The Devil of Economic Fundamentalism
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economics. In the process of applying the Islamic principles in various fields, he has given new definitions of peace, new concepts of comprehensive hygiene, new definition of health, alternative Islamic Models of Family Welfare and Control of AIDS and new concepts of Economics. His biggest ambition of life is to establish a big institution of Applied Islamics.
A Man of Impact
If the novelty of work, freshness of approach, depth of thoughts, ability to influence the world and capability of revolutionizing knowledge are the criteria of greatness, Dr Javed Jamil should soon find a place in the greatest thinkers of the contemporary world. His theory of economic fundamentalism and his concept of Peace Economics, his dynamic paradigm of health and universal theory of relativity and his novel approach in Applied Islamics are great enough works to give him a permanent place in the history of knowledge.
His main contributions are at three levels:
First, he has launched an ideological onslaught against Westernism and New World Order and has presented critical analysis of Western concepts, programmes and policies particularly the concept of “Economic Fundamentalism”, “Freedom of Choice” and “Commercialisation of human weaknesses”, social vices and sexual freedom.
Second, he has presented alternative Islamic paradigms, concepts, definitions and policies in many fields including health, economics, politics, physics and social sciences. He is now credited with almost singlehandedly developing the concept of Applied Islamics.
Third, he has presented comprehensive programmes for the empowerment of Indian Muslims. He succeeded a shift from focus on merely the educational front to a comprehensive programme of empowerment involving Ideological, Social, Economic and Political Empowerment. This approach has attracted the attention of the scholars and activists who are now busy developing it further.
His major achievements can be summed up as under:
He was the first to organise a big political protest against Supreme Court verdict in Shah Bano case. The success of the march galvanized a big national movement leading to the change of the law by Parliament in accordance with the demands of Muslims;
In 1990s, His book, “Islam and Family Planning” changed the perception of Islamic scholars regarding the issues related to Islam and family planning. He took a balanced view and presented an Islamic Model of Family Welfare, which helped Islamic scholars in arriving at a consensus.
He then published “Islamic Model for Control of AIDS”, in which he criticized the international AIDS control programme arguing that it was influenced by the interests of the market forces, and a campaign against commercialization of sex is essential to safeguard sexual health. He also suggested the inclusion of circumcision in the programme, which the WHO did several years later. He also described how the Islamic concept of Iddah can be helpful in fighting the menace.
With his book, “The Devil of Economic Fundamentalism”, he for the first time challenged the international economic ideologies of Capitalism as well as Socialism, showing how dangerous these ideologies are for holistic peace. This became the central theme of all his coming works, and has the potential of emerging as the biggest philosophical revolution in future. He presented an alternative paradigm of “Peace Economics”, which is of course based on Islamic principles.
He gave a new dimension to the applied studies of Islam, what he called Applied Islamics, in which the focus is on the critical appraisal of the world policies, programmes and concepts and presenting Islamic alternatives.
In the first decade of the 21st century, he launched a big attack on Westernism attacking its political, economic and social policies describing it as an ideology of hegemony. His works, “Westernism: An Ideology of Hegemony” (circulated on Net forums, not yet published), “Islam means Peace” and “Muslims Most Civilised, Yet Not Enough” attracted the attention of the international scholars, especially Islamic activists. His call for abandoning defensive and apologetic approach and for an ideological onslaught on New World Order gave rise to a new approach.
He then gave a new twist to the issues of the empowerment of Indian Muslims stressing all-round empowerment rather than sticking to education alone. His approach paper “Muslim Vision of Secular India: Destination & Raodmap” became a big talking point. He also adopted an aggressive approach against Hindu communal forces through facts and figures.
Dr. Javed Jamil has coined dozens of new phrases, definitions, concepts and indices, some of which are as follows:
Economic Fundamentalism: A concept of supremacy of economics in all the world affairs irrespective of its dangerous impact on health, family and society. It is this ideology which according to him forms the pivot of all the currently dominant international ideologies especially capitalism and socialism;
Peace Economics: A concept which pursues economic concept without violating any aspect of comprehensive concept of peace comprising individual’s physical, mental, spiritual and social health;
Natural World Order: He coined this term as the Islamic alternative of New World Order because Islamic system follows the facts of the nature including human nature;
Fundamental Prohibitions: As a part of three-dimensional system comprising Fundamental Duties, Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Prohibitions; Fundamental Prohibitions involve total ban on all the goods and practices dangerous for peace and health;
Theo-merito-democracy: A concept of democracy based on Islam, which accepts God’s Book (Quran) as the ultimate constitutional source, calls for strict criteria of selection for candidates in elections and the right of vote to all the people; it is to counter what he calls Corporatocracy, which in the name of democracy has become a government of the corporate for the corporate and by the corporate;
Comprehensive Hygiene: A concept of total hygiene involving physical, internal, mental, sexual and social hygiene;
Therapeutic Sociology: An alternative of Social & Preventive Medicine (also called Community Medicine), which emphasises change in social laws and practices on the basis of their impact on health;
Total or True Life Expectancy: A new concept of the life expectancy, which measures average age after conception, not after the usual practice of measuring it after birth;
True Human Civilisation Index (or True Human Development Index): A new concept based on three major criteria: Individual Fulfillment (Per Capita income divided by Gini Coefficient, True Life Expectancy, Literacy Rate, Suicide Rate,) Family Peace Index (using the divorce rate, the percentage of births outside wedlock and the percentage of children living in single parent families), and Social Order Index (including Crime Index based on rates of murders and rapes per 100000 population per year; and Social Peace Index taking into account deaths due to Alcohol, gambling and sex related diseases).
Rotation of the Uniglobe: A concept as a part of his Universal Theory of Relativity (opposed to Einstein’s Special and General Theories of Relativity), which presents the idea of the rotation of the whole universe on its axis;
Light Speed Stability: A concept in place of Einstein’s Light-speed Constancy, which argues that light speed is not universally and absolutely constant but is only highly stable changing only in extreme circumstances; this concept denudes light-speed of the status of being the fastest possible speed and makes much higher speeds possible.