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Fake Bride

Page 34

by Willow Cravings

  I didn't need to worry about entertainment for the rest of the summer.

  Jonathan and I used every free minute to fuck each other over and over again.

  Our love couldn't be matched by anyone.

  But when the summer was over, it meant that I had to go back to school. I wanted to stay with him but Jonathan convinced me that I had to finish college since I only had one year left. I could come back to him when I was all done.

  Tears were in my eyes as I drove away. It felt like I was never going to see him again.

  Chapter Six

  I didn't know if I could make it through college without Jonathan.

  I didn't know if I could make it while I was carrying his baby. I wanted to tell him so badly but I couldn't leave to tell him. I told him I was going to return after I graduated and that's just what I did.

  I drove out to his cabin on a summer night just like I did the year before. But this time there were so many things that had changed.

  Would Jonathan still love me?

  How would he react to the news?

  There were too many unknowns and the butterflies in my stomach were knocking around. Or was it the baby?

  I pulled up to the cabin and remembered the nervousness I felt last time. This time was a completely different type of nervousness.

  The lantern in the window was lit and I knew he was home. He wasn't expecting me this time so I knew he wouldn't come out to greet me. This was going to be a total surprise.

  I heaved myself out of the car and ascended the steps to his front door. I knocked and waited. And waited.

  I had to knock again and before I finished, the door swung open.

  There he was. Just a tiny bit older. His black beard the same size. He was everything I wanted.

  His eyes went wide. “'re back. This is a surprise.”

  “I have another surprise for you.” I turned sideways and showed him my big belly.

  Jonathan began to cry. “You mean we're going to have a child?”

  I nodded with tears in my eyes. Jonathan pulled me into his arms and I let it all go. We both cried like babies for an hour, telling each other how much we loved and missed each other.

  We were going to be one big happy mountain family.

  The End

  Story Twenty Two

  Copyright 2018

  All Rights Reserved.

  Disclaimer: This ebook is a work of fiction. Any resemblance characters in this story may have to real people is coincidental.

  No section of this book may be copied or reproduced without the author's permission.


  Wilder has always been looking for the woman with the “perfect fit.”

  Laura has been naughty and has no idea what Wilder has waiting for her in his pants.

  Chapter One

  I thought I had everything figured out after college.

  I had a well-paying job at a magazine company, plenty of friends, and most importantly my own apartment.

  My life was headed in a direction that I always dreamed about. Not having to worry about money was the best thing in life.

  But of course, all good things come to an end.

  It was a rainy day when I got word from the higher-ups that they were laying off my entire department. After two years of being a loyal employee, it was all over.

  Just like that, I lost my job.

  At the time, I didn't think it was the end of the world. I had found the magazine job very quickly after graduating. I thought I could find a job in no time especially since I had more work experience than last time.

  I couldn't have been more wrong.

  Two months passed and I had blown through all my savings. There was no more money left and I couldn't pay for my apartment anymore.

  I had to do the one thing I dreaded most: moving back home.

  I never got along with my stepdad. We butted heads whenever we talked. Moving across the state and away from him was the best decision of my life. Now I would have to come home with my tail between my legs as a failure.

  I had to move back and leave all my friends behind.

  My perfect future was over and I had to start back at the beginning again.

  My stepdad understood everything. He didn't make fun of me or point out all the things I did wrong. He just accepted that I had to move back home until I found another job.

  I was thankful that I had something to fall back on. I couldn't imagine being homeless and living on the streets.

  Now that I lived under my stepdad’s roof, I needed to follow his rules. He always said that stupid saying, “It's my way or the highway.” It made me want to puke whenever he brought that up.

  When I moved back, I had to get rid of almost all my belongings. My queen-sized bed couldn't fit in my small room. My closet only held a fraction of my clothes. Since I was going on a lot of interviews, I needed to keep all my professional outfits.

  That didn't leave me with much in the way of casual clothing. I ended up wearing mostly nice clothes while I lounged around the house.

  My stepdad barged into my room without knocking. That was another one of his quirks. Privacy was a thing of the past.

  “Laura, I'm having some buddies over for football this afternoon. I would like you to stay in your room and keep it down. And if we need some snacks, go to the store for me.”

  My stepdad always treated me like I was in the way. And he also treated me like his servant. I did most of the cleaning and cooking. Also the laundry and grocery shopping.

  Getting a job was paramount but I knew that once I found one, I'd have to build up my savings again before I moved out.

  I was going to be here for awhile.

  “Sure, I can go to the grocery store for you. Do you want me to go right now and get stuff?”

  He shook his head. “I want to wait and see what everyone wants first.”

  “Okay, just let me know,” I replied.

  It was best to just do whatever I was told. My stepdad had threatened to kick me out in the past and I didn't want to risk it. Especially when it was just taking a trip to the store. It wouldn't be so bad because I could get some goodies for myself to eat too.

  I stayed in my room when I heard the doorbell ring and a bunch of voices. Sunday was football day and I knew never to bother anybody.

  It didn't matter that I also enjoyed football. My stepdad didn't want me around when his buddies were over. There was only one TV in the house so I couldn't even watch it on my own.

  A knock at the door surprised me.

  It couldn't be my stepdad because he never knocked. “Come in,” I said. I looked down at myself and realized that I wasn't wearing any pants. I pulled a blanket over my bare legs to cover myself.

  A wave of nervousness washed over me when I realized the man that entered my room was a stranger. He was younger than my stepdad. Probably around late twenties. His head was shaved on the sides and his brown hair was pulled backwards. He looked like he was sculpted from stone. Every muscle rippled underneath his tight t-shirt.

  “You must be Laura,” he said.

  My voice got caught in my throat. I wanted to say something but nothing came out. Why was this adonis talking to me? All I could do was nod.

  The man smiled. “Your stepdad asked me to tell you what to get from the store.”

  This time he waited for me to reply. But all I could do was stare at him. He was magnificent. Either a male model or mechanic.

  My guess was a male model. But I could also imagine him with grease and oil all over his shirtless body.

  Chapter Two

  Suddenly I realized that I was supposed to reply to this man instead of just daydreaming about him. My face felt really hot. “Yeah, what can I get you guys?”

  “Your stepdad wants: chips, salsa, guacamole, and sour cream. And a few packs of beers.”

  I nodded. “Got it.” It was typical football snacks.

  “Thanks a lot,” he replied. His dark ey
es made me want to climax. He was about to leave but he couldn't yet. There was so much more I wanted to know about him. He started to close the door.

  “My name's Laura,” I blurted out. I felt like such an idiot.

  The man peeked his head back in. “My name is Wilder.”

  “The game is about start, Wilder. Get your ass over here,” my stepdad said.

  “It was nice meeting you, Laura,” he said, closing the door behind him.

  I exhaled sharply. I had been holding in my breath the entire time. My fingertips were tingling. I'd never been so attracted to a man before. There'd been a couple guys in college but none of them looked like an angel sent from heaven.

  I stood up and felt a little lightheaded. I couldn't believe this small encounter with Wilder could affect my body so much.

  I didn't have time to dwell on it because I needed to go shopping. If I dragged my feet, my stepdad would not be happy.

  I jumped into a pair of tight blue jeans and a baggy sweater. It was the only pair of clothes I had that wasn't formal. I didn't want to be browsing the aisles in a long skirt and suit jacket. I threw my hair into a ponytail and put on a pair of old sneakers.

  I opened my door and saw all my stepdad's friends on the couch and they were all engrossed in the game. None of them paid any attention to me.

  Not even Wilder.

  I escaped outside and drove to the grocery store. I didn't drag my feet but I also didn't speed through it. There was no rush for me to get back and stay in my room all day.

  My cart was full of beer and chips. I added some candy and iced tea for myself. These small purchases were the light of my day.

  I returned to my stepdad's house and the guys still hadn't moved from their glued positions.

  “Beer's here,” I announced, trying to heave the heavy case of beer and grocery bags to the kitchen. Nobody was going to get up and help me.

  Except for Wilder.

  He jumped from his seat and ran over to me. “Need help with that?” he asked, offering his hands.

  “Thank you,” I groaned, shifting the heavy beers into his capable hands.

  I led the way into the kitchen and Wilder followed. “You can just put all the beers in the fridge. Thanks again.”

  Wilder opened the fridge and put the beers down. He took one himself and cracked it open. “You want one?”

  I hesitated for a moment. My stepdad didn't usually give me any of his beer. But this was different. He wouldn't be able to say anything in front of his friends. “Yeah I'll take one.”

  Wilder popped the tab and we cheered. I hadn't had a beer since I was living alone. The frothy goodness warmed my stomach.

  “Your stepdad told me you lost your job. I'm sorry to hear about that.”

  I took another sip of beer. “Yeah it sucks. It's taking awhile to find something new.”

  “I might be able to help you in the meantime.”

  My ears perked up. What did Wilder have in mind? Suddenly the thought of being on my own again popped into my head.

  Wilder continued, “It doesn't pay much but I need an assistant.”

  Didn't pay much isn't what I wanted to hear. But at this point I was desperate and ready to take whatever came my way. “Assistant? What do you do?”

  “I'm a photographer,” he said.

  Photographer! He was way too hot to be behind the camera. But at least I was close to male model.

  “I need somebody to help me set up shots. Dress the models. Like I said before I wouldn't be able to pay you much.”

  “I'll take it,” I replied in a flash.

  We both burst out laughing and cheered our beers again.

  “Bring a few beers when you come back here, Wilder,” my stepdad said from over on the couch.

  “Be right there,” he replied. His attention turned back to me. “So today is Sunday. Can you start tomorrow?”

  “I sure can.”

  Chapter Three

  I was all set for my first day at Wilder's studio. I still wasn't sure exactly what I would be doing but it was better than sending out resumes all day.

  My stepdad tried to stop me before I left the house. “I'm not sure about this, Laura.”

  I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. “Why?”

  “Because Wilder is my friend. I don't want you screwing this up.”

  “I'm not going to screw anything up. Don't worry.” I left before he could get another word in.

  The directions to Wilder's place weren't very straightforward. I drove up hills, down hills, and through tight streets. I ended up at cliff with a white building overlooking a valley. I wasn't even sure it was Wilder's because it looked like a celebrity lived there.

  I parked and checked my makeup. Everything was in its right place including my breasts. For some reason I was more nervous than I was going to an interview. Deep down, I believed that this was more than just a job.

  An entrance gate stopped me from going any further. I walked up to an intercom and pressed a red button.

  Wilder's voice came out of the box. “Are you here, Laura?”

  I didn't know where the microphone was so I just put my mouth up to the speaker. “I'm here.”

  “Punch in the code: 4265 and then hit the pound sign.”

  I did as I was ordered and the gate opened by magic. I couldn't believe he gave me the code to his gate. It was almost like giving a stranger a key to your house.

  I came to a set of dark brown double doors. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to knock since Wilder already knew I was coming.

  I saw that the door was creaked open just a smidge. A voice from inside came out, “Come on in.”

  I pushed open the door and was greeted to a great wide open space. The walls were all white and the ceilings high. The floor was cement and there were barely any furnishings. I could see from one end of the place all the way to the other end.

  On the opposite side were floor-to-ceiling windows that gave a great view of the valley below. A studio area was on the left and a mattress on the ground was on the right.

  Wilder stood in the middle with a camera in his hand. “You look very nice, Laura,” he said.

  “Thank you,” I replied. I blushed and looked down at my gray suit jacket and gray skirt that went to my knees. My shirt underneath was the only pop of color.

  “You can be more casual next time,” he said. “I want this to be a relaxing atmosphere.”

  I nodded. “Sure, of course.”

  Wilder was wearing ripped jeans, and a white t-shirt. “Shall we get to work then?”

  “What do you want me to do?” I asked.

  “Well tell me what experience with a camera you have?”

  Sweat beaded on my brow. Was he going to throw me out when he heard my answer. “None,” I replied. “I hope that's okay.”

  “Don't worry, it's fine. Today I just want you to help the model with her clothes. It will be really easy.”

  “Sounds easy enough.”

  “She should be here any moment so make yourself comfortable. Would you like anything to drink? There's a water cooler over there.” Wilder pointed to a small kitchen with a water cooler next to it.

  I smiled at him and walked over to the water. I got myself a small cup and drank. I took in my surroundings and couldn't believe that he lived here. It was so industrial and badass. I could see dark black pipes way up above.

  “Shit,” Wilder said, looking at his phone.

  “Is everything okay?” I asked.

  “Everything is fine but my model canceled on me today. I have to get these photos to the magazine by tomorrow.”

  “So is that it? Do you want me to go home?”

  Wilder's eyes looked me up and down. He snapped his fingers. “I got it. I'm going to have you model.”

  I almost choked on my water. “What was that?”

  “You have the figure for it.”

  I looked down at my curves. “I seriously doubt that. Plus I've never done any modeling before. I do
n't think I can do.”


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