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3 Book High School Romance Bundle: A Kiss at Midnight & Prom King & Under My Skin

Page 62

by Zara Rivas

  Chapter Sixteen

  An odd tension between the soccer team captain and his best mate existed and it made those around them weary. For one thing, top player Jensen Marcosta had to be alert as to what came out of his mouth and he also had to keep the other boys in line. The last few sessions of soccer practice had been hell; there was no team work between Chris and Creston – every time Chris was in possession of the ball, he'd pass it to everyone else but Creston. At first Chris' attitude didn't appear to have that much of an impact on the game until the last play...

  .:.: Flashback – Soccer Practice :.:.

  The last play had been crazy. Creston was wide open at the goals, ready to score however Chris pretended not to hear his call, passing the ball to another player. It was obvious that the one person on Chris' hate list was Creston right now, he had allowed everyone else ownership of the ball except the team captain.

  Although Chris was playing the game in his own style, Creston on the other hand still practised with a rational head on his shoulders. He delivered the ball to everyone that was open but when he gave the ball to Chris, the blonde just stepped away.

  All hell had broken loose then.

  Creston stopped practice and strolled over to Chris who was busy stretching. The blonde had a solemn expression on his features, his blue eyes holding a deep intensity of pure rage as he stared back at Creston. Spencer had always heard of the death glare Chris was capable of but he had never been on the receiving end. He and Chris had always been best friends and throughout the years of friendship they had never had any major arguments or differences between them. This time though, it was evident that the two friends were bickering.

  Covering the distance between him and the immobile figure of Chris, Creston knew why the blonde was acting the way he was and although he wasn't prepared to deal with the situation just yet, he knew he had to. He was aware of the other boys watching, and there was no doubt that they still weren't informed of the reason as to why Tynan was acting this way. Breathing in, the brown haired male approached the quiet form of Chris.

  "What the hell is going on with you?" He demanded. "You are jeopardising our chances of winning next game Chris."

  There was an odd peace for a brief moment as the blonde figure flexed his jaw in an intimidating fashion. "I don't know what you're talking about Spencer," he stated in a flat tone which was accompanied by a carefree shrug.

  There was a glint in those cerulean eyes, and Creston immediately knew that he was silently being challenged. He knew it was the Chris' method of playing mind games – pushing him over the edge before all hell broke loose – but Creston wasn't going to fall for it. He had been friends with Chris too long to start any sort of fight and he wasn't sure if he had the courage to lose his best mate so soon after he had lost the one girl he cared about.

  Frustrated, Creston ran a hand through his hair. "Can you at least play properly? The game's in another week, we can't afford to lose this one."

  Murky grey orbs observed as the blonde nodded his head silently; but the nod of his head wasn't one that appeared to be succumbing to reasoning. Instead, the bobbing of his head was in the manner of him having made up his mind on a certain situation.

  Taking off his soccer shirt, Tynan refused to meet the obvious stares from his team mates. He was sweaty and furious, but he had made up his mind about participating in the approaching soccer game. Throwing his shirt at Creston's feet, he stood at his full height, jaw held rigidly as he stood before the team in nothing but his trackie pants.

  "I'll sit this coming game out." He informed coolly, his eyes an icy glare. "I'm sure you'll be more pleased with the way the benchers play," With those final words, he turned and headed for the locker room.

  To the remainder of the soccer clan, it had stunned them to silence to witness Chris talk in such a manner. Tynan Welling was renowned for his kindness – it was this trait which had lured the women in. As the rest of the team comprehended the blonde's words, many of them started to turn and run after him.

  "Tynan!" Jensen shouted down the oval at Chris' retrieving back.

  He started pacing after the angry male; however he was halted in his tracks at the soccer captain's authoritative voice.

  "Jensen training isn't over." Creston scolded.

  It was then that the rest of the soccer team knew that something had gone wrong between Chris and Creston. As each and every one of the players fought an internal battle on whether to go after Chris or obey Creston's commands, their desire to win the next soccer game had won as they continued training.

  .:.: End Flashback :.:.

  Everybody at school seemed to know of Essa's relationship fallout with Creston as she endured classes with probing girls and pervert boys. It appeared the moment she got out of her relationship, Creston's fan-club had attempted to spite her at every opportunity – making remarks about how she was a 'goth' and that the reason Creston dumped her was because she wasn't special enough. As much as Essa hated to admit, their words were leaving an impression on her – especially when it came from Cassandra and her small group of friends that constantly threw her glares. She knew that the reason why she was taking things so personally was due to her bruised ego which had caused the plummet of her self esteem.

  Now as she trudged down the hallway with her shoulders thrown back, chin held up defiantly, she managed a small smile at the two pairs of eyes that were currently fixated on her. Essa had a lot to be thankful for, and she was deeply grateful for her two trusty female companions that were presently striding besides her, heading for the cafeteria. To everyone else at Ocean High she was just news and gossip, but to Trisha Davis and Sophia Teague, Essa was an invaluable friend.

  As they stepped past the entrance to the now full cafeteria, Essa unconsciously grasped her notebook tightly to her chest, her knuckles turning white as she did her best to ignore the blatant staring. In all honesty she loathed the attention – especially when it came from boys who suddenly wanted a 'piece of her' because she had been out with one of the 'God's' at school. She found it insulting that the males were paying so much attention to her – did they think that she was easy?

  As the three girls started for their usual table, Essa held her breath and almost shifted back around to leave when she was greeted with the sight of a certain brown haired male. It appeared the one person she didn't want to see and had been avoiding all day had come back to haunt her. She had been able to cope with the breakup for the past few days but it appeared that the moment she saw Spencer in the flesh and blood was when she started to fall apart.

  It was obvious that the breakup wasn't a big deal to Creston since he seemed to carry on with his life just fine and Essa despised that she was taking notice of him. He was currently seated at his normal table busy smiling and engaged in deep conversation with one of the soccer boys, unaware that she had just walked in.

  Practically ripping her gaze from the sight, Essa started moving to her usual table and inwardly kicked herself when she realised that the table she shared with Trish and Soph was located right across from her ex. Fighting an inner battle and deciding that she didn't want to give Creston the satisfaction of knowing that he was having an effect on her usual lifestyle, she grudgingly took her usual place at the table.

  "Ess, we can eat outside today, it's nice weather and I think I'd like a tan." Sophia voiced, breaking the ebony haired figure out of her little trance.

  Blinking, exquisite blue-green eyes met chocolate brown ones. "No it's fine Soph," she breathed and smiled a genuine smile. "Besides, you never tan. You just go blotchy red," she pointed out and Sophia grinned in response. "Thank you,"

  Sophia smiled softly, no longer feeling uncomfortable and awkward for being so close to the 'soccer' table. She was proud of Essa for not running away from her fears.

  "Mum made your favourite," the brunette informed but was cut off by a blonde female.

  Essa commenced lifting the lid from her lunch box when the slim figure of Cassand
ra slinked provocatively past her seat, nudging her arm purposefully so that her lunch went spiralling to the floor. Silence engulfed everyone in the cafeteria, all eyes fixated on Essa and the now unmoving blonde.

  "Oopps," Cassandra said in a rather airheaded manner, her pale green eyes scanning Essa from head to toe. "I didn't see you there." She stated, only able to stare at the mess of Essa's lunch on the ground. Leaning forward, the blonde placed a hand on Essa's back in what appeared to be an apologetic gesture; however she was only trying to get close enough to whisper something in the dark headed figure's ear. "After all, you are nothing now honey." Dropping her hand, Cassandra smiled. "Let me buy you a new lunch," She offered aloud in an all too sweet voice so that almost everyone in the room could hear.

  There was no time for a reply from Essa as Trisha Davis shot up from her seat, half shoving Cassandra away from her friend. "What the hell is your problem?" She questioned in a scathing tone, her usual dark blue eyes were almost black now.

  Cassandra's pale green eyes turned into a glare as tension began to thicken. Her gaze took in the silent figure of Essa and then they flickered over to the standing form of Trish. Releasing a sigh, she turned around and headed for Creston's table but it appeared Trisha wasn't going to let her go so easily.

  "You still haven't apologised,"

  Arching a brow, the blonde shifted back around to face the group of three. "I offered to buy her a new lunch,"

  "Well there are some things that money can't buy, and that would be an apology from you right now," Trisha accentuated, not in the least afraid of the contemptuous look she was receiving.

  Clenching her hands into tight fists, Essa bit her inner cheeks as she got to her feet – her shoulders thrown back – trying to disregard the many pairs of eyes on her. It was evident the entire population in the cafeteria were scrutinising her next move – it was as if they were all waiting for a show.

  She had had enough of Cassandra and her harassment, especially when she hadn't done anything to deserve the treatment that the blonde and her friends were dishing out for her. There was nothing more she wanted then to just walk away, but it was the fact that Creston remained seated in his chair observing that angered her. She had put up with the derogatory remarks, the pushing and shoving from Riana and Cassandra but she sure as hell wasn't going to be publicly humiliated before her peers.

  There was a certain amount she could withstand before she reached her limit.

  "Where do you get off?" She muttered lowly and when she didn't get a reply, her blue-green eyes stared at the thin blonde fiercely. "Is it not enough that you've got Creston back?" She asked, "And now you're trying to hurt me with your bimbo remarks and the pushing and shoving?"

  Tynan Welling stood motionless at the main entrance to the cafeteria, only able to silently observe. He didn't mean to rock up late for lunch, however he couldn't evade the conversation between him and the soccer coach. What had started out as a hectic day turned into something more bitter. Although he had only just arrived, the sight of Essa and Cassandra notified him that something had happened.

  He had witnessed the way Cassandra had purposely created a scene – her pale green eyes practically ridiculing Essa before the entire school population – and it irritated him. He didn't know who Cassandra Wilkins thought she was, but he sure as hell was going to put her back into place and while he was at it, he'll also wreak havoc in Creston's life. It enraged him when his so called best friend didn't make a move to help Essa when she was being bullied by the blonde minx.

  Stepping in front of Essa in a protective manner, he watched as Cassandra slowly backed away. In the background he could see Creston finally getting out of his seat and his jaw flexed in pure rage. So the soccer captain could sit through lunch watching his ex-girlfriend being openly harassed but he wouldn't take Cassandra being put back into place?

  "Leave her alone," he warned.

  Cassandra didn't seem perplexed by his threatening tone, "Why Chris, we were just sorting out a little misunderstanding."

  Not in the least interested in what she had to say, Chris almost growled. "I very well know what you did," he said through clenched teeth, eyes staring her down.

  Before anymore words were exchanged, Creston stepped forward so that he was now face to face with his best mate. Chris didn't understand what came over him, but the moment he spotted Creston was when he found himself darting forwards. The brown haired male barely had any time to react as Chris grabbed his shirt collar, ramming his back onto a table and pinning him there.

  "What the fuck is your problem!?" He half shouted. "Is it not enough that you broke her heart Creston?" He spat out, "And now you fucking have your whore of a girlfriend mocking her every move and ripping whatever self-pride she has left into shreds?!"

  Creston placed his hands onto Chris' wrists, trying to pry his collar out of the blonde's hold. He took a step forward in defence but found himself being thrown back into the table with great force. By now the rest of the soccer team had shot up out of their seats, trying to break Chris and Creston apart.

  "I warned you Creston, I fucking warned you. Essa isn't one of those sluts at school nor is she a chase-case where you simply play her for whatever she'll give and then run." Chris breathed, his breath ragged due to the adrenaline rush as well as his rising fury. "You told me that she was different, but with the way you're treating her I beg to differ."

  Finding the strength, Creston broke out of Chris' grasp, shoving him away as he fixed his shirt. He didn't want to start any physical fights, but he knew that it was pointless to continue fleeing from any confrontations with Chris.

  "If you care about her so much then you can have her," he replied, "And don't pretend that you never wanted her Tynan. It's obvious that there was always something there it's just that you never acted on it and now that I'm done with her it's your chance."

  For once in Chris' life all hell broke loose. He was aware of Jensen and Rowell leaping to stop him, however he didn't hesitate as his tight fist went colliding into Creston's square jaw. One moment Creston was standing tall and confident, in the next he was slightly hunched over, blood trickling from the corner of his lip. Cassandra had released a high pitched scream as she stood by Creston's side, but he had stepped away from her hands.

  Chris was about to leap forward again for another punch when he felt Essa's arms pulling him back as Jensen and Rowell came to support her. He fought for a few moments but ceased when he realised that there was nothing he could do to escape their grasp.

  "Chris stop," Essa demanded but he didn't take any notice of her as his deadly sky-blue orbs met grey ones. "Chris!"

  With a shaky hand and an unsteady voice, Chris' intense eyes locked onto Creston's now silent form. "Don't ever talk about Essa that way; she's not some kind of object that can be passed around." He said in a flat but threatening tone.

  Creston wiped away the blood from his mouth, ignoring the few arms that were pulling him back. "So you admit that you do have feelings for her," he urged.

  Chris clenched and unclenched his fists. His arm was numb as he fully comprehended what had just occurred as well as the full impact of his actions. It hadn't been Creston's words of him liking Essa which had pushed him over; it was the fact that Spencer had described Essa as something that can be passed around that made him throw the punch.

  Able to see Chris' arm tense, Essa decided that it was time she spoke. She was still digesting the events that occurred just a few seconds ago and it had startled her to see Chris so angry. Growing up she had never seen her childhood friend talk to anyone with such hostility, and now that she was seeing this side to him, it intimidated her a little.

  "Don't talk as if I'm not here," she said stridently. She stepped in between the two boys, eyes moving from Chris to Creston. The look on Chris' face was one full of irritation, and Creston's expression was one that seemed to compel Chris to speak. "Although I don't think it's any of your business but me and Chris are childhood friends
and will always be something close. And you," she paused, breath caught in her throat at the intense stare Creston was giving her. "You are just a thing of the past," she explained, placing more emphasis on those last few words; throwing back the phrase he'd used on her at him.

  She didn't allow herself to take in the expression that danced across Creston's features; instead she had allowed the meaning of her words to sink in before grabbing her belongings and making a run for the exit. Trisha and Sophia threw Creston a look of disappointment before following suit.

  Scowling, Chris shook his head at Creston as he shrugged out of Jensen's and Rowell's hold. His eyes took in the image of Cassandra who was attempting to soothe Creston's bleeding lip, whilst Creston was trying to move away from her touch. His eyes narrowed on Cassandra's form and he glared at her when she met his gaze.

  "Do anything to her again and I'll make your life hell." He muttered as his eyes flitted over to Cassandra's group of friends. His eyes focused in on Riana, "And that applies to you too," he added before turning to leave. He barely took a step before pausing, his back profile facing Creston. "I just don't understand why you'd put Essa aside for someone like her."


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