My Secret Master (A Dark Billionaire Romance)

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My Secret Master (A Dark Billionaire Romance) Page 10

by Flite, Nora

Mere feet away, we sized each other up. I was trying to judge his face, the cut of his smile, looking for any sign that could help me predict what was about to happen.

  For his part, Onyx only parted his lips in a toothy grin. “You look lovely tonight. It's a shame you won't be wearing that dress for long.”

  Those words, mentioned so calmly and factually, caused me to swoon. My mouth went dry, keeping me from speaking. I was grateful for that. Arguing with him would only make this worse.

  “Take it off, girl.” He flicked a finger at me, strict as ever.

  If I don't listen, will he spank me again?

  The concept filled me with a burning lust, quick as lightning. Excited by his firm instructions, the way he stood there, unwavering in his position of power, I forced my hands to the hem of my dress.

  Inching it up, I pulled it over my head, like tearing off a bandage. If I gave myself too much time to ponder my actions, I was worried I'd freak out. My mask, caught in the motion, almost pulled free. Shit!

  The last thing I needed right then was for Onyx to recognize me.

  Flustered, I adjusted it and let the green garment fall to the floor. Standing there in my lingerie, I fidgeted, tempted to cover myself.

  My master nodded his head, silently approving. “Now the rest.”

  Of course, did I expect any less?

  Reaching back, I unclasped the bra, shooting a look at the entrance as I did so. Still, no one entered, and I calmed at the idea we would remain alone. Hooking into the elastic of my panties, I slid them down my thighs. They joined the collection at my feet.

  In only my simple flats, I waited patiently for Onyx to instruct me again.

  “Good girl. Lay across the table on your stomach and grab the ledge.”

  My intuition had expected this, but I still coiled and twisted like I'd eaten live snakes. It's going to happen, I'm going to end up like that blonde woman.

  It struck me, then, how odd it was to not even know that girl's name.

  Stepping forward, I leaned over the long table, the surface cool under me. It pressed on my hipbones, my body stretching as far as it could to hold the far edge. The temperature made me shiver, my nipples hardening where they were crushed beneath.

  Lifting my head, I glanced back to see Onyx standing behind me, openly admiring the view. With my feet slightly apart, I knew nothing was left to his imagination.

  Blushing furiously, I started to bring my legs together to keep some of my dignity.

  “No,” he snapped, freezing me. “Spread your legs, wide as you can, and don't you dare try to move them.”

  This is humiliating, I thought silently. Despite that fact, my core was throbbing with sudden lust.

  Knowing he had his eyes fixed on me, I slid my heels to the sides. I was sure it was far enough, but Onyx kicked them out even wider. My quads strained, trembling in their extreme position.

  I don't know if I can hold this.

  Firm, familiar, his gloves gripped my ankles, shackling them into place. I whimpered, understanding how vulnerable I truly was.

  I could hardly see him from my angle.

  But I could feel him.

  Languidly, Onyx ran his palms up my calves, on and on until he tickled the back of my taut hamstrings. His voice rang with the smirk I couldn't see. “Your scent is amazing.”

  A rush of desire took hold, I bit my tongue to try and smother it.

  Onyx rose up, standing between my wide thighs, his hands resting on my hips. It was lewd. If he wanted to, he could pull his cock free and slide it inside without any input from me.

  Why is that so hot? I don't understand anything anymore!

  I should have been more scared, but my attention was focused acutely on the feel of his gloves. He rolled them up, grazing lightly across the top of my ass. “Your bruises have healed, I hope the memory of them helps you behave today.”

  “Y—yes, Master,” I breathed out, wishing he would touch me a bit lower. My pussy twitched, wanting attention, but he didn't offer it.

  “Tonight,” he said, “I'm going to teach you a lesson in patience, as well as worth. I want you to understand what it means to belong to someone.”

  My eyes bulged behind the mask. He was digging deep, packing erotic ideas into my skull. Fear wasn't enough to keep my pussy from turning into a furnace.

  “I'm going to put a show on for everyone, and you'll be the star.” He squeezed my ass cheeks until I grimaced. “You'll learn I can do whatever I want to you, Opal. Doesn't that sound good?”

  Did it sound good?

  How could I respond to that? I was burning up from my toes to my throat, skin already shiny from exertion. This man I'd given myself to, a the man I'd shared wine with as we toured his home, was tormenting me.

  That was enough, but to do so with an audience?

  My answer wavered as it rose in my throat. “Yes, Master.”

  What is he going to do to me?

  Onyx smiled, a look that curled through my lower belly and squeezed. Moving away, he wandered over to a small desk. As he rustled in it, I heard the first foot steps. Oh, god, no!

  They entered quietly, but not because they needed to. The men waved to Onyx, who nodded his head as they settled in. There were some women with them, all wearing various collars around their throats.

  All of Onyx's talk about slaves had opened my awareness to the metal and leather accessories.

  The only girl without a collar lifted her head, long enough to meet my eyes. Startled, I recognized her. One of the other new submissives, I think her name was Tara?

  Toying with her curly brown hair, she looked away quickly, as if ashamed to be witnessing me on the table. Will she go through this, too? Why is Onyx doing this to me, first?

  Confused by the situation, I placed my forehead on the flat surface. If I could have stayed like that, pretending I was alone, I would have.

  Something firm brushed my lower back; I gasped and let go of the table.

  Instantly, Onyx spanked me, his voice barking. “Did I tell you to let go of the ledge?”

  “No, sorry Master!” I grabbed hold again, praying he'd be satisfied.

  Placing whatever he had touched me with on my spine, as if I, myself, were a table, he moved in front of me. Grabbing my hands, he forced my wrists into a pair of padded cuffs. The shackles clicked into place, unyielding.

  I was trapped.

  He breathed out, and I looked up. Our noses were inches away, his lips cruel with their nearness. Through the shade of his mask, I saw the cobalt centers of those gorgeous eyes. He was as good as a god of the ocean, I could have swam in his vision and lost myself.

  It was magnetic.

  It was illogical.

  Onyx was displaying me to a full room and I still hadn't even kissed the man.

  He could kiss me now, I thought, fixated on his ruddy lips. They were plush looking, a mouth that I had seen form smirks, and smiles... and frowns.

  I was positive, if he kissed me, it would throttle my senses until my brain fried into useless charcoal. Nothing could feel so good as his lips.

  It would be the epitome of pleasure.

  Kiss me, I willed him.

  His eyes smoldered. Then he was gone, removing the weight from my spine and heading behind me.

  Cold sadness infected me. I looked over my shoulder, nervous about what he had planned.

  Onyx held something in his glove, it was silvery and attached to a bundle of cloth. He didn't seem intent on explaining; he lowered it towards my thighs, wordlessly pressing it against my pussy.

  My senses demanded I bolt, but I couldn't move away. With my muscles tight and my belly quaking, he hooked the straps around my hips. He fastened them, something pressing firmly on my slit and along the crease of my ass.

  “There,” he purred, stroking all the way up to the base of my neck. “Little jewel, what I have planned should be very... fun.” He waved outward, indicating the people reclining on the sofas, girls kneeling by their feet. “I
'm going to turn on this toy, and then we're all going to watch you come over, and over, and over.”

  Darkness crept through his liquid smile.

  “Until I decide you're done,” he added flatly.

  I couldn't stop myself from crying out. “No!” My body glowed from a full-figure blush. “You can't do that to me!”

  Onyx scowled, slapping the outside of my thigh. “I thought you'd learned not to speak out.”

  “Master, please, I...”

  I can't do this! It's too much, no!

  Not long ago, I'd struggled with being nude in privacy with this man. How could he expect me to endure the humiliation of public orgasms?

  “I'm not an exhibitionist,” I insisted desperately.

  “You're whatever I want you to be.” In disbelief, I watched him go, his back to me as he approached the group. The room was small, the gathering only a few yards away from my obscene display. Lowering his head, he spoke softly to someone, leaving me in frantic anticipation.

  Did he decide not to turn this thing on? Is it broken, maybe, and he doesn't know?

  Onyx gazed my way with a sideways smile. Then I saw it; in his hand, lifted at eye level, was a tiny remote. If I hadn't been looking, I wouldn't have seen his thumb press the button.

  It wouldn't have mattered. I felt the result soon enough.

  The vibrations poured through my hips, waking my clit up in a roar of sensation. Any hope I had of keeping myself quiet vanished as the device's electric waves grew higher.

  I thrummed, a live wire, my breathing coming in hard and fast gasps.

  No, not this... I can't take this!

  It was too powerful. It almost hurt.

  Good, let it! I grasped at the discomfort, trying to make it my armor. I only had so much dignity, I refused to lose it all be coming in front of all these strangers.

  My skin was sweating profusely. Helplessly, ignoring how I worked to clench my jaw, my lips parted in wanton passion. No, please! I shouldn't enjoy this!

  Everyone was watching me... and I couldn't control myself. Couldn't bury the delicious, slow burn of arousal as it crawled from my thighs to the deepest part of me. My insides squeezed, wanting to be filled.

  Wrapped in a world of forced pleasure, I began to buckle.

  I'm really going to do it—oh my god, I'm going to come!

  I squeezed everything, pulled at my bonds, but there was no escape. Not from the table, not from the eyes, and certainly not from the device driving me to orgasm.

  Onyx wanted to show me his power. He could bend me to his will and make me do things I'd never normally allow.

  This man... how can he...

  I couldn't focus, my eyes crinkling shut. Color bloomed, a fireworks show behind my lids. I groaned obscenely, remembering how the blonde woman had done the same. The pressure was building, my core a bundle of nerves, my pussy soaked and hot.

  Closer to the edge I slipped, the vibrations unrelenting.

  The toy was snuggling my clit, the strap that threaded through my ass tickling a part of me no one had ever played with. This was beyond erotic, there was no word for this shameful, ever present bliss.

  Finally, I crashed helplessly over the cliff, my climax eliciting a squeal. I wished I could bite my tongue, or that Onyx had gagged me again. My body was my enemy, it listened to only one person right then.

  Not me.

  The man who I called my Master.

  Shivering, the last of the orgasm washed down to my cramping toes. I'd have curled them, if they weren't pressed so hard into my shoes.

  Somewhere, beyond the blood pounding in my ears, I thought I heard someone chuckling. Lifting my head, I looked back through bleary eyes and saw Onyx smiling at me. He was reclining on a sofa, sipping from a glass and appearing more relaxed than ever.

  He lifted a hand, as if in a salute, and squeezed the remote again.

  On cue, the device between my legs buzzed more violently, my swelling clit getting no relief. Moaning, I arched my back, shaking my head. This is too much, I can't, not again!

  My body didn't agree, it pushed along with my heightened senses. My searing skin and fluttering heart made the next orgasm roll through even easier. There was no time to prepare, I was shaking before it hit, and long after it vanished.

  Am I really doing this? Am I coming so easily?

  The pleasure was transforming into torture. My slick tunnel wanted to be filled. I was deliriously empty, my pussy rippling with its need to be stuffed.

  I was growing hazy, the stream of orgasms leaving me weak. At some point I began drooling, whimpering between screams.

  Again, Onyx made me come. And again, he simply watched me with his hungry eyes.

  My form gyrated what little it could as I moaned. When the vibrations still insisted I sustain the deep soreness, I was sure I'd go insane if I didn't black out first.

  Abruptly, the device shut off, my flesh shivering with phantom buzzing. Juices pooled lewdly down my legs and to the floor.

  Something touched my thigh, cool in comparison to my hot skin. It moved, trailing down my ass, making me understand it was a hand.

  A glove, that's Onyx.

  My suspicion was confirmed when he leaned over, breathing in my ear. “Have you had enough?”

  My vision swung; I could barely see him. “Yes, Master, I... please, I can't handle...”

  “You could, if I wanted you to, correct?”

  His curt question shut me up. More of this would ruin me. Fuck, I'd start babbling, I'd have to be carried out.

  No, I thought desperately, I couldn't handle more, even if he wanted me to.

  Onyx stared me straight in the eyes.

  And I whispered, “Yes. For you, Master, I could.”

  It seemed to please him, the straps around my thighs vanishing as he removed the toy.

  The air felt good on my wetness, but his fingers, gentle and probing, felt even better. Excitement thickened within me at his exploration. “You're soaked, little jewel, are you sure you're done? Or do you want something else?”

  I understood his mind games. Every time I admitted to his questions, a part of me broke down. It made pushing me easier and easier. He was turning me into his slave, just like he said he would.

  But I didn't care.

  “I... something else, Master.” I knew other people would hear me, but I'd been craving this since the beginning. How he'd spoken to me, tempted me to sign up as a submissive...

  Wait, I thought, my mind clearing. No. It was before then.

  I'd hoped for more from Onyx—from Seth—since the day I'd entered his home. Even before I knew this side of him, I'd wanted the handsome, confident man to show me what he could do.

  I'd have let him kiss me in his pool, I think, if he'd tried.

  I want it, I really do, please...

  “Tell me what you need.” Spreading my ass cheeks, he traced the slickness that had coated everything.

  Internally, I battled with saying it so bluntly. But the pressure inside of me was tight, aching for him to finally fuck me. I'd tasted his cock, where was the harm in giving in and saying that I...

  That I need it? Is that it?

  “Answer me, girl,” he growled, digging his fingers deeper into my backside. I whimpered, especially when the pain only made me yearn for more.

  “I want... I want you, Master.”

  “Cock,” he laughed, spanking me lightly. “Say cock. You want my cock.”

  Blushing furiously, I shut my eyes. “Your cock, I want your cock!” I was amazed at how just uttering that phrase made my clit swell.

  Onyx peeled me open, sliding his thumbs along my pinkness. Inhaling sharply, I tried to encourage him to go further, but I could only wiggle so much.

  “Tell me more,” he breathed, wicked and sensual. “You know what I need to hear. Tell the whole room.”

  My mind bristled with the memory of that night; the woman tied down like I was now, whimpering at the gold-masked man's touch, his every mov

  He wants me to beg.

  So I opened my mouth.

  “Please, Master, I need it! I... I need you to fuck me, I'll do anything!”

  Onyx chuckled, a harsh sound that only hinted at his own throaty lust. Did he want me as much as I wanted him?

  He brought his teeth to my ear and gave a sharp nibble. It made me moan, but not because it hurt.

  “I always knew you'd do anything to have my thick cock spreading you open.”

  Something about how he said that tugged at the warning center of my brain. I was too mushed up to think deeper.

  I didn't hear him free his erection from his pants. I was only aware of that warm head, sliding up and down my soaked folds, teasing me with its presence.

  Shuddering, I groaned as he began to push inside of me. His length penetrated slowly, a fact I was both thankful for, and frustrated by.

  I wanted more, and didn't want to wait.

  Onyx had been trying to teach me patience. I had very little, right then. If I hadn't been tied down, I would have thrust myself back onto him. Instead I tossed my head, clenching him hungrily as he sank further into my pussy.

  His shaft spread me completely, stretching me beyond what I thought I could take. But he kept on, his thickness helped by my multiple orgasms. My slickness eased his path.

  Onyx grunted with the final inch, my walls hugging him, craving more. Carefully, he began stroking into me, his gloves holding my hips in a vice. His pace was rhythmic; taunting me with his ability to control himself.

  How can he be so calm? I'm going insane!

  Again, he pumped into me. Again, I cried out in carnal bliss.

  I turned my head to watch him. His mouth was slightly parted, teeth bared—a man far more wrapped in his lust than he wanted to show.

  He frowned harshly. “Look away, girl.”

  Disappointed, I put my cheek to the table.

  My pouting was brief. His next stroke slammed into my eager pussy. “Aah,” I gasped, amazed by how wonderful he felt. Expertly, he reached below, the smooth texture of his glove stroking my needy clit. Perfect little circles, the man knew my body intimately.

  He's going to do it, he's going to make me come again!

  Nothing could beat the sensation of being stretched around his hard cock. It was constant, never relenting in how it stuffed me.


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