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Liar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy

Page 51

by Karen Abbott

Kilpatrick, H. Judson, 360

  King, Lucy, 383–84

  Knight, Judson, 406

  Knights of the Golden Circle, 97

  Knights Templar, 56

  knitting, 115, 124

  Knoxville, Tennessee, 295

  Ku Klux Klan, 97

  Ladies Memorial Association, 414

  Lamb, William, 390

  Lamon, Ward Hill, 53, 349, 420

  land mines, 183–84

  Lane, Joseph, 24, 108

  latrines, 15, 146

  Lawton, Hattie, 159–60

  Lebanon, Kentucky, 289

  Lee, Fitzhugh, 242

  Lee, Robert E., 181, 213, 218, 242, 256, 261, 267, 287, 294, 305, 327, 338, 368, 397, 405, 408, 426

  at Antietam, 247–49

  at Chancellorsville, 293

  at Five Forks, 408

  at Fredericksburg, 268–71

  at Gettysburg, 296, 303–4

  Overland Campaign, 368, 369, 379–80

  Seven Days Battles, 224–27

  Special Order No. 191, 247

  at Spotsylvania, 368, 379

  in the Wilderness, 368, 379

  leeches, 93

  Leesburg, Virginia, 12

  Letcher, John, 295

  Leveson-Gower, Granville George, 356

  Lewis, Pryce, 108–10, 156, 215

  Libby Prison, 160–61, 161, 162–66, 205, 229–30, 325–26, 345–46, 365–67

  Liberia, 125

  Ligon’s Prison, 37–39

  Lincoln, Abraham, xi, 11, 18, 19, 24, 26–27, 38, 41, 50, 58, 60, 61, 64, 67, 75, 115, 171, 173, 184, 315, 320, 337, 349, 358, 397, 403, 415, 420

  assassination of, 423

  cabinet of, 26, 61, 105, 115, 117, 246

  Emancipation Proclamation, 248, 305

  McClellan and, 61, 94, 134, 156, 193, 214, 242, 248, 261, 264–65

  Pinkerton agency and, 69–70, 70

  Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction, 324

  Trent Affair and, 121, 129

  war strategy, 58, 61, 94, 100, 134, 156, 248, 264, 267, 278

  Lincoln, Mary Todd, 27, 38, 60, 67, 122, 321, 337

  Lincoln, Tad, 60, 70

  Lincoln, Willie, 60, 70, 148

  Lind, Jenny, 40

  Logan, Captain, 280–82, 289

  Lohmann, F. W. E., 254

  London, 304, 305, 309, 320–22, 350, 356–59, 376–78, 403

  theater, 419–20

  London Morning Post, 321, 378

  London Standard, 321

  Long, Dick, 219

  Longstreet, James, 256, 264, 279

  Lookout Mountain, 322

  Louisville, Kentucky, 97, 279, 313

  Lounsbury, William, 162–63

  Lowe, Thaddeus, 155–56

  Lynchburg, Virginia, 408

  Mackall, Lily, 110, 111, 117

  Madison, James, 84

  Maginnis, Arthur, 235

  Magruder, John, 155, 183, 184

  mail, 73, 107, 299

  army carriers, 151, 214, 245, 261, 265, 269, 291, 298

  postwar, 424–26

  stamp shortages, 73

  underground information and, 97

  malaria, 100, 194–95, 286, 290–92, 415, 416, 418

  Mallory, Stephen, 24

  Malvern Hill, 227

  Manassas, Virginia, 20–22, 27, 31, 31, 32–36, 232, 242–46, 265

  First Battle of Bull Run, 19, 22, 30, 31–36, 37, 47, 53, 57, 63, 68, 80, 266

  Second Battle of Bull Run, 244–46

  manifest destiny (term), 377

  Mansion House Hospital, 122

  Marshall, John, 40

  martial law, 61, 158, 204, 316

  Martin, Frederick, 49

  Martindale, John, 314

  Martinsburg, Virginia, 3–10, 19, 49–56, 96, 103, 133, 139, 187, 234–35, 258, 259, 268, 295–96, 349, 391, 421

  Maryland, 9, 26, 97, 100–101, 104, 159, 246–49, 316, 380, 392

  Battle of Antietam, 247–48, 248, 249

  as border state, 9, 50

  slavery, 14, 26, 143

  Maryland News Sheet, 203

  Mason, James, 121, 129, 304, 305, 323, 370, 371, 387

  “Maud Miller” (Whittier), 194–95

  McClellan, George, 19, 51, 58, 58, 59–60, 64, 82, 91, 112, 113, 115, 121–22, 178, 216, 256, 270, 394

  at Antietam, 247–49

  farewell address to troops, 264–65

  Rose Greenhow’s surveillance on, 66–74, 105, 109, 122, 173, 176

  at Harrison’s Landing, 226–28, 231, 231, 232, 242

  leadership style, 59–60, 94, 121, 151–52, 213, 247–48

  Lincoln and, 61, 94, 134, 156, 193, 214, 242, 248, 261, 264–65

  Peninsula Campaign and, 152–57, 180–86, 193–99, 210–14, 218, 232, 242

  procrastination of, 61, 89, 99, 105, 121, 134, 155–56, 183, 246, 264

  replaced with Burnside, 264–65

  Second Battle of Bull Run, 244–46

  Seven Days Battles, 224–27

  at Seven Pines, 210–14

  strategy of, 61, 89, 94, 99, 151–52, 184, 193, 224, 261

  McCullough, John R., 326–28, 329

  McDowell, Irvin, 19, 22, 30, 32, 190, 203

  at Bull Run, 32–35

  McKee, Major, 196, 197–98

  McNiven, Thomas, 253

  McVay, Clifford, 240–41, 250–51

  Meade, George, 329

  Meagher, Thomas F., 178

  measles, 148–49, 416

  Mechanicsville Turnpike, 225–26, 397

  medical care, 16–17, 32, 38, 51, 57, 185, 226, 242–43

  amputations, 17, 34, 57, 185, 280, 293

  Confederate, 42–43, 75–76, 258

  examinations, 12, 179

  female doctors, 366

  poor hygiene and bacterial infections, 298

  for pregnant soldiers, 277–78

  prison, 81, 148–50, 230, 314

  smuggled drugs, 100–101, 101, 102, 222

  surgeons, 17, 34, 185, 245, 366

  Union, 12, 16–17, 32, 34, 89–95, 211–12, 226, 242–43, 245, 246, 290, 393–94

  for venereal disease, 89–90

  Memminger, Christopher, 43–44

  Memphis, 286

  Meridian, Mississippi, 357

  Mexican-American War, 22, 44, 59, 138, 155, 211

  Michigan, 12, 15, 80, 416, 417

  minié balls, 32, 64, 182, 206

  Mississippi, xii, 61, 128, 134, 357

  Mississippi River, 209, 278, 303–4, 359

  Missouri, 50, 61, 134

  as border state, 61

  slavery, 61

  Mix, James, 316

  Mobile Bay, Alabama, 386

  Montgomery, Alabama, 295

  Montgomery, Walter, 419–20

  Montgomery County, Maryland, 143

  Montreal, 376

  morphine, 100, 245

  Morris Island, 306

  Morse code, 25, 113

  Moschzisker, Dr. Von, 167

  Mosquito Fleet, 113

  Mount Washington Female College, 7

  Munson’s Hill, 60, 64

  My Imprisonment and the First Year of Abolition Rule (Greenhow), 304, 321–22

  “My Southern Soldier Boy,” 240

  Nalle House, 246

  Napoléon Bonaparte, 59, 335–36

  Napoléon III, 323, 335–39

  Nashville, 286

  New Inlet, 306, 307

  New Jersey, 128, 277

  New Orleans, 316, 317, 420

  fall of, 209

  New York, xi, 5, 45, 73, 81, 266

  draft riots, 298

  New York Fire Zouaves, 34

  New York Herald, 205

  New York Military Gazette, 266

  New York Times, 23, 150, 322, 324

  New York Tribune, 19, 58, 89, 189

  Night Hawk, 388, 389

  Nine Mile Road, 297

  95th Illinois Infantry, 277

  Niphon, 388

  Norfolk, Virginia, 3
18, 363

  North, xi, xii, 23, 61, 78, 342

  press, 19, 66, 89, 118, 218, 232, 286, 311, 322–24, 377

  songs, 122, 411

  See also specific states; Union; Union army; Union espionage

  North Carolina, xi, 113, 144, 216, 316, 348, 397

  Northrop, Lucius B., 254

  Norton, Charles, 277

  Nurse and Spy in the Union Army (Edmonds), 394–95, 414

  nurses, 51

  Confederate, 42–43, 75–76, 258

  Union, 90–91, 120–23, 211–12, 226–27, 242–43, 271, 393–94

  See also medical care

  Oak Grove, Battle of, 224–25

  Oberlin, Ohio, 300, 414, 415

  Ohio, 81, 134, 300, 414, 415, 422

  “Old Abe’s Lament,” 67, 112

  “Old Capital Prison,” 68, 141–42, 142, 143–50, 166–77, 209, 217, 236–41, 246, 250–51, 299, 388, 403

  “Old Zip Coon,” 237

  O’Melia, Mary, 127

  Onderdunk, Mary E., 116–17

  O’Neale, Eliza, 144

  O’Neale, John, 6, 143–44

  123rd Ohio Regiment, 298

  141st Pennsylvania Infantry, 277

  153rd New York Regiment, 299

  Oregon, 24, 42

  O’Sullivan, John, 377

  Overland Campaign, 368, 369, 379–80

  Paducah, Kentucky, 134

  Palmer, Charles, 254, 341

  Palmerston, Lord, 356, 371

  paper money, 50, 153, 154, 164, 409

  Paris, 304, 305, 322–34, 335–40, 356–59, 373, 377

  parole, 242–43

  passes, 190–92, 221

  Patterson, Robert, 6, 19, 49–50, 53

  Pauline of the Potomac, 275

  Pegram, John, 279

  Pelham, John, 102

  Pemberton, Betsy, 127

  Pemberton, Jim, 127

  Peninsula Campaign, 152–57, 180–86, 193–99, 210–14, 218, 232, 240, 242

  Pennsylvania, 39

  Pennsylvania Abolition Society, 39

  pensions, military, 418–19

  Pet, 307

  Petersburg, siege of, 379

  Phantom, 306–8

  Philadelphia, 39, 45, 78, 100, 128, 246, 244, 295, 381, 405, 421

  Philadelphia Inquirer, 188

  Phillips, Eugenia, 114–15, 317

  Phillips, Philip, 114–15

  photography, war, 147, 247

  Phyfe, Duncan, 111

  picket duty, 63–65, 182, 183, 221, 244, 342

  Pierce, Franklin, 26

  Pierrepont, Edwards, 169–75

  Pinkerton, Allan, 69–70, 70, 71–74, 84–88, 104–18, 155–57, 179, 180, 183, 194, 215, 216, 224, 261, 264, 328

  report on Belle Boyd, 220–21

  surveillance on Rose Greenhow, 69–74, 84–89, 104–18, 141–42, 156, 169, 172

  Pius IX, Pope, 371

  plug-uglies, 45

  Poe, Edgar Allan, 40, 124, 216

  “Gold-Bug, The” 24

  Raven, The, 124, 235

  “Tell-Tale Heart, The,” 325

  Poe, Orlando M., 99, 151, 157, 243, 267, 270, 291, 394

  Pole, R. W., 406

  Pollard, Mr., 351, 352

  Pope, John, 223, 243, 246

  Popes Creek, 100

  Porter, Andrew, 146

  Porter, Fitz Hugh, 224

  Porter, Stephen, 307, 308

  Port Royal, South Carolina, 252

  Postmaster Line, 97

  Post Office Department, 27, 73, 107, 151

  post offices, postwar, 424–26

  Potomac River, 4, 21, 30, 60, 64, 81, 100, 215, 246, 251, 328, 402

  pregnancy, 128–29, 296, 298

  of female soldiers, 277–78

  press, 19, 64, 81, 100, 237

  British, 321, 378, 393, 403

  on female spies, 115–18, 238

  Northern, 19, 66, 89, 118, 218, 232, 286, 311, 322–24, 377

  Southern, 39, 46–47, 61, 96, 103, 118, 124, 158, 165, 194, 215, 218, 286, 296, 303, 328, 425

  underground information in, 96, 407

  Preston, William, 74

  prisons, 36, 68

  black market, 164

  Belle Boyd in, 234–41, 246, 250–51, 259, 298–300, 312–15, 403

  civilians in, 141–50, 167–77, 209, 234–41, 29–300, 312–15

  conditions, 145–50, 161, 209, 234, 238, 299, 311, 314, 366, 367

  Confederate, 36–39, 42–48, 75–81, 158–66, 227–30, 309–11, 325–26, 344–46, 365–67, 406

  “dead” escapees, 326–28

  escapes, 80–81, 162–66, 177, 209, 227–30, 309–11, 325–26, 345–48, 365–67, 380

  exchange of inmates, 250–51, 370–71

  food, 80, 117, 164–65, 209, 367

  Rose Greenhow in, 141–47, 147, 148–50, 166–77, 209, 217, 234, 240

  medical care, 81, 148–50, 2230, 314

  Richmond, 36, 37–39, 42–48, 75–81, 158–66, 227–33, 309–11, 325–26, 344–46, 365–67

  Union, 68, 141–42, 142, 143–47, 147, 148–50, 167–77, 209, 217, 234–41, 250–51, 299–300, 312–15

  profanity, 5, 16, 139

  prostitution, 13, 45, 61, 62–63, 91, 116, 278

  brothels, 13, 45, 91, 278, 295

  Butler’s General Order No. 28 on, 316

  camp followers, 62–63, 139

  Joseph Hooker and, 278

  puerperal fever, 298

  Quakers, 125

  Quebec, 376

  quinine, 290

  smuggled, 100–101, 101, 102, 222

  railroads, 6, 27, 56, 122, 136, 244, 268–69, 296, 309, 407

  Rains, G. J., 306

  Raleigh, North Carolina, 216

  rape, 9–10, 28, 41, 49, 111

  Rappahannock River, 81, 243, 257, 265, 267–69

  rats, 148, 161, 284

  rebel yell, 33–34, 225, 282

  recognition system, 255

  Reconstruction, 425, 426

  Reid, James, 266, 271, 275–76, 278, 290, 291, 300–302, 394

  Republicans, 121, 425, 426, 427

  reveille, 14

  Rex, Dr. George, 220

  Rhode Island, 80

  Richmond, xi, xii, 19, 27, 35, 37–48, 50, 61, 96, 124, 152–54, 183, 190, 210, 213, 215–17, 224–33, 251–58, 303, 319, 340, 360, 369

  bread riot, 283, 283, 284–88, 340

  fall of, 397, 408–11, 411, 412

  martial law, 158

  postwar, 424–29

  prisons, 36–39, 42–48, 75–81, 158–66, 227–33, 309–11, 325–26, 344–46, 365–67

  siege of, 193–94, 209, 225–27

  society, 38–42, 128, 216–17

  Underground, 248, 252–58, 269, 286–88, 309–11, 325–32, 341–48, 360–67, 380–84, 384, 385, 396–98, 405–12, 424

  Union espionage in, 42–48, 75–83, 124–30, 156–66, 193–94, 227–33, 252–58, 286–88, 309–11, 325–32, 341–48, 360–67, 380–85, 396–98, 405–12

  wartime population, 43

  Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad, 257, 268–69, 309

  Richmond Dispatch, 39, 46, 82, 124

  Richmond Examiner, 46, 158, 286, 328, 351

  Richmond Underground, 248, 252–58, 269, 286–88, 309–11, 325–32, 341–48, 360–67, 380–84, 384, 385, 396–98, 405–12, 424

  Richmond Whig, 118, 296, 324

  Rich Mountain, 51, 59

  Roane, Louisa, 248

  Robbins, Jerome, 91, 91, 92–95, 119–20, 123, 151, 152, 157, 184, 226–27, 242–43, 265, 275–76, 290–91, 300–302, 393–95, 417, 419

  Robert E. Lee, 100

  Robertson, John, 416

  Michigan in the War, 416–17

  Ross, Erasmus, 162–63, 345

  Rowley, Merritt, 342, 344

  Rowley, William S., 254–55, 329, 341, 342

  Ruth, Samuel, 269, 327, 406

  saloons, 13, 57

  salt, 77

  San Francisco, 23

San Jacinto, USS, 121

  Savannah, 100, 397

  Scott, Thomas A., 88, 104

  Scott, Winfield, 94

  Scottish immigrants, 253, 266

  scouts, 27, 54, 106, 328

  Scully, John, 215

  “Secesh” industry, 266, 266

  secession, xi, xii, 4, 5, 9, 24, 26, 41, 50, 74, 79, 220, 295, 335

  2nd Iowa Infantry, 62

  2nd Michigan Infantry, 12, 21, 35, 61–65, 90, 151, 157, 184, 243, 245, 249, 267, 394, 416

  2nd Virginia Infantry, 4, 207

  2nd Wisconsin Infantry, 21

  Secret Line, 96–97

  secret service, 69–74

  Confederate, 20–30, 51–56, 66–74, 84–88, 96–103, 133–50, 187–92, 200–209, 218–23, 250–51, 258–60, 293–300, 303–5, 312–19, 349–55

  double agents, 73

  Hooker and, 328–29

  Pinkerton agency, 69–74, 84–89, 104–18, 141–42, 155–57, 169, 172, 216, 224, 261, 264, 328

  Richmond Underground, 252–58, 269, 286–88, 309–11, 325–32, 341–48, 360–67, 380–84, 384, 385, 396–98, 405–12, 424

  Underground Railroad (Confederate), 27, 96–103

  Union, 27, 42–48, 51, 55, 75–83, 124–30, 156–66, 178–86, 193–99, 220–33, 242–49, 252–58, 286–88, 309–11, 325–32, 341–48, 360–67, 380–85, 396–98, 405–12

  See also Confederate espionage; specific spies; Union espionage

  Seelye, Linus, 394, 414,415

  Semmes, Raphael, 370, 371

  Senate, US, 71, 144

  Senate Military Affairs Committee, 22

  Seven Days Battles, 224–27

  Seven Pines, Battle of, 210–14

  Seventh Michigan, 269

  Seventh New York Infantry, 14

  7th Pennsylvania Volunteers, 49

  7th Virginia Infantry, 133

  17th Massachusetts Infantry, 420

  73rd Ohio, 219

  74th New York, 162

  79th New York Highlanders, 266, 271

  Seward, William, 47, 84, 117–18

  sewing, 4–5, 16, 26, 42, 51, 115, 126, 253

  role in espionage, 74, 113, 229–30, 253, 256

  Shakespeare, William, 373, 404

  Sharpe, George H., 328–29, 424

  Sheldon, J. S., 174

  Shenandoah Valley, xiv, 3–10, 14, 19, 50, 54, 58, 96, 99, 105, 133–40, 187–92, 200–214, 218–23, 224, 234, 261, 264, 295–97, 369, 391

  Sheridan, Philip, 277, 408

  Sherman, Francis, 235

  Sherman, William Tecumseh, 357, 369, 386, 394, 397

  Shields, James, 188–89, 190, 203, 218

  Shiloh, Battle of, 209

  shoes, 100, 382–83

  shortages of, 103, 268

  Shorter, John Gill, 295

  sideburns, 264

  6th New York Cavalry, 97

  slavery, xii, 6, 23, 125, 127, 143

  abolition of, 61, 93, 403

  auctions, 39, 125

  black soldiers, 305–6

  blockade runners and, 306–8, 349–55, 356


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