My Secret Master (A Dark Billionaire Romance)

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My Secret Master (A Dark Billionaire Romance) Page 9

by Flite, Nora

I guess you run a super secret sex club.

  The waiter came by once more, and we politely ordered our food. Once we were alone again, I began explaining the situation to Veronica.

  She didn't smother her emotions, leaning close as I detailed my past few days. I told her about everything; the first phone call, the admission letter, the gigantic contract, even how Seth had given me free reign to paint whatever I wanted.

  I kept nothing from her—except the golden door and what lay behind it.

  As I finished, Veronica was openly gawking.

  “Naomi, this guy... he must really like you, huh?”

  “Excuse me?” I dropped my straw in my glass, staring. “What the hell do you mean?”

  Veronica rolled her eyes, stirring her ice around idly. “Don't tell me you didn't realize. Why else would he offer you all of this?”

  “Because he likes my art,” I spat, anger coating my tongue.

  But, deep down, she'd hit at the root of my worry. From the start, I'd been suspicious of how Seth had handled me. Even if he liked my art, the way he stood close to me... how he seemed to inhale my existence, or stare through my clothes with his piercing eyes...

  If Seth liked me, that opened a new issue.

  He doesn't know I'm Opal. Why would he flirt with me, as Naomi, while he was content to touch and tease me down in that dungeon?

  The heavy knot in my stomach grew by the second. Was Seth that kind of person? Opal or Naomi, was I just some play thing to him?

  Veronica broke through my thoughts. “Don't get me wrong, I like your work, too. But someone doesn't just offer you a driver, and lodging, and access to expensive clothing and what have you just so you'll paint a wall. Do you like him?”

  “What!” I fixed my wide eyes on the girl across from me. “Do I what? I don't even... I don't know! I hardly know the guy.”

  Lies. I know more about him than he realizes.

  “He's handsome, right?”

  “Maybe,” I muttered, thinking about when he had shared the pool with me. Beyond that, I couldn't separate him from Onyx. I'd let him touch me.

  I'd sucked his damn cock.

  Everything about Seth Hart was incredibly attractive. Flushing, hoping Veronica didn't notice, I took a huge gulp of icy water. It did nothing to cool me down.

  Veronica waved her straw side to side. “I did mention he's rich, right? What's the problem? Why haven't you locked that down?”

  “Veronica!” Scowling, I stared into my glass, cheeks pink as roses. My mind danced with images of Seth; how he would look at me as I worked, the deep sound of his voice.

  The firm, strong gloves he'd used on my skin.

  That swoon-inducing scent.

  Combining my experiences with Seth and Onyx, morphing them into one person, was draining me. “I don't know,” I said softly. “I guess I'm not sure he wants me, not like you're saying. What if he's just a playboy? Flirting meaninglessly with me?”

  “Well.” She shook her head. “I think this guy wants more than your art. And if you don't want more from him, you need to be careful. Someone is going to get hurt, and my advice, is don't be around if it's going to be the guy with all the power and money. I'd hate to see what a man like him does when he's rejected.”

  I gazed at Veronica, trying to find the right words. “I'll admit, I do like him, but...”

  But he's kinky.


  And he can never know what I know about him.

  “He might be more than I can handle,” I said carefully.

  Canting her head like a bird, the other woman leaned closer over the table. “Don't stop there! What's he done to you? Is he a good kisser? A bad kisser?”

  I've only put my lips on his cock.

  “We haven't kissed,” I said quickly. “No, uh, he's just kind of intense.”

  “You haven't kissed, but he's too intense?”

  “You met him. You have to know what I mean.”

  “I guess he was a little intimidating,” she mused. “But I have a feeling you're not telling me everything.”

  Kicking my feet under the table, I toyed with a napkin.

  Throwing her arms in the air, Veronica sighed. “Give me something to work with!”

  I can't tell her what he's done to me.

  The memory alone had me rubbing my thighs together. “He's got a nice body,” I whispered sheepishly.

  She sat back in the booth and waved the waiter over. “I can't really comment on that. You said you saw him when he was swimming, but I'm guessing you haven't seen him naked.”

  Shame crawled its way to my eyeballs. No, I thought, But he's seen me.

  I opened my mouth warily. “Maybe you're right, and Seth likes me, and I'm being stupid about not jumping on that. It's just, I don't think I'm ready to find out. He's not the only one who would be hurt by rejection.”

  My friend smiled, reaching across to grab my wrist. “Hey, you don't need to justify it to anyone. It's not my business to tell you what to do, I'm only teasing—and a little jealous.” She winked. “Besides, you didn't listen to me about avoiding Seth Hart. Why would you listen to me about chasing him?”

  I smiled shyly, nodding my head to be polite. Inside my skull, my thoughts were a hornet's nest. I did like Seth... and Onyx. But what did I really know about them—him?

  I know he can get me to do things I never imagined before.

  Knowing Veronica couldn't learn the truth, I grabbed my drink and didn't bring my relationship worries up again the rest of our brunch.

  When Corbin pulled up outside, we hugged each other tightly and promised to get in touch again soon.

  “Maybe I can come visit you and see your painting?” Veronica asked.

  Though I was terrified of introducing someone else to that mansion with its strange, dark secrets, I gave a quick nod and ducked into the car. “Okay, maybe sometime soon!”

  We waved through the windows, the white noise of the engine taking over. When I was out of eyesight, I stared straight ahead.

  She thinks I should get closer to Seth.

  Was she right?

  I just didn't know anymore.

  I'd danced around telling Veronica the real issue—Seth had a double life, and he didn't know that I knew. I was behind the curtain, but Seth, he was juggling what he thought were two different woman.

  It was possible that he didn't like me—not the real me.

  What will I do if he only wants Opal?

  - Chapter Ten -


  The day stretched by far too slow.

  I was lost in a daze, thinking about the other night, and the erotic things I'd partaken in.

  The very idea of it, kneeling at someone's feet and calling them 'Master' was so far out of my realm. If I'd been told about it in regards to anybody else, I would have laughed.

  Yet, here I was, biding my time until I could rush back through that golden door, folding on the ground in front of Onyx.

  Closing my eyes, I breathed in slowly, imagining what he'd done to me.

  How he'd teased me, so close to licking my soaked pussy, and instead forcing his hard cock down my throat.

  The sound of his voice, that low baritone that penetrated my bones... I wanted to hear him call me his 'little jewel' again.

  “Beautiful,” that voice whispered.

  It was so real, so close to my ear.

  Yes, he thought I was beautiful.

  Again, it brushed along my neck, stating how I was...


  I jumped, jerking around to fast I hurt my back. Seth grinned at me, eyes twinkling wickedly. For a split second, my mind went to war. It demanded I kneel, subjugating myself in front of my Master.

  No, don't! I locked my knees. He'll know!

  Grabbing at my chest, I laughed weakly. “You surprised me again!”

  “Sorry. Sometimes I walk too softly, it's unconscious.” He inclined his head, turning to view the wall I'd been painting. “I was admiring how
this is coming along. It's wonderful, it looks like it will be done soon.”

  I'd been in Seth's home for over a week, now, working away diligently. It amazed me how the the time had flown by.

  Brushing my hair behind an ear, I shot him a sideways look. It took great effort to calm my heart. I was really daydreaming, there. How embarrassing, I hope he didn't notice. “I think maybe another week or so, yeah.”

  “That quickly?” He dusted down the front of his crisp jacket. I couldn't help but notice it was a different garment than the one I'd splashed paint on. I didn't have the guts to ask if he'd thrown the other one out.

  He's a billionaire, remember? He can afford a hundred new suits when he feels like it.

  I wiped my stained hands on my shorts self-consciously. “Yes, if all goes well, I'll be out of your hair by then.”

  Saying it out loud, regret cut into my chest.

  Then I'll have to leave.

  I'll never see that dungeon again.

  How had I not thought about that until now? Once I was finished with the mural, Seth would have no reason to keep me here. Then... when he expected Opal to show up... and she—I—didn't, how would he feel?

  “What if I wanted you to stay longer?”

  My reaction was delayed. I almost stepped backward, digesting his words. Is he serious? “Why would you want that?” I recalled Veronica's comments about how Seth had a thing for me.

  He probably just likes the attention... or... or something.

  Dammit, I couldn't make sense of this.

  Shrugging, he tucked his hands into his pockets casually. “I have other rooms I'd like painted.”

  Other rooms? I peeked at the gold door below us, sure that he'd noticed. Seth said nothing about it, only smoothed a hand over his styled hair. “Think about it, you might find staying here longer to be to your benefit.”

  Excitement welled inside of me.

  Oh yes, I knew how I would benefit.

  Onyx will have more time with me. The decadent thought had me thrilling. Eyeing the mural, a new thought—an old thought that had gotten buried until now—surfaced.

  CCAD will be enrolling again soon. How could I balance painting for Seth, with wanting the letter that would allow me access to the future I'd been chasing?

  Swaying on my heels, I said, “I was really hoping to catch the next admission period at CCAD.”

  “You could do both. Think of the money you'd save staying here, and Corbin could take you to the campus everyday. At night, you could work on your art here. Wouldn't it be perfect?”

  I parted my lips, then closed them. That would be amazing.

  It was also terribly risky.

  Here, I'd be able to build up funds, go to class, and achieve my dreams.

  I'd also be tempted—constantly—to break the rules as I ran off to meet Onyx. I couldn't hide my identity from Seth forever. Surely, the more time I spent here, the greater the risk?


  “I'll consider it, okay.” The words escaped. I couldn't get them back.

  “Good.” He beamed, a smile that was much more genuine and cheerful than any I'd seen him wear before.

  “Does that idea make you that happy?” I asked, arching my eyebrows.

  Seth's shoulders went stiff. “What do you mean?”

  Pointing, my own mouth tugged up at the corners. His mood was contagious. “You just... I've never seen you smile so much before.”

  As if waking up, his face melted back into the usual relaxed lines. “I guess I am in a good mood. But never mind, I've got things to do, so I'll leave you to it.” He spun on his polished heels. I could sense the restrained speed in him, he was fighting the urge to jog down the steps.

  I watched him go, confused by what had just happened.

  Could it be...

  No. Was I so egotistical?

  But then, why couldn't it be about me?

  Even if it was about me...

  Which ME had him so happy?

  He asked me to stay. That can't be about just my art. Seth was growing fond of me. I wasn't crazy. His smile was too real.

  Then again... Thinking about the last encounter with Onyx, I propped my elbows on the railing. Did I leave a good impression in the dungeon? Is it Opal that's got him so cheerful?

  My hand slipped further up my cheek. Uncertainty roiled through my veins. I couldn't tell what Seth wanted.

  Maybe he desires both of us.

  My playboy assumption was right. He didn't care if he indulged in two different women. Seth was rich—powerful. He had to be used to getting everything.

  I'm not special.

  Not at all.

  Turning back to the painting, I forced the grim worries away with more work.


  I was bursting with anxiety, pacing my room and wondering if my plan was actually a good idea.

  I hadn't seen anyone go through the golden door in days. Clearly, the events didn't happen every night.

  But just minutes ago, people had knocked—and Corbin had let the masked attendees inside the mansion.

  If I go back, what then? It was wild before, even if I came out in one piece, but couldn't it get worse?

  I had no idea what Onyx might have planned. The only other thing I'd seen in that dark place was the sexual torture of that blonde girl.

  My new Master had exposed my inner desires. It was funny, remembering how I'd struck him, demanding he release me. I'd been angry, rebellious.

  He'd proven I didn't really want to leave at all.

  Onyx had climbed inside my head. Now, he could command me to bow to his wishes without much trouble.

  He managed it with bondage, pleasure...

  And a spanking.

  Thinking of that, I covered my mouth to muffle a moan. That was incredible. How could it be bad, going back to him?

  Antsy, like I was an addict who demanded a fix, I finally opened up my closet. The mask was where I'd left it, sitting among the others and watching me with empty eye holes.

  I scanned the racks for something else to wear, thinking about how Roseli had shown up in something other than black.

  There doesn't seem to be any rule about clothing, I guess people just tend to choose darker stuff. Mulling it over, I grabbed an emerald green dress that hugged my body, tight as the way Onyx had gripped my jaw.

  Tying my hair up, I stood back to check my reflection. Twirling, I smiled slyly. I could have been anybody, a woman going to some innocent masquerade—not the filthy one I was ecstatic for.

  I wonder if he'll like this outfit.

  Wanting to please Onyx had become a steady, but insidious craving. I never even worried this much about what I would wear on a date.

  This isn't a date, I reminded myself. For a moment, I looked into the mirror. I couldn't see my eyes behind the mask. I felt... different.

  But maybe that was for the best.

  Seeking the calmest part of my mind I could dig up, I left the room. Peering down from the railing revealed that the foyer was empty, so I hurried down the stairs.

  Gripping the brassy wood, I noticed I was shaking. Is it from fear, or anticipation?

  Deciding it didn't matter, I'd already come this far, I slipped through and into the dim passage.

  At the bottom, I slowed, my blood rushing the closer I got to the purple curtain. Though I was readying myself for it, I nearly bolted when I saw Corbin.

  There wasn't a line like last night; one or two people were finishing up, exiting through the drapes as I approached. The chauffeur glanced up at me, his face neutral and impossible to read.

  Does he know, did he figure it out somehow? No, calm down!

  Gripping the pen on the clipboard, I paid attention this time to the page I was signing. I didn't need to repeat the surprise of last night's role call.

  With one more covert look at Corbin, I walked through the curtain and into the strange, underground world hidden beneath the Hollywood mansion.

  The room was emptier tha
n last night. They were all here to watch the new slaves get called. Now...

  Now, I realized, the other members were off enjoying themselves elsewhere in the tunnels. Turning in place, I nearly slammed right into Onyx before I had a moment to wonder where he might be.

  The noise I made was a small, squeaky breath of air. He seemed as much a part of this place as the gold door itself.

  His outfit was tight, charcoal. The shirt was open, displaying his glistening rows of ivory muscles.

  Still, always with those gloves.

  Hugging his long fingers, the smooth material caught the light, displaying the texture for a moment. Onyx linked his hands behind his back, wordlessly staring down at me with an aura of pure confidence.

  It filled me, made my knees weak and my tongue swollen.

  Kneel, kneel, I reminded myself as I fought the distracting fog in my brain.

  Carefully, trying to be more elegant than last time, I dropped to the floor and bowed my head. With my legs bare as they were, I was grateful for the plush rug.

  “Hello, little jewel,” he mumbled, sounding like he was more pleased than he wanted to admit. Something touched the top of my head, tracing down to brush my temple. It was clearly his hand. When he tilted my face up, he smiled. “Did you miss me?”

  “Yes, Master,” I whispered, knowing it was true.

  His laugh was rich and dark as molasses. “Follow me.” He let me go, turning to walk away. Where he had touched me, my skin was scalding with anticipation.

  Standing quickly, I followed behind him down the tunnel.

  I watched how he moved, enjoying the gentle sway of his wide shoulders. He had a powerful grace, like a hunting panther.

  Not paying attention to where we were going, I almost didn't recognize that I'd been down this passage before. When we passed through the open curtains, and I saw the familiar couches, that unforgettable table, I knew.

  This is the room I wandered into the first night!

  The room where I'd watched the blonde woman get fucked.

  Inside, there were no other people, but my nerves still sparked as I stared around. Why did he bring me here?

  “Come.” He'd moved to stand by that foreboding table, his tone revealing he couldn't even conceive of me resisting. On legs as unstable as wet spaghetti, I walked towards him.


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