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Red Phoenix's Passion is for Lovers Collection (Boxed Set)

Page 13

by Red Phoenix

  “Almost, baby.”

  “Good, I can’t wait until you start fucking me with your huge cock.”

  He grunted in response and lifted her ass off the bed, cupping her buttocks. With a demanding thrust, he pushed the last of his shaft into her making her scream out in pleasure-pain. “Oh, that feels good. I love it, I love it!” she cried out.

  She looked down and stared at the impossibly large cock between her legs. The lips of her pussy were stretched to near tearing, her clit splayed out and vulnerable. Lauren looked up at Cyril and smiled.

  “Are you ready for me to start thrusting?” he growled lustfully.

  She could hardly breathe, her need was so great. “Yes, Cyril.”

  “Lay back and arch your back.”

  She moaned in anticipation and lay down carefully, his deeply wedged cock hindering her movements. “Use me for your pleasure, don’t hold back,” she begged.

  He bent over and kissed her. “Stop me if it hurts.”

  “Okay,” she assured him, lifting her head and pressing her lips against his.

  Cyril took hold of her hips in his massive paws. He pulled his entire length out of her. Her body suddenly felt vacant and she whimpered. Cyril held down her hips as he slowly pushed it back inside. Instantly, she was filled to bursting. “Again…” she begged.

  He smiled and gave her another long, slow stroke. She moaned in pleasure. “That’s so delicious.”

  Cyril started thrusting faster. Lauren closed her eyes and concentrated on the feeling of being fucked by his colossal cock. The stretching, pulling, and painful pleasure took her to another place. She momentarily lost the power of speech as she floated in blissful delirium. She was possessed by his manhood; there was no other reality for her. “Yes, yes, yes…” she repeated softly.

  He thrust into her with the utterance of each word. Harder, faster. Cyril growled in ecstasy as he came in her depths. The thrusts were more pronounced as each spurt released in the plastic sheath. He pulled out slowly, as Lauren drifted back to earth. Cyril kissed her face and neck, thanking her with his lips.

  “Cyril,” she whispered, “that was just what I needed.”

  “I didn’t hurt you?”

  “Only in the best kind of way.”

  He collapsed beside her, gathering her into his arms and holding her tight against him. “You’re incredible, Lauren,” he proclaimed as he kissed her cheek. “I’ve only scared away women in the past. You’re the first to actually want what I have to give.”

  She glided her hands over his chest. “I didn’t just want it, I needed it.”

  “How can your tiny body take all of me?”

  Lauren smiled bewitchingly. “I guess I have a hole deep inside that only your cock can fill.”

  “Such a warm, willing vacancy…” he murmured in her ear.

  She kissed the nape of his neck and cuddled up against him. “Thank you, Cyril.”

  “What can I do for you, Lauren? I want to please you.”

  She had only one simple request. “Hold me.”


  Cyril gathered her into his substantial arms as only he could. He held her like a lover and protector rolled into one perfect man. He nuzzled her neck. “You can’t be real.”

  “That’s exactly what I’m thinking,” she confessed. Lauren was surprised by the sudden ache in her heart as a lone tear escaped down her cheek without her consent.

  “Why are you crying?” he asked.

  She buried her face in his chest. “Cyril, if you hadn’t been there today… if you hadn’t stepped up, I wouldn’t be here right now.”

  “I know, baby girl. Trust me, I’ve been thinking about that, too.” He kissed her earlobe. “Thankfully, I was there to prevent such a perfect angel from leaving this place.”

  “I’m not an angel,” she scoffed.

  “Yes. Feisty and loving. Perfect.”

  She closed her eyes. Never had Lauren felt so loved and cared for by a man. He’d rescued her from herself and then brought her to back to earth with his lovemaking.

  “Can I stay here tonight?” she asked, holding her breath as she waited for his answer.

  “I wouldn’t let you leave,” he stated, squeezing her against his massive body.

  They lay together in blissful silence until there was a knock on the door. “Cyril, open up!” a male voice demanded.

  “Damn. That’s my little brother,” Cyril grumbled. The two of them quickly dressed while Cyril yelled out that he needed a few minutes.

  “What? Do you have a girl in there or something?” Both Lauren and Cyril looked at each other and grinned. Cyril didn’t open the door until Lauren had freshened up and was sitting comfortably on the couch. A young man who was much smaller than Cyril walked into the apartment, highly irate. “What the hell, Cyril? Keep your brother waiting in the hall like that?” He stopped short when he saw Lauren. A flirtatious smiled spread across his face. “Well, well.”

  Cyril quickly introduced her. “Demitri, this is Lauren. Lauren, my younger brother, Demitri.” Lauren looked him up and down curiously. Other than the hair, skin tone and dark eyes, the two men were complete opposites. Demitri was of average height and build with long dark eyelashes and high cheekbones.

  Cyril’s brother walked over to Lauren and took her hand, kissing it gently. Then he proceeded to ask, “Just how old are you, pretty thing?”

  She was not impressed by his manners, so she answered with a hint of ’tude. “Twenty-one. What’s it to you?”

  He turned his attention back on Cyril. “What the hell, bro? You into jailbait these days?”

  Lauren growled, “I’m not jailbait, you pompous ass.”

  Demitri broke out in a humorous grin. “Oh, a spitfire. Just the way Cyril likes them.” Lauren bristled at his words, suddenly jealous of every spitfire Cyril had dated.

  “Leave Lauren be. She doesn’t need to be interrogated by my little brother.”

  “What do you expect? You haven’t had a girl in your apartment in ages. And she’s so young, Cyril. Mama would have a fit if she knew.”

  “Don’t talk as if Lauren isn’t right there in front of you,” Cyril ordered.

  Demitri turned back to her and smiled enchantingly. “I’m sorry. Truly, that was rude of me. You have to be the sweetest thing to ever grace this dingy apartment.”

  Cyril snapped, “Don’t start with her, Demitri. I’m warning you.”

  Demitri gave her a wink and then walked over to the tiny kitchen and, without asking, picked up the cold sandwich lying in the pan. He munched on it while he addressed her. “So Lauren, how did you meet my big brother?”

  She looked over to Cyril with a startled expression, unsure what to say. Luckily, Cyril answered for her, “We met at the subway station.”

  “Really? Does she normally go home with old men she meets there?”

  Cyril strode over and punched him in the face without warning. Lauren cried out when Demitri fell backwards and hit his head against the fridge. Despite her shock, Lauren felt a thrill being defended by Cyril—against his kin no less.

  Demitri scrambled back to his feet. “What the fuck, bro?”

  “Don’t insult Lauren again. Do you hear me?”

  He rubbed his chin while trying to verbally defend himself. “I was just joking.” He turned to Lauren. “You knew that right?”

  She enjoyed having a little fun at his expense and replied, “I don’t find you particularly funny.”

  Cyril chuckled, “Don’t mind him, Lauren. He’s far more immature than he looks.”

  “Keep your opinions to yourself, Cyril.” Demitri wiped the blood from his mouth, attempting to look macho as he eyed her lustfully. “I just think you are far too young and pretty to be hanging with my big oaf of a brother.”

  Cyril walked over, gave Demitri a cloth to stop the bleeding, and then pushed him back on the floor for good measure. Lauren laughed, enjoying the crazy dynamic between the two brothers.

do you want, Demitri?” Cyril grumbled when the younger man finally got back on his feet.

  “Mama is worried about you and wanted me to take you out tonight. She doesn’t like you being alone.”

  “Is that it?”

  “No, not exactly.” Demitri gave Lauren an apologetic look before answering. “Mama set you up with a date. You know how badly she wants you to get married.”

  Cyril’s face turned an ugly shade of red as he roared, “I don’t need any help!”

  “I beg to differ, bro. You can’t bring a little thing like Lauren to Mama. She would never allow such a mismatch.”

  Cyril swung at him again, but Demitri was ready for it and ducked in time. “Don’t kill the messenger, man. You know how Mama is.”

  “What I do is nobody’s business.” Cyril slowly put his fist down. “I’m tired of you trying to screw with my life.”

  “Hey, I’m only here because I was told to take you out on a date.” Demitri walked towards Lauren. “If you would like I can be Lauren’s date while you go out with the other girl.” Cyril ran full force at Demitri. However, the younger man had fast reflexes and escaped the deadly collision.

  Demitri grabbed onto Lauren from behind and put her between them, laughing as he begged for mercy. While holding her, he took a long whiff of her hair and commented off-handedly, “Oh, she smells nice.”

  Cyril’s angry voice filled the room. “Get your hands off Lauren now!” The look in his eyes hinted that there was something much deeper going on. “I’m serious, Demitri.”

  Although Lauren had enjoyed the brotherly chaos, she decided to end it with a swift backwards kick. Demitri stiffened and then fell to the floor. “Hands off,” she told him as she walked over to Cyril.

  Demitri gasped and coughed as he squirmed on the carpet. Cyril and Lauren looked down at him with morbid interest. Cyril chuckled. “Well played, Lauren.”

  “Easy target,” she replied.

  “What the hell, you two?” Demitri struggled back on his feet, keeping a safe distance from them. “Can’t I offer a harmless compliment to the girl?”

  “You are not allowed to touch Lauren again,” Cyril snarled.

  “I think that’s up to the girl, Cyril.” Demitri winked at Lauren. “Wouldn’t you agree, angel face?”

  Lauren wasn’t playing his game. “Listen to your brother, Demitri, and don’t ever touch me again.”

  “Fine. I accept that you want to play hard to get,” he said, backing towards the door to make his escape. To Cyril he stated, “I’ll just tell Mama that you refused to go out with the woman she lovingly handpicked for you.”

  Cyril smiled. “I have a better idea, little brother. Why don’t you go out with her?”

  Demitri grimaced. “Are you kidding? You know Mama only picks rotund girls so they can handle your immense… girth.”

  The mortification on Cyril’s face broke Lauren’s heart. She put her small arm around his waist and said proudly, “His immense girth is just perfect for me.”

  Demitri’s eyes widened in surprise. He looked at Cyril and opened his mouth to speak.

  “Not a word, Demitri. Leave now, before I am forced to kill you.”

  He sputtered, “What do you want me to tell the family?”


  Demitri glanced at Lauren with a look of admiration. “Until we meet again, angel face. Keep in mind, I’m only twenty-six.”

  Cyril grabbed Demitri roughly by the arm and pushed him out of the apartment, then slammed the door and locked it. “Sometimes I really hate that guy.”

  Lauren giggled. “I don’t know, he seems pretty harmless to me.”

  “That’s exactly what he wants you to think.”

  She could hear the jealousy tinting Cyril’s voice. It surprised Lauren and made her wonder about the history between them. “What’s your beef with Demitri, anyway?”

  Cyril didn’t say anything. It looked to Lauren as if he was waging a war with himself. Finally, he sighed in defeat. “I guess it doesn’t matter if you know. If it happens, it happens.” Lauren put her arms around his considerable waist for reassurance when she noticed the flicker of pain in his eyes.

  “I lost my fiancé to him five years ago. Demitri looked at her the same way he was looking at you just now.”

  Comfort and Pleasure

  Lauren understood that she wasn’t the only one suffering from loneliness. She led Cyril to the couch and gently pushed him down. She straddled her legs across him. “Cyril, I don’t care for girly-men. I like my men big and strong and… huge.” She looked down at his crotch.

  He chuckled, but it seemed there was still an ache in his soul.

  “Are you hungry for dessert?” he asked abruptly, changing the subject.

  “Um, sure.” She crawled off him, feeling dejected.

  Cyril got up and went to the kitchen. He rifled through his fridge and came back with a spoon and a can of whipped cream. Cyril sprayed a mountain of cream on the spoon and handed it to her with an endearing smile. Lauren took it, overcome by a sense of love for the man.

  She turned the spoon upside down and licked the top layer of creamy sweetness. “Yum…” She placed the spoon in his mouth and dragged it against his tongue. “Good, isn’t it?”

  His eyes sparkled. “Yes.”

  “I bet I know what would make it taste better.” Lauren peeled off her shirt and undid her bra in two swift movements. She placed a small mound of cold cream on her nipple and presented it to him. “Tell me what you think.”

  He stared at her with astonishment and then a slow naughty smile spread across his lips. Before the whipped cream had a chance to melt, he stuck his tongue out and licked her erect nipple. Her groin contracted in pleasure—the warm friction of his tongue was delightful. She purred as she ran her hands through his thick head of hair.

  Cyril cupped her breast in his sizable hand and teased her nipple with his tongue. “It tastes a hundred times better on your breast,” he mumbled between licks. He sucked on her hard pink bud and then lightly nibbled with his teeth.

  She squealed in delight. “Oh, Cyril, that feels yummy.”

  “I’d like another taste,” he announced. Lauren happily complied and made an equal mound on her left nipple, holding her breath as he tenderly licked it off. Cyril started sucking on her breast while his fingers pinched and tugged at her other nipple. Lauren whimpered in pleasure. Cyril created delightful pulses in her loins with the attention he was lavishing on her breasts. It made her body ache to be filled again.

  “It’s my turn for a taste,” she told him. Lauren undid his pants and struggled to get them off. Cyril protested at first, saying that she would be too sore to take him a second time. But he eventually gave in to her demands, realizing she wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

  Cyril’s cock was already hard and intimidating in its bulk. Lauren swirled the whipped cream on the tip and watch him squirm in distress as he reacted to the cold temperature. She took tiny licks at first, just barely skimming off the top layers of cream. Then she dragged her tongue along the ridge of his head. She glanced up and saw that Cyril was watching her intently.

  She smiled and then opened her lips wide, taking the head of his considerable cock into her mouth and flicking her tongue over the smooth surface. Cyril shifted and groaned in appreciation. Lauren was still amazed at the size of his manhood. It seemed almost super-human. She stroked his length with both her hands encircled together, enthusiastically licking the precome that resulted from her efforts. Cyril tasted of salty bitters, and much like the spice in his sandwich, it had an addictive quality she wanted more of.

  But Cyril turned the tables on her. He picked her up as if she were a rag doll and laid her on the couch. Kneeling beside her, Cyril removed her clothes and then spread her legs wide open. He admired her womanhood, touching it in reverence. “Lauren, you have a gorgeous mouni.” Lauren wondered if that was the Greek equivalent of the word pussy. It definitely sounded prettier the way he
said it.

  He teased her clit with his fingers. “Such an inviting pink color…” He bent down and ran his tongue over it. Lauren gasped, her clit already sensitive from their recent coupling. Giving it even more attention heightened her arousal to a new level. It was such an intense sensation that she tried to squirm out of his clutches.

  Cyril grinned as he held her down. He pulled away the protective hood and flicked his tongue against her vulnerable clit. She cried out from the heat he ignited, making her even wetter between her legs. He slipped two fingers inside her as he continued to eat her pussy with relish. His long fingers stroked her from the inside, adding to the fiery pleasure. “It’s too much,” she whimpered.

  He stopped and reached for the can of whipped cream. With a wicked glint in his eye, he sprayed a large mound of the cream on her hot sex. She jumped when she felt the cold touch her sensitive areas. Cyril held her down again, showing her no mercy as his mouth began a vigorous assault on her pussy. Lauren squealed loudly when his fingers reentered her moist tunnel. Soon she was thrashing her head back and forth, trying to escape as the fire grew into an uncontrollable mountain of flame. Lauren moaned loudly as the flame suddenly transformed into powerful waves of pleasure. Each one coursed through her, stealing her breath away with the intensity of it. By the time the last one faded away, she was gasping for air.

  Cyril kissed her clit gently before looking up at her from between her legs. “Your mouni tastes delicious when it comes, baby girl.”

  Lauren had never experienced an orgasm before, even though she’d had sex with several boys. The orgasm left her feeling deliciously weak. Her legs were still shaking from it. “Cyril…”


  “That was my first.”

  “Your first climax with a guy?”


  He crawled up between her legs and kissed her on the lips. “You have been a very deprived young lady.”

  Lauren wrapped her arms around him, pushing herself against his cock. “My turn to please you.”


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