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Their Secret

Page 56

by Cassandra Dee

  And slowly, I nodded.

  “I guess … I guess I was just so angry, you know? There were two pieces of really strong evidence, seeing Jeanette come out of his apartment and the used panties.” I took a deep breath. “Besides, what could Nick possibly say to justify it? Seriously, you have to admit this shit is pretty damning.”

  But Marie just shrugged.

  “Honey, I honestly don’t know. But I’m in law school now, remember? And one thing I’ve learned is to listen to the whole story, try and see both sides of the picture before rendering judgment. Tammy,” she said gently. “I know you don’t want to hear this but you may have jumped to conclusions. For someone who was as invested as he was, the behavior just sounds odd. Give Nick a chance to explain, hear him out.”

  And with a big sigh, I nodded, exhaling slowly. I felt a little calmer now, like my chakra was aligning once more, the Earth rotating in a way I recognized. Maybe Marie had a point. I couldn’t imagine any possible explanations for what had happened, but it was true that I hadn’t given Nick a chance to explain before I’d jumped the gun and come to my own conclusions.

  So I took another deep breath and another bracing sip of tea, the hot liquid scalding my tongue. Tomorrow would be another day and I’d confront the billionaire then … whatever the consequences.



  The elevator pinged and I stepped into the reception on the thirtieth floor. Nothing was different at Luxor, the space decorated in luxurious shades of beige and white, the walls gleaming. But what did I expect? Even if my world had been torn apart, it didn’t mean that the company was crashing, that bricks were falling from the sky.

  So I took a deep breath and approached the reception desk. Norma, bless her heart, smiled at me, her eyes twinkling.

  “Hi Tammy,” the elderly lady said, her voice kind. “Good to see you.”

  “Hey Norma,” I said, trying to look calm despite my racing heart. “Is there any way to see Mr. Martin today? Is he in his office?”

  And I dreaded the reply, half expecting the grey-haired woman to say something along the lines of “Oh I’m sorry, Mr. Martin has flown to Europe and won’t be back for two months.” If I got that answer, I wasn’t sure what I’d do because it meant that Nick didn’t want to see me ever again and was giving me the soft send-off.

  But Norma’s hands flew on the computer and she pursed her lips.

  “Wait right here,” she said. “Take a seat and let me check.”

  I wandered on wobbling legs over to a plush leather couch. Oh god, what if she came back with an answer/nonanswer, the kind that was a polite no?

  But within minutes, Norma was back with a kind smile.

  “Mr. Martin says to go right in,” she said with a wink. “I trust you know where he sits?”

  And I flushed. Was she alluding to something that I didn’t know? But I brushed it out of my mind, shooting the old lady a grateful smile before getting up and bracing my shoulders. I still had to face the She-Dragon, that bitch Jeanette, who was likely waiting for me with her claws out even now, ready to draw blood. Taking a deep breath, I propelled myself forward, willing myself to breathe, donning a suit of invisible armor. I pasted an empty smile on my face in anticipation of war.

  But to my surprise, her station was empty. And I mean, empty, empty, not like ‘gone to the bathroom’ or ‘back in five’ empty. There was no computer anymore, no printer, no binders, just a couple post-its and a stapler, like her workstation had been deserted.

  My eyebrows knitted as I stared for a moment. Had Jeanette been transferred somewhere? Was she demoted to the building basement, where I used to sit? Or maybe, just maybe, a small voice in my mind whispered, the blonde had been fired and I’d seen the last of the viper. My heart started fluttering again for reasons I couldn’t understand, but I squared my shoulders resolutely and knocked on Nick’s door, the oak loud and resonant.

  The billionaire’s deep growl rang out immediately.

  “Come,” came the curt command. Oh shit, that was fast.

  Tentatively, I pushed open the heavy door, letting myself into the spacious office. Taking a deep breath, I allowed myself a quick glance around. Again, everything was as I remembered, not an item out of place, everything immaculate, polished, gleaming from head to toe. The floor to ceiling view was still gorgeous, Central Park in the midst of the changing of the colors, leaves vibrantly yellow, red and orange through the glass panes.

  And the man at his desk was just as gorgeous. Nick took me in, his blue eyes shuttered, devastatingly handsome with his hair swept off his forehead, commanding in a perfectly-tailored grey suit.

  “Tammy,” his voice rumbled, his expression neutral. “Not someone I expected to see. What brings you here today?”

  I stepped forward a bit, stuttering slightly, my cheeks flushing.

  “I … I came to apologize,” I said quickly, getting past the hard part first. “For making a scene, for running in here like a crazy lady and shouting at you.”

  The big man steepled his hands thoughtfully.

  “Apology accepted,” his big voice rumbled. “I understand you were upset and acting under strain, so I accept.”

  I gasped, pausing for a moment, the air leaving my lungs in a whoosh.

  “That’s it?” I said. “That’s all?”

  The big man eyed me with amusement.

  “Unless you have something more to say?” he asked, eyebrows arched. “You’re the one who came to me, not the other way around.”

  And I felt myself getting angry again but took a deep breath, forcing myself to stay calm. I swear, Nick could really get under my skin, knowing exactly which buttons to push, and I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do more, kick him in the shins or kiss him.

  So I took a deep breath and spoke again.

  “I was thinking … I was thinking that I was hasty yesterday,” I said slowly.

  “You think?” he interrupted, his eyebrow arched quizzically again.

  And I really glared at him then, putting my hands on my hips, my chin jutting forward stubbornly.

  “Listen, just let me finish okay?” I said huffily. “I’m trying here, I’m really trying.”

  And the big man held up his hands palms out, nodding. He was definitely amused. “Be my guest,” he said with a gesture.

  Glaring at him still, I eyed him warily. But I had a load to get off my chest and so took a deep breath and tried again.

  “I flew in here like a fury,” I said slowly, “because I was so angry. I saw Jeanette coming out of your apartment two nights ago,” I said, shooting a dangerous glare his way, “and her hair was messy, her clothes askew, like you’d been kissing, making out. So when I came by your office that day, I wanted answers. I was ready to listen, I swear, but … but that’s when I found the panties,” I choked out.

  Nick gave no indication of his feelings, his face still, watching me intently. So I continued.

  “Right, then I found the panties and I lost it,” I said tightly. “I flew off the handle and screamed at you, without giving you a chance to explain.” I took a deep breath. “Upon some reflection, I realized that I didn’t give you an opportunity to explain … if you want to,” I added a little lamely. Oh god, I’d never entertained the thought that maybe Nick didn’t want to explain, that he’d already written me off and decided we were over, thank you very much. I was literally trembling now, unsure what to do next.

  But the big man surprised me, as usual. He got up from his desk then, prowling towards me like a predator, stalking me as I stood like a deer in headlights. I stepped back instinctively, knowing that I was out-matched, that I was putty in his hands, my pussy moistening despite my effort to stay serious.

  But instead of answering me immediately, Nick merely stood before me, both of us breathing heavily as his eyes grazed my features, caressing my cheeks, my chin, my forehead, before coming to rest on my mouth, following that Cupid’s bow. I moistened my lips instinctively which
only made the gleam in his eyes sharpen.

  “You’re such a beautiful girl,” he murmured slowly, contemplatively, as if to himself. “So beautiful … and so hot-headed too.”

  I flushed at the compliment. Was it a compliment? Oh god, I was running wet again just being so close to him, it was hard to think straight.

  So I tried to play it off.

  “Beautiful and hot-headed?” I mumbled, unable to tear myself away from his gaze. “I’m not sure what that is, some kind of double-edged compliment?”

  But instead of taking the bait, Nick ignored my words, his hand rising to trace my features, run slowly down my elegant neck, stroking the curve of my waist before returning to weigh my breasts in his hands, feeling the soft fullness, the generous orbs plump and juicy.

  And instinctively I leaned into his touch, mewling slightly, my nipples hardening as he caressed them with his thumbs, running circles around the stiff tips, making me cream wetly between my thighs. My pupils had dilated and I knew I was losing this war, losing this battle before it had even begun, I was sheer putty in this man’s hands.

  But the alpha male just chuckled, sensing my complete capitulation.

  “Little girl,” he rumbled, “you have nothing to fear. I was never angry because I kinda like it,” he shrugged. “I like the way you went around, all fire and brimstone, shooting sparks everywhere, a little wildcat gone crazy. And it was because of me too,” he murmured. “You are so in love with me that the thought of another woman drove you completely over the edge, transforming you into a hellcat ready to scratch someone’s eyes out.”

  I was completely still even as his hands caressed me, moving lower to stroke my soft tummy. But wait, what was he saying? I shook my head dazedly. Nick wasn’t angry? The billionaire liked my tempestuous ways? I was in love with him?

  I inhaled sharply.

  “How do you know I’m in love with you?” my voice quivered even as I leaned into his touch. “How do you know?”

  “I know,” the big man rumbled deeply, “because of this,” he said tweaking my nipple, making me gasp. “Because of this,” he said, running a big hand between my legs, skimming my panties, laughing in his throat as he tested the wet material, “And because of this,” he groaned, taking my mouth in a deep kiss, branding me with his lips, making me all his.

  And I sighed into him, leaning into his frame fully then, pressing my breasts against his chest, my thighs parting so slightly to give him access, begging for him to touch me.

  And Nick kissed me deep, scooping my curvy body towards him, letting me feel the poker-hot press of his dick against my belly. I mewled again, twisting, writhing, wanting to be closer to him without the barrier of our clothes.

  But he pushed me back, laughing softly, sitting down on a couch so that I was curled in his lap.

  “Baby girl,” he said. “You’ve been through a lot and although I’m not angry, I want you to know what happened,” he said, his expression suddenly serious. “You deserve to know what happened.”

  “We can get to it later,” I breathed against his mouth, my arms wrapping of their own volition around his neck. “I just want you,” I said desperately, licking my lips, tempting him.

  A light flickered instantly in his eyes, his senses alight, but he pulled my arms down and frowned seriously.

  “No baby, I want you to listen. Jeanette, that fucking bitch,” he spat, “is behind it all. She masterminded the whole thing, the flyby at my apartment, the panties in my suit pocket.”

  “But why?” I asked, perplexed. “How did she get into our building? And why, why would she do all this and put her job in jeopardy? Doesn’t she get paid enough as is, secretary to the head honcho?”

  The big man snorted.

  “The bitch was too far gone, there’s no ‘whys’ when it comes to sociopaths,” he said disgustedly. “But the full story is that when she started working at Luxor a year ago, she started blackmailing me. She came in one night, late, when I was alone, and thrust her breast in my face. It was disgusting,” he assured me, seeing my shocked expression. “I wanted nothing to do with her, her boob was all shriveled and small, like an old lady’s tits.”

  “But she threatened me with a sexual harassment lawsuit and I caved,” Nick shrugged. “Luxor had just settled some harassment suits in previous years and I didn’t want another one coming down the pike, it would distract our staff, our board, our shareholders from the meaningful work we do. So I agreed,” he shrugged. “Jeanette wasn’t asking for much money and I figured I’d fire her after a year, after she genuinely fucked up on the job somehow.”

  “But then you came,” he said, turning to look deeply into my eyes. God, he was so beautiful that I awed, so close to those perfect features, the strong nose and chin offset by a mobile, sculpted mouth. “And the blonde saw something that frightened her, I’m not sure what. Probably your warmth, your sincerity, and the fact that people liked you, genuinely wanted to be in your company.”

  I paused for a moment.

  “And she was scared because you liked me,” I said pointedly. “That was probably what threw her the most.”

  Nick nodded.

  “And I liked you,” he conceded, his eyes flaring, pulling me close. “More than that. I was falling in love with you, and it freaked the hell out of her.”

  I sat bolt upright in his lap. Holy shit, Nick Martin had been falling in love with me? Was potentially in love with me even now? I turned to look at him, my eyes wide, lips trembling.

  And the big man just grazed my mouth with his own.

  “That’s right little girl, I’d fallen in love and everyone knew it. Everyone in the office could feel it, the electricity between us, how the air hummed whenever we were in each other’s vicinity. I’m surprised we didn’t set this building on fire.”

  My cheeks grew red.

  “Everyone knew?” I gasped, breathless. “But we were hardly ever around each other in public. No one knew I came to your office via the secret passageway.”

  “That’s true,” conceded Nick, his big hand on my chin, turning me to look deeply in his eyes. “But we would pass by each other in the halls, say good morning, the usual niceties. Except the sparks were so strong between us, so magnetic, that everyone could feel it, knew that something was up.”

  I sat back, a little stunned. No wonder Norma had hinted at a relationship between Nick and me, that I knew where his office was already. No wonder there’d been a couple odd looks in the past weeks, nothing too out of place, just eyes that met mine and then slipped away quickly, my co-workers choosing not to say anything.

  “Everyone knows, don’t they?” I asked softly. “Everyone knows.”

  “Everyone does know,” the big man repeated. “Knows that we’re in love with each other, that we’re a couple who can’t keep our hands off each other despite the fact that we’re totally kosher in public. No one needs to know you’re a little nympho, a little sex doll who can’t keep her legs together,” he teased.

  I flushed hotly.

  “I’ll have you remember I was a virgin when you met me,” I said primly. “You’re the one who took my cherry. Both my cherries,” I corrected, flushing a little.

  The big man just chuckled deeply in his chest.

  “And I loved every second of it,” he breathed in my ear. “Every fucking second, tasting that snatch, feeling you squirm and scream, knowing my dick was the first, the only, inside your sweet holes. And that’s why the minute I found out what Jeanette had done, how she’d snuck into my apartment, snuck her panties into my suit jacket, I fired her ass, sexual harassment claim be damned.”

  I paused for a moment.

  “So she’s gone,” I said slowly. “We’ll never see her again.” I couldn’t even bear to say her name at this point, it was like poison on the tongue.

  The big man paused.

  “Well I can’t promise that because the blonde’s mentally unstable, you can’t predict anything with the insane. So we might be seeing
her from the inside of a courtroom,” he said. “Or maybe the inside of a jail,” he added thoughtfully.

  The slammer? Maximum lock-down for that bitch? Sad to say, but the thought made joy course through my veins after all the woman had put us through.

  “That’s right,” murmured Nick into my ear. “I have half a mind to take the case to the DA. You know he’s an old friend of mine,” he smiled against the sensitive skin of my neck.

  And I sighed languorously then, the tension seeping out of my body, winding my arms around his neck, bringing his lips down to mine for a deep kiss.

  “I think, Mr. Martin, that I get it now,” I breathed against his skin, my tongue lazily playing against his mouth, tracing sensitive circles, making the big man catch his breath, his cock harden even further against me. “I get it. You’re a powerful man, you’ll always be the target of scheming tramps, and I need to at least give you a chance to explain because there might be an answer.”

  A big finger traced my cheek as he looked deeply into my eyes.

  “And I know now,” he replied, his voice a low growl in his throat, “that my little hellcat is a woman who needs attention, who needs to be petted and stroked daily, told that she’s beautiful and wanted. Because my little hellcat’s got a temper and at the least provocation she’s liable to fly off the handle and scream … although I loved every second of it,” he added, his eyes flashing, his big body ready to take, that cock jutting ever more insistently against my softness.

  “Because I was screaming for you,” I purred, writhing a little, teasing him with the friction. “This little hellcat was screaming to have you inside me, with me, always.”

  The big man chuckled.

  “I aim to please,” he growled before diving into my body, making me moan, tremble, and shiver on top of him, taking what was his all over again. Because against the most incredible backdrop of events, the wicked virgin had prevailed against the Wicked Witch, and I was never letting go of Nick. He was my everything, my sun, my moon, my stars … and I was his as well.


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