hard, wide ridge of his cock presses against me. “Do you feel that Chloe? Do feel what you do to me? I’ve never felt that a day in my life with anyone else. You might make me insane, but I’ve never felt saner than I am when I’m with you.”

  This is usually when I push him away, or fight the need I have for him, because I don’t know what I’m doing. After what almost happened in that man’s truck, I know the time and place. I know the person. It’s Zain. He’s meant for me.

  I can’t be afraid anymore.

  Not when my two halves finally feel whole.

  “I’m so fucking mad at you,” he sneers, tilting his head left and right as he debates giving me a kiss. “I want to bend you over, spank you so hard you beg for me to stop while I fuck that cunt. I want to own you, claim you, and when you’re tired, dripping of my come—” he licks a path up my neck, over my chin, and bites my lip, “and begging me to stop,” Zain places his mouth next to my ear. “I’m not going to stop. I’m going to fuck your face, your ass, and your pussy until all you see, taste, and feel is me.” His nails dig into my neck and he drags them down, leaving behind a slight burn.

  My eyes roll to the back of my head. He keeps dragging his nails down until his palms cup my breasts. My nipples are hard. My panties are drenched, and my hole is pulsating and aching to be filled.

  “Zain,” I whisper.

  “Are you afraid of me?” he asks.

  I should be. The dried blood on his face in frightening, but it doesn’t scare me because I know it’s only there for me.

  I shake my head.

  “You should be,” he growls, sending my nipples into a tight frenzy. “Because you have no idea what I want to do to you.”

  “You won’t hurt me,” I say.

  He closes his eyes and inhales, rolling his head back onto his shoulders. “Oh, but I want to, Chloe.” He grips the shirt I’m wearing at the collar and tears the material down the middle like it’s paper. The pajama top shows underneath and he sneers at it with hatred. He pulls the lapels of each side and rips the buttons off until I’m bare.

  He flings the scraps of material off my body, then yanks my shorts down. The air breezes over my tits, and I clutch my thighs together when my clit pulses.

  “I want you to ache. I want you to hurt when I’m done with you. Maybe then you’ll realize you can’t leave me again.” His fingers slide between my cleavage, then up again, cupping the back of my head. He throws me to the side, and I’m not expecting it. I fall to the padded ground, but it doesn’t hurt. Zain stares down at me, a delusional man experiencing an episode and I’m caught right in the middle.

  Surprisingly, I’m right where I want to be.

  His round biceps flex when he reaches behind his neck, fists the collar of his shirt, and yanks it off. “You’re fucking gorgeous,” he admires me as I push to my hands and knees. “Those tits, that ass.” He licks his lips. “Sit down and spread your legs. Let me see that pretty pink pussy,” he says.

  I don’t move intentionally.

  “I said sit up and spread your legs, Chloe!” he bellows, cracking his shirt in the air like a whip.

  A snake of lust slithers down my spine and sinks its fangs into me from the order that resounds in the room.

  A gush of liquid heat escapes me, so I spread my legs to show him what he does to me.

  Like the good, sweet girl I am for him.

  I’m fucking furious and I’m going to take it out on her. She deserves it for leaving me the way she did. The panic I felt, the rejection, the despair, the undeniable heartbreak. She’ll never leave me again. I won’t allow it.

  This room… yes… I’ll leave her in this room forever. She can’t leave me if there is no way for her to get out.

  She made a mistake deciding to come into this room.

  The man I was when she left isn’t the same man standing in front of her.

  I drop my pants when I see the nectar dripping from her cunt. The pink shining in the white light causes my mouth to water. My cock slaps against my stomach, a bead of precome sticking to my happy trail. I fist the aching flesh, feasting my eyes on her hourglass figure. He
r tits are big, nipples bright pink, and there is light blonde patch of hair above her cunt. I want to tug on it, bury my nose in it, inhale her scent before I slip my tongue between her folds and taste what is mine.

  “Touch yourself. I want to see you fuck your fingers. You aren’t allowed to come.”

  She whimpers, sliding her hands down the golden sun-kissed flesh. Her fingers part her sheath, dipping her fingers inside that tight hole. The deeper she inserts her fingers, the wetter they get. I groan, my eyes rolling back when I think about my cock feeling her wet heat.

  I fall to my knees, the pads giving from my weight, and I fuck my fist, squeezing my cock as tight as possible.

  “Zain,” she moans my name, arching her body while her free hand grips her tit. “It feels so good.” Her hand moves quicker and the wet sounds of her inner muscles sucking in her fingers have me losing control. “I’m going to—”

  I rip her hand away, gripping her wrist tightly. “I said you weren’t allowed to come. You don’t listen very well.” My tongue licks her honey from her palm, then I bring those slender fingers to my nose, inhaling the sweet scent. I suck them into my mouth, rolling them over my tongue. “You’re delicious.”

  “Zain, please. I’m sorry I left. I’ll never hurt you again.”

  “Damn right you won’t,” I state, then flip her onto her stomach, lift her to her knees, and bring my hand down on her ass.

  And it isn’t a playful slap.

  I don’t want her to sit for a fucking week. I want it to hurt when she even thinks about getting comfortable, a reminder of the pain she made me feel in my mind and heart.

  “Oh god!” she cries out, trying to dig her nails into the pads.

  A red handprint shows up on the silk canvas of her ass, and a bead of sweat drips down the bridge of my nose and over my top lip. I drink the drop, letting it coat my parched throat, but it doesn’t help, because the longer I stare at her peach ass with my handprint, the thirstier I become for her.

  My hand comes down again with more force than last time, creating a new welt on her other cheek.

  “Do it again, fucking do it! Hit me harder. Punish us!”

  The malicious laugh escapes her, and I know I’m not dealing with Chloe anymore. She pushes her ass against my hand and moans, her skin hot to the touch. “Jessica, you’re being greedy. I’m not going to give you what you want.”

  “Please, just one hard smack and I’ll go away,” she begs, the words caught on a moan.

  “I’m not going to give you anything until Chloe and I settle this.”

  “Zain, please. I need you to,” she begs on the verge of tears.

  A small of amount of anger dissipates, and I bend over, giving Jessica a kiss on the bottom of her spine, just where the tailbone is. “It’s not you I’m mad at, sweet girl. It’s Chloe. You’ll get yours; I promise.”

  “You swear?”

  “On my fucking life.” I bend over her body, my cock sliding between her wet folds and over the bundle of swollen nerves. I cup my hand under her chin and tilt her head back, keeping a firm grip on her throat. Her lips part and I breathe into the space, giving her air, giving her the ability to fucking breathe, then slip my tongue between her lips.

  Our lips move in a more urgent manner.

  It feels like if we don’t pour everything we have, everything we are, into this kiss, we will die.

  “I swear,” I whisper, pulling away from Jessica, breaking the most intense kiss of my life.

  She whimpers, moving her pussy along my cock so the head bumps her clit. I growl, enjoying the feeling of her taking from me. A few seconds won’t hurt. “I brought us home,” she admits. “It was me. Please, let me come,” she says, flipping the golden strands back, moving her hips quicker. Her lips hug my cock, keeping it wet and warm while she uses me, the crown rubbing over her most sensitive area.

  I fist her hair and lift her up until her back is flush with my front. “You swear? Is that the truth?”

  “I swear. I swear, Zain!”

  “Good girl,” I say, praising her for bringing her wayward half home. I thrust my hips quicker, faster, knowing that this is okay, because not only does she deserve to feel good, but I’m not taking Chloe’s cherry.

  Not until Jessica is satisfied.

  “Yes. Oh, fuck yes, Zain. Faster! I want you to fuck me so bad. You can inflict all of your wicked ways on me. I’ll love it. Please, fuck me,” she begs, her pussy tempting me to the point where if I wasn’t insane, she’d drive me to the fucking front row of it.

  “No, and you know why,” I say. It’s important to me that the first time I have sex with Chloe, she’s present. She’s the original personality of this beautiful body and mind.

  And it’s her I need to show what happens when she leaves me.

  Jessica’s body tenses, and her arm tightens around my neck as she tries to climb up my body. Her nectar floods my cock as she tenses, leaning her head back onto my shoulder. My name leaves her lips in a seductive song that I could listen to on repeat all day. I reach down and squeeze my orbs until it hurts to stop my orgasm. I bite the inside of my cheek to hold in the sound of pain.

  While I’m fucking furious at Chloe, I don’t want this to end too soon.

  “Promise?” Jessica whispers against my cheek, breathless and sweaty, the puffs caressing me like a feather.

  Her skin bathes my fingertips in beads of sweat. The flesh is warm, silken, and flushed from her orgasm. My palms squeeze her tits coaxing another shutter within her bones. “On my life, sweet girl. On my fucking life.” She turns around in my eyes and I witness Jessica fade away and Chloe emerge.

  They are so easy to tell apart. There is always a frown in the middle of Chloe’s brows, whereas in Jessica’s, there is always a devious tilt in them, like she’s up to no good.

  “Zain.” The way Chloe says my name has my sack pulling tight against my body and my resolve almost breaking.

  She’s closer to me now, her innocence engulfing me like fog after a storm. Her palms rest against my chest, her fingers drawing circles on my sternum. “I know Jessica is more of what you want—”

  I slam my mouth on her before she has a time to say another word. I hold her head still, controlling the kiss so I can do whatever the fuck I want to her mouth. Our teeth click together, uncoordinated, and our tongues don’t meet because I’m nearly fucking her throat with mine. I’m so fucking angry. If I could possess her body and let her know just how much her leaving affected me, I’d slide under her skin and own her soul, so she experiences every ounce of torment I felt.

  “You fucking left me,” I hiss, choking on my heightened emotion.

  “I’m so sorry, Zain. I thought it was what was best at the time. I shouldn’t have left.”

  “What’s best is if you and I stay together. That is what is best.”

  “I know. I’m so sorry, my love,” she says, the nickname nearly making me fall into her lap like a fucking puppy.

  I have to hold my ground.

  I lean my forehead against hers, close my eyes, and let the rage of being abandoned replace rationale.

  On their own accord, my knees slide against the cushions lining the ground. My arm circles around her waist, and I slam her against the nearest wall. Her legs wrap around my hips and her nails dig into the back of my neck when she feels the tip of my cock at her entrance. She inhales a sharp breath, her hazel eyes swarming with insecurity, yet anticipation.

  “Sorry isn’t good enough.” Without warning, without ease, I drive ten inches of wide, driven steel inside her, claiming her as mine.

  She tosses her head back, a guttural moan catching in her throat.

  I’m not gentle.

  I don’t wait for her to adjust.

  I’m too fucking mad.

  Her pussy is drenched and when I look down, her juices are coating my legs. It’s like pouring kerosene on a wildfire.

  Curling my arms over her shoulder to lock her pelvis to mine, I ram harder, groaning
in pleasure as her velvet muscles ripple around me.

  “Don’t.” Thrust. “Ever.” Thrust. “Do. That. Again.” I punctuate each word with a violent thrust of my hips and she’s screaming my name so loud my ears ring.

  She’s meeting me thrust for thrust, her tits bouncing in rhythm as she fucks me in return. “I swear, I won’t. I swear!” she promises, taking every inch of my cock like the sweet girl she is.

  “You’re going to marry me, goddamn it, you are. You will not deny us this.” I flip her onto her stomach without pulling out, yank her arms behind her back, and hold onto them so tight. Her cheek rubs against the pads, no doubt where so many others have cried and screamed.

  “I’m going to…I’m going…. Zain!”

  I yank out of her so she doesn’t come, and she whimpers, nearly sobbing in frustration. “No! Zain, why did you stop? Please, I hurt for you.”

  “I know,” I say.

  Because I ache for her too. But she isn’t allowed to know that right now. I grab her wrists and sling her to the floor, pushing her onto her knees. Her ass is up, still red from my handprint, and her puckered hole winks at me.

  Rutting my cock between her cheeks, I stare in fascination as her honey and my precome mix to become the perfect lubricant. She’s all fucking mine.

  “I need you. Please, don’t stop. I need you.” Chloe turns her face to the side and a tear drops down her cheek.

  “Are you in pain?” I ask, chest heaving and heart breaking when I see she’s crying.

  “No,” she says. “No, I feel so good, but I need you inside me. Take over me. I’m yours, Zain. I’m yours.”

  The way she says ‘I’m yours’ settles the beast in me that needed to feed off desperation.

  “You’re mine,” I repeat in awe, rubbing a hand down her damp skin, slicken with salty drops of perspiration. I drop my forehead to her back and sigh, pressing a kiss directly between her shoulder blades.

  She’s salty and sweet, a delicious combination to match her personalities. I hum in appreciation, then gather her hair off her neck where it is sticking to the skin. I press kisses along her neck and gently turn her over.


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