3 Book High School Romance Bundle: A Kiss at Midnight & Prom King & Under My Skin
Page 58
Staring at the light brown haired male with her green-blue eyes, Essa wasn't accompanied to the odd silence between them. He had met her gaze a briefly and then averted his eyes elsewhere. She was always used to him and his smart-ass comments, or little taunts which usually enraged her. It was true that Creston was a jerk to her most of the time, but she rather him tease and humiliate then be silent and awkward - as he was now.
Her heart was thumping in her chest, her throat dry, and she couldn't understand why. She felt a little jittery, her hands fidgeting in her lap which was hidden under the table and she unconsciously held her breath every time she felt that Spencer was about to speak. She had been acting this way for almost ten minutes now and frankly she didn't want to be like this another minute. Clearing her throat, she decided to break the silence. It was obvious that Creston wasn't going to say anything – maybe he needed some more time to ponder alone.
"I should go," she half croaked, wincing at the way her voice had sounded.
Although there were many unanswered questions between them, Essa knew she couldn't bear the discomfort any longer. Sure she despised the entire week of school without Creston irritating her in English as well as throughout lunch, but she was sure she'd live if things continued that way. She knew she wouldn't survive if she sat here a moment longer.
Pushing her seat out, she commenced making her way past Creston's motionless and still seated form, wanting to run home. Slipping past his chair, she felt a warm hand grasp her forearm roughly, the sound of the plastic chair sliding on the concrete floor. Frozen in place, Essa was afraid of turning around to face the person that was clutching her arm.
Her heart was thumping harder now as if it was going to pop right out of her chest. Holding her breath, the dark headed figure felt Creston's hands slide slowly down her wrist, to her hand, his fingers intertwining with hers. Shifting slowly to meet smouldering stormy blue eyes, Essa could only stare wide-eyed at her right hand.
Blinking at the image before her, she was sure her heart failed to beat properly as warmth poured into her veins, her cheeks flushing a bright red. There was an odd tingling sensation running through her hand which was mechanically clutching Creston's hand.
Releasing a small sigh, Creston didn't know why he was feeling so flustered this moment. In all his high school years, he had done a lot of courting, but none of those experiences felt like this. Studying Essa, there was an odd expression spread across her features. It looked to be an expression of surprise mixed with… well, he wasn't so sure.
"Do you understand what I want Ess?" He managed to cough out.
He wasn't sure whether if it was his palms or hers that were growing sweaty, but either way he was nervous as hell this moment. Standing here, waiting for her to speak felt like an eternity. She appeared to be frozen in place, blinking once in a while but not uttering a single word.
Only just digesting Creston's words, her eyes remained fixated on their entwining fingers, warmth flooding through her body. Attempting to remain composed, she coolly removed her hand from his, only just starting to breathe again. She had been stunned, and her heart was doing odd things such as skipping beats as well as twirling. Heck! For a moment she thought she was dying of a heart attack, but as she slowly deciphered what all these emotions and changes in her body meant, it freaked her out.
Running a hand through her hair, brushing her fringe out of her eyes, she shook her head in bewilderment. Gradually backing away from Creston's figure, she just had the urge to turn and bail. She didn't know how to react or what to say. What had been an innocent kiss has blossomed into something she had never thought would be possible…ever.
As her voice returned to her, she managed to meet grey-blue orbs. "It was just a kiss Spencer," she informed. "A kiss doesn't mean a relationship or marriage," she explained, although her heart tightened at her own words. "Besides, we've established that it was all just a misunderstanding and I know you didn't mean it and I'm not all those other girls that expect anything from something so small as a kiss and you are totally freaking me out and I swear if this is a joke it's not funny and-" She cut herself off abruptly, knowing full well she had been babbling.
Stepping closer to Essa's form, Creston was astonished when she backed away from him.
"Essa I'm not joking," he reassured.
"No," she stated. "I-I just need you to give me some space, cause I can't think when you're too close." She explained and wanted to punch herself afterwards for revealing such a thing. Breathing in deeply, she held her hands up. "Spencer, I need some time." She demanded, "Can you give me that?"
Feeling slightly astounded but knowing that his actions and words were a little unexpected, Creston nodded his head in answer. He was uncertain of where this was going, but he knew he'd get an answer sooner or later. Smiling softly at Essa, he observed as she gave a curt nod of her head and started heading off home.
Although today's chat between him and her hadn't concluded as he had planned, he had however felt a little better that he was stirring up some emotions within her. Her babbling had revealed a lot, and it satisfied him that he was having an effect. With eyes still watching Essa's retrieving back, he grinned when she turned back around to face him.
"I'll talk to you soon," she half shouted.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The lone figure of Creston Spencer stood at the park, silently waiting at the rendezvous where Essa had arranged for them to meet. It had been exactly five days, three hours, six minutes since their chat, but he hadn't been counting… Now that she had finally made contact with him, he found himself doubting himself.
He was being a little pessimistic, thinking he'd scared the living daylights out of Essa for being so forward. And although he had initially taken her words of 'not being able to think properly' with him around as a good thing, he wasn't too sure anymore. As his eyes scanned the horizon, he spotted the shadowy figure that belonged to Essa, her dark wavy hair streamy down her shoulders. As she approached him, there was an unreadable expression across her features which made Creston doubt himself further.
"Afternoon Evans," he greeted in what he hoped sounded confident.
Essa smiled weakly, her cheeks boiling, her palms were sweaty. She had had a decent amount of time to mull over what had occurred between her and Creston, and she couldn't help but shake off the feeling that he had been joking with her. Though when she took into account how serious Creston had been when he held her hand, and when he had avoided her… She knew that there was no way the idiot could fake his attitude.
At first Essa thought she could come to a conclusion with her feelings alone, however the task had been hard to tackle when she took Chris into consideration. She knew there was something there, but she wasn't sure how deep it ran and what it was exactly. But with Creston she knew she took a specific interest in him, and it surprised her at how affected she had been when he had avoided her for an entire week.
So throughout the past few days, Essa had been busy chatting with her female companions and was grateful for them. When she had informed them of the news, neither of them had been as surprised as her and when she had asked why, they had told her 'they saw it coming'. They assisted her in the procedure of reaching a conclusion, and right now she was carrying through with her promise of contacting him.
"Listen Montgomery," she began to say. "I've been wracking my brain for days. I want to give you a straight answer but frankly I don't know what I feel for you. It's evident I hate you at times and yet you're amusing too and-"
"It's a love-hate relationship,"
Taking his words into account Essa didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Whatever it is, I know that these days I can tolerate you a little more and although you drive me crazy," at her last statement a familiar smirk made its way onto Creston's lips. Narrowing her eyes, Essa opened her mouth to speak again but Creston halted her.
Stepping closer to her so that only a foot was separating them, Creston bre
athed in deeply. "Then let's go and see where this thing between us goes." He mumbled, "I know I'm a jerk sometimes but I promise to not change too much," he laughed when he saw her expression alter to one that said 'sometimes?' and then morphed into mock horror. "But that's not the point Evans. The point is we should just try,"
Leaning back and crossing her arms over her chest, Essa attempted to appear as if she was in deep thought. She had relaxed a little, but nothing was stopping the odd thumping of her chest. She already knew what she wanted, but she wanted to play with Spencer just a little longer considering he was usually the arrogant prick that liked to pull her chains. So today she was going to give him a dose of his own medicine.
"I dunno Spencer," she voiced in a doubtful tone. "You are quite intolerable majority of the time, and I'd probably die of high blood pressure because of your annoying ways," she explained and smiled when she heard Creston's loud chuckle.
He had definitely caught onto her joke. The next thing Essa knew, she was being pulled into the warm welcoming arms of Creston Spencer, enjoying the feel and warmth of him. Freeing her arms that had been wedged between their bodies, she found herself impulsively returning his embrace.
Although Essa wasn't sure where she was going with this new found relationship with Creston, there was one thing that was confirmed… She loved the feel of his hugs and the air of protection that leaked from him. And as she pulled away, she unconsciously thought of her new name: Alessandra Lara Spencer…
Chapter Thirteen
News of Essa Evans and Creston Spencer had spread through Ocean High like a contagious disease. Although their relationship had only been 'official' for two days, almost everyone at Ocean High knew of the new couple and it was obvious none of the girls in Creston's fan club was impressed. Some of them had been fake enough to hide their contempt, forging a smile whenever they saw Essa. Others weren't as good at acting as they snarled at the blue-green eyed figure who now had Creston seated with her almost everywhere she went.
Sitting silently and studying the beaming form of Essa Evans with her pale green eyes, Cassandra Wilkins bit the inside of her cheeks to stop herself from approaching the girl and making her life a living hell. It had been two weeks since the last time she'd set foot in Ocean High and the moment she did return, she had been welcomed with the gossip of Creston being with Essa. Cassandra had to admit it had been a shock, but as she started putting two and two together, she had practically summed up that Essa was and always will be the slut she had met from day one.
In her mind, Creston Spencer will always be hers. Frankly Cassandra didn't want anyone else but him this moment and she knew that she was going to have him either way. The blonde felt as if she'd been through hell and back for Creston, and she knew that after the lie she was going reveal to him, she'd sure have him back for good. Besides, what fun could any guy have with a goth like Alessandra Evans?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Intense blue eyes observed his childhood friend and his best mate in peace. He had been quiet for the entire lunch period but nobody appeared to notice as he took another bite out of his foccacia. There was an air of pure joy surrounding the current table he was located at and it semi-annoyed him because he was feeling so horrible within.
In all honesty the moment Chris had heard from Essa that she was now going out with his best mate, he had wanted to pronounce his feelings for her right then and there. Respect and pride had restrained him from doing so. He respected Creston too much to turn around and make a move on 'his girl', and he was afraid his pride would be damaged if he told Essa the truth. All in all Chris felt like a failure, and it annoyed him to no end to find that he was playing the role of 'jealous ex-boyfriend'.
Feeling a hand pat his shoulder, Chris managed a tight smile as he faced the source. Standing in his six feet glory and grinning like a fool was Creston. Truth be told, Chris had never seen that kind of grin on Spencer's features before but he had witnessed the many girls his best mate had gone through and questioned whether Essa would have a different fate to them all.
"You're awfully quiet matey," Creston greeted, wedging himself between Chris and another male from the soccer team. "Not jealous are you?"
For a moment Chris' eyes widened in pure astonishment; thinking Creston had read his mind of his thought of being the 'jealous 'ex''.
Chuckling, the dint in Creston's right cheek became visible. "I'm joking with you! I was thinking you were sulking because I haven't been over your place for the past two days."
Managing to smile, Chris took another bite of his lunch. "I understand you have other commitments Cres," he voiced and realised he sounded very out of character.
The usual Christopher Welling would have blurted out something witty or made a joker-remark that was sure to make everyone that heard smile. However his answer had been quite serious, and the taught grin etched across his lips made his expression appear awkward.
"You sure you're okay?"
Thankful for the bell signal, Chris took the opportunity to stand and literally walk away. He mumbled something about seeing Creston later before flying out of the cafeteria, aware that a pair of blue-green eyes was fixated on him.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Essa Evans could only arch a brow at her boyfriend, staring him down. He had been smirking like an idiot for the past hour and she didn't have a clue as to what was so funny. They were seated at her favourite ice-cream store, bathing in the sunlight as well as in one another's presence. Spooning another piece of ice-cream and chocolate into her mouth, she tried not to smile along with the fool, but as he leaned in across from her, she could no longer suppress the grin.
"Gotcha!" Creston half shouted in triumph.
It took him a while to get her to smile for no particular reason but he finally did and it felt so good.
"If you weren't so far I'd punch you right now," Essa voiced.
"Is that what they call it nowadays?" the grey orbed male questioned.
Putting her spoon down, Essa shook her head. "I am not going to ask you what you mean you dirty prick,"
Chuckling under his breath, Creston couldn't help but keep gawking at the raven beauty. Although their relationship was only five days old, he still couldn't believe that things between them hadn't altered much. Essa still defied him at every chance and what was most important was that she didn't have to tell him corny things for him to know that she appreciated him. It was the little gestures that spoke louder than words.
Crossing his arms over his chest, Creston leaned back into his chair. "C'mon sweetheart," he teased and saw the way her eyes narrowed. Holding his hands up in defence he laughed aloud, "You're the one who thought dirty," he stated.
"Like you weren't referring to anything dirty!"
Crossing himself, Creston raised his right hand. "I swear to god I was thinking of nothing x-rated." He promised, "I was just referring to you wanting to kiss me and pledge your undying love for me and confess that you're my number one fan etcetera etcetera."
Cocking her right brow in contemplation, Essa tapped a finger to her lips in thought. "And kissing would have led to something more you pervert!" She explained, "And I will never be a fan."
Using his finger to beckon her forward, Creston leaned over the table so that inches separated his and Essa's face. Framing her face with his warm hands, he studied her for a moment, his gaze gradually drifting down to her lips.
"Essa..." He breathed, "Shut up."
Sealing his demand with a kiss, he felt a wave of passion writhe through him when she returned his gesture with as much enthusiasm.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tynan Welling felt as if he had been living in sheer hell for the entire school week. He had managed to stay busy and avoid all contact with everyone but his family for the past five days. How he had completed such a deed still astonished him since both Essa and Creston had been searching every nook and cranny for
him. There was a few times which he almost got caught by the two of them; however he had oddly slipped away. Now though, there was no hole in the wall for him to run through and escape the one person that had caused all his problems in the first place.
Standing before him with a studying gaze was his childhood friend. They hadn't spoken for the past few minutes simply because he hadn't made any attempt to speak and she had run out of questions and random statements to try and lighten the atmosphere. It was obvious she had discovered his routine of working at the family restaurant after school simply because she was standing before him right now, a solemn gaze in her blue-green eyes.
Fidgeting with her hands Essa released a small sigh. She didn't know where to begin but she knew she needed to get everything off her chest tonight. The past five days without Chris around had left her feeling hurt. She had seen the way he dodged her stare, and had noticed how he managed to slither away from any events with her. Within the entire school week she had gone from having Chris around to barely seeing or talking to him at all and frankly she missed the contact.