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Jake: The Hottest Guys You'll Love to Love (Best of the Bad Boys Book 1)

Page 4

by Jessie Cooke


  “Oh shit!” she was whispering, but she looked terrified. It was cute, like we were in grade school and we’re going to get expelled.

  “It’s okay baby…”

  “Shh! It’s Lizzie. She can’t catch me like this.”

  I grinned, it earned me a glare. She was even hot when she was pissed. I reached down and scooped up her clothes and handed them to her. “Go in the bathroom and get dressed. I’ll get the door.” I whispered but she still looked terrified. She was frozen to her spot.

  “Cassie! Did you fall asleep?” That snapped her out of it and she ducked into the tiny bathroom stall. I adjusted myself, trying to hide the fact that I had a raging hard-on and went over and pulled open the door. “Jacob!”

  “Hi,” I said. I had no idea what the girl’s name was although I’d seen her a hundred times. I think Cassie said Lizzy…but that might be wrong.

  “Where’s Cassie?”

  “She’s in the bathroom.” I could see a lot of activity backstage now and I knew this wasn’t going to happen with Cassie this minute. It was definitely going to happen though, and soon. I saw Lucy…no Lexie? I saw her eyes go to my crotch and then she looked up at me with a knowing smile. I didn’t care. It wasn’t the first time I’d been caught with wood. “Tell Cassie I’ll be in touch please,” I said, stepping out and letting the girl in. I could feel her eyes on me as I walked away and tried to picture my sixty-year-old housekeeper naked so my cock would relax. All I could see in my mind was Cassie’s gorgeous face and body…and all I could think was: “Well I’ll be damned…I remembered her name.”



  I’d been on the phone for almost twenty minutes already, trying to convince Micah to let me quit my job. Somehow, he just didn’t seem to be hearing anything that I was saying. “Micah, I’m just not sure this is for me…”

  “Do you have any idea how many press requests I got for you this week? You’re hot! They love you! Why oh why would you want to leave me Cassie?”

  “It’s just not really me…I’m not comfortable…”

  “Fine, I’ll let you use the big dressing room. Do you think you will be more comfortable in there? It even has a bed, in case you want to take a nap…or anything else.”

  I groaned. Shit! Why would he think I wanted a bigger dressing room? I was trying to quit here. I can’t do this! I can’t look Jacob Wright in the eye after I let him perform oral sex on me less than five minutes after he introduced himself. What kind of slut does that? No…I can’t do this…

  “Micah, I’m sorry. It’s not about dressing rooms…”

  “Oh Jesus Cassie, you’re killing me here. I’ve already gotten ten calls requesting you for special appearances. You can’t leave me babe! I need you! Fine, you can have a raise.”

  “Micah…wait…what? No! I’m not looking for a raise. It’s the job. I can’t do the job…”

  “Can you be at Circus-Circus by two p.m. on Tuesday for a car show?”

  “Micah! You’re not listening to me.”

  “Sure I am babe. Bigger dressing room, more money, I get it. It’s what we all want. You want it, I make it happen. I’ll see you Tuesday and don’t worry about clothes. Wardrobe will be there with the outfit they want you to wear. Oh and be there an hour early for make-up.”

  With a growl, I tried one last time, “Micah…”

  “There’s the other line babe, I have to go. I’ll see you on Tuesday. Great job the other night Cassie, just fabulous.” Suddenly there was nothing but dead air. What the…? Was this man insane…?

  I started to call Lizzie but then I realized it was almost time to meet her at Serenity for coffee. I know she just wants to grill me about what happened between me and Jacob yesterday. I had completely avoided her questions when she accosted me in the dressing room. I was completely freaked out and all I wanted to do was get the H-E double “L” out of there. She’s text me three times since. Ugh! What was I going to do? I couldn’t go back to work and look this guy in the face.

  When I got to Serenity, Lizzie had already claimed our favorite table on the patio. I got my coffee and went out to join her. Before my butt even hit the chair she said, “Cassie and Jacob frigging Wright! Oh my God!”

  “Shut up!” I looked around to make sure no one was listening.

  She giggled and said, “Are you kidding? If it was me I’d be standing on top of the Stratosphere screaming it out across the strip.”

  “Well it doesn’t matter because nothing happened anyways.”

  She made a noise that basically said, “Yeah, right.” Then she stared at me as I took a sip of my coffee. When I sat the cup down she said, “How long have we been friends?”


  “How long, Cass?”

  “Since grade school.”

  “Have we not shared everything…honestly…openly…not judging…?”


  “Everything except…what happened between you and Jacob in that dressing room yesterday…”

  “I lost my mind,” I said.

  Laughing again and looking like she was about to bust wide open she said, “I need details.”

  “Oh God Lizzie, I really have no freaking idea what I was thinking. I saw him at the fight last Friday. I didn’t know his name…but I was…I mean he made me feel…”



  “Turned on?”


  “Like you wanted to do something dirty?”

  I laughed, “Shut up! No…okay, yes. But I didn’t think I would. I mean…I never have. Jeez, I made poor Scott wait for months!”

  She made a face and said, “Scott doesn’t count. We’re talking about a real man here.”

  “You know what I mean. I’m not a “One afternoon in the dressing room,” kind of girl.”

  “So you really did it?” she said, her eyes growing wider. She wasn’t going to give up until she had all of the details.

  “No, not exactly.” I lowered my voice and looked around again and said, “He gave me oral sex.”

  Lizzie busted up laughing, loudly. “You’re so freaking funny. Jacob Wright went down on you, Mama!”

  “Shh! Lizzie! You’re insane!”

  “Every girl who has ever been anywhere near the octagon has tried to get Jacob Wright in bed. Your first day there you scored! You’re my hero!”

  “Stop it! I’m not proud of it Lizzie. I’m so embarrassed. He started kissing me and touching me and I just lost my flipping mind!”

  “Mmm! Kissing Jacob Wr….”

  “Lizzie! Please!”

  She laughed. “Okay, I’ll stop. But I really am being silly just because I’m so freaking jealous.”

  “I can’t keep working with him, Lizzie! I will never be able to look this guy in the eye again.”

  “I can think of lots of other parts of him to look at.” I grabbed my purse and stood up. “Oh wait! Come on, Cass. I’m kidding. Sit down. I’ll be serious.” I sat back down. I was on the verge of tears. I couldn’t understand why she couldn’t understand how bad this was.

  “I’m an MMA slut,” I said.

  She started to laugh again, but stopped and straightened out her face. “You are not a slut. Stop that. Everyone has a wild moment sometimes. From what I’ve heard, Jacob is the man whore.”

  “That makes it worse. I don’t sleep with guys I don’t know and I don’t sleep with guys who I do know are players. It’s like I was having an out of body experience. I was watching myself and saying, “Hey, look at that chick gettin’ lucky with hot tattoo guy.”

  Lizzie giggled. “It’ll be fine honey, really. Like I said, we all do things we regret. You just move on and get past it. Next time you see him…”

  “No! That can’t happen. I can’t see him again.”

  “You’re going to have to see him at work…”

  “I can’t, Lizzie. I have a panic attack just thinking about it. I called Micah
and tried to quit but I think he’s a little bit crazy. He started offering me a bigger dressing room and more money and before we hung up he was telling me to be at some car show on Tuesday…”

  “The one at Circus-Circus?”

  “Yeah. I told him I didn’t want more money or a bigger dressing room. He said, “It’s what we all want.” he’s insane.”

  “So he’s offering you more money…a bigger dressing room…and he gave you the car show?” I suddenly noticed that Lizzie’s face did not look happy.

  “Um…yeah, but I don’t want any of that. I just don’t want to work there anymore.”

  “I’ve been asking for a raise for six months…that little rat bastard!”

  “Oh Lizzie, I’m sorry.”

  “It’s not your fault. He’s a punk. He told me I could have that car show too!”

  “Oh no! I never should have taken this job. I’m just making things hard on you too. I’m so sorry, honey.”

  “Stop apologizing. It’s not your fault. The car show people must have requested you, so you can’t help that. It’s because you’re gorgeous. That’s no secret. I am pissed about the raise thing though. Wait until I see Micah!”

  “Well, I’m quitting, so it doesn’t matter. You can have the raise and the dressing room and the car show.”

  “You’re not quitting,” Lizzie said.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “No, you’re not. Wait, did you sign a contract?”

  “A contract? No, I don’t think so. Did you?”

  “Yeah, but not at first. They hire you temporary at first, I guess to see how it fits.”

  “It doesn’t fit me, Lizzie. I can’t do it.”

  She sighed and stood up. “Come on…”

  “Come on where?”

  “Just come with me. I’m going to prove to you that you’re being silly. The only thing Jacob Wright is thinking is how lucky he got getting to be with you.”

  I felt sick to my stomach. I never really knew what Lizzie was up to. She was as crazy as Micah sometimes. I followed her and she told me to leave my car. We got in hers and she drove down alongside the Bellagio and flipped a U-turn on Flamingo Street. We drove up in front of a big, glass building. There were no signs or logos or anything on it.

  “Where are we?”

  “I brought you to see Micah,” she said.

  “This isn’t Micah’s office…”

  “Nope. But today is Sunday and on Sundays he comes in while the guys are training. He’s the one who handles all the personal appearances and interviews and photo shoots…even for the guys. He rattles off his ideas. Mostly he annoys them, but it makes him feel like a big man.” All I heard was training. Did that mean all of them? Was Jacob here too? Lizzie was setting me up.

  “Training? Jacob is here, isn’t he?”

  “Well, I don’t know his schedule, but…”

  “Lizzie, what are you doing?”

  She turned off the car and looked at me. “Look Cass, it’s like pulling off a Band-Aid. You just have to do it. Go in there and either tell Micah you quit…or look Jacob Wright in the eye. Either way, you need to do one or the other before you drive yourself crazy over this.”

  I hated to admit it, but she was right, at least about the making me crazy part. She was devious and underhanded bringing me here, but she was right. “Shit.”

  She was trying hard not to smile, but my turmoil was apparently as amusing as hell to her. “So which one is it going to be?”

  With a heavy sigh, I said, “Both, I guess. You’re right. I just need to get it over with. On my way to quit, I’ll look Jacob in the eye…fear faced.” I talked a big game but when I opened the door and stepped out I felt myself starting to tremble all over. I looked up at the big, imposing glass building and started forward before I realized that Lizzie wasn’t following me. I turned around and leaned back in the car window. “You’re not coming in?”

  “Nope. You need to do this on your own or you won’t get anything out of it.”

  “I hate you.”

  “I know. I love you too. Now go!”

  With a pulse, I could feel pounding in my temples and legs that were shaking so hard I was afraid they would give out and cause me to fall on my face, I headed inside the building. I stepped into the coolness of the air conditioner and the sounds of loud music coming from the back. The lobby was filled with plush looking white couches and glass tables filled with fresh flowers. The carpet was white too and so thick that I was tempted to kick off my shoes and sink down into it. There was no one around. The reception desk was unmanned, or un-womaned, whatever the case might be. The only indication the room gave of where I was, were the posters of the fighters that hung along the wall behind the reception desk. I recognized the two from the other night, Brock and Lance, but there were six of them all together. My eyes were drawn to Jacob’s. Jesus, he was beautiful. Maybe Lizzie’s right and I’m not supposed to be able to resist a man like that.

  “Can I help you?”

  “Shit!” I nearly jumped out of my skin. I turned and looked towards the voice. A tall middle aged man with a military precise haircut and muscles even bigger than Jacobs was standing there looking at me with an amused expression. “I’m sorry.”

  He chuckled. “Did I scare you?” he asked me.

  “A little. I’m sorry. I was looking for Micah.”

  He made a face, but I don’t think it was directed at me. I’m guessing he is not one of Micah’s biggest fans. He was polite to me nevertheless and said, “He’s out on the floor. Come on, I’ll take you back.”

  “Um…I can catch him later if he’s busy.” I really didn’t want to go “out on the floor.” What if Jacob was there? I was brave when Lizzie and I talked about it, but I wasn’t ready to face him. I would not be able to look into those pretty brown eyes of his.

  “He’s never busy. As a matter of fact, we welcome anyone here who might get him out of the way for five minutes. Follow me,” he said. I chuckled at that. At least I wasn’t the only one he annoyed. The big man opened the double doors behind him and the sounds of loud rap music and the smell of men wafted out. I smiled nervously at him and stepped through the door. I followed him down a long hallway and the closer we got to the end, the louder the music got and the more the floor vibrated under our feet. I could hear loud baritone voices coming from behind the door at the end and I sucked in a breath to try and calm myself down as the big man pushed open the doors. It opened into a huge white room and there were men everywhere. Big men. Sweaty men. Hot men. Oh my God I’ve found where they keep heaven.



  I was so enticed by the sights before me, that I forgot why I was here for a minute. In my defense, it was like someone had taken all my favorite foods and laid them out on a buffet table for me to choose from. I forgot that I was a nervous wreck and I didn’t hear what the giant man who I now think just might be St. Peter, said.

  “I’m sorry?” I said, turning my ear slightly towards him. From that angle, I could see Jacob. My stomach dropped and my heart was literally slamming against my ribcage. The air felt so heavy that I couldn’t breathe. He was all the way on the other side of the big room, thank goodness. Maybe he wouldn’t see me.

  “I said Micah is down there in front. See him there? He’s right up in the middle of everything as usual.” I looked in the direction he was pointing. Sure enough, Micah was parked in a chair right up front where one of the trainers was calling out directions to one of the fighters…or two of them maybe. They were all tangled up on the floor in a pile of limbs and sweat. This was too much. I felt like I was in heat.

  “Thank you,” I said to the big man. He gave me a nod and headed in the other direction. I glanced over again to make sure Jacob was still occupied on the other side of the room and with another deep breath, I headed towards Micah. When I got close, the trainer guy stopped what he was doing and looked at me like he’d never seen a woman before. Micah turned to see what he was looking at.<
br />
  “Cassie Driver! My favorite Octagon Girl!” I was glad that it was so loud in here because Micah’s voice was booming.

  “Hi Micah. I’m sorry to bother you…”

  “Bother? I’m never bothered by a beautiful woman! These guys here, they bother me. You my love, make my day. What can I do for you?”

  I glanced around and saw that we’d attracted the attention of several more of the fighters and trainers. “Um, is there a place that you and I can talk, maybe?”

  “Sure…sure, we can talk.” He stood up and said, “Come with me sweetheart.” He led me across the mats, straight through where the fighters were working. I was completely mortified. I walked through saying,

  “I’m sorry,” and “Excuse me.”

  Most of them stopped what they were doing and stared at me like I had two heads. I guess they didn’t get many women in here. When we got to the far side of the big room, I saw Jacob watching me. I realized that no matter how afraid I was to look him in the eyes…I wasn’t going to be able to control the pull of those deep, chocolate brown orbs. He had his partner in a head lock and he just stopped and held him there while a slow smile played across those incredibly sexy lips and he winked at me. The butterflies swarming around in my stomach were turning evil. They flapped their wings up into my chest and way down low where they shouldn’t be. I tried to smile back, but I was so nervous I have no idea what it must have looked like. When Micah opened the door against the wall, I stepped through it and sucked in a big breath of air like it was my last one. Micah looked at me funny and said,


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