The Devil of Economic Fundamentalism
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vested interest are incessantly busy in influencing their views and propensities by imposing on them their own viewpoint through high-pitched propaganda. The fundamentals (Rights, Duties and Prohibitions) of the Constitution are, therefore, to be granted by constitutional experts in concurrence with the scientists, health experts, social scientists and reformers. Legislation in Parliament have to be consistent with the boundaries laid down by the Constitution. Secularism, giving respect to all religions (and not the one that does not recognise religion at all) is good for countries where society is multi-religious. A theocratic democracy may prove best for the countries where the overwhelming majority of people belong to a particular religion. A true democratic democracy must, however, recognize the right of all religions to exist, people must be free to perform their religious duties, and in accordance with their personal laws in matters concerning marriage, divorce inheritance etc. Common laws must govern the criminal laws and matters concerning social order.
One major cause of the increasing links between the politicians and the economic fundamentalists has been the requirement of huge funds for electioneering. The problem has been debated at length in India in recent times. The majority of thinkers agree that state funding of elections coupled with strict control on election budgets may help in severing this link.
Purification of Imagination
One of the major factors behind the stupendous success of economic fundamentalism in the twentieth century, especially in the latter half, has been misuse of the print and electronic media to captivate the imagination of the masses. The media has steadily grown in independence. The censors have become increasingly lenient over the years with ever increasing doses of sex and violence in the films. The magazines and newspapers are mostly owned by the industrialist giants, and pursue the objectives laid down by their masters in highlighting specific news, publication of analytic articles and selection of advertisements. The television, in recent period, has become a big instrument in the hands of fundamentalists for further tightening their hold over the imaginations of men, women and children, and to bring a social and attitudinal transformation necessary for “economic growth”. If economic fundamentalism has to be uprooted, the thought pollution caused by its ideologues through the media has to be tackled at the earliest.
As has been suggested earlier in this chapter, Fundamental Prohibitions as part of Fundamental Principles of the Constitution are essential for the sustenance and improvement of individual’s health, family peace and social order. Those prohibitions must cover the media as well. Any report, serial, film or advertisement violating them must be adequately punished. Censors must see the films and serials not only from the angle of sex and violence; but they must also examine the storyline, dialogues and characters. Any story or scene glorifying or advocating corruption, drinking, smoking, crimes, violence, premarital and extramarital sex and communalism must not be allowed to be screened. The media must act as a purifier, not a vitiator, of thought, and must play a positive and constructive role in social building. If it refuses, or fails, the law must promptly come into action. Entertainment is good; but pollution of ideas and attitudes leading to deaths diseases and destruction of family peace and social order cannot be tolerated. Freedom of expression cannot be absolute; the media can be free only as long as it is not harmful for society.
Thanks to satellite television, programmes of different sorts are now available 24 hours a day. These programmes are largely film-based and, more often than not, have stories and scenes that are enough to disturb the balance of attitude. Though informative programmes are also available and there are certain channels that specifically telecast educative and informative programmes, the fact that the entertainment channels are on the air throughout the day and throughout the night, drastically reduce their utility. This is, because the young boys and girls, who are in maximum need of the informative programmes, prefer to watch dances, songs and sex-based serials and films. Governments of all countries must fix times for films and entertainment that should be applicable to all the channels being viewed by the masses. Entertainment programmes must be telecast for only 1-2 hours in the afternoon and then in late hours. The duration may be increased on holidays, on certain occasions like festivals and during annual vacations.
The influence of advertisements has been extraordinary on the perceptions and tastes of the masses. The advertisers must be told not to give false information or convey untrue signals and messages. Disinformation must be declared an offence and every advertisement must be accompanied by an undertaking that the message contained and the information given are not false; if it proves wrong, the advertisers must be punished.
To ensure that the media play a constructive role in character development, the government must bind all newspapers, magazines and TV channels to carry on messages (in between programmes) prepared by it. These messages must inculcate feelings of mutual love and brotherhood, selflessness honesty, truth, maintenance of trust and promises, helping others, decency of behaviour, sweetness of talk, etc. and must discourage falsehood, disloyalty, selfishness, breach of trust and attempts to sow seeds of discord in society. These must also include information relating to health and social laws, particularly on the dangerous consequences of social evils like drinking, gambling, promiscuity, dowry, and abortion, crimes against children, women and weaker sections of society.
Re-establishment of Social Values:
The single most important step in the growth of economic fundamentalism has perhaps been the reshaping of social values in accordance with the demands of the market. Thus idealism and equalitarianism were dismissed as impractical and were substituted by pragmatism. Entertainment was presented as the chief aim of life, pompousness and social aberrations were glorified and family system was systematically disintegrated in the name of 'freedom for women'; for men and women bound in the ties of family are less likely to squander on clothes and cosmetics and it is relatively more difficult to entrap them in the sex market. By remodelling values, the big business has indeed sought to weaken the role of social values in the world. The need of the time is, therefore, to establish a social system that helps in the development of a healthy, orderly and peaceful society.
The most essential requirement for building a peaceful society is strict adherence to principles -- duties, rights and prohibitions. By only emphasizing upon rights, the economic fundamentalists aim to exploit human weaknesses for financial gains. It must be realized that, if the rights of every member of society are to be guaranteed, duties and prohibitions are to be strictly observed. All social values must be built on the basis of fundamental rights, duties and prohibitions; a good civilized society is whose members care for one another’s’ needs and sensibilities.
Ideals are extremely important for any civilized society; for though it may be correct that a utopian society is a dream that can never be realized, endeavours in that direction would certainly lead to a near-ideal state. Keeping an ideal state of affairs in mind, at least, prevents society from degenerating into a state of chaos and disorder. If idealists are respected, mankind would continue to produce reformers and social activists whose actions would influence innumerable persons. Honesty and integrity are highly desirable virtues, and if, virtuousness is not duly honoured, the whole social fabric will disintegrate. To be pragmatic is good only as long as it helps in the attainment of the cherished goal; if it stoops to become merely a tool for selfish ends, its consequences on mankind are bound to be hazardous; idealism must however, be supplemented by an effective legal system, without which it cannot attain a dignified status in society. Every inhabitant of the earth must understand that life is not just for eating, drinking and mating. Life is indeed for attainment of grand peace. Human being may be regarded nothing more than biologically advanced animals, if they do not combine to form a peaceful, civilized and orderly society. If an individual does not care for norms, it is not only society, but he himself, or some of
his successors, too, who will have to bear the brunt.
Materialism has perhaps been one of the biggest detractors of human values. Morals are being increasingly devalued. Integrity of character has little importance in the present world. A man is judged by his material assets and not by his moral possessions, his nature, behaviour and character. Evils are considered to be essential exuberance of the rich. There is hardly any stigma attached now to moral degradation and debauchery; poverty and resourcelessness are considered biggest curses. Once social and moral values get re-established, persons of knowledge, character and high spiritual status will regain their lost glory; they, not the film actors, the models and the entrepreneurs, will become role models for the younger generations.
Peaceful families are sine qua non for Grand Peace. Mankind has three essential tiers of organization; individual, family and society. All the three have to be preserved. Family is the most important one of the three essential tiers as it occupies a position midway between the other two."The most ancient of all