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Love's Fortress

Page 6

by Samantha Kane

  Sarah moaned and he had to look. He couldn’t resist anymore. It had been a pleasant torture not to allow himself to look at Gideon. But he had to look. He kissed Sarah’s temple and then turned and looked down her body. He didn’t know what to focus on first. She was a feast, not just for Gideon but also for Charles. Her beautiful breasts gave way to the swell of her womanly belly, so soft and warm. He reached down and ran his fingers across it, dipping one finger into her little bellybutton. He smiled when she laughed and squirmed a little and Gideon looked up at him from between her legs. Christ, he was so amazingly gorgeous down there. His eyes shone like exotic sapphires over her dark blonde curls. Gideon began to pull away, and Sarah delighted both men when she blindly reached down and pressed his mouth back to her with a hand against the back of his head.

  She sounded…juicy, like an overripe peach. Charles mouth watered. He could hear Gideon lapping up her cream, watched as Gideon’s eyes closed in rapture at her taste. Gideon reached down with both hands and pressed behind her knees. Sarah allowed him to raise her legs, bending her knees obediently, letting Gideon spread her wide as he devoured her. Her head thrashed on the bed and her hand fisted in a puddle of her thick hair near her shoulder.

  Charles leaned down and took her breast in his mouth again, sucking her nipple roughly, and Sarah cried out, thrusting up into Gideon’s mouth as Charles wanted. He hummed appreciatively around her and Sarah thrust up again, moaning. God, she was incredible. There was no shyness in her now. She was wanton, desperate for it. He wanted to watch her climax for them. Then he would help Gideon fuck her. He had never seen a woman who needed to be fucked so badly.

  “Oh, oh,” Sarah stuttered, her hips moving without finesse. But she was getting the job done. If Charles didn’t miss his guess, she was about to come. He pulled off her breast with a final, deep tug and Sarah arched her back in pleasure. Charles was smug and satisfied. He knew what she liked now. She didn’t know how to ask for it, but Charles knew. He always knew, didn’t he? Sarah’s pretty mouth was open as she panted in her excitement and Charles had to have that again too. He moved to kiss her and a stunning thought hit him. He was still the only man to kiss her. Gideon wouldn’t. He’d been rejected rather badly in the past. Now he wouldn’t risk it. But somehow Charles knew that Sarah would kiss Gideon. She’d kiss Gideon with the same abandon he’d found in her mouth. When he finally pressed his open mouth to hers, it was with the understanding that he was teaching her how to kiss Gideon when the time came.

  Gideon was groaning at her cunt now. Christ, she must taste good. Charles wondered if he would ever find out. He wanted to, more than he ought to, probably. The right thing to do was to make this the last time for the three of them. But he’d never been very good at doing the right thing, had he? If they asked, he’d be here again. And again. Because he knew this was where he wanted to be. With Gideon and Sarah.

  Sarah was wild beneath him, biting his lip and sucking it desperately as her hips tried to fly out of Gideon’s hands. Gideon was trying to hold her down for his mouth. Charles moved his hand from her stomach to her slit and rubbed the hard little knot of pleasure there. He’d never known a woman who wouldn’t come from that.

  Sarah’s breath stuttered in his mouth. Christ, that was arousing. He rubbed harder and she fell away from his lips as a keening cry broke free and she stiffened on the bed, her hips arched into Gideon’s mouth. Gideon moved his hand between her legs as Charles pinched her little knot and she convulsed with a sob. Charles watched her face as she came. She was gorgeous, dammit. She came apart, coming and crying and shaking.

  “Yes, Sarah,” Gideon rasped from between her legs, and Charles looked down and watched as Gideon licked his fingers around Sarah’s knot. Her hips jerked up at the same time Charles pressed his hard cock into the bed at the feel of Gideon’s tongue on him.

  When it was over Sarah went limp, breathing as if they’d put her through her paces too hard. She moaned and then covered her eyes with her arm. Charles turned and saw Gideon kissing and licking her thigh softly.

  “Was that it?” Sarah asked breathlessly. “Am I Mrs. North now?”

  Gideon chuckled as he awkwardly moved from between her legs. “In one sense, yes. But truthfully, no.”

  “Dear Lord,” Sarah whispered, “there’s more?”


  Sarah looked away as both men took off their trousers. Gideon had told her they needed to be unclothed for the actual act. She desperately hoped it felt like what Gideon had just done. His mouth on her sex had been wondrous. She truly hadn’t known. Had not known this was what it was like between a man and wife. She blushed as she remembered that Charles was not her husband. The secret of adultery was now unlocked to her as well. She looked at Charles out of the corner of her eye and then slammed her eyes shut. Even his backside was muscular. How was that possible?

  She felt self-conscious lying there naked. The breeze was still blowing through the curtains, and she could hear night creatures calling to one another outside. She was chilled. There had been so much heat between the three of them, and now she was alone and cold, the sweat and…other things cooling on her skin and her sex. She rolled to her side and reached for the blanket.

  “Stay like that.” Gideon’s voice made her freeze, lying there on her side with her arm stretched out. She shivered at his gruff, commanding tone. How could anyone not respond to that voice? Sarah certainly did, to an embarrassing extent.

  She felt him stand beside the bed and then heard him awkwardly hop around. The blankets were pulled up behind her and the bed dipped as he got back in. Sarah’s heartbeat accelerated. Suddenly he touched her arm and she forced herself not to jerk in surprise. He didn’t like that. Every time she’d done it before, he’d retreated. Her senses were fine-tuned to his movements, to his breathing. Should she turn now?

  Charles stepped in front of her beside the bed. Sarah caught her breath. She had never seen a man’s member before. The boys’ when they were children, but never a man’s. It was smaller than she’d imagined. The way some village women talked about it under their breath, Sarah had expected it to be shaped like a huge mace with a barbed end. She was quite relieved to discover it looked nothing like the specter of her imagination but exactly like the attributes she’d seen on farm animals. Not as small as a dog’s, but thankfully not as large as a bull or stallion. Relief coursed through her and she started to smile. But then she wondered, are all men the same? Would Gideon’s be different? Because Gideon was the one she was going to be with.

  Just then Gideon rolled over and pressed against her bottom. She did jerk in shock but then quickly pressed back against him before he could pull away. What she felt seemed to mirror what she saw between Charles’ legs. She closed her eyes and took a calming breath. Good. That was good.

  “Sarah, say something,” Gideon said quietly. He smoothed a hand over her bare hip and she pressed back harder. He seemed to like that, snuggling closer to her and kissing her shoulder. She couldn’t feel his legs. Just blankets. But she could feel the hot flesh of his member, obviously left exposed.

  “I am greatly relieved to find the stories about a man’s…parts to be vastly exaggerated,” Sarah said weakly.

  Charles burst into laughter beside the bed while Gideon chuckled behind her. “I think we’ll do all right with what we’ve got,” Charles told her with a grin. He climbed on the bed and offered Sarah a hand. When she took it he pulled her up gently to kneel in front of him, and his smile dimmed a little. “Or Gideon will. Sarah, you must know that I won’t…that is to say, you are Gideon’s wife and I respect that. I’m honored that you let me be here tonight, that I was allowed to help Gideon…anyway, Sarah…” he trailed off again.

  “I understand,” she told him quietly, squeezing his hand. “Thank you.”

  Gideon moved behind her and she turned to see him lying on his back. He didn’t force her to turn away. He let her look at him. His shoulders and chest were even thicker than Charles’. I
t had appeared that way in his clothes. His upper arms were heavy with muscle. She’d felt them when he had wrapped his arm around her. She liked it, liked the way it felt when he had flexed those muscles for her. His chest had more hair than Charles’ and it was dark and curly. The hair on his head was so short it was hard to tell if it was curly. Did a man’s chest hair mirror that on his head? Charles’ hair was very curly and so was his chest hair, the little he had. She could just see Gideon’s nipples peeking out among the hair. They seemed pale pink like hers. Charles’ were browner. Sarah was a little surprised at how much she had noticed about Charles without realizing it. She couldn’t help but make comparisons. These were the only two naked men she’d ever seen, after all.

  She told herself not to be a ninny and finally looked down between his legs. His member was quite similar to Charles’, perhaps a bit longer maybe, and paler, but hardly frightening. It looked peculiar. They both did. It was just odd to see that pole sticking out from between a man’s legs.

  “Why are you smiling?” Gideon asked coolly.

  Oh dear. She’d upset him. She stopped smiling and cleared her throat. “It’s just odd, that’s all. I’ve never seen a…a man’s member, and it looks peculiar sticking out like that.”

  Charles laughed and she turned to him with a frown. He smoothed a finger between her brows.

  “Don’t frown, pretty Sarah,” he whispered, and kissed the end of her nose. “It’s just that you are not much of a flatterer.”

  Sarah blushed. “I wasn’t aware I was supposed to flatter a man in bed. Do you really like that?” She tried to imagine insincerely praising the length or girth of a man’s parts and truly didn’t think she could muster the necessary dramatic skills.

  “No,” Gideon said roughly in that way of his. “I don’t like it. I’d rather be vastly exaggerated and peculiar. Come here.”

  Charles smiled at her and grabbed her under her arms lifting her up. She clutched his shoulders for support and bit back a cry of surprise as he lifted her and then set her down so she straddled Gideon’s lap with her back to him, looking at Charles.

  This wasn’t right. She should be facing Gideon. She shook her head at Charles, just looking at him. She wasn’t sure what he saw in her face, but he smiled kindly. “No?” he asked so softly she wasn’t sure Gideon heard.

  “No,” Sarah whispered. She lifted her right leg and Charles again held her hand to support her as she awkwardly turned around.

  “No,” Gideon bit out. Sarah and Charles ignored him. He sat up, leaning on his hands and frowning. When Sarah finally faced him full-on, he quickly turned his head to the side, showing her the unmarked side of his face. Sarah cupped his chin in her hand and caressed that cheek with her thumb.

  “Oh no,” she said softly, “if I can’t, you can’t.” She applied gentle pressure until he gave in and jerked his head aside, dislodging her hand. The look he gave her was more ferocious than ever. Suddenly she felt Charles at her back, his hands on her hips, and he moved in close enough to rest his chin on her shoulder.

  “She’s got you there, Gideon,” he said with amusement. “And I think it will be easier for her this first time if she faces you.” The last was said quite seriously, and Gideon’s expression changed. He looked chagrined.

  “You’re right, of course,” he agreed. “I hadn’t thought of that.” He shook his head. “I’m sorry, Sarah.”

  “I thought we agreed not to say that anymore tonight.” Her voice was shaky again. She could feel his stiff member rubbing on her inner thigh. The skin there was shockingly soft and hot. And damp. Was he sweating? There?

  Charles reached around to cup her breasts and massage them. She loved that. It felt delicious. She’d had no idea. She forever banished the wish to be rid of them. Many times she’d wished them gone when they got in the way or her clothing grew too small when she was younger, making an almost vulgar display. But now…now she knew what they were capable of and she would never underestimate her breasts again. Charles seemed fascinated by them. It thrilled her. She tentatively thrust her chest out slightly, into his hands, and his laugh was low, enticing, temptation itself.

  “Like that, do you?” he murmured. “Good.”

  Gideon was watching Charles’ hands on her breasts and she felt his erection move against her thigh. Unbelievably, she actually felt her sex quiver. What else was her body capable of? What other surprises were in store for her? Gideon slowly lay down again, watching, always watching. Sarah loved that too. She understood now, understood that Gideon needed Charles to help him overcome the fear, but he also wanted Charles here. He wanted to watch Charles touch her, kiss her. And Sarah didn’t mind that. They had both been so wonderful to her tonight, all day today, really. Sarah closed her eyes, trying not to cry. She was so emotional, too emotional. Gideon liked her practical. She placed her hands over Charles’ on her breasts. “Yes, I like that.” Her voice was low, forced out from the very depths of her as she bared her desire before them.

  Charles’ chest rose and fell in a deep, rhythmic pattern behind her. He seemed so solid there, much as Gideon had earlier. Had Charles really made her nervous before? She couldn’t imagine that now.

  “What do I do?” She needed to know. She wanted to do whatever it was right now. She suddenly had a burning need to make Gideon hers. And in so doing, she knew Charles would be satisfied as well.

  Gideon touched her leg and Sarah glanced down to see him grasp his member in his fist while he held her thigh in his other hand. Charles wrapped an arm around her waist and pressed her down until the tip of Gideon’s erection tapped her entrance.

  “Here.” Gideon’s voice was so low and rough Sarah almost didn’t hear him. He was as overcome as she was. It drove her desperation higher, and she pressed down. Gideon arched his neck back with a hoarse cry as the tip penetrated her, much as his finger had earlier. Sarah gasped. It felt marvelous. She started to drive herself down on him, but Charles stopped her with his firm grasp on her waist.

  “Sarah, wait,” he said quickly. “Not too fast, my sweet, or too rough. Not this first time.”

  “You must tell me, then,” Sarah said, panting suddenly, lightheaded as if she was running a race. “Show me, tell me, do something!”


  Gideon was drowning in Sarah’s desire. She wanted him. She was looking right at him, watching him, desperate to fuck herself down on him. No one had ever been that desperate for him. The desperation was always his alone. But not tonight. He let instinct take over. He grabbed her hips and pulled her down at the same time he thrust his hips up. He couldn’t get a great deal of leverage, but it was enough. He felt the slight resistance only because he was looking for it. It didn’t impede his possession of Sarah at all. But it seemed as if he’d broken through a barrier of immense proportions. She was his in every way now.

  Just as the thought went through his head, Gideon’s gaze met Charles’ over Sarah’s shoulder. Theirs. In an irrevocable way, theirs. And that was how Gideon wanted it. He wanted this with Charles, had always wanted it. But it wasn’t fair to either one. Gideon had forced this on them both, and for him they had agreed. He didn’t fool himself. They had enjoyed each other. But the experience was one that neither had sought. And one that Gideon knew should never be repeated, no matter what he desired. He had Sarah now and so must let Charles go.

  “Gideon!” Sarah cried out, her back arched against Charles.

  Charles turned his face into her hair and shushed her. “It will be all right, Sarah sweet,” Charles murmured. “Does it hurt? Tell us if it hurts. We can make it better, Sarah, I swear.”

  Gideon couldn’t find his voice. It should be him soothing Sarah’s fears right now, but as usual the words escaped him. Instead he ran his hands over her hips and down her thighs. They were trembling, both he and Sarah.

  She nodded and turned her face to rest her cheek on Charles’ chest. “It stings a little.” She was so quiet and subdued. Had he been too rough? Had he hurt her? G
ideon began to panic.

  Charles gave him a look that told Gideon to stay still. He didn’t need to be told. “Should I pull out?”

  “Is that it?” Sarah asked incredulously. “There’s no more?”

  Charles laughed. He was very free with his laughter tonight. For the last year there had been little of it between them.

  “Oh Sarah, there’s more. If you think you can take it.” Charles kissed the side of her head and then nuzzled her ear, biting the lobe softly, and Sarah gasped. She nodded rapidly.

  “Yes, yes, I can take it.”

  Gideon’s nerves were strung tight as a bow. He was straining with the effort not to move. Her declaration nearly did him in.

  “Is Gideon all right?” Sarah asked. She sounded as panicked as he felt. “He looks as if he’s in pain. Did it hurt him too?”

  There it was again, Charles’ laughter. Charles’ leg moved and touched Gideon’s and he felt the laughter down his thigh. He could almost feel it in his toes. Those damn phantom toes he didn’t have anymore on that leg.

  “I’m fine, Sarah.” He hadn’t meant to bite that out so sharply. Sarah’s gaze clashed with his and he was glad to see she didn’t appear to be offended. “I am just…not moving. Which carries its own sort of pain. Which is pleasure.”

  Sarah just looked confused. “If it is painful for you, then why are we doing it?”

  Charles smiled seductively at him over Sarah’s shoulder. Gideon shivered. He both loved and hated that look. “Because it feels so good to suffer, Sarah,” he told her with another kiss, this one on her neck. Sarah tipped her head to the side to give him better access to her neck, the move unconscious and sensual. Charles licked a path from the curve of her shoulder to that soft spot behind her ear and Sarah moaned. Gideon very nearly embarrassed himself by doing the same.


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