by K. L. Savage

  I trace her face with my calloused fingers, every soft ridge, every shadow cast upon her face. I settle between her legs, my cock still hard as a rock and dying to be inside her, and we stare at each other.

  In those quiet moments, with no sound but our heavy breathing, I learn everything about her eyes. Her lashes are long and curl at the tips. The iris has twenty shades of green and blues I swear the world hasn’t thought of yet, with a hint of gold right around the pupil. One more tear falls from her bottom lash line and I kiss it away as I ease into her.

  “I’m alive for you,” she says.

  “And I’d die for you, Chloe.”

  I quicken the pace, lift her right leg, and try to slide as deep as I can. I want to flood her body and possess it the only way I know how. “Chloe, you feel so good, sweet girl. This cunt was made for me.”

  “Yes. Just for you.” She holds her big tits as they bounce from my brutal thrusts, not because I’m mad, but the way we are joined is intense.

  She releases her tits and scratches down my back, causing me to arch.

  I bite the curve of her neck, leaving indents in her skin.

  She sucks my lip into her mouth.

  I groan down her throat.

  She doesn’t tell me when she’s about to come, not like Jessica, but I can sense it. Her whimpers are closer together, her movements sporadic, and her cunt becomes extra wet. She isn’t saying anything, and she doesn’t have to in order to make me feel like I’ve done my job as a man to please her. Her body is speaking for herself.

  Those damn nails scrape down my back, right down to my ass, and she tugs me toward her, sinking that last inch in her channel. Her muscles contract and squeeze, and the last groan that leaves her mouth has my orgasm working its way through my body. I feel it everywhere. My mind, my heart, my soul, my fucking toes, since they curl. I toss my head back and let out a noise that’s between pleasure and pain.

  Pain because it is so intense and feels so fucking good.

  I come, planting myself in her depths, and with every thrust I try to get each spurt to reach farther than the last.

  Looking down at her, her hair is spread around her head like a bright halo.

  She’s an angel fallen to a wicked heaven.

  And her feathers shed as she descends from grace.

  Grace being her old life.

  The wicked heaven being me.

  “I love you,” I tell her, flipping us so I’m on my back and she’s laying on top of me.

  My cock is still hard and lodged inside her. She props her chin in her hand and grins, showing perfect white teeth. “I love you too. It’s fast. You don’t think it’s too soon?”

  “Not for us,” I say, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. Her cheeks are hot to the touch and I love it because I did that. I made her body temperature rise. “We aren’t like other people. We feel differently from everyone else. We are more. In every way. We feel more. We love more. We hate more. Everything is more when it comes to people like us and it isn’t often that two broken minds find each other to create one that’s whole. I’m a lot of fucking things Chloe, but I’m not an idiot. I know what I feel.”

  “Me too, Zain. God, me too.” She throws her mouth onto mine again, moaning when she feels me rock into her from the bottom.

  Something smacks against the door, and I hear a painful ‘ow’ being drawn out.

  “Oh, shit. Sorry!” comes Reaper’s voice. “I wanted to make sure everyone was okay. Everything seems fine.”

  “Reaper!” I growl his name in a way that tells him he better get the fuck out.

  “I’m unlocking the door and leaving. I didn’t see anything!” His boots pound up the steps, and I let out a breath of relief.

  “Oh god,” Chloe covers her face with her hands and falls to the side. “This did not just happen.”

  “Don’t say that too loud, Apollo might hear you and I’m the only god allowed in your body,” I nip her chin and grip her ass.

  “You have a god complex now? I know a girl who can take you down a notch or two.” She runs her fingers through my chest hair, but the way she says it has a knot turning in my stomach. She’s sad.

  “Hey, what’s that for?” I ask, running a thumb under her watery eyes.

  “Do you like her more than me? Jessica? Do you wish I was her, full, without Chloe?”

  “No, I don’t wish that. I love you. I love her. I wouldn’t want one without the other, sweet girl.”

  “Really?” she begins to cry but does her best to hold it back.


  “I just wanted to make sure,” she says through tearful laughter.

  “You accept me in ways I don’t accept myself, just like I do the same for you. That’s what this is about. That is us.” I decide to get us the fuck out of this room. Now that I’m not in the middle of losing my mind, I can think clearly. “Come on, let’s get out of here and go to bed. I’m exhausted.” I slide out of her and we groan in unison.

  I already miss being inside her.

  I lift her into my arms and cradle her close to my body. I don’t care about being naked, but she is and that has got to change. I press my back against the door and push, swinging the heavy metal open. I shiver when I see my own blood on the glass and then the wheelchair in the corner, a haunted room with who knows how many ghosts.

  “Me too. We need to call Tool, though.” She yawns and places her head against my chest.

  “Why?” I ask.

  “Um, we will talk about it later. Let’s go to bed.” I grab a straitjacket from the closet and drape it over her, so no one will see her body when we get upstairs. I debate if this is the best place to keep Porter instead of the second level. He’s been quiet ever since we moved him, and I don’t know if that’s good or bad, but I need to figure it out now that I have Chloe and Jessica here.

  Each step creaks from my weight as I climb the staircase. I check left and right to make sure each way is clear before running to my bedroom. I kick the door shut, then curse when I see the bed thrown against the wall.

  The only item in the room not touched is the navy-blue recliner in the corner. “Sweet girl, I have to fix the bed—” but when I look down, she’s sound asleep.

  I press a kiss to the top of her head and inhale her scent, the smell of pine lingering on her from my soap. She makes it smell better than it does in the bottle. “Holding you sounds better than the bed anyway,” I whisper, careful not to wake her as I sit down in the recliner. I lean back, stretch out, then throw the straitjacket off her and replace it with the blanket on the back of the chair. I cover us, close my eyes, and get lost in a feeling I haven’t felt in all my life.


  “You’re going to have to run that by me again,” Zain says, sipping his morning coffee with the familiar fire and brimstone heating those eyes to glowing garnet. The kitchen light shines on top of his bald head. I just want to kiss it all over, but I know now isn’t the time. Tool just called asking what we want to do with the man who almost raped me.

  “Morning. Morning. Morning,” Oli greets me through a yawn, rubbing his right eye with his fist. He slips by Zain and heads toward the coffee maker.

  “Good morning, Oli,” Zain glowers into his coffee mug, but doesn’t look at Oli. He is staring me down, waiting for me to repeat what I said.

  I pretend I don’t notice him and stir the creamer in my coffee.

  “Glad you’re back, Chloe. Jessica? Jessloe? Chisseca?” he snickers at himself, and I can’t help but to giggle too.

  “Chloe right now,” I say.

  “Chloe is going to tell me what happened yesterday.”

  “I don’t know details, Zain. Jessica—”

  “Then I want to talk to Jessica. I don’t want to hear it from Tool.”

  “That isn’t how it works—” but I emerge forward when I hear Zain call out my name. The darkness becomes lighter and lighter until I see his face and Chloe is the one in the distance now. She got to
have all the fun yesterday. It’s my turn.

  “You rang?” I tease, batting my eyelashes at him playfully.

  He knows it’s all an act. He knows I crave only what he can give me. Just like Chloe, I want his love.

  “Hey, sweet girl,” he smiles, and it makes me all warm and fuzzy knowing he is happy to see me.

  It kind of makes me feel coy. I place my arms in my lap as he devours me with his eyes. I remember what happened between us last night and the familiar throb between my legs begins to pulsate. I wiggle on the stool and hold in a moan by pressing my lips together as my clit rubs against the chair.

  Zain is beside me, moving my hair so my neck is exposed. He kisses me there, right below my ear, and I stretch my neck to give him more access. “How’s my little rebel today?” he whispers in my ear. My skin comes alive with goosebumps. Zain’s lip drags across my jaw, and he licks my mouth until I open, allowing his tongue to drag across mine.

  My walls I protect myself with come down, and I allow him to take over, dominating me like I’ve always wanted. I want to submit to him. I want to follow his every command and let go of control.

  I’m always the strong one, always the protector, always the one taking over when Chloe is too weak to. I want someone else to control me. I want to give up my strength for once and enjoy surrendering to someone more powerful than me.

  “Tell me, little rebel, what happened yesterday?”

  “Little rebel? What happened to sweet girl?” I ask, liking this nickname so much better.

  “Oh, I think we both know you deserve your own nickname, and sweet girl does not suit you does it?” he taps the tip of my nose with his finger.

  I want to squeal like a teenage girl, but I don’t squeal, so I swallow the urge to jump up and down like cheerleader. “I love it,” I say calmly, gazing into his eyes. I can’t believe we found someone like Zain. What are the chances of him loving us both?

  “Tell me what happened,” he says again.

  I blow out a breath and pick up the spoon on the small plate and dip it into my coffee mug. Stirring, I try and remember the first thing that happened between me and the man in the truck. “I came to in the truck while a man was trying to rape us. He said he wanted payment. I’m assuming Chloe hitchhiked and the wrong man picked her up. I saved her ass, like I always fucking do. He got handsy and I kicked his ass. I drove us back here and Tool came outside and took the guy to the clubhouse. Then Chloe took over. I didn’t come back until—” I blush remember the orgasm he gave me by rubbing his cock over my clit.

  “Until you came all over my cock like a good little rebel.”

  “Zain,” I moan, tilting my head back, expecting him to kiss me, but his hand wraps around my throat, then squeezes.

  “Don’t ever put yourself in danger like that again, do you understand me?”

  “I’m going to go hang out with Goldie and Zipper. See you guys later. Bye, bye, bye!” Oli bustles out of the kitchen and disappears down the hall.

  “I’m so fucking proud of you for protecting what’s mine, Jessica. It turns me on.” He lifts me from the chair by my throat and brings his face to mine. “I’m so goddamn hard for you right now, thinking about you kicking that bastard’s ass, protecting my cunt. Because it’s my cock that belongs there and only mine. Isn’t that right?”

  “Yes,” I moan as he sucks my bottom lip into his mouth and tugs to the point of pain.

  “You should be rewarded,” he says, tightening his grip.

  I gasp, searching for air, and the constraint has my panties wet and my nipples tight and begging for attention. “Yes,” I rasp, standing on my tiptoes to naturally get away for the hold so I can breathe, but I know I won’t be able to.

  “But I need to go to the clubhouse and take care of the man that wanted to hurt you.”

  “He can wait,” I offer the option. “Can’t he? Can’t I get on my knees and suck your cock instead? That sounds…” I swallow hard to coat my throat. “That sounds more fun, don’t it?”

  “It does, but I’m very pissed the fuck off, and want to kill him for touching you. For touching what’s mine. And then when I’m done, I’ll force you to your knees and fuck that pretty face until you gag, Jessica.”

  My eyes flutter shut at the thought.

  “You like the idea of that, little rebel? You want me to stretch those lips wide until I hit the back of your throat?”

  “Mmmhmm,” I whine, remembering how big his cock felt rubbing my clit.

  His hand moves to my left jaw and holds on tight. “Then, I’ll fuck that tight pussy again, fill you up until you’re dripping, then use our come to get your ass ready, and then I’ll fuck you there too.”

  “Yes! Zain, please.” Just the thought of him using me like that has me on the edge of orgasming, right here in the kitchen. If he keeps talking like that, I just might.

  “But you expect me to turn a blind eye to the man that almost hurt you?”

  “No,” I disagree with him and reach out to cup his erection. “I expect you to satisfy me first before you. I’m not asking you to ignore him, because I want to watch what you decide to do, but I want to be the priority. The fucking asshole can wait.”

  Zain growls so deep it reminds me of a wolf, especially when he curls his lip as he looks at me. “You’re a demanding thing, aren’t you?” he says, chuckling ironically.

  “Yes,” I answer, keeping my chin held high. I know what I want.

  And when I want something, I always find a way to get it.

  Just as I am his, he is mine, and I will kill anyone that dares to threaten that.

  Even him.

  His hand skims up my cheek, then side of my head, brushing his fingers through the strands. His face softens briefly, but the moment of tenderness is gone once his palm grips onto the top of my skull and pushes me down to my knees. I’m face to face with outline of his cock pressing against the denim jeans.

  I reach up to undo his pants. He fists my hair and starts to pull and walk away at the same time. My scalp burns, but it feels so fucking good.

  “You want it rough, little rebel?”

  I kick and scream, slapping his hands as he drags me down the hall. I slap his hands to try and get him to let go, but I hope he doesn’t.

  I don’t really want him to.

  “Oh dear,” Goldie gasps, peeking he head out the door when she hears the commotion, then slams it shut.

  Zain kicks open his bedroom door, then uses his strength to throw me through the entranceway. I slide across the floor and hit the side of the bed, tears of pain burning my eyes from the rough hold he had on me.

  I fucking loved it.

  And I want more.

  He uses his foot to close the door and he stares at me while he unbuttons his pants, then he unzips. I see a thick patch of dark brown hair, and my mouth waters when I see the base of his erection.

  “Get naked,” he orders.

  That won’t take long, since I’m only in an oversized shirt and shorts. I yank the black shirt over my head, then tug the shorts down and kick them away. I watch as his nostrils flare as drags his eyes up and down my body. “I’m going to fuck those big tits too one day.” He pulls his pants free. My eyes round and I suck my bottom lip into my mouth when his cock slaps against his stomach. The veins in the plump flesh are protruding, filled with blood that has his cock large and intimidating.

  The plum-shaped head is purple, and there is a shiny drop leaking from his slit.

  “Sit down on the edge of the bed.” He points to the mattress, and I sit down eagerly, wanting to obey him as if it is encoded in the fibers of my DNA.

  I watch him strut, his muscular thighs flexing, his ass firm, and his cock swinging. God, the man is a bear. I want him to ravage me. He bends down to pick up a white jacket off the floor and comes to my side. “Do you know what this is?” he asks.

  I shake my head.

  “It’s a straitjacket. It’s used to keep patients from using their arms, to contain
them so they don’t hurt themselves or others.”

  I gasp when he drapes it around me.

  “Cross your arms.”

  I do as he says, and he zips the jacket from the base of my spine to the back of my neck, then tightens the straps. I try to move and a grip of panic washes over me when I can’t.

  I love it.

  “I’ll have to cut holes in the material later so next time I can see those big tits I love so much,” he says, standing in front of me until his cock is nearly touching my cheek. His hands land on the back of my head, and the blanket under me gets wet from the desire dripping from me. “Suck my cock, little rebel. If you’re good, I’ll fuck you just how you want.”

  I’m going to suck him until his damn soul leaves his body.

  I try to reach out and grab his cock with my hands, but the damn straitjacket stops me. It sends delicious waves of frustration and excitement through me as I open my mouth. He doesn’t ease his cock into my mouth.

  He thrusts into it, fucking my throat just like he promised.

  His hips move quick. I gag and choke, coughing through it as he holds my head in my place while he uses me. Tears drip down my face, not from crying, but the natural reaction to gagging too much.

  “Oh fuck yes,” he groans.

  I lift my eyes up to see him, and through the blur of tears, I can tell his head is tilted back.

  “You like that? You like taking my cock down your throat?”

  “Mmhmm,” I try to say around the mouthful of dick.

  “Yeah, you fucking do,” he growls, hammering into my face to the point I can’t catch my breath. His heavy sacks swings and slaps me under the chin. I wish could reach down and rub my clit. I’m so wet that I can feel the slick running down my thighs. “I’m going to come.”

  He holds my head down, my nose buried in his pubic hair, and he grunts as his seed jets from him. He pulls out and the warm spurts land on my chin and neck. “You look so pretty covered in my come,” he says, stroking himself so every drop hits my face.

  My jaws hurt. My cheeks are wet. My lips are numb. Spit is dripping from my mouth along with come as I try to catch my breath.


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