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3 Book High School Romance Bundle: A Kiss at Midnight & Prom King & Under My Skin

Page 49

by Zara Rivas

  "It's all under control," Chris said grinning. "The party that is," he added, speaking in code which Creston immediately understood. "And I think you should open it. Essa was in the store forever, I'm sure she would have bought you the entire store."

  "You minds?" Creston inquired.

  Essa shook her head in response. "I'm sure it won't top off your other presents," she commented, giving Cassandra a once over with a knowing glance.

  If Cassandra could, she would have definitely pounced on Essa, giving the girl a piece of her mind. However she managed to remain composed throughout this exchange, deciding it'd be best to dish out whatever she had for Essa later. For now, Cassandra could only throw the girl a deadly glare with her mouth pursed in a tight line.

  Lifting the lid from the box, Creston reached inside to find two bottles of alcohol. One was vodka and the other tequila. Glancing up, he noticed the odd shine to her eyes and he beamed at her. It was a joke between them that only they – and possibly Tynan – understood.

  "Drinks were on me remember?" Essa reminded, quite pleased that the usual full of himself Spencer was being quite civil today.

  "Thoughtful indeed," he stated. "But it's not possible to drink this all alone."

  Trying to appear uninterested, Essa's orbs locked onto his stormy grey ones. "What do you propose?"

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  For the next few hours, Essa found herself socializing with both Creston and Chris. She hated to admit it, but when she was in the presence of both Chris and Creston, the arrogant jerk, Spencer, was actually quite tolerable.

  Smiling as Chris dismissed himself for a phone call, she turned her gaze to Creston who was smirking at her. She was uncertain of how much she had to drink but the moment she downed two shots of tequila, she felt giddy and talkative. There was no doubt that had she not had a few drinks, she was sure Creston's trademark smirk would have irritated her.

  Following Creston around, Essa found herself joining a group of guys. Spencer introduced them to her as his soccer mates and she managed to converse with Alex who was quite taken aback by her appearance and her presence. Essa felt different tonight, she was surprised with herself at how sociable she had become under the effects of alcohol. Grinning at a joke Jensen cracked, she nodded as he excused himself for a brief moment to grab another bottle of beer.

  No longer in deep conversation with anyone Essa realised she was quite alone. Tynan had left the area for a phone call and Creston was somewhere drinking with people outside the back. He had spent majority of his time with her but had to leave due to the constant banter of people wanting to have a drink with him since he was the birthday boy.

  Deciding now was a good time to go and use the bathroom, Essa trailed out of the crowded room. She passed many couples who were pashing in the hallway on her search for the restrooms. Spotting a vacant bathroom, she managed to pass a couple that were more than kissing as she stepped onto the white tiled floor of the toilets. About to close the door behind her, a hand blocked the door as the familiar blonde figure of Cassandra slipped inside.

  With her brows furrowed Essa gazed at the catty female. "What do you want?"

  "You really should have stayed home," Cassandra advised, locking the door after her.

  Feeling half sober, Essa tried to exit the room but Cassandra shoved her away.

  "You're not going anywhere until I'm done with you," she warned. "And honey, I won't be holding back like I did back there."

  Not in the least afraid, Essa stared at the blonde sternly. "You had to wait until I was alone to confront me?" she stated standing tall. "How courageous of you," she taunted, her heart racing in her chest.

  Cassandra smiled sourly, "You're one to talk; constantly hiding behind your boyfriend. And you little slut managed to get my boy to protect you too." She seethed.

  Glaring, Essa sighed. "I told you, Chris is not my boyfriend,"

  Closing the distance between them, Cassandra pinned Essa against the bathroom basin.

  "Is that why you're always around Creston? You think you'll have a shot with him?" She inquired rhetorically. "Let me tell you slut," she spat staring Essa down. "Creston is mine, so stay away from him. And Tynan is just playing with you – he's not into goths like you."

  Perfectly aware that her personal space was being invaded, Essa managed to shove Cassandra away from her which triggered Cassandra to push her back.

  "Don't touch me," Essa spat and pushed back in defence. She was rewarded with a hard slap on the cheek which caused her head to snap to the left.

  The noise echoed in the bathroom and Essa found herself feeling sober. Her face was tingling from the contact but her body was too numb to be feeling anything.

  Cassandra sneered at the motionless form before her. "That's what all me and the other girls wanted to give you," she informed reaching for the door. "Enjoy the rest of the night bitch," with that last sentence she slammed the door closed after her.

  Able to feel her right cheek heat up, Essa was still digesting the events from a few seconds ago. As reality began to sink in, she found the pent up tears threatening to fall. She couldn't understand why she was crying, but the tears wouldn't cease. As her gaze averted to the mirror before her, she examined her reflection, able to see her red right cheek. Washing her face with cold water, she managed to stop the tears momentarily as she exited the restroom.

  Stalking back down the hallway, she entered the living room searching for Chris. As her eyes skimmed passed many unrecognizable faces, her green-blue gaze came in contact with familiar grey ones and she was stunned to find them staring right back at her. Able to see that he was leaving his current circle of friends and heading towards her, Essa wanted nothing more than to run.

  "Essa where did you-" Creston was cut off.

  "Where's Chris?" She intercepted, face tilted to a side to hide her now swelling cheek. It appeared Creston had noticed her feat as he grabbed her chin in between his fingers, forcing her to look him in the eye.

  There was silence as he examined her face. "Who did this?" He asked and she turned away.

  "No one, I just need to find Chris," she choked.

  Grabbing her arm, Creston pulled her outside to a quieter environment.

  "Did Cassandra do that to you Ess?" He inquired and was hurt to find her shrug out of his hold.

  "It's nothing," she managed to say, eyes never reaching his. "I should go, have a happy birthday."

  Without waiting for him to reply, Essa headed for the corridor. She had no idea where she was going but her legs moved to their own accord. Her eyes searched frantically for the one person she needed right now. Turning a few corners in hopes of finding Chris, Essa felt the pressure of tears behind her eyes. She was lost and desperate – it felt like she was walking through a maze – no matter how many turns she took, Chris was nowhere.

  Taking deep breaths, she blinked rapidly to stop herself from crying. Now just wasn't the time.

  As she unknowingly trudged down what appeared to be an empty hallway, her eyes caught sight of two figures huddled closely together in a corner. Motionless for a brief second, Essa couldn't seem to turn away from the event unfolding before her very own eyes.

  With his shirt half unbuttoned, body being pushed against the wall, was the blonde haired, blue eyed Tynan. He appeared to be doing more than just making a phone call as Riana kissed him, grinding her half naked body against his.

  Unable to comprehend the wave of emotions that were coursing through her, Essa knew she needed to leave this place. She didn't spare a final glance as she spun around, heading for the exit. Breaking into a run, she realised her sister's heels were burdening her. Kicking off the shoes she headed for the entrance, hoping it would be close. She had barely made it down the hallway – away from Tynan – when Creston stood before her. Ignoring him, she stepped passed him and continued to run.

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  Tynan Welling shoved Riana's figure away from him, a disgust
ed expression etched across his features as he wiped his mouth from her kiss. He had no idea what had happened; one moment he was seated alone in the hallway finishing a conversation over the phone and the next he discovered the redhead standing before him.

  He hadn't a chance to mutter out a word as she ordered him to remain silent, brutally pushing him against a closed bedroom door with her mouth probing his. Now that he had managed to escape from her grasp, he scowled at her not in the least impressed by her code of conduct. This wasn't how a normal girl acted.

  It was one thing for a guy to make advances on a girl – at least the guy would be bashed up as a consequence – however if a girl had made an advance on a guy, there was nothing anyone could do to punish the offender. Riana had literally forced herself on him tonight and he wasn't in the least flattered by her suggestion. Instead, he felt as if he'd been violated as he picked up his woollen grey cardigan, throwing her a final look of repulse.

  Barely taking a step, Chris only just noticed the silent figure of Creston. With his jaw flexed, it didn't please him that Creston witnessed what had happened as he approached him. Studying the surroundings for another person, it was then that Chris realised Creston was alone.

  "Where's Essa?"

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  The cool wind was like ice against her skin as Essa hugged her arms to her body, trying to keep herself warm. She had managed to find her way out of the mansion, trekking up the driveway in her bare feet all the while earning a few odd stares as well as many passes from drunken guys. She was able to keep herself safe by passing the security guards who were doing their job quite nicely.

  Now away from Creston's home and isolated from people, she found herself on the main road which was quite dead. Seating herself on the curb, she had no idea what to do. Her mind was still racing from the events that just occurred not long ago, whilst her heart seemed as if it wasn't going to recover from the running as well as images of her best friend with another girl. Her stomach gave a lurch as flashbacks of Riana and Chris entered her mind.

  Fumbling through her clutch she pulled out her phone, dialling the first person she could think of. The phone rang two times before a rather sleepy voice answered.

  "Hello?" came Trish's tone from the other end.

  A rush of comfort entered her cold body at the sound of her friend's familiar voice. Feeling something wet fall onto her arm, Essa realised she was crying. Furious at herself for being so weak, she angrily wiped away the tears with the back of her hand. Deciding she should speak, Essa tried hard to sound normal.

  "Hey Trish it's me," she choked, her voice failing her as a sob wracked through her body.

  Fully alert now, Trisha sat up in bed. "Essa are you okay?" She queried, worried.

  Essa sniffed and wiped her eyes again. "Trish can you please come and get me? I'm sorry for waking you up but I didn't know who else to call. It's just been a really horrible night and I have no one right now. I mean Chris would have taken me home but he's busy fondling with someone and I would have called mum but she'll be asking questions and-" she cut off. Whenever she was upset, she would ramble.

  "It's all good Ess," Trish assured. "Honey I'll be there in a few minutes okay? You wanna stay with me on the phone while you wait?" she asked, locking the front door and heading for her car. It was a cold night tonight.

  There was loud sniffling on Essa's end as Trish reversed out of her driveway. She had definitely not expected her good friend to be in tears at a party. Whatever had happened must have been terrible since Essa had nearly never cried. Stepping on the accelerator, Trish sped down the quiet streets, mumbling words of comfort through the phone.

  Hanging up, Essa felt a tad better with the knowledge that Trish was on her way. By now the tears had ceased but her self pity was still lingering, active in her head. Hugging her knees to her chest, Essa buried her face in her arms for a brief moment to gather her thoughts. She was tired and there was no doubt her right cheek was red from Cassandra's slap. Her body was currently shivering from the relentless wind.

  She was irritated by the fact that all she did when Cassandra slapped her was just stand there, barely able to recover from the blow. Why didn't I hit her back? She thought and buried her face deeper into her arms. Because I'm a coward, and I don't belong here…

  Minutes lapsed and her body reached the stage where it was shivering to no end. It was pride that wouldn't allow her to head back into that warm house of Creston's as she waited for Trish. Closing her eyes, Essa was half dozing off when she felt something warm drape over her shoulders.

  "Ess are you an idiot?!" Chris shouted, placing his arms around her. "You could get a sick," he scolded, helping her up to her feet and pulling her close to him. "You are freezing," he muttered, rubbing his hands against her arms.

  Both Creston and him had ransacked the house but couldn't find her. It was when the blonde started thinking straight that he knew where his childhood friend would be. He had caught wind of what had occurred between Essa and Cassandra, and there was no doubt the gossip was spreading fast.

  Studying her briefly as he rubbed his hands over her arms, Chris noticed the odd glimmer to her eyes. It was evident she had been crying.

  Essa didn't understand the feeling of repulse when Chris touched her, but all she knew was that she wanted him to stop.

  "Don't," she breathed, stepping away from him. She couldn't look him in the eye because it'd just set off the flashbacks of him with Riana. Averting her gaze elsewhere, she spotted another pair of feet that belonged to Creston. "You shouldn't be here,"

  Staring at her with his hands in his pockets, Creston had no idea what to say to her. "Listen Essa, I'm sorry for what happened."

  She inwardly winced, not wanting to be reminded of what just occurred. "I just want to go home,"

  "I'll drive you home," Chris informed and she automatically shook her head.

  "No, you've been drinking." She breathed. Only barely meeting his eyes, she realised his shirt was still half unbuttoned. Recoiling from him, she glanced up at Creston. "Cassandra's probably waiting for you," she informed, eyes coming in contact with grey ones. "Actually, the entire party is waiting for both of you." She added, "I've called Trish, she's on her way"

  "I'll wait with you,"

  Essa shook her head at Chris.

  With his eyes set intently on her cheek, Chris reached up to gently caress Essa's red face. It burned against his hand, and a surge of anger seeped through him. It was evident Essa was acting strangely towards him and it hurt.

  The roaring of an engine echoed in the darkness as Trish's car pulled up to the curb. He observed as Essa stepped away from him, making a move for Trish's car. She commenced taking off his cardigan but he shook his head at her.

  "Keep it on,"

  He watched as she forced a smile.

  "I should go," she whispered, eyes unable to reach his. "Have fun."

  With those last words she got into Trish's car, relieved to see Creston's house disappearing behind her. She only hoped that tonight's memories would disintegrate too.

  Chapter Six

  Cassandra Wilkins entered the school gates with her head held high, staring down her nose at the many curious glances she was receiving as she headed for the school corridor. There was no doubt that gossip of the party's events had spread, and now everyone was talking about her. Frankly, the blonde didn't like it one single bit considering her current situation and mood. Never in her life had she ever been humiliated as she had been on Friday night.

  What had started out as a wonderful party turned into something ugly, and it wasn't because of her – it was all because of Essa Evans. If the girl hadn't attended Creston's party Cassandra would still be Creston Spencer's girlfriend. Biting her lower lip out of frustration, flashbacks of what happened between her and Creston after the party ended had entered her mind. She had pulled him into his bedroom ready to give him her present, however he hadn't appeared in the least interested as he co
olly removed her arms from around him.

  Never in her life had she ever been refused by a male before. Whatever Cassandra desired she always got – that was what she had been accustomed to. Her dad would buy her anything, all of her ex-boyfriends gave whatever she wanted but Creston Spencer had refused her that night. He had embarrassed her by throwing his coat over her half naked body, demanding her to get out of his house. He hadn't spared her one final glance as he exited his room, his final words 'it's over' echoing in her head as she lay on his bed.

  Now as the blonde strode arrogantly down the hallway, her eyes narrowed on the figure of Essa Evans who was currently reaching into her locker for her books. Releasing an angry huff, Cassandra approached the dark haired Essa briskly. With her hand outstretched, she slammed the locker door shut and leaned against it so that Essa couldn't access it any further.


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