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Blood Oath

Page 14

by Kit Tunstall

  Anca’s drew in her breath sharply at the stark pronouncement.

  “That wasn’t a solution either. Can you imagine ordering a death sentence for a six-year-old? Even if his subjects could get past the barbarity of such an act, Valdemeer wouldn’t have been able to live with himself.” Tears sparkled in her eyes. “Your parents both gave up a great deal to protect you.”

  A void inside Anca, left from years of not having two parents, slowly filled, despite her efforts to stay the rush of warmth sweeping through her. Tears burned behind her eyes, and she took shallow breaths. Along with the love came a sense of responsibility. She owed them both for everything they had done.

  She tried to resist that thought, knowing if she accepted her role as Valdemeer’s heir that her life would change irrevocably. She didn’t want to spend the rest of it—especially three hundred years’ worth—looking over her shoulder, wondering when Nikia would plot against her again. Nor could she stand the thought of sentencing anyone to death, especially not a family member, when they had been in such short supply all her life.

  She sighed heavily and bowed her head.

  “You have much to think about, dear.” Ylenia returned her cup to the tray. “I’ll leave you now.”

  “Wait.” Anca lifted her head. “What happens during this Blood Oath?”

  “When the phase of the moon is right and the stars are in alignment, you will gather in the tower, where an orb draws in the rays of the moon, absorbing power. The pendant draws power from the orb, fueling the transition of power from the old ruler to the new.

  “Each of you will put blood into the goblet, and then you and Demi will drink. You will swear to protect our people and honor your duties. Demi will swear to assist and support you. I will witness the ritual and ensure it goes as planned.” She pointed to Anca’s pendant. “The pendant is an integral part of the ceremony, as it holds the power of our people.”

  It didn’t sound too difficult. She frowned, remembering something Ylenia had said. “You said I was the one destined to take the Blood Oath. What happens if someone else takes it?”

  Ylenia’s brow furrowed. “I don’t know. If it’s happened before, it wasn’t written down in our history. I imagine the person would die.”

  She swallowed the lump in her throat. “What if I’m not the right person? What if your wires are crossed, or you made a mistake with the calculations?”

  Ylenia shook her head. “No, that’s impossible—“

  “But what if?” she pressed.

  She appeared reluctant to answer. “I guess you would die.”

  Panic flooded her, and Anca shoved away from the table. Forget familial obligations and indulging archaic rituals. No way in Hell was she risking her life for this. “I won’t do it.”


  “No!” She spun away from the table and ran from the room, ignoring Ylenia calling her name. She didn’t look back as she raced through the corridors, somehow finding the chambers assigned to her. She slammed the door behind her and locked it before hurrying toward the closet. She pulled out her suitcases and tossed them on the bed before frantically tearing clothes from the rack. She wouldn’t stay even one more minute, promise to Demi notwithstanding. She believed in freewill, not destiny.

  Chapter 11

  Demi knocked on her door, but she didn’t answer. He tried calling her name, but Anca continued to ignore him. Reluctant to invade her privacy, he finally used the master key to open the door. He didn’t know what to expect when he entered her bedchamber.

  She sat on the floor with her face buried in the mattress. Her opened cases were on the bed, with clothes strewn across it and the coverlet in a haphazard array. She didn’t even look up when he closed the door behind him and walked over to the bed. “Anca?” She still didn’t look up, even when he settled on the cool floor beside her. “How are you? Please talk to me.”

  She lifted her head, and looked at him with red rimmed, swollen eyes. Tear tracks lined her cheeks, and her mouth wobbled. She didn’t speak as she fell into his arms, burying her face against his chest.

  Demi caressed her tangled hair and murmured soothing words to her. When he realized he was speaking Corsovan out of habit, he switched to English. “I know you’re frightened of what’s coming, but I’ll be with you.”

  She lifted her head away from his shirt. “I-it-it’s too mu-much,” she stuttered amid hiccups. “I can’t do any of this. I don’t want any part of this.”

  He shook his head. “That isn’t true, Anca. I can sense your confusion and doubt, but I also feel your longing. You know what you are, and you know what you’re destined to be. It’s all right to be frightened.”

  “I’m going home, Demi.” She bowed her head, refusing to meet his eyes. “I tried, but I can’t give my father what he wants. I can’t even give you what you want from me.”

  He nudged up her chin. “All I want is your love. If you decide to turn your back on your heritage, I’ll still be beside you—if you want me.”

  She sighed. “Of course I do.” Her eyes were haunted. “On some level, I feel like I’ve always known you. That’s why it was so easy to fall—“ She broke off abruptly, pursing her lips.

  Demi pulled her more completely into his arms and began rubbing her back in small circles, trying to ignore the dart of pain from her refusal to speak of her love for him. “All will be well. You’ll see. Just give it some time—”

  She shook her head. “No. I’m going home. It’s time for me to get back to my real life and away from all this craziness.”

  Demi sighed. “If you want to go back to New York, that’s where we’ll go. I won’t pretend that’s the decision I want you to make though. Moreover, I know you don’t want to hear it, but your place is here. Part of you is tied to the land now—”

  “I refuse to believe that,” she said stridently. “I belong in New York, with my mother. I’m not supposed to be a vampire queen. I want my life to be normal. I want to go back to managing Dragan’s Whimsy, get married, and have children. I don’t want to spend three hundred years looking over my shoulder, wondering who’s trying to kill me today.” Anca swiped her cheeks impatiently. “I can’t stay here.”

  “Don’t leave me. I’ve waited so long for you. Please, just stay a while longer. See the country for yourself before deciding if you can fill your role as the Protector of Corsova.” He crushed her against him, sensing her withdrawal. “I don’t want to live without you. I want to be the one who shares your burdens. I’ll give you a child as soon as the Blood Oath ceremony is over, if that’s what you want.”

  She pulled away with a small whimper, settling onto her knees beside him, though her upper body still pressed against his. “I don’t want a child right this minute, Demi. Nor will I be coerced with the promise of one—“

  He shook his head. “I wasn’t. The physical changes of the Blood Oath would cause you to miscarry. That’s why we must wait until after you make your decision.” He framed her face with his hands, staring deeply into her eyes. “I would never try to coerce you, but I will try to convince you to stay. Please, just give me the rest of the month.”

  Her lips trembled, and she appeared to be weakening. “Well…”

  “Please, Anca.” He put his arm around her waist, bringing her breasts against his chest. “I need you. We’ve joined. You have no idea how painful it will be for both of us if we’re parted.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “What do you mean?”

  “You accepted me the first time we made love. We’re bonded now, you and I.” His stomach clenched when he realized she hadn’t knowingly accepted him. “Oh, Anca, I’m so sorry. I forgot you don’t know our ways. I assumed…” He trailed off, shaking his head. “Nothing can undo our bonding now. Parting would be agony for both of us.”

  “Damn you! You thought you could trick me into staying here.” She hit his chest with her balled up fists. “You’re just like everyone else, with your secret agendas.”

� He spoke firmly, hoping to cut through her anger so she would really hear him. “I love you, and I wanted nothing more than to join with you. I had no ulterior motives, except my own selfish needs. I didn’t think beyond joining with you. Please believe me.” He could hear the note of pleading in his voice, but he wasn’t concerned about his pride. It was a small sacrifice if she stayed because he bared his heart.

  She was quiet for a long moment, and her hands dug into his chest, as she seemed to get lost in thought. Finally, her body relaxed against his. “I’m sorry. I know you wouldn’t…” Anca sighed. “I feel it too. I felt it even before we made love, but now I can’t stop thinking about you. I knew you were near even before you knocked on my door.”

  “I feel you every minute of the day too, meu dragostia.” He buried his face in her hair, inhaling deeply. His eyes widened when her fingers started toying with the buttons of his shirt. “Anca?”

  “I’ll stay a week,” she said in a whisper. “That’s all I’ll promise for now.”

  “It’s enough.” He would make it enough, he vowed. Once again, his concentration faltered when she slipped her hands inside his shirt to stroke his chest. “Do you want to make love now?”

  She nodded, and her hair brushed against his face. “I need you, Demi. You’re the only thing in this place that makes any sense…the only thing that seems real…” She lifted her head and touched her lips against his.

  Demi returned her kiss, allowing her to set the pace. She seemed to be in no hurry as she thoroughly explored his opened mouth with her probing tongue. He groaned softly as she tweaked his nipple while nibbling on his lower lip. His cock sprang completely to life, and he could feel the warmth of her pussy through the soft cotton of her summer dress. He couldn’t wait to touch her skin and moved her far enough away to work his hands between them to cup her breasts. The material of her dress was an intolerable barrier.

  Demi moved his hands to the tie at the back of her neck and fumbled with the knot. When it loosened, the dress pooled around her waist, displaying a plain white bra with no straps. Demi broke away from her lips to trail his mouth down her chin and neck. He scooted to face her, lifting her higher against him, until he could put his face between her breasts. He brushed aside the pendant, and it was hot to the touch, responding to the emotions flaring between them.

  “Touch me.” Anca leaned back into his arms, letting him support her upper body, as her fingers threaded through his hair.

  Demi braced her weight with one arm while his other hand fumbled with the discreet clasp of the bra, hidden between her breasts. After what seemed like hours of wrangling with it, the hooks slipped free, and the bra fell away to reveal her perfect breasts.

  He brought her with him as he leaned his back against the bed, groaning as she straddled one of his thighs. The warmth of her pussy burned into his leg through the material separating them. She stretched, and her nipple brushed against his lips, teasing him. He brought the hard peak into his mouth, unable to withstand the temptation. As he swirled his tongue around it, he heard her cry out with pleasure. Her hold on his hair tightened until it was almost painful, but he didn’t push her away.

  Demi nipped her nipple gently and was rewarded by her frantic thrusts against his leg. He slipped his hand into the hem of her dress and pulled it up. Anca parted her thighs further for him, and he stroked her pussy through her cotton panties, brushing his hand against his own leg as he did so.

  “I want to feel you inside me, Demi.” She spoke in a breathless whisper, indicating she was as excited as he was.

  “I long for that too,” he said against her nipple. He fastened his mouth on the rigid peak again as he pushed aside the crotch of her panties. When he touched the smooth skin of her pussy lips, he shuddered with desire. His cock twitched and hardened further, pressing against his pants. “Can you help me, Anca? Undo my zipper.”

  She released his hair and trailed her hands down his body. Demi’s breath caught in his throat when she slid down his leg, generating friction between them as she created enough room to get her hands between them. He closed his eyes, counting to regain control, as her fingers tugged at the zipper of his pants. When she freed his cock, he let out a shaky breath and opened his eyes. It turned to a ragged sob when her hands ventured inside his briefs to grasp his cock. He couldn’t resist thrusting against her hand as she massaged the head of his cock lightly after pushing his briefs below his testicles.

  Anca squirmed against his hand, reminding him to touch her. Demi stroked her pussy, finding her wet and ready for him when he slid two fingers inside her. “In my pocket…protection.”

  She seemed to go out of her way to brush against his cock when she searched for the condom. The torture seemed to last forever, but she finally removed the small package from his pants. She tore off the wrapper and slid the condom on his cock with confident movements. He was glad to have the assistance, because he wasn’t sure his hands were steady enough to do more than rub her clit while holding her against him.

  When she finished, Anca shifted from straddling his leg to sitting on his lap, angling her legs around his waist, until her shins encountered the barrier of the bed. He bent his knees to support her, and she inched forward to align their pelvises. Demi leaned back a bit more to give her enough room, and he gritted his teeth as her wet pussy cuddled the length of his cock when she eased herself down on him. She was slow in her efforts to take in all of him, and he could feel perspiration beading his lip and trickling down his back. His cock tightened painfully.

  When she had settled on him, she covered every inch of his cock. He groaned when she contracted her pussy to squeeze his cock. He gripped her hips and began lifting her in time with his thrusts. He was beyond slow, teasing strokes. He thrust into her quickly, hearing her cries of pleasure as he surged inside her before withdrawing a few inches to repeat the process.

  As he entered her, he could feel her pussy getting warmer and wetter around his cock, even through the thin latex. Demi tossed back his head and closed his eyes, concentrating on lasting long enough to bring her pleasure first. His eyes opened again when he felt Anca’s hand moving between them. He glanced down, but couldn’t see what she was doing.

  It was soon obvious, as he felt the back of her hand brushing rhythmically against his skin. The thought of her touching her clit as he thrust into her caused his cock to spasm painfully. He cried out as he lost all control and spilled his seed.

  He surged into her as far as he could go and held her tightly against him. As his orgasm peaked, he felt her pussy convulse around him, and she too cried out. She started thrusting again, and he endured the slight pain against his tender cock, surprised when he started to get hard again.

  Before he could attain a complete erection, she collapsed against him, sobbing quietly. Her arms were wrapped around his shoulders, and her forehead rested on the top of his head. Tiny contractions continued to emanate from her pussy, bringing him a combination of pleasure and pain. He wrapped his arms around her back and held her against him, content to stay like that forever, if only they could.

  * * * * *

  During dinner, Anca sipped cautiously at the wine, finally accepting it was indeed blood. It had a coppery, tangy aftertaste that couldn’t be anything else. More disconcerting than the confirmation of Ylenia’s assertion was her enjoyment of the drink.

  As she consumed more, she was aware of her canines lengthening and sharpening and was reminded of the night she fled from Demi at the train station, when her teeth seemed to get stuck in his hand, before he kissed her so passionately. She couldn’t deny her body seemed designed to consume blood, just as it seemed designed to give and receive pleasure from Demi.

  “You’re very quiet,” Valdemeer said from the head of the table. Most of the meal had been spent in silence, as none of the three of them seemed inclined to break it.

  She saw Demi’s gaze shift between them and guessed his intent to leave before he said anything. She gave him a small s
mile, but didn’t attempt to dissuade him. She couldn’t avoid speaking with her father forever, and she had only agreed to stay a week, which meant the discussion must be soon.

  “If you’ve finished your dinner, perhaps you would join me for a game of chess?”

  Anca nodded. “I’d be happy to, Papa.”

  Demi wiped his mouth and stood up. “If you’ll excuse me…”

  “Good night, Nicodemus.”

  He inclined his head. “M’lord.” Demi turned and offered her a half-bow. “Anca.”

  She hid the smile trying to force its way onto her face, convinced he would join her later that night. “Good night, Demi.”

  They followed him from the dining room, but took a different hallway to reach her father’s study. Valdemeer poured them each a snifter of brandy before they settled at the chess table. Anca chose white and made the first move, then leaned back and waited for him to begin playing or speaking.

  He eyed the board, seemingly in no hurry. “Nikia has been confined to her quarters,” he said as he moved his knight, “until I decide what to do with her.”

  “Hmm.” Anca tilted her head, considering each move she could make. It had been a long time since high school, and she hadn’t played in years. She finally decided on another cautious move. She repositioned a pawn. “Did she really mean to harm me?”

  He stroked his beard and studied the board, seeming to find it easier to avoid her eyes. Finally, he moved a pawn to block her. “I believe she planned to kill you. I feared bringing you back to Corsova for that reason, but time grows short…”

  After making her move, Anca said, “The blood-moon.” She strove to sound neutral, but a hint of fear crept into her voice.

  “Yes, in a couple of weeks now.” He touched his rook, but withdrew his hand to move his knight again to capture her pawn. “Once you have taken the Oath, she will have no reason to harm you. It will be too late for her then, and she’ll have to accept that.”


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