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Fake Bride

Page 26

by Willow Cravings

  “Is this seat taken?” a voice asked.

  I looked over to tell them that it was and saw that it was Robert. I smiled and picked up my suitcase. He sat down next to me.

  The bus driver came onto the bus. “Everyone all here?” Nobody said anything and he started the bus. He closed the doors.

  I saw the cop walk out of the waiting room. I nudged Robert with my elbow. “Look, he's watching the bus.”

  “He can feel it in his gut that something's wrong but he can't put his finger on it. His instincts are right but he doesn't have any evidence to back it up. He's a smart guy and he's going to hate himself when he finds out we slipped past him.”

  The bus pulled out of the depot and I watched the cop fly away with the scenery. The hard part was over. The bus would take us directly to Arizona and they wouldn't be looking for him there yet. We only needed to meet with Robert's man and we'd be gone for good.

  I looked over at him. “We made it.”

  He gripped my hand and kissed me. His lips were a drug that I was addicted to. I'd never be able to get enough.

  Chapter Six

  Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 1948

  Robert and I lay in bed after an intense fucking. We hadn't been able to keep our hands off each other the second we landed in Mexico.

  Our little cottage was right on the beach, our bedroom faced the ocean and we had large windows. We could see the crashing waves right from the bed.

  It was the perfect music for our love-making.

  Robert held me in his big arms and stroked my golden hair. “You're so soft,” he said.

  “Only for you,” I replied.

  I wasn't sure when I should tell him but I couldn't keep the good news a secret any longer. I lifted my head to look into his eyes. “We're going to have a baby, Robert.”

  His mouth dropped open and the biggest smile formed. “You really mean it? We're going to have a little Robert?”

  “Well I'm not sure of the gender but yes,” I replied with tears in my eyes.

  “You've made me the happiest man in the world. Escaping from that prison was the best decision of my life.” He kissed me passionately.

  I reached down under the covers and felt his hardness. I think someone is ready for me,” I said, tugging on his shaft.

  Robert's eyes rolled into the back of his head and he moaned. “Only for you, my love. Only for you.”

  The End

  Story Seventeen

  Copyright 2018

  All Rights Reserved.

  Disclaimer: This ebook is a work of fiction. Any resemblance characters in this story may have to real people is coincidental.

  No section of this book may be copied or reproduced without the author's permission.


  Christina is desperate for you know what...

  But she isn't ready when two come into play.

  How will she be able to handle it all?

  Chapter One

  “Listen Christina, I just don't have any money left to loan you. All my paycheck went to rent. You're going to have to figure something else out for rent this month,” Rachael said.

  “I know, I didn't want to come to you but I don't know what else to do. My boss cut my hours months ago and he doesn't see the business picking up any time soon.”

  Rachael tapped her lips. “What about a second job? Just in the meantime until your hours get raised.”

  “I've tried looking already. Either they want me to work during the hours of my first job or the pay is so shit that it wouldn't even help.”

  “I knew Los Angeles was going to be expensive before I moved out here. What I didn't know was that there wouldn't any jobs.”

  “And your agent hasn't found you any auditions to go to.”

  I shrugged. “That's the thing. Whenever I talk to him, he always sounds like something will be coming up soon. I'm not even sure he's working for me.”

  “And your parents can't help you out?” Rachael took the tea kettle off the gas burner and poured the hot water in a mug for me. She put a tea bag in and slid it across the table to me.

  I grit my teeth. “That's exactly what they want. For me to come crawling back to them and admitting that I failed.”

  “I don't think they would want that,” she said.

  I took a sip of the hot lemon tea and it burned my lips a little. “You have no idea how many arguments we had before I moved here. They were all but sure I'd be back home within six months.”

  “And look at you. You've been in Los Angeles for two years now. That's got to show for something.”

  “Two years of barely scrapping by. I'm almost ready to admit defeat and confess that my parents were right all along.”

  “Well I'm not giving up on you yet. Mostly because you're my roommate and I don't want to have to find another one.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Thanks...I love you too.”

  Rachael's eyes lit up. “I've got an idea. Why don't you call your agent and ask him if he knows of any odd jobs. He's very connected so he might know something that isn't acting.”

  I nodded. “It's a long shot but worth a try. I'll give him a call.”

  Rachael left me alone in the kitchen while I made a call to my agent.

  His secretary answered the phone, “Mr. Sellers office. How can I help you?”

  “Hi, this is Christina Groves. Can I speak to Mr. Sellers?”

  “Hold please,” she replied in a nasally voice.

  I waited a moment and the line picked up. “Christina baby, how you doing?”

  My agent always sounded like a real sleaze. For all I knew I was his only client. But in the end, he was the only one that would take me.

  “I need your help.”

  “Listen Christina, I'm working my ass off for you. I might have an audition for you in a week or two. A big blockbuster-type movie. I think you'd be great for it.”

  I was beginning to see through his bullshit. No sane director would hire an actress whose only work experience was commercials for local fast food joints.

  “That's not the help I meant, Mr. Sellers. I'm in need of some cash fast. My rent is due and I'm not going to have enough to cover it.” I could hear him sweating on the other line. He must've thought that I was going to press him for money.

  “You see,” I continued, “I hoped that with all your connections, you might know someone or somewhere I can make some money.”

  I could hear him breathing but he didn't say anything for awhile. “I don't think you're going to like it but if you're desperate.”

  “I'm desperate,” I replied immediately.

  “Okay then, write down this phone number,” my agent said. He began to roll off a list of numbers.

  I took a pen and wrote it down on a piece of paper. “Okay, what's the job.”

  “A sort of medical experiment,” he replied.

  “Whoa. Whoa. A medical experiment. I don't know if you're that desperate.”

  “Well you have the number now. If you get desperate again, call them and they'll tell you where to go. Good luck, Christina. I'll let you know if I got you that audition or not.”

  I wasn't holding my breath for that. I crumpled the paper in my fist. There was no way I'd stoop so low as to get medically tested on.

  I stood in the kitchen for a moment. But what if it wasn't that bad?

  What if it was easy cash?

  I unrolled the piece of paper and dialed the number.

  Chapter Two

  A bubbly receptionist answered the phone. “Griffin industries, would you like to make an appointment?”

  I gulped. I wasn't even sure I had the right number. “Uh, I was given this phone number. I need a job.”

  “Would you like to make an appointment,” she responded in a flat tone.

  “Why yes, I would like to make an appointment.”

  “We have tomorrow night open at 9:30 PM.”

  That seemed late for a medical experiment but it didn't matter to me. “That wo
rks. What kind of experiment is it?”

  The receptionist ignored my question. “What's your name and age?”

  I sighed. “Christina Groves and I'm twenty-two years old.”

  The reception gave me an address and hung up before I could even double check that I wrote the whole thing down right.

  Rachael came back into the kitchen. “It sounded like you got a job.”

  “I have no idea. My agent was very vague and gave me a phone number for a medical experiment. The place called Griffin Industries didn't give me any details.”

  “And are you going to get paid?” she asked.

  It was a valid question and one I failed to ask. “I have no idea. But what other choice do I have?”

  “Just be careful, Christina. I don't want you getting taken advantage of.”


  The next night I had a light dinner of soup and bread. I wasn't given any instructions so I thought I better eat at least something before I went over there. I didn't want to be starving if the experiment took all night.

  I pulled my beat-up Honda civic into an abandoned business complex. Or it looked abandoned from the main street but there were a few cars in the parking lot.

  I looked down at the address scribbled down on my paper: 1776. I matched it with the building and knew that I had the right place.

  From the outside, it didn't look like much. Just a tall brick building. A small sign on the outside said Griffin Industries.

  I entered a large decadent lobby that took up almost all of the first floor. A marble fountain stood in the center and there were stone columns designed from the Roman era all throughout. I wasn't even sure I was in the right place.

  A receptionist with short dark hair sat at a very long desk that hid most of her body except for her head.

  “What's your name?” she asked, popping gum in her mouth.

  “Christina Groves,” I replied, putting my hands on the counter.

  “Great. You're right on time. You see that elevator behind you?” she asked, pointing over my shoulder.

  I turned my head and then nodded back to her.

  “Good. Take that all the way to the eighth floor.”

  “And that's it?”

  “That's it. Dr. Griffin will answer any question you have.”

  I walked to the elevator and pressed the up button. My palms were sweating and I suddenly connected Dr. Griffin with Griffin Industries.

  I pushed the button for the eight floor and the doors closed. Why was I going to meet with the head of this company?

  The elevator doors opened to a large office. It was the opposite of the lobby. This had dark brown woods, statues of different animals flanked a walkway that led to a giant desk. The thing wouldn't even be able to fit in my apartment.

  A man with a white lab coat sat at the desk. He didn't look like a doctor to me. More like a hot actor pretending to be one. His black hair was short on top and shaved on the sides. He had a five o' clock shadow going on that I was really digging.

  “You must be my 9:30 appointment,” he said, rising from his chair. “I'm Dr. Griffin.” He outstretched his hand over the desk.

  I walked up and grasped his hand. It was soft yet strong. “I'm Christina Groves. This is all a little weird to me.”

  Dr. Griffin let out a laugh. “I know. I know. But if we said what we did here over the phone, most people would run away. Once we show you what the experiment is, I guarantee you'll want to participate.”

  Dr. Griffin led me to a door to the side of his office. “This leads to a viewing room,” he said, opening the door.

  I walked inside a small room with glass windows on one side. I walked up and realized that we were on the second level and looking down at the first level. A woman lay strapped to a table, her hands and feet bound. A machine with a giant dildo attached was plowing into her. Her moans echoed through a speaker in the wall.

  What the hell did I just walk into?

  Chapter Three

  I watched the woman with fascination. She was loving it. I'd never heard another woman moan during sex. There was a stirring in the pit of my stomach. I wanted what she was experiencing. I wanted to feel that pleasure.

  “You see here,” Griffin began, “We're doing tests on the limit of ecstasy. We want to see how much the human mind can take. How it reacts to prolonged stimulation.”

  “And you're going to pay me to get fucked by that machine?”

  Griffin nodded. “Two thousand dollars per session.”

  I choked on the air. “Two thousand dollars. You mean I can come back and do this again?”

  “As many times you'd like until the experiment is finished.”

  My eyes went wide as I watched the large dildo enter that woman's pussy. I'd never really watched porn before so I'd never seen another woman have sex. It was beginning to grow on me in a way I didn't think ever could.

  I could feet a wetness forming between my thighs. The excitement coursing over my skin was hard to ignore.

  “Now that you've seen the experiment. Would you like to try it out?”

  I nodded, still staring the woman below. I could see other viewing rooms across the way. Some more men in lab coats were watching and writing down on a clipboard.

  “And I'll be watched during the experiment?” I asked.

  “More like studied,” Dr. Griffin smiled. He looked perfect in every way. I wish the experiment had something to do with him.

  I wasn't sure how I felt about people watching me but the two thousand dollars kept flashing before my eyes. “I'm ready.”

  “Before we begin, you just need to answer some personal questions and sign a non-disclosure agreement.”

  I followed him back to his desk and he closed the door to the viewing room, shutting off the woman's moans. I sat down in a comfy chair and Griffin sat behind the desk. I couldn't help but imagine what was under that lab coat.

  “Let's start with some questions,” he began. “How many partners have you been with?”

  I blushed. “Are these questions for real?” I asked.

  Griffin nodded. “Of course. We need to know your sexual history before we start.”

  “Only one partner,” I answered.

  Dr. Griffin wrote some notes down. “On average, how many orgasms do you have during a session?”

  I tried to think back to my time with my ex-boyfriend. “One at the most, sometimes none.”

  “And have you ever done anal?”

  “You really meant personal questions.”

  Griffin smirked.

  “I've never done anal.”

  Dr. Griffin chewed on his pen. “Good. Good. Good.” He slid a paper to me and the pen he was chewing on. “Now just sign this form.”

  I looked at the document and it was all made up of fine print. I tried to squint to be able to read it but there was too much there. The snippets I was able to read just sounded like legal jargon that I didn't understand in the first place.

  “This is just a basic non-disclosure. You promise not to talk about these experiments to anyone.”

  I signed the document and passed it back to him. “Let's do this.”


  I was brought to the room I had seen from upstairs. It was bigger than it seemed. A lone table sat in the middle and it was being wiped down as I approached. I looked up at the windows above and I could see the men watching me. I didn't know if I was going to be able to do this with men watching me but I didn't have a choice.

  I needed the money.

  Griffin led the way and stopped at the table. “Can you undress for us. We'll keep your clothes for safe keeping and give them back when you're done.”

  I knew it was going to come to this but I was still afraid of doing it. I reluctantly took off my jacket and then pulled my shirt over my head. I could feel everyone's eyes as I pulled down my tights.

  The only thing left to protect me was my black bra and panties.

  “I'm sorry but we need you to be completely na
ked.” Griffin's eyes looked me over, taking in the sights. He bit his bottom lip slightly.


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