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Fake Bride

Page 50

by Willow Cravings

  “What do you mean?” The servants had a whole separate house where they lived.

  “You have to show your new stepbrother where he's going to be staying for awhile.”

  What the fuck!

  Chapter Four

  My entire body seized in fright. I looked over at Bryant and his expression hadn't changed. He knew what he was doing the entire time. My skin turned a dark shade of red. I'd said some really stupid shit to him. I even said that his father was a male trophy with money.

  And the kiss!

  That fucking kiss!

  He knew who I was and still kissed me. I couldn't believe what was happening.

  “Well if you aren't going to show him then I will. Come with me Bryant and I'll get you settled,” my mom said.

  Bryant walked past me with a big smile plastered on his face. That son of a bitch. He manipulated me perfectly.

  They left me alone and I collapsed onto my bed out of embarrassment. My lungs strained for air. The kiss kept cycling through my head. I'd never been kissed like that in my entire life. Something had awakened within me.

  But it was wrong. So fucking wrong. A forbidden taboo that we could never cross.

  And now I'd have to be around him for the next few days while our parents got married.

  My mom popped her head back in. “Oh by the way, Sarah, Irving will be by tonight for dinner so I want us to all be there as a family.

  A family. It made me want to puke.

  There was no way I could say no. There wasn't a reasonable excuse. And my mom left without waiting for an answer.


  I had spent most of the day in my room, playing with my makeup and trying to find something to wear for dinner that night. I kept going back and forth between trying to impress Bryant and trying to dissuade him from every seeing me in a sexual way again.

  He's wasn't my real stepbrother yet. We weren't related so it wasn't wrong.

  But he will be in a few days. Was it wrong if I wanted to pursue this if it couldn't last?

  If that kiss was any indicator, I'd be in for a wild ride.

  I didn't get a chance to make a final decision when the bell rang for dinner. I was wearing my short black dress that was off-the-shoulder. It showed off an ample amount of cleavage. Bryant wouldn't be able to take his eyes off me.

  I imagined him touching my bare thigh during dinner, traveling upwards until he found out I wasn't wearing any panties. I'd try to keep cool while his fingers explored my pussy, slipping them into my tight hole.

  My mom called me from downstairs.

  I was wearing a thong and the thought of taking it off was just too crazy.

  I arrived downstairs to find everyone already sitting down at the impossibly long table. It was straight out of a movie where the only way you could talk to someone on the other end was with a telephone.

  My mom sat at one end and Irving on the other. He stood up when I arrived and gave me a hug. Irving was a pretty decent looking guy. He was tall, well built, and dressed in expensive clothes. All the things my mom required in a husband. It didn't matter if his personality was boring as hell. Or the fact that he was always picking his teeth with a toothpick.

  “It's good to see you, Sarah. How's school going?” Irving said.

  “It's going good.” I walked past him and took my seat across from Bryant. The table was so big that there could be an ocean between us. I tried not to make eye contact with him.

  A butler took a white napkin and placed it neatly in my lap. I thanked him and then a horde of servants arrived with silver platters with those shiny covers on top. Each one of us got our own platter set down in front of us. The covers were taken off and revealed the most delectable sights.

  Hugh arrived with his arms clasped behind his back. “Ladies and gentlemen. Tonight for you we have a duck confit, rice pilaf, and a vegetable medley.” He bowed. “Please enjoy.”

  My mother thanked him and Hugh exited the dining room. “Before we eat, I'd just like to say a couple things.”

  I almost put a forkful of duck into my mouth before I was stopped. My stomach grumbled as I set the food down and waited as patiently as I could.

  My mom continued, “I know we haven't really been able to spend much time as a family yet but I hope that after Irving and I are married, that will change. I want all of us to be happy.” She reached out her hand to meet Irving's but he sat all the way on the other end of the table. They just pretended to hold hands.

  “Let's dig in and enjoy this meal cooked by Hugh,” Irving announced.

  I didn't wait for him to finish his sentence before I put that duck back in my mouth. My eyes popped open and a moan escaped my lips. The flavors were intense and inviting. I'd never had duck like this before. I took another bite with rice and whatever sauce Hugh had prepared for it. I wanted to lick the entire plate.

  I looked up and accidentally caught Bryant's eyes. He had the dumbest smirk on his face as he watched me eat.

  I just ignored him and proceeded to clean my plate. I wasn't going to leave anything behind.

  “Did you get a chance to talk with Sarah today, Bryant,” Irving asked his son.

  I did my best not to look up at Bryant. I knew he'd be staring at me while he replied.

  “Yeah we spent most of the day together. She gave me a tour of the place.”

  “And how's the job going?”

  “Better than ever. I think I have a lot of room to grow there.”

  I found myself looking up and watching Bryant talk with Irving. I wasn't even listening to anything they were saying. His smile was contagious and so was his laughter. I stared at those lips of his and remembered the kiss.

  I wanted him to kiss me again.

  “Sarah, have you been fitted for your dress for the wedding?”

  I barely recognized my name was said and snapped out of my daydream. I turned to face my mom. “I'll have it done tomorrow.”

  “Just make sure it gets done. We don't want you wearing what you normally wear to the ceremony.”

  I knew that was a cheap shot at the way I dressed. She always wanted me to be as formal as her. She wanted me to be a younger version of herself.

  “Can I be excused?” I asked. I stood up before hearing an answer. I needed to leave before she pestered me more about the wedding.

  I caught Bryant checking me out as I left. It felt good to be desired.

  Even if it was by your future stepbrother.

  Chapter Five

  The next day, I had the tailor come to my room and fit me with the dress for the wedding. Crawley was a stuffy old fellow with big coke-bottle glasses. It was a wonder he could even see what he was measuring.

  He used his white measuring tape and wrapped it around my waist and then my bust. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose while he wrote down some notes.

  “Will you try on the dress now?” he asked in a croaked voice.

  I went behind a changing shade and put on the teal-colored bridesmaid dress. It looked as hideous on me as it did off me.

  I stood in front of the mirror and tried to find a good angle of me but there wasn't any. The dress had big puffy shoulders that looked straight out of the 80's. It almost showed no cleavage too. My mom had really succeeded if she didn't want to be outshined by her bridesmaids.

  The tailor walked around me, investigating every inch of the dress. “I can take it in in a few places.”

  “I doubt it's going to matter. Nothing will make this teal monstrosity look better.”

  The tailor ignored me as he continued to work.

  A knock at the door behind me made me spin around.

  Bryant stood there leaning against the door frame. “Dress looks good.”

  There was no reason to get embarrassed. Bryant was going to see me in the dress at the wedding anyways. “Very funny, Bryant.” I turned back around and faced the mirror. I tried my best to flatten down the big shoulders but it wasn't going to work.

  Bryant came up
behind me and I could see him in the mirror. “It gives you a look from another time. It's kind of a turn on if you ask me.”

  The last thing I wanted to do was turn on my stepbrother.

  Or did I?

  The more I thought about him the more I wasn't able to neglect my feelings. I knew it would only be a matter of time before I succumbed to the aching desire.

  “I don't remember asking for your opinion,” I said.

  Bryant put his hands up in surrender. “Sorry about that.” He walked away to the door. “I'll be by the bar if you get lonely.” And then he was gone.

  My face had turned a dark shade of red. Bryant was insane if he thought I would just come running into his arms.

  But that's exactly what I wanted. I needed his rough hands holding me down as he took me hard.

  The thought of meeting him in the forest excited me. Why should I deny myself any further?

  I undressed and the tailor took it to began his work. I went to my closet and took a short black skirt and tight white shirt. It was the one that always made my boobs look twice the size. They didn't need the enhancement since they were already bigger than a handful. But it could never hurt.

  I touched up my makeup and combed my hair. Bryant was going to get the surprise of his lifetime when he got a look at me.

  My mom stopped me at the base of the stairs. “I could really use your help with the seating arrangement, Sarah.”

  I looked towards the backyard in the direction where Bryant would be. “Are you sure it can't wait.”

  My mom put her hands on her hips. “Sarah, the wedding is in two days. Don't you think the seating chart needs to be finished?”

  There was no way to argue with her. At least not in a way that would end in me winning.

  I followed her to her office that she rarely used and sat down in front of her desk. My mom pulled back the heavy burgundy curtains to let some light in.

  “What are you wearing?” my mom asked.

  I looked down at my outfit. “What do you mean?”

  My mom rolled her eyes. “You'll learn someday to dress respectable. Now take a look at this.” She put down a large sheet of paper that looked like blueprints. But instead of a building it was a top-down view of where the reception was going to take place.

  She pointed to the large table. “That's where the family will sit.”

  I nodded along while she droned on and one about which distant relative was coming and where they would sit.

  She didn't even ask for my input. It's almost like she just needed me as a sounding board. Which I was fine with because I didn't care about these decisions one bit.

  My mom lifted up the paper smiled. “I think that looks right. Thank you so much for your help, Sarah.”

  “If you need anything else, let me know, Mom.”

  I left as quickly as I could and went out to the backyard. It was looking even nicer than yesterday. The white runway had been placed on the grass leading up the altar. I knew that my mom wanted flower petals all along it. They'd be putting those down tomorrow.

  I made my way through the woods until I came to the reception area. Workers were already changing around the tables per my mother's instructions. But I don't know how word got here faster than I did.

  Just one of those powers my mom had.

  I strolled over the bar and Bryant was nowhere to be seen. Was I with my mom for too long? Did he give up on waiting for me?

  “I knew you'd come,” Bryant said from behind me.

  Chapter Six

  Bryant was so damn cocky and I couldn't let him see it working on me.

  “I came out here to relay my mom's orders about the new seating arrangement.”

  The lie was almost the truth but it didn't matter what I said because Bryant wouldn't believe me. He stared down my neckline at my cleavage. I could see him dreaming about putting his cock in between my tits.

  “Would you like a drink?” he asked. Bryant walked over behind the bar.

  I walked over and sat down at one of the stools. It really looked cool having a long bar like this in the middle of the forest. “Oh so you're a bartender now?”

  “Well that's what you thought I was yesterday.”

  “Fine then. Make me something that will wake me up.”

  Bryant thought for a moment. “That's easy.” He looked around at what he had available. “Your mom sure stocked this bar up.”

  “That's one thing you'll learn about my mom. She's dead serious about her liquor.”

  “Well then our parents have a lot in common because my father can't go a night without a glass of whiskey.”

  Bryant pulled out a green bottle of Jager and energy drinks.

  “I'm going to tell you now that I hate Jager. The black licorice taste doesn't do it for me.”

  Bryant grinned. “But have you had it mixed with an energy drink before?”

  “Isn't that supposed to kill you,” I replied.

  Bryant cocked his head to the side. “Not sure. I guess we'll have to find out.” He mixed us two drinks and handed me one. “There you go, my lady.”

  I gathered up the courage to try the drink. I knew I'd probably be spitting it out immediately. I took a sip and didn't taste a hint of black licorice. The bubbles of the energy drink tickled my nose. I could feel myself becoming alert already.

  “Whoa. This isn't half bad.”

  Bryant took as sip of his own. “I know. I used to drink these in college every night. I'd be able to party until the sun rose.”

  “Oh so you were a big party guy. It figures. Let me guess, you were in a fraternity.”

  “Never appealed to me. Though I did go to my fair share of frat parties.”

  I thought I had him pegged but Bryant always surprised me. Before I knew it, my drink was empty. I could feel it in my head already. I was almost too drunk with only one drink.

  A feeling of giddiness rose up in me. Everything Bryant said was suddenly hilarious to me. And he was also so damn attractive.

  “Want another?” Bryant asked, shaking the Jager bottle.

  I waved my hands. “No way. It's barely after noon yet.”

  Bryant shrugged and poured another for himself. I felt the pull of wanting more. I needed to loosen up more.

  “One more couldn't hurt.” I put my index finger out. “Only one more.”

  Bryant smiled and mixed a glass of Jager and an energy drink. I took a sip and could feel myself becoming more relaxed. I was ready for anything.

  Bryant leaned closer. “How about a kiss?”

  I hated how forward he was but loved it at the same time. I didn't need to guess what he was thinking.

  I looked around. “Not in front of all these people. Did you forget that you're going to be my stepbrother soon.”

  “Who cares about that.” Bryant put his elbows on the bar and leaned in close. “All that matters is how you feel.”

  It didn't matter what he was saying anymore. He had me in his grasp. I closed my eyes and let Bryant plant his lips on mine.

  My body swelled with excitement. My heart was racing so fast and it was mostly from the thousand grams of sugar in the energy drink.

  Bryant broke away and I desperately searched around to see if anyone saw us. The servants were all busy with their work. My mom had them working day and night to get this wedding perfect.

  “Shall we go somewhere more private?”

  I nodded and pointed to the woods behind him. “Bring the bottle of Jager with you.”

  Bryant poured the rest of the energy drinks straight into the Jager and swished it around. I got up from the stool and led the way. I knew exactly where this was leading and I didn't want it to stop.

  Bryant could have me any way that he wanted. I needed to feel his warm skin against mine. Nothing could stop us now.

  We walked through the forest until we were so far away from the mansion that nobody would conceivably find us out here.

  “This looks like a good spot,” I said.
r />   Bryant didn't say a word. He didn't need to. His look of desire was all I needed to know.

  Chapter Seven

  Bryant dropped the bottle of Jager on the ground and put his hands on me. He pushed me against a tree trunk and the rough bark dug into my back.

  I wanted him so bad that my body ached. The wetness between my thighs grew. Bryant put his hands on the trunk behind me to the sides of my head, locking me in place. There was nowhere for me to go. Nowhere for me to run.


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