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Their Secret

Page 58

by Cassandra Dee

  But the girl just moaned and panted, her cheek pressed against the cold hallway floor, and lightly rubbed her pussy again before hooking a finger in and popping out the orange object with a long moan. Oh fuck. The item dropped to the floor, bouncing a bit towards me and I finally saw what it was.

  It was a kumquat. A tiny fruit the shape of an olive, with bright carroty skin just like a real orange, fleshy and round … and perfect for inserting into a girl’s pussy. It must have been her little secret, carrying it around in her hot space, like a bead massaging her vagina, an internal toy.

  And now that it was out, the brunette was going at her clit like crazy, rubbing up and down, massaging the stiff nub in circles, her hand like a motor as her hole dripped juice, cream running wetly down her thighs.

  And with a moan, a squeal, and a long gasp of “Ah ah ahs!”, the girl came hard, her pussy and ass clenching with ecstasy, those powerful muscles clamping down again and again, spasming as waves of pleasure seized her little body, her scream ringing out in the empty hallway.

  I was fucking ready to go now as well, ram my dick hard into that swollen cunt, the miles of sweet, creamy flesh beckoning to me, already wet from desire. Except I stopped because the girl lifted her head and sighed, giving me a glimpse of that sweet face.

  It was Evie Jones from my biology class. Sweet, sweet Evie with the curvy bod, the shy smile, and the big brown eyes that trailed me as I lectured. I’d always liked her, her thoughtful ways, her quiet demeanor, so different from a lot of the spoiled kids at Spencer. Well, what do you know. I’d come upon one of my favorite students, nude with her ass up in the air, frigging herself during a school dance. Life couldn’t get any better, my night had just been made.

  Except common sense struck me like a blow to the head. I couldn’t let Evie know I’d seen, not now. So gritting my teeth, I forced my dick back in my pants, the bulge so fucking painful I wasn’t sure how I was going to chaperone the rest of the night, this boner showed no inclination of going down anytime soon. But force it in I did, and with a yank of my zip, I imprisoned the poor guy even as I stared at Evie’s round butt and gleaming pink bits, still dripping as she recovered from her orgasm.

  Because I couldn’t let her know that I’d seen … not just yet. But I had plans for the sweet brunette. Oh yeah, big plans. Because I’m no saint, I’m a teacher, and my favorite student was about to get a big surprise.



  Biology is my favorite subject and it’s not just because I’m pre-med. It’s because Stone Phillips, or Mr. Phillips as we call him, is an amazing instructor, making even the most difficult concepts seem cool.

  “Everyone,” he’d say in that low growl. “What are we made of?”

  A couple people yawned but a couple girls also raised their hands, eager to get his attention.

  “Mr. Phillips, we’re seventy five percent water!” called Hannah, a brainy brunette with glasses as thick as goggles.

  “True, true,” he said thoughtfully, nodding. “What else?”

  “We’re meat sacks,” called some jock from the back, cackling at his own joke. “Just blood and guts waiting to spill out.”

  Mr. Phillips nodded at that one too.

  “That’s right, any other ideas?” he called.

  And slowly, I raised my hand. Mr. Phillips’s deep blue eyes turned towards me and I shivered with sensation. God, his gaze was so penetrating, so arresting, that I could hardly breathe even though I tried not to show it.

  “Are- are we made of dust?” I stuttered, cursing myself silently. “I mean, after we die and all, we become dust again, right?”

  And the smile Mr. Phillips flashed took my breath away.

  “You got it,” he said with casual assurance, “We are all stardust. Ashes to ashes and dust to dust.”

  And you see the type of teacher Mr. Phillips was. “We are all stardust”? It was a cheesy line but oh so romantic and totally true too. I guess when people die, when any living organism dies, we become dust once again, and it’s the same dust that makes up stars in the sky. So his proclamation that “we are all stardust” was not only poetic but true. And I loved how he’d tied it in with the biblical passage “ashes to ashes,” his smarts made me tingle all over.

  But yeah, Mr. Phillips isn’t just known for his smarts and his confidence in the classroom. He’s known for his chiseled features and perfect bod, all of it displayed in khakis and a button down most days. But the dad outfits can’t hide the perfect butt, the wide shoulders, the broad chest that tapered to a narrow waist. He was an Adonis come to life, and I wasn’t the only girl who noticed.

  Because there was always a throng of teenage hussies surrounding him, every Kim, Laura and Mary trying to get his attention, get those magnetic blue eyes onto their bodies. And it was downright embarrassing sometimes seeing how my female classmates threw themselves at him.

  Take Kim for example. Today, as the bell rang letting the previous class out, the blonde rushed past everyone, battling against the stream of students to shove her way to the front of the room, plunking her books on the desk that was front and center. And I could see why. She’d worn a tight white sweater, one that emphasized every curve of her huge tits, the orbs bouncy and pendulous. Oh yeah, Mr. Phillips would get a good look at those girls today, how could he miss such a huge rack when it was positioned right in front of him, its owner twirling her hair and making eyes at him while licking her pencil?

  But Stone was better than that. He strode into the room, confident, casual, dark hair slightly ruffled and totally professional. His eyes didn’t even graze Kim’s chest, he didn’t so much as bat an eye at that heart-stopping cleavage. Instead, our teacher smiled raffishly, totally cute, and flipped open his lesson planner.

  “We’re going to talk about DNA today,” he announced. “What are nucleotides?”

  And believe or not, Mr. Phillips made the discussion fascinating, an otherwise boring topic come to life at the hands of our instructor. I was picking up loads and loads, I’d be able to take the AP Biology exam at the end of the year even though this class wasn’t actually an AP class. Mr. Phillips was just that good, I knew with some extra study I’d be able to ace the test, get a jump on college while still in high school.

  But when the handsome man called my name unexpectedly, I was surprised and jerked in my seat.

  “Evie,” he said with a casual grin, “were you listening?”

  “Um, yes,” I said, biting my lip, looking down while growing beet red. “Totally, yes.”

  “Okay, what did I just say then?”

  “Um,” here I bit my lip again. But fortunately Mindy saved me with her frantic hand gestures. “You said that the exam’s going to be next week, and it’s going to cover Chapter Seven,” I parroted. Incredible that I knew Mindy so well that she could transmit such detailed information to me, but we weren’t able to pull one on Mr. Phillips, he could see her gestures, we were only fifteen feet away after all.

  “That’s right,” he said. “But may I speak to the both of you after class today?”

  Mindy spun around to face forwards with a shocked look, making me giggle a little. My friend is such a drama queen, it’d been obvious that she’d been signaling to me but she wasn’t about to let that hold her back.

  “But-but I didn’t do anything,” she wailed piteously.

  “How’d you know I was talking to you then?” rumbled Mr. Phillips wryly.

  “I-I didn’t do anythiiiiing!” was all Mindy wailed again. And maybe it was the tears welling in her eyes, or the way her chin trembled and shook, but suddenly my friend was off the hook and I was the only one who had to stay after.

  So when the bell rang, I gathered my books nervously, my heart beating a million miles a minute. My classmates brushed past me and I kept my head down, biting my lip while looking around.

  “Don’t be too long,” whispered Mindy under her breath. “I’ll save you a seat at lunch and you can tell me all about Hom

  And that made me color because Homecoming had been awesome, I’d had an unforgettable session with my kumquat in the privacy of a darkened hallway, spilling my juices while moaning to the high heavens. And the juiciest part was that I’d been fantasizing about Mr. Phillips the entire time. Yep, my unsuspecting biology teacher had no idea that he’d been the source of an ecstasy-driven orgasm, a little fruit mixing with his handsome face to bring me to heaven again and again. So I bit my lip and looked around … and found Mr. Phillips staring at me, eyes knowing and warm like he could read my mind.



  Evie was downright gorgeous, shy but an absolute stunner. She was curvy everywhere, with big boobs, a round ass, and wide, swinging hips that made my mouth water and she walked towards me.

  Because how could I not notice? The brunette was nothing like the silly ditzes who threw themselves at me all the time. Take Kim for example. The blonde thought she was so sexy with her long golden hair and huge tits, but it was actually kind of gross because the hair was way too long, she was practically Rapunzel at this point, ready to hoist someone up to her window. And the tits? Kim was the proverbial tits on a stick, a huge set of D’s bolted onto a scrawny body.

  Because I hated that look. It was popular with some guys, sure, an underweight skeleton accessorized by huge gazongas, but that wasn’t me. I like fleshy and real, a juicy ass to grab, huge handfuls of breast, and chunky thighs to bite into. So Kim was borderline gross in my world view, made all the worse because she sat up front each day, batting her eyelashes my way.

  But the girl I really wanted to know had just made things easy for me. Evie stood nervously by my desk, her hands crossed in front of her, shy and ducking her head, that mass of glorious brunette curls distracting me. What would it feel like to run my hands through the shining fall, wrap a strand or two around my dick? But I shook myself. I was getting ahead of myself.

  “So,” I began casually, leaning back in my chair. “I hear you’re aiming to take the AP exam at the end of the year.”

  “Um yeah,” she said, biting her lip, her cheeks slightly pink. “But it’s not because your class is bad or anything, Mr. Phillips. It’s because I’m learning so much that I figured I might be able to pass the exam with just a little extra studying.”

  My eyebrows shot up.

  “Just a little extra?” I asked. “The AP exam is really tough and my class is regular biology, not advanced placement. How are you going to pass that thing, much less get a five?” A five was the highest score you could get.

  “Well,” Evie said, looking hesitantly at me. “My parents have offered to spring for a tutor. Sort of,” she corrected. “I have to pay for some of the sessions myself.”

  My eyebrows raised again.

  “Biology tutors don’t come cheap,” I rumbled casually. “A colleague of mine tutors on the side but it’s a hundred fifty bucks a pop. That’s a hundred fifty bucks per hour,” I stressed.

  And the beautiful girl’s face fell.

  “Oh I didn’t realize,” she mumbled, looking down. “I thought it would be fifteen dollars an hour, maybe twenty. My family can’t afford a hundred fifty, not even if I chip in because we’re working class and my parents are already stretching their budget to send me to Spencer. So I guess it’s not going to happen,” she concluded, embarrassed, looking down.

  I was silent for a moment before speaking again.

  “Well,” I said smoothly, “I’d like to help. How about if I tutor you? Say some extra sessions after school until you take the test?”

  The brunette’s eyes flew open, the caramel pools so warm and hopeful that I almost drowned in the molten chocolate.

  “Oh would you?” she breathed. But then she paused, a little confused. “But why? I don’t get it, you won’t get anything out of tutoring me.”

  I kept my expression impassive.

  “That’s not true,” I corrected gently. “It reflects well on me if a student of mine takes an advanced exam and passes with flying colors. It speaks to my effectiveness as an instructor, and maybe,” I shrugged, “they’ll consider it when it comes to reviews.”

  I didn’t add that I didn’t plan on staying at the school much longer so reviews were pretty much a moot point. But the little girl didn’t need to know.

  Evie bit her lip.

  “I guess that makes sense,” she said slowly. “And if I do well, maybe Spencer Prep will funnel some resources into the Biology department. They’ll see that students are really motivated and help you buy some new supplies, some new plants, that kind of stuff,” she said, biting her lip. Was she thinking of the kumquat tree I kept outside the classroom in a big pot? The delicious fruit, golden orange and ripe? I definitely hoped so, and we’d be getting to that soon enough. But for now, Evie’s eyes were filled with hope.

  “Would you, Mr. Phillips? If you tutored me, it’d make all the difference,” she breathed. “I want to be a doctor and this will help get my pre-med studies started. But,” and here her chin trembled. “My family can’t afford to pay you much,” she said quietly. “Like I mentioned, we’re working class and I’m actually only here because of a scholarship. We can’t afford someone as highly qualified as you.”

  I steepled my hands under my chin thoughtfully.

  “Well, we can work something out,” I said smoothly, my face impassive as I leaned back in the chair, casually handsome, in total control.

  “Oh, would you consider doing it for free?” the brunette breathed, her eyes going wide with delight. “That would be so kind, Mr. Phillips!”

  I threw my head back and laughed.

  “Oh no little girl, this isn’t going to be free, not exactly,” I said casually. “We need to work out something in terms of payment.”

  And Evie looked at the floor again, her hands twisting into one another, the look on her face crestfallen.

  “I’m so sorry Mr. Phillips,” she said quietly. “My family doesn’t have much and it’s tough to drum up more. Fifteen dollars would be the most we could afford and I know that’s not enough for someone with your credentials.”

  At that, a wolfish grin came over my face.

  “I’m not asking for anything from your family,” I rumbled, “No, I figured the payment would come from you.”

  The brunette looked confused, raising her head to meet my gaze with puzzled eyes.

  “From me?” she asked quizzically. “I mean, I guess I could help you grade papers or do some filing. Or is there something else?” she asked, perplexed.

  I shook my head.

  “No, nothing like that. Grading papers would be a conflict of interest, you’d see other students’ grades and I don’t have much filing on hand,” I shrugged. “But I do have something else in mind.”

  And the brunette shook her head, the mass of curls tumbling over her shoulders.

  “But what?” she asked, her brow creased. “I mean, I’m still in high school so I don’t exactly have any marketable skills,” she said wryly.

  And at that, I pulled the kumquat out of my pocket, the little globe orange and juicy, shiny under the classroom lights. Because after Evie had popped it out of her pussy, it’d rolled down the darkened hallway to stop at my feet, and I’d surreptitiously picked it up, stowing it in my pocket until I got home, smelling the tang of her pussy juice, licking the little fruit while re-living what I’d just seen in my head.

  And I could tell the brunette recognized the fruit, her eyes going wide, her breasts heaving with agitation.

  “Is this yours?” I asked casually, with a smile on my face, holding up the little fruit.

  And the brunette’s shocked gasp was answer enough, my body going on alert, hungry suddenly … for what Evie had to offer.



  Oh god, oh god. What was that in Mr. Phillips’ hand? Oh god, could it be? I felt myself go hot, then cold, then hot again, my face going beet red, the flush spreading across my ches
t, my hands and feet suddenly clammy.

  I’d searched for the kumquat after my little session during Homecoming, literally crawled on my hands and knees trying to find my lost fruit in that darkened hallway. But I’d come up empty and finally gave up, shrugging my shoulders. It was no big deal, it was just a piece of random fruit, the janitor would pick it up the next morning and trash it.

  Except here it was in Mr. Phillips’ fingers and he was smiling at me like he knew.

  “Um,” I stuttered nervously. “Doesn’t look familiar, no.”

  But the big man was smooth.

  “I think you know,” he rumbled deep in his chest, his blue eyes dancing. “Don’t pretend little girl, I think it belongs to you.”

  “Um, it’s… it’s a baby orange?” I feigned ignorance.

  The big man just chuckled, leaning back in his chair.

  “I think you know what it is, Evie,” he growled, his eyes suddenly intent. “It’s a kumquat and you know where it’s been.”

  At that I flushed again, probably turning an even deeper shade of red. Because it’d been in my pussy, I’d moaned and screamed during my session, sure that I was alone, sure that the thumping of the music muffled any sounds I was making. But Mr. Phillips’ devilish grin told another truth – that he’d seen the whole thing and I was outed. Oh my god.

  My lips trembled, in fact my whole body trembled, and I turned pleading brown eyes to him.

  “Please Mr. Phillips,” I begged. “Please don’t tell anyone.”

  He grinned at me, blue eyes gleaming.

  “Why would I tell anyone?” he drawled. “It made my day, my entire month in fact.”

  I gasped. What was he saying? That seeing me in the hallway, nude, my pussy pulsing had made his month? Could it be true? Surely not. But the way the air was tingling told me that something had changed, that suddenly we were more than just a student and teacher, that this was more than a talk about AP exams and after-school tutoring. A bolt of lightning ran through my body and I could tell the big man felt it too, our conversation suddenly supercharged, my cunt moist, my breasts sensitive.


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