Book Read Free

1049 Club

Page 43

by Kim Pritekel

  She saw Denny open the French doors leading to the balcony and followed.


  Denny was surprised to hear the soft voice, but it put an instant smile on her face. “How are you?”

  “I’m okay. And you?” the brunette asked, crossing her arms over her chest. She wasn’t sure what to do, how to act, what to say. Her wonderings about if she’d feel the same way the next time she saw Rachel flew out the window. Not a thing had changed. In fact, if anything, time and distance had made the feelings more acute.

  “I’m good.” Rachel walked over to her, taking her arms and pulling them open, stepping into the space she’d created. Denny held the blonde tight, resting her cheek against the soft, blonde hair, shorter than it had been last time she’d seen Rachel. It reached to just about her shoulders, one side tucked behind an ear. Rachel could hear Denny’s heart beating, and wondered if it mirrored the rhythm of her own. “I’ve missed you,” she finally allowed herself to say. Eyes closed, Rachel inhaled the scent that she could never forget, now just enhanced with clean clothing and the slightest hint of perfume.

  “I missed you, too.”

  “Let’s not lose contact again, okay?” Rachel asked, not lifting her head from where it rested on a strong shoulder. She felt Denny’s nod, and whispered okay.

  “Ladies, want to join us?” Will asked, feeling sheepish and shy, interrupting what was obviously a very personal moment. Dean had filled him in on Denny and Rachel, and the attorney’s thoughts that the two women belonged tighter. Seeing them, he couldn’t say he disagreed.

  Denny looked up, nodding. “Yeah. What’s up?”

  “Dean brought some champagne. He wants to celebrate the reunion.”

  “Sounds wonderful,” Rachel said, giving the brunette one final squeeze before letting her go, following Will inside, just before the popping of a cork.

  Dean handed out glasses of the bubbly, then held up his own. “I have to admit, over the last ten months, I’ve missed all of you more than I ever thought possible. My life, though full and wonderful, just hasn’t been the same without my island family.” He turned to the author. “Rachel, the best of luck with your newest venture, as I’ve heard it’s wonderful and can’t wait to delve into its pages. Denny, good luck on your recent move into the northwest, I know it’s been a long road for you. Literally.” He winked, Denny chuckling. “Michael, to you and your beautiful children, which I noticed are absent. Pam, I’m so proud of you.” He leaned over to the woman, who was standing next to him, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “Way to go, mom,” he said softly. “And finally to my Sweets, Mia. Here’s to a beautiful young girl, her whole life ahead of her.”

  “Here, here!”

  Glasses were raised.

  Michael sat on the couch, Mia sitting next to him, head on his shoulder. Pam had snagged Rachel to sit next to her on the loveseat, showing her the photo album she’d brought with her, and made the other four look at in the Green Room at the studio before they’d gone on. She showed her pictures of Luke and Tracy, things they’d done over the past year, her new house and home state.

  Denny lay on the floor, her head on a couch pillow, hands tucked behind her head. She was listening to Dean talk about his tenure with WorldWin, his voice filled with the pride of shutting down a company who had been illegally logging in Maine. His eyes were lit up, his face flushed. Will, who’s lap Dean’s head rested in, was smiling down at the attorney, his fingers running through his partner’s thick hair.

  “That’s wonderful Dean. I’m so proud of you.” She heard Rachel’s lilting laughter, and blue eyes flickered over to see the blonde pointing at something in the album, Pam explaining. Denny didn’t care what was being said. She couldn’t take her eyes off Rachel, visually caressing her face, the soft skin of her neck, the lush softness of her hair. Even as Rachel asked the veterinarian questions, green eyes met Denny’s, holding her gaze. Denny felt her stomach flop, heart pound and breath catch. The pull that had led her to the author on the island had returned, and it was strong. In the hours since she’d first walked out onto the stage on the talk show, until now- in a hotel suite surrounded by the people who mattered most in her life, and half-eaten pizzas scattered around- she felt an overwhelming longing grip her. Somewhere inside she knew that the people surrounding her would be in her life for the rest of her life, but that Rachel would play a starring role.

  The thought both comforted and scared her. Though it had been through no fault of their own, what had happened with Hannah had devastated Denny in its complicated confusion, and she felt partially responsible for it. Her guilt had slowly melted away, leaving her with a sense of emptiness. The time alone on the road had helped to heal that, now filled with a sense of who she was at a core level again, as well as a new life in Hermiston, Oregon, where she’d been for just over a month. She liked the area, liked the job she had as the manager of a bookstore, and most importantly, liked herself.

  She’d spoken with Hannah a few times since she’d left the east coast, happy to hear Hannah had moved on with her life for a second time, as well. They’d spoken about the money situation, and Denny had been stunned a week ago when she’d received a check in the mail for thirty-seven thousand dollars. Hannah had broken the account she’d put the money in from the sale of DiRisio’s, explaining in her note that the money belonged with Denny, and she no longer wanted it. Denny had used it to buy a small, yet very cute house in her new town, indicative that she was indeed, ready to finally find a place to call home.

  It had taken her almost a year to find peace within herself, and find out who she was again. Now, once again complete and happy, could she possibly allow her heart to feel what it was trying to? There wasn’t even anything stating that Rachel had any room in her life for anything other than the wonderful feelings they were both obviously feeling. She could see it in Rachel’s eyes, every time the blonde looked at her.

  Or maybe Denny was simply chicken shit and trying to talk herself out of it. Over her journey, she had kept to herself, even in the towns she visited and worked in. She had made few friends, preferring to observe and absorb, and wanting no women in her life. It had been so long, she was almost afraid to make room in what had become a safe, secure life, for someone else.

  As she looked over at Rachel while lying on the floor of the blonde’s hotel suite, she was surprised to feel much of the fear fading. In its place, she felt good old fashioned, simple love.

  “What’s on your mind?” Dean asked, noting the soft, serene smile that had graced his beautiful friend’s lips. He followed her gaze, not surprised in the least to find he was looking at the beautiful author, sitting next to Pam. Denny glared at him, knowing all too well how that devilish mind of his worked. “So, Rach?”

  “Dean,” Denny growled, warning in her tone. Dena, of course, ignored her.

  “Yes, Dean?” the blonde said, looking up from the snapshot of Pam’s new house.

  “Are you dating anyone?” the attorney asked, feeling a steely gaze on him.

  “Why, you interested?” Rachel asked, a brow quirked.

  “Not exactly,” the attorney drawled, nodding toward the woman on the floor, who had shot up to a sitting position. “But I know someone who is.”

  “Do you, now.” Rachel’s eyes snapped to Denny, seeing the fury and embarrassment in her eyes, which made Rachel’s heart soar.

  “Dean, I am warning you,” Denny hissed between clinched teeth. Dean got the message, shutting up, confident in the fact that he’d gotten his own point across. He smiled prettily, amused by Denny’s bared teeth. “Well, as fun, and humiliating, as this has been, I have a plane to catch.”

  “Oh, no, Denny. You have to leave?” the blonde asked, all humor vanishing, leaving her feeling suddenly devastated. She jumped up from the couch, as did everyone else.

  “Don’t you dare be a stranger, Denny,” Michael said, walking over to the brunette.

  “You, either, big guy.” She accepted his tight e
mbrace, returning it with vigor. In the Green Room, the five had exchanged phone numbers and promises to never allow another year to go by without contact. Mia was next in line, the girl wanting to cry as she knew Denny’s leaving was the beginning of the end of the most wonderful day she’d had in a year. Dean and Will nearly broke ribs with their enthusiastic hugs, and Pam and Gloria wished her well.

  “I’ll walk you to the door,” Rachel said, taking Denny’s hand. In the small alcove at the door to the room away from the others, Rachel looked up into Denny’s eyes. She brought her hands up, resting them on Denny’s shoulders. “I can’t believe you have to leave so soon.”

  “I know. I’m sorry. I was only able to get today off from work. New job, you know…”

  “Yeah, I know.” Looking up into sad blue eyes, Rachel smiled, resting her palm against Denny’s cheek. “Please, please stay in touch, Denny.”

  The brunette nodded. “I will.”

  “Hang on a sec,” the blonde hurried into the bedroom, scribbling her phone number and address down on a piece of hotel stationary. She folded it, tucking it into Denny’s hand. Leaning up, she pressed her lips to Denny’s in a lingering kiss. Backing away, she tried to smile bravely, feeling as though her heart were breaking all over again, just as it had the day she’d had to leave Denny on the island. “Take care of yourself.”

  “You, too.” Denny could feel her throat tighten with unshed emotion, which she knew would catch up to her on the plane. She grabbed the blonde in a tight hug, quickly turning away and leaving the suite. Rachel closed the door behind her, resting her forehead against the cool wood.

  “You okay, honey?” Dean asked softly, placing a gentle hand on the blonde’s shoulder. Rachel said nothing, just turned and buried her face in his neck.

  * * *

  Denny enjoyed her job, working with books and back in a position of management. She was good at it, and loved it. And, it had nothing to do with coffee or food! It was a nice change.

  The day was long, Denny putting in some overtime to help out when one of the girls was a no call/no show. She didn’t mind, as it had kept her mind busy, not giving her a minute to think about anything or anyone. But now, the warm, early June night facing her as she walked out to her car, the brunette glanced up into the sky, noticing the stars winking down at her. Digging her keys from her pocket, she walked over to her Dodge Dakota, unlocking the black truck and climbing inside.

  Sitting behind the wheel, Denny sighed, her body tired, but her mind still whirring. She folded down the sun visor, smiling at the picture of the Island Six, taken behind the studio four days ago. Reaching up, she plucked the snapshot from the paperclip that was holding it to the visor, running a fingertip over everyone’s face. Her gaze settled on Rachel. Every day she’d looked at the blonde’s number and address, long ago memorized, wanting so badly to call. She had no idea what had stopped her. She hadn’t heard anything from the author, either.

  Putting the picture back in its place, Denny revved the engine to life and pulled out of the parking lot. Deciding she wasn’t ready to go home yet, she drove around the are, taking in the sights of her new hometown. She loved Oregon, the beauty of the state was incredible. It was so different than New York, and a very nice change.

  Deciding she was hungry, Denny stopped at a fast food restaurant drive through, then decided to go for a drive. Window down, she loved the feel of the wind in her hair, and the freedom of the road before her. She drove for about twenty minutes before she realized she was on I-84 West, and alone on the road. Denny squeezed the steering wheel, feeling her palms begin to sweat as she made up her mind. Glancing at the clock on the dashboard, she saw that it was after ten at night. It was crazy, it was outright mad, but she wasn’t going to stop this time.

  Music blaring, Denny felt her heart pounding with every mile, her need almost overwhelming. It was amazingly peaceful, the weekday traffic lessening the further she went, passing town after town, only to find herself on another lonely stretch of road. It was very much like the journey she’d just completed, though this time she knew where this drive would end.

  * * *

  Rubbing her eyes, Rachel closed her laptop, finished for the night. Setting the computer aside, she decided it was time to hit the sheets. Walking around the beachfront cottage, she made sure all doors and windows were locked, the sound of the incoming waves comforting in the small beachfront town of Seaside, Oregon. Flipping off the lights as she went, she stripped out of her tank top and shorts, readying for bed in the nude. With a heavy sigh, she slid between the sheets. The rain was beginning to fall, the sound as beloved and comforting as that of the ocean.

  * * *

  Denny turned the windshield wipers to a faster speed, amazed at how the Heavens just seemed to open up and let the angels cry. Glancing at the dashboard clock, she saw that it was almost two in the morning. She was exhausted, and hoped she was doing the right thing. She turned up the radio, Pink Floyd’s The Wall filling the truck’s cab. Her head bobbed along with the music, letting it fill her with confidence and assurance.

  Denny looked at the directions she’d printed out from the internet two days ago, making sure she was in the right neighborhood. Seeing a house number, she saw that she was heading in the right direction. Pulling up to a single-story beachfront house, she pulled the break and cut the engine.

  * * *

  Rachel started, something pulling her from a deep sleep. Looking around her dark bedroom, she tried to figure out what it had been. Hearing the rain still pelting down around her house, she thought maybe that was it. Maybe the rain had increased, tugging at her subconscious. Then she heard the slam of a car door.

  Looking at her bedside alarm clock, she saw that it was almost a quarter of three. Lying her head back to the pillow, the blonde figured it was the neighbors, knowing they came and went at odd hours. That thought was dashed when she heard footsteps hurrying up the walk toward her front door. Sitting up, the author flicked on the lamp, then shoved the covers aside, tugging on her shorts and tank top. Listening, sure enough footfalls on the deck that stared at the front door and wrapped its way around the cottage.

  Padding her way toward the front door, Rachel glanced out the window, noting a dark-colored vehicle, which looked like a truck or SUV. A knock sounded on the door, making the blonde’s heart jump. Pushing aside the filmy curtains that covered the flanking windows of the front door, Rachel cried out in surprise and concern. With trembling fingers, she unlocked her door, pulling it open. Denny stood on the other side, her clothing and hair plastered to her body and head, just from the short walk to the door.

  Denny didn’t know what to say, torn between feeling bad and elated. From the look of the blonde woman, she’d been asleep, and who wouldn’t be at such a ridiculous time of morning?

  “I’m sorry,” she said, bringing a hand up to push her bangs out of her eyes. “I had to see you.”

  Rachel looked the brunette over, noting Denny’s nametag still penned to her shirt, khaki pants clinging to her legs and polo shirt emblazoned with the name of a popular bookstore almost black from the saturation.

  “Oh, Denny,” Rachel breathed, reaching out and taking her hand, tugging her into the house. She said nothing as she led her inside, closing and locking the front door behind them before leading her back through the house to her bedroom. She got her towels and a tee shirt, instructing that she take a hot shower so she didn’t die of pneumonia.

  Denny did as she was told, feeling foolish. Even so, it felt amazing to be standing in a shower stall in Rachel’s house, in her very presence. She smiled, eyes closing, as she could smell Rachel’s shampoo as it was lathered through her own hair, knowing that probably not long before, Rachel had been standing in the very spot where she was.

  Rachel could feel her heart pounding, taken off guard by the arrival of Denny at her doorstep in the middle of the night, just because the brunette had to see her. It had been almost five days since they’d seen each other last,
since Denny had walked out of Rachel’s hotel suite in Los Angeles. She had wanted to call so many times, once actually had the phone in hand, Denny’s phone number at the tips of her fingers, but she’d chickened out. Would Denny want to hear from her?

  Rachel had heard about Hannah, Dean filling her in on what he knew, which wasn’t a great deal. Just that things hadn’t worked out, and Denny had left, setting out on her cross country journey. She wasn’t sure how Denny felt, considering the blonde knew how much Denny loved Hannah, and how much she had tried to stay true to her while they were on the island. Rachel had felt guilty about that for a long time before realizing she had to let it all go. By that point, Denny was very much out of her life, so couldn’t let it hurt anymore.

  The shower turned off and Rachel felt her heart lurch again. Swallowing, she leaned back against the pillows, trying to act and feel as casual as possible. Yeah right. Denny entered the ring of light created by the single bedside lamp. The tee shirt fit her, which was good, since it was huge on the blonde. She was using Rachel’s brush to comeback back her long, dark hair.

  “Feel better?” Rachel asked, at a loss for anything else to say. The brunette nodded.

  “Yeah. Thank you.” She sat shyly on the side of the bed, looking down at her bare legs. She felt strange, sitting on Rachel’s bed in the blonde’s own shirt, and panties. “I’m really sorry, Rachel. I shouldn’t have-“

  “Hush.” The blonde’s voice was soft, soothing as she pulled the covers back, patting the space on the mattress. “Come here.”

  Swallowing nervously, Denny set the brush aside and did as she was told. She slid down into the cool sheets, softly instructed to lie on her side, back to Rachel, which she did.

  “Sleep now, Denny. We’ll talk later.” Rachel leaned up, placing a soft kiss on the back of the brunette’s neck, then wrapped her arm tightly around Denny’s middle, holding her protectively against her.


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