The Royal Assassin: Shadows of Myst
Page 14
Shade is so quiet today too. Not that this is unusual he pretty much is quiet all the time hidden within his veil, much like Shadowen used to be. Yet today his magic is somehow darker each time Azreal walks into the room to clean or pick something up. Shadowen feels it too and she is actually sharing with me now the attraction he feels toward Azreal. I'm not sure what should be done. But I know I will stay better in tuned to Azreal... just in case.
I realize it's perhaps even a blessing that Shade is to go see to the construction of King Ormond's new capital. I'm not sure the details or why the Royal House has agreed to help, but who knows what the Royal House is up to. There is much unrest in the lesser Houses these days. I've stayed away from the politics for so long now that it all seems too foreign. I've accepted an assignment and now I'm packing for the surface. We are to leave within several hours.
Shadowen shifts and I note she's extremely nervous and I hate for her to be like this because it makes me nervous inside. I pull her body to me, she's trembling. “Shadowen...”
“I know, but I cannot help it.”
“I'm going with you when you travel and the rest of the time you will be inside the outer walls. You and Shade will both be safe.”
“You keep saying this.”
“Shadowen, you are my life. I would have you safe.” I kiss her and I feel her relax but only slightly. I turn back to my packing and hers. Shade is actually excited to go and he easily slips in our room.
“Reis, I'm ready.” He pauses then pulls Shadowen into his arms. “You are a nervous wreck.”
“I'm not.” she denies but I can hear Shade scoff at her under his veil even though I feel his touch is soothing her. She needs him right now and I feel his stark need of her. He's far more nervous than he lets on and through Shadowen I feel him. I also feel darkness in his soul, but it's not like a taint as with Phantom. It's far more like a hunger or need. His day of reckoning has long since passed and he's chosen not to take a consort. I presumed it was because of Phantom and Essence, but now I realize he fears for others to be close to him.
Shadowen is the only one he lets near him. Not even the Royal Conjurer gets inside the walls he's built around himself. Yet his attraction to Azreal burns his attention and he's very afraid for her. I probe Shadowen slightly and she allows me to see why.
His eyes. He fears what letting his guard down will do. What seeing into his eyes will do. This is perhaps one of his greatest fears and now Shadowen shares her memories with me when they were children. One of the Nightelf servants looked into Shade's face when she was caring for him, and she went mad. Phantom and Essence never let him forget it and they used this as a form of control over him and their servants, threatening to expose his eyes to them if they did not agree to a task. How horrible for Shade to grow up like this. It's also against the law to use this threat against a Nightelf, not that a Nightelf would bring charges against a Royal Mystic. Mystic maybe, but not one of the Royal House.
I now understand why his feelings for Azreal frighten him and Shadowen so much. She is Nightelf and more than likely she'll be unable to withstand his eyes. This trip to the surface is timely; it will give him time away from her and more experience with conjuring. There are twenty-four in all that are going. It's going to be quite the event. Mystics rising to the surface to help a Surface King has caused quite an uproar among the Houses, but since it is the Royal House going it hasn't been denied.
Kinrith is going with them so he's in charge of the baggage. He will travel by caravan with the other servants while we will travel by shadows. I leave the twins up in our room while I carry mine and Shadowen's bags downstairs. They need a private moment together and this seems like the most opportune time for it.
All is ready and I feel Shadowen slip easily behind me from a shadow with Shade right on her wake. We step outside and the Royal Conjurer appears eager to get on the way. Shade moves swiftly to her as any good apprentice and it is with ease he slips to her body to step and suddenly I realize they are far closer than I would have ever imagined. I see her instantly quell back his darkness easing his fears as well. They are not lovers though, this is easy enough to see and feel. He trusts her but not as much as he trusts Shadowen.
Shadowen nuzzles in close to me and her soft body suddenly brings me back into focus. “Ready little one?” I ask and she nods nervously yet excited just the same. It is night so traveling will be easy. Shade and the Royal Conjurer shift and we follow in their wake taking an easy step.
The shadows once again touch and caress Shadowen and I feel my body tighten as her body responds to them sexually. I lean in, pulling her tighter against me and her breath quickens. I wonder how long we will move like this before I stop and have to take her to me to satisfy this growing lust between us.
It's intensive because we are moving underground through Myst working our way to the edge instead of just going straight up to the surface. Traveling through our hollows in shadow is easier than above the surface on Myst. But down below it is very sexually exciting doing it in Shadowen's arms. I'm not too sure if I will be able to make it through any more shadows before we will have to stop. Just when I'm trying to figure out how to politely say we will catch up when we break through to the surface.
Shadowen takes a long breath as we rest a moment. She is not near as afraid as before but she is still so nervous. My sexual excitement is still very paramount and so is hers. Shade however breaks contact with the Royal Conjurer taking the several steps between us and he slips behind Shadowen. Instantly I feel his touch remove the sexual tension within her and it calms me too. I hear him whisper to her, “You should not let them do that when we travel. Be firm with them. Tell them no.”
“It's too hard to say no. They need it so badly.” She whispers back to him.
“On this trip, you tell them no, and that's final.” he says it sternly and she nods slightly.
He moves back to the Royal Conjurer and I look down at her and say, “Oh he say's no and you obey, when I say no, you ignore me.” I smile and I know she feels my teasing.
“You never say no.” she says sending her love to me and I'm once again washed in joy of her. I have a lot more understanding about the shadows and why they feel they must touch her. I know she doesn't fully understand but something tells me that Shade does. I presume he's not explaining it to her is his way of protecting her. She obviously isn't ready to know who she is and I for one will not interfere with Mysteria's plan.
The Royal Conjurer catches my eye beckoning us to move onward. I pull Shadowen to me and again we move forward. This time the shadows are warm against us until we leave the lands of Myst and then they become cool and indifferent as I am used to on the surface. But Shadowen doesn't seem to notice or say anything about the difference.
We continue our steps when the hour approaches and we've entered Amai. The one thing that strikes me is Shade. His whole demeanor changes on the surface. He is far surer of himself and who he is. Also I feel his protective magic sweep over Shadowen several times even though I am standing right here reassuring her all is well. He's fully alert and I can feel his power pulsating. If I had doubts before about leaving Shadowen I don't now.
We are greeted by several guards and given entrance to a small portion of the castle, which is far from being finished. However the walls are up and there are furnishings. Shadowen turns to me saying, “It smells.”
I agree. “The surface has very distinct odors.”
“I don't like this smell.” she rubs at her nose under her veil.
“Neither do I.” I say and I notice many of the other Mystics are agreeing right along with us.
King Ormond enters with a very warm greeting. I watch him closely. I don't like his bright magic, but now his son enters behind him and I like him far less. His magic is one of the brightest whites I've ever encountered and it nearly makes me ill. I notice others in my party feel the same way.
Shadowen however is gently investigating all this new magic. I see the
boy turn his head directly to Shadowen and he's immediately intrigued sending his own magic in her direction. Oh hell no. I step right in front of her, my magic swirling around Shadowen nipping his intrigue right in the bud. Not going to ever happen little bright boy! He backs down turning away.
King Ormond watches the exchange between us right along with everyone else, but for politeness no one speaks about it. Shade however moves a little closer to Shadowen. I know they are talking because I can feel Shadowen's irritation with him but she's not letting me in on the conversation.
King Ormond finally introduces us to his son, Prince Harridan and everyone is polite except me. I don't like him. I also don't like that he keeps turning back to Shadowen. He's new to his magic and he's easily distracted by it. Where the hell is his consort to soothe him? The last thing I need is this surface dweller ogling my consort.
King Ormond dismisses his son just in time for I'm close to sticking my stov-vo-kiev right in his heart. Shadowen gently soothes me over though with her magic and we are led into her chambers. The chamber is small and there isn't a window so this is very acceptable to keep the light of the sun out. The moment I close the door I turn to Shadowen and she quickly wraps her arms around me. “Do you really have to leave?” She asks me, knowing what I'm going to say.
“I do. But I'll be back in several days. I promise.” I reach down removing her veil while she removes mine.
“Can you stay tonight?” She asks but I only planned to get her settled and then was planning to leave. Yet, how can I resist when the look in her eyes tells me I should stay.
I slip my hands along her shoulders and she smiles up at me. There is something unsaid in her eyes. Something that beckons me to her even more. “What is it little one?” I ask gently removing her cloak.
“You always know when I have something to tell you.”
“I'm still trying to figure out how you can continue to keep so much quiet from me.” I say with a smile removing my cloak.
“Some things are best said aloud than always known.”
“Agreed.” I say pulling her close to me now that our cloaks are removed. “You are beautiful.” I whisper to her and she smiles.
“That’s not what I meant.” She giggles.
“No? Don't you like when I tell you how beautiful you are?” I ask, gently nipping at her bottom lip.
“Of course... it's just...” She begins slowly and I crook my eyebrow at her. “Have you ever thought about my training?”
“Of course. We will continue as soon as I return from this trip if you want.”
“Would you be upset if we wait?”
“Why would we wait, you are ready? You have already learned so much. Do you want to wait?” she nods her head. “Why do you want to wait?” Maybe she's starting to understand?
“I want to have our baby first.” She says quietly.
My heart skips several beats. I didn't expect her to say this. I've not really thought about having a baby, she's still so young and we still have centuries to have child together. “You want to have a baby now?” I ask surprised.
“You don't want a baby?” She asks and I think I see tears form in her eyes.
“Don't be ridicules. Of course I'd love for us to have a baby, but now?” Now I see exactly what she's trying to say. “Shadowen!” My hand touches her abdomen as I gently caress her with my magic. “Our baby!” I nearly shout out. “When did this happen? Why didn't you tell me? Oh goddess! A baby!”
She giggles and I realize I've not even allowed her to answer anything I've asked. I lift her up into my arms and swing her around and she giggles again. “This is good news then, better left said aloud?” she says with this sweet innocent look on her face.
I laugh holding her to me. “Oh why did you wait to tell me now?”
“I know you wouldn't have let me come with Shade and he would not have come and leave me alone without you.”
“You're right I would not have allowed you to come.” I look away thinking. I can't leave her now.
“Yes, you can.” She says aloud knowing my thoughts.
“Just stay with me tonight.” She says tugging at my shirt buttons. I glance over at the small bed set up for her and I wonder how we will fair on such a small surface. She leads me over to the bed magically removing our clothes and I lay down first with her soft body lying atop mine. I'm staring into her lovely eyes, her shadows moving so slow and sensual.
“Now I know why you were so much more nervous.” I say smiling. I let my magic sweep through her gently. “How did you keep this from me?”
“I think she is keeping you from seeing.”
“She? A girl?” I caress her more tenderly with my magic, “Ah yes, I see her now.” I caress Shadowen's cheek with my fingertip. “She is so beautiful but so very tiny. It's no wonder she could hide from me.” I'm filled with unbelievable joy.
“Are you pleased? We've never discussed having children.”
“I'm more than pleased. Surprised for sure, but filled with joy. I just never really thought we would have children. Not yet anyway, you are so young Shadowen, do you want this? Do you want our child?”
“Reis do not sound so unsure. Of course I want our child. Now or anytime. This is a blessing and she is our blessing.” Of course this is a blessing, why didn't I know the Royal Chalice needed to create life and she's creating life with... me...
Now I have to ask, “Does Shade know?” I'm really hoping I know before him.
“He doesn't know yet. I was actually hoping to tell him later, when he is done here. When we get home.”
“No, we will tell him because I cannot leave you now.”
“You can leave and I will wait here for you.”
“Reis.” she says with this tone in her voice that I know oh so well. The tone that she uses when she is about to be stubborn.
“We will compromise.” I start to say but she's already thinking ahead of me.
“We will tell Shade, you will go, but return in two days time not four?”
“I will come here in two days time. I will have to leave again, but I will not leave you for more than two days.” I pause a moment my heart and mind still very distracted. “Shadowen! A girl!” She giggles again her excitement rushing through me. I kiss her mouth, her cheek and her neck. “Our daughter!” I never imagined I'd be so blessed.
“I love you Reis. I love everything about you and I love that you have given me a child.” She says so softly to me and tears form in her eyes and I can't help but smile.
“Tears of joy.” I softly whisper to her. “You once asked me why I had tears when you felt such joy from me. I think you understand now.” She quickly nods her head then presses her lips to mine.
“Tears of joy.” she agrees then lays her head on my chest and this is how we sleep.
I awaken early but do not stir as not to awaken my lovely Shadowen. Her body pressing to mine is perfect. Cradling her with my magic only makes me love her even more. She is my life, my heart and now we are to share in the magic of a child, together. The magic of life that two joined creates. I'm overwhelmed with such love that she would give herself to me in such a way. That my child is growing within her. I'm so blessed.
I awaken Shadowen after I feel the other mystics stirring. I'm not pleased at the prospect of leaving her alone, but Shade is here and Phantom is nowhere near. We dress gingerly taking our time. Kissing and caressing each other physically as well as magically. I already warned her we would have to abstain from coupling with so many Mystics so close and although she is as displeased as I, she understands.
Once we are dressed we leave our room to find Shade waiting outside our door. He's a bit nervous but glad I stayed the night with Shadowen. He tells us we are expected to eat in this great room. It's set up with food and drink. We enter with Shade leading us to a small table in the back. We sit down in our seats and Shade sits with us. I
notice right away that Prince Harridan is staring at Shadowen. I don't like it one bit and I notice Shade picks up on it as well. He turns to me. “Do not worry, I will watch over her.”
I sigh. “Shade, we have news.”
“Oh?” he says picking up a piece of fruit then slipping it under his veil.
“Shadowen... she's... well, she's carrying our child.” I say a little nervous.
Shade turns to Shadowen then reaches his gloved hands across the table to her. “Tell me, you have not hid this from me?” She takes his hands in hers. I feel his magic calmly sweep over her. His voice is emotionless and yet I feel his joy. “A girl. A girl grows within you. Why did you not tell me? We should not have come.” I can't suppress my smile. His reaction almost mirrors mine. I am assured he will watch over her and our child.
Once our meal is completed we return to our room and with great difficulty I tell my lovely Shadowen good-bye. It's not easy to leave but as long as she is safe that's all that matters. I shift into a shadow and begin my long journey leaving her behind with Shade.
I'm quickly moving through shadows. I'll reach Minia by the hour at this speed. I'm unsure of this assignment but I rarely have need to question the Royal House and its chosen marks. Rare that our politics are once again filtering to the surface. Yet here I am traveling to Minia and to their capital city to deal with it.
The sun is midday by the time I reach the capital city. I need to stay deep within the shadows. It's stifling hot and I feel beads of perspiration along my neck. I move quietly through the shadows until I find an abandoned building. I seek my refuge inside its darkness and listen to the sounds of this bustling city. My mark is supposed to live just outside the palace walls. He's been making trouble for the Royal House in its negotiations with King Glasgow so it was deemed he must be removed by sundown. I should have been here earlier to get a better feel of the city and his movements.