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Fake Bride

Page 52

by Willow Cravings

  I couldn't believed they had eloped in Vegas. The crazier part was that my mom sounded trashed. I don't think I'd ever been that drunk before.

  I didn't get the whole story until the next day when my mom called me with a hangover.

  “I'm so sorry, Anna. I really wanted you there. It was just a spur-of-the-moment decision. Bobby and I were drinking and then the idea just popped up. I didn't even have time to think before I said yes.”

  My mom getting drunk wasn't a new concept to me. Ever since the divorce she'd been close with the bottle. I'd find her passed out on the couch almost every night and I would have to help her upstairs and into bed.

  But that was about the worst of it. She never drank during the day and she never let it affect our relationship.

  That's why I loved her.

  “It's not a big deal, Mom. I already knew Bobby and you would be getting married soon. It was only a matter of time. But this Vegas wedding doesn't take away the fact that you can still have a regular wedding.”

  My mom halted her crying for a moment. “You're right, Anna. I can plan a huge wedding and nobody has to know about the one in Vegas. It can be our little secret.”

  “That's right,” I replied.

  “Thank you so much for understanding, Anna. I don't know what I'd do without you.”

  “I love you too, Mom.”

  “You're still coming home for Christmas right?”

  I'd been so caught up with studying for finals that I didn't even see that far ahead. “Of course I'm coming home.”

  I could feel my mom's smile through the phone. “Great! Bobby will be thrilled. Oh and by the way, Bobby will be bringing Mason too.”

  My heart skipped a beat. Bobby had spoken of his son Mason a lot and showed me plenty of pictures of him. He was fucking hot. And that was an understatement. I'd never seen a guy that looked like that unless he was a model or in the movies. I'd stolen a picture of him out of Bobby's wallet and kept it with me at college.

  Mason had just graduated from college with a degree in business and got a job at some fancy startup with a hip name that I didn't remember. There was no doubt that he was making good money.

  I would pull out his picture during those lonely nights and dream about being with him.

  I never thought I would actually meet the guy.

  Too many things crossed my mind. What do I wear? What do I say to him?

  There was still a week left until Christmas break and it didn't feel like nearly enough time to get my shit together.

  “Are you still there, Anna?”

  I didn't realize that I still had my mom on the line. “I'm sorry, Mom. I had to put my phone down for a second.”

  “I asked if you were okay with Mason joining us for Christmas. I know you too have never met but I think you're going to really get along with him.”

  “It's totally fine. I've been wondering about him ever since you started dating Bobby.”

  “Perfect! Then I'll see you when you're finished with school. Good luck on those finals.”

  The call finally ended and I opened the drawer in my nightstand next to my bed. I took out my sketchbook that I had neglected for a long time and opened it to the middle. The picture of Mason was nestled next to the binding, crisp and flat.

  I lay back on my bed and stared at the photo. It was of Mason during college. Probably his senior year. He wore a black button-down shirt and black pants. He was dressed formal for some reason and I never got to ask Bobby the reason why. I couldn't bring it up after I stole it without risking Bobby checking his wallet and finding it missing.

  Mason was well built. Probably worked out in the gym twenty hours a day or something. But he didn't seem like all the other college guys.

  I felt a connection to him the instant I saw his photo. It sounded crazy but there was something about him that drew you in. It was most likely his insanely good looks. How he came from Bobby was a mystery to me.

  His smile made my heart melt.

  Now I'd get the chance to finally meet him at Christmas and I was more nervous about that than my finals.

  Chapter Two

  My mom always went all out for Christmas. Multi-colored lights hung from almost every visible surface on the outside of the house. The astronauts in space would have to shield their eyes.

  The lawn was covered with that fake snow that was like carpet. A cheap replica of Santa and his reindeer stood in the middle with Rudolph at the front with a glowing red noise.

  I walked up to the front door that had a fresh green wreath nailed to it. I almost knocked when I realized that this was my home too. I went to open it and realized that it was locked. I took out my key and stuck it in the lock. But it wouldn't turn.

  “What the hell,” I said.

  I tried it again to no avail. Bobby must've changed the locks at some point. I foolishly put my key away knowing that it was useless now. I rapped my cold fist against the door and waited.

  No answer.

  I put my head close to the door and listened. I could hear loud Christmas music being played. No way they were going to hear me. I grumbled and rang the doorbell this time. I folded my arms across my chest and bounced around to warm up.

  The door finally opened and Bobby stood there with the biggest grin in the world. “Anna! You're here.”

  “Yep, I'm here.”

  Bobby grabbed the suitcase out of my hand and motioned for me to come in. “Dorothy! Our daughter is home!”

  I stepped into the house I grew up in and realized that maybe my mom had gone a little crazy since the last time I saw her. The outside of the house was pretty decked out with decorations but the inside had it beat.

  Mistletoe hung from every door frame. Christmas lights ran in various directions over my head. Two large tables were set up with a miniature winter village. My mom loved collecting little houses and every year it grew bigger and bigger. She had even put a train around the entire thing that had steam coming out.

  My mom appeared upstairs and looked down. “You're home, Anna!” She ran down before I had a chance to move to her.

  Her hugs were famous for being hard and lasting for way too long. I braced myself for pain and hugged her back. She swung me around like a rag doll. “It's so good to have you home.”

  She let me go and I took in a deep breath. “I wanted to say congratulations to the both of you.”

  My mom took Bobby's hand. “Isn't she the sweetest? Thank you, Anna.”

  “I know its late but have you had anything to eat?” Bobby asked.

  My stomach grumbled and I realized that breakfast was the only meal I had for the day. “I could use some food.”

  My mom clapped her hands. “Perfect. I made some chicken and rice for dinner and there were plenty of leftovers. I'll microwave some for you.”

  “And I'll put your suitcase in your room.” Bobby grabbed the handle and began to ascend the stairs.

  “Thank you,” I said to both of them. I followed my mom through the living room that was filled with nutcrackers and into the kitchen. A Frank Sinatra Christmas vinyl record spun on a turntable.

  The kitchen was about the one place in the entire house that wasn't dressed up in Christmas decorations. The Santa fridge magnets were about the only thing. She probably had future plans for the kitchen.

  I sat down at the island with white marble counter-tops. “The house looks great, Mom.”

  My mother took out a plate of leftovers from the fridge. “Took a long time but Bobby was such a great help. He did all the lights outside.” She put the plate in the microwave and punched a few buttons.

  “I'm glad you find a guy to share your Christmas obsession with.”

  “Well I wouldn't exactly say he's thrilled with the over-the-board decorating but he accepts it.” The microwave dinged and she took out the plate.

  “Then I'm glad you found a guy who will accept you for who you are.”

  My mom gave me a gentle smile and put the plate of food, fork, and kn
ife in front of me. “Bobby really is such a great guy.”

  I cut into the chicken and put the first piece in my mouth. Even though it had been cold and reheated, it actually tasted really good. Way better than the filth they served at my dorm.

  Bobby entered the kitchen. He was certainly jolly right now. “What are my two favorite girls talking about?”

  My mom poured me a glass of water. “I was just about to bring up school to Anna.”

  Bobby turned to me. “How's college going?”

  I tried to chew my food faster so I could open my mouth and speak. “Going well I guess.”

  “And your grades?” my mom asked.

  I swallowed a big lump of rice. “Still in the B range.”

  My mom went to the oven and set it to preheat. “Keep up the good work. I'm going to bake us all some gingerbread cookies so save some room.”

  “Those cookies will be the death of me,” Bobby said.

  My mom slapped him with a rag. “Oh stop, you.”

  Bobby poked his chest. “You want me to stop? Well come here and make me.” He pulled my mom in for a kiss and I had to avert my eyes to avoid the gushy romance.

  The doorbell rang and thankfully interrupted them. “That must be Mason,” Bobby said.

  My heart skipped a beat.

  Chapter Three

  I didn't think Mason would be here so soon. It was still three days until Christmas. I thought I at least had a couple more days to get used to the idea and prepare myself.

  I looked down at my outfit and groaned. A puffy jacket and jeans weren't going to cut it. I quickly tore off the jacket and my beige sweater wasn't exactly sexy but it was better than before.

  “Anna! Come over here and meet Mason,” my mom called out.

  I took out my phone and used my reflection to try and comb my hair with my fingers. I took two deep breaths to calm my beating heart. “You can do this, Anna,” I said softly.

  I walked into the hallway and saw him stuck in a bear hug with my mom. I couldn't get a good look at him because he was being blocked. It would be a little while longer until my mom would finally release him.

  Bobby waved his hand at me to come closer. “Anna this is my son, Mason.”

  My mom let Mason go and I felt like I took a punch to the gut. The picture I had stolen of Mason didn't do him enough justice. This man before me must've been cut from stone or something. His body was lean but muscular, his face perfect in almost in very way. The stubble around his jaw gave him a rugged sexy look that made my legs weak.

  He took a step forward and I didn't know what to do. My fight-or-flight sense kicked in. I wanted to run away from this gorgeous man that I had no business being in the same room with. My feet were frozen in place so I wasn't going anywhere.

  “I've heard a lot about you, Anna,” Mason said. His voice was deep and mysterious. I wanted him to say my name again and again. I would never get sick of it.

  “Nice to meet you,” I barely choked out. I put out my trembling hand to shake his. He ignored it and came in for a hug. I wasn't ready for this.

  His strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me in close. My breasts pressed against his chest and I could feel his heart beat against mine. His cologne filled my nose and made me swoon. What I wouldn't give to smell him all day.

  Is this what love at first sight was? Or was this lust at first sight?

  It didn't matter because I wanted him to be mine in every way.

  Mason let me go and I wished that the hug was longer. Why couldn't he hug like my mom?

  Bobby put Mason in a headlock and rubbed his head. “I haven't seen you in forever. How the hell are you doing?”

  Bobby released him and Mason fiddled with his messed up hair. He gave me a smile and I almost fell over. He could get someone killed with those dark blue eyes and perfect teeth.

  Mason fixed his black button-up shirt and I wondered if he was always so dressed up. Didn't matter because it looked damn good on him. “Doing great. Job is going well,” he said.

  Bobby slapped him on the back. “Good to hear. You've eaten yet? Dorothy might have some leftovers?”

  My mom shook her head. “I'm sorry but Anna ate them all.”

  I cringed. Being seen as a big fatty was not the kind of introduction I was hoping for with Mason.

  Mason shook his head. “Don't worry, I ate plenty before I came over.”

  “Grab your suitcase then and I'll show you your room,” Bobby said. They made their way up the stairs and I couldn't help but watch Mason go. It was like everything moved in slow motion. I stared at him for what seemed like days.

  When they were almost out of view I heard Bobby say, “We're going to put you in the room next to Anna.”

  The blood drained from my face. My room had a door that led to a bathroom and that connected to the room next to mine. They called it a jack-and-jill bathroom. I would have special access to Mason's room. I'd be able to enter it without even going into the hallway.

  Or Mason could enter my room secretly. The thought of him coming into my room late at night thrilled me in ways I never imagined. The things I could do to him...

  “Anna, would you like to help with the cookies? My mom asked.

  I wanted to go upstairs and talk to Mason some more but I knew that was a bad idea. I had to play it cool. If I looked to desperate, it would scare him away.

  “Sure, Mom,” I replied.

  I couldn't remember the last time I actually baked anything. There was nowhere to do it at the dorms. It's not like I really knew how to bake anyways. My mom always did the heavy lifting when I would help her.

  And that's how this time went. I took orders from my mom and we put the globs of cookie dough on the baking sheets. It didn't take long for them to cook.

  Bobby was attracted to the smell and floated into the kitchen. “Are the cookies almost done? They smell amazing.”

  My mom shooed him away. “Get away, vulture. They're ready when they're ready.”

  I left them to go upstairs and find Mason. I assumed he was unpacking or something. A dreadful thought entered my mind. What if he had a girlfriend?

  He could be talking to her right now!

  Bobby never mentioned Mason dating anyone. The topic never came up though because I never asked.

  Get a hold of yourself, Anna.

  Chapter Four

  I passed my room and peeked into Mason's. He stood before a bed with flannel sheets and was unpacking his suitcase. I stood in the doorway but didn't know how to announce myself.

  I knocked on the door and coughed in my hand. I didn't need to do both and felt like a ditz.

  Mason flipped his head around. “What's up, Anna?”

  “I was just wondering if you needed any help unpacking?”

  “I think I can handle it,” Mason replied. He returned to his black suitcase, taking out a stack of neatly-folded shirts and placing them on the bed.

  “Cool. Have a good night then.”

  “Goodnight,” he said without looking back at me.

  I stood there in the door not knowing what to do. I felt so dumb. I inched my way out into the hallway and ran to my room. I closed the door behind me and rested against it, my chest heaving up and down.

  “You're so stupid, Anna.”

  “Did you say something?” a voice said.

  The hairs on the back of my neck raised when I realized that my door to the bathroom was open and Mason could hear me.

  I went to the bathroom and Mason had a clear view into my room. “Nope I didn't hear anything.”

  Mason shrugged. “Goodnight.”

  My face turned red and I closed my bathroom door. I collapsed onto my bed and stuffed my head in my pillow. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs but I thought that Mason would be able to hear that too.

  I forced myself to get up and start unpacking. The best thing to do was to move on. Mason was way out of my league and after my bumbling performance, there was no way he'd be interested in me.
  I placed all my clothes in the dresser, or more accurately stuffed them in there. I grabbed my bathroom bag and went for the door when I realized that if Mason left his door open, he'd be able to watch me get ready. He'd see me without makeup on.

  I couldn't even open my door to see if his was closed. I'd look like a fool if I opened it and he saw me again.


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