Fromm, Bella ref1, ref2
Fühlsbüttel concentration camp ref1
Führerbau ref1, ref2
Funk, Walther ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Furtwängler, Wilhelm ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Fuss, Kurt ref1
Gainer, St Clair ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Galili see Krivoschein, Mosche
Gatterer, Korvettenkapitän von ref1
Gay, Peter see Fröhlich, Peter
Gedye, Eric ref1, ref2, ref3_note
Geller, Alexander ref1
administrative structure remodelled ref1
African colonies ref1
alliance with Japan ref1, ref2, ref3
army moves into Czechoslovakia ref1, ref2
bishops condemn campaign against Jews ref1
Declaration on frontiers with France ref1
defensive line along western borders ref1, ref2
desire for Lebensraum ref1, ref2, ref3
economic weakness under Nazis ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
effect of Reichskristallnacht on ref1, ref2
expels Ostjuden and central European Jews ref1, ref2
goods boycotted ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
and growing ‘Jewish problem’ ref1
honours motherhood ref1
invades Austria ref1
manpower shortage and slave labour ref1
national debt ref1
New Military Economic Production Plan ref1
Opposition emissaries in Britain ref1
Opposition exploits national financial weaknesses ref1
Opposition plans elimination of Hitler ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
plebiscite on Anschluss ref1
prison population ref1
redoubles measures against Jews ref1
rule of law abandoned ref1
scheme for export of Jews ref1
shortage of steel ref1
Gerngross family ref1
Gerö, Josef ref1
Gessner, Adrienne (Ernst Lothar’s wife) ref1
arrests in Czechoslovakia ref1
Canaris avoids in Czechoslovakia ref1
enrolled in SS ref1
expels Jews from Germany ref1
and Fritsch scandal ref1
interrogates Schuschnigg ref1
numbers of Austrians removed by ref1
supports farm training for Jews ref1
in Vienna ref1, ref2
Geyer, Ludwig ref1
Gföllner, Johannes Maria, Bishop of Linz ref1, ref2
Gheel-Gildemeester, Frank von ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Gheppo (ship) ref1
Gide, André ref1
Gildemeester Aktion ref1, ref2
Gildemeester, Frank von see Gheel–Gildemeester, Frank von
Girbach, Alfons ref1
Gisevius, Hans–Bernd ref1
Glaise–Horstenau, General Edmund von ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Globke, Hans ref1
Globocnik, Odilo ref1, ref2, ref3
Goebbels, Joseph
accompanies Hitler to opera ref1
affair with Lida Baarova ref1
approves of demonstrations against protestors ref1
approves Speer’s Berlin plan ref1
art collection ref1
attacks Schuschnigg ref1
attempted rape of young actress ref1
attends Berlin conference on ‘Jewish Question’ ref1
attends Heidelberg theatre festival ref1
on Austrian legitimists ref1
on Austrian monarchists ref1
back in Hitler’s favour ref1
in Bad Godesberg for Chamberlain visit ref1
bans showing of Schmeling–Louis fight ref1
bans The Times ref1
on Beneš‘s toughness ref1
and Blomberg–Fritsch affair ref1, ref2, ref3
and Blomberg’s marriage ref1
and British inaction over Czechoslovakia ref1
on burning of Wöllersdorf camp ref1
closes religious papers ref1
condemns Bishop Preysing ref1
congratulates Max Schmeling ref1
criticizes Himmler ref1
cultural concerns ref1
on Day of German Art ref1
and Day of German Solidarity ref1
dislike of Ribbentrop ref1
disparages Innitzer ref1
disparages Seyss-Inquart ref1_note
on Fritsch’s acquittal ref1
and Furtwängler ref1
and German economic weakness ref1
and German trade difficulties ref1
on Gestapo interrogation of Schuschnigg ref1
gift to Hitler on birthday ref1
on Göring’s authority ref1
growing reservations about war over Czechoslovakia ref1
and Henlein ref1
Hitler instructs to give up mistress ref1
and Hitler-Schuschnigg meeting ref1
on Hitler’s anti-American speech ref1
and Hitler’s Berlin speech ref1
Hitler’s coldness to ref1
and Hitler’s depression at dismissal of Hossbach ref1
and Hitler’s desire to smash Czechoslovakia ref1
and Hitler’s division of Czechoslovakia ref1
and Hitler’s reaction to Munich Agreement ref1
and Hitler’s Saarbrücken speech ref1
and Hitler’s visits to Vienna ref1, ref2
hostility to Church ref1
hostility to nobility ref1
idolizes Hitler ref1
ignores ban on pogroms in Austria ref1_note
and invasion and annexation of Austria ref1, ref2
on Jewish question ref1
Labour Day prizes and speech ref1
and launch of Prinz Eugen ref1
on maltreatment of Sudeten Germans ref1
on Margraf’s claim for compensation ref1_note
marriage difficulties ref1, ref2, ref3
and music composition and performances ref1, ref2
opposes migration of Jews to Berlin ref1, ref2, ref3
persecutes Niemöller ref1
and persecution of Austrian Catholics ref1
plans anti-Jewish pogrom (Reichskristallnacht) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
popularity in Germany ref1
popularity in Vienna ref1
and proposed attack on Czechoslovakia ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9
punishes Wiechert ref1
and purge of Jews in Vienna ref1
restrains attacks on Berlin Jews ref1
and restrictions on Berlin Jews ref1
on Ribbentrop’s ambitions ref1
in Rome ref1
on Schuschnigg’s calling plebiscite ref1, ref2
on solution to Jewish question ref1
sponsors Lohengrin production at Salzburg ref1
supports Ziegler brothers ref1
suppresses German bishops’ protest against antisemitism ref1
in Vienna for Theatre Festival ref1
visits Vienna ref1, ref2
welcomes Italy’s racial policy ref1
Goebbels, Magda
children ref1
and Joseph’s infidelity ref1, ref2, ref3
at Vienna Theatre Festival ref1
Goerdeler, Carl ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
Goga, Octavian ref1
Goltz, Graf Rüdiger von der ref1, ref2
Göring, Albert (Hermann’s brother) ref1
Göring, Edda
birth ref1, ref2, ref3
christened ref1
Göring, Emmy ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Göring, Hermann
aircraft production ref1
and annexation of Austria ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
arranges Chamberlain’s meeting with Hitler ref1
attends Berlin conference on ‘Jewish Question’ ref1, ref2
on Austrian plebiscite ref1, ref2
on Austrian welcome for German annexation ref1
at Berlin September meeting ref1
birth of daughter ref1, ref2, ref3
birthday party ref1
and Blomberg marriage ref1, ref2
and Brauchitsch’s marriage difficulties ref1
Ciano meets in Vienna ref1
constructs Air Defence Zone behind West Wall ref1
on court of honour charging Fritsch ref1
covets and appropriates Austrian Jewish assets ref1, ref2, ref3
and Czech assurances of ending Jewish problem ref1
differences with Eichmann over Jewish policy ref1
disapproves of Reichskristallnacht ref1, ref2
dislikes Goebbels ref1
encourages Poles and Hungarians in claims on Czech areas ref1
endorses Warbug Plan ref1
enlarges Luftwaffe ref1
enmity with Ribbentrop ref1, ref2, ref3
fight against Jewish capital ref1
first peace feeler towards US ref1
as Finance Minister ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
fondness for Austria ref1
Four Year Plan ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
and German appropriation of Sudetenland ref1
and Gildemeester ref1
and Goebbels’ affair with Baarova ref1
hints at impending war ref1
and Hitler’s involvement in Reichskristallnacht ref1
and Hitler’s return from Austria ref1
and Hossbach Memorandum ref1
hunting ref1, ref2
on impending attack on Czechoslovakia ref1
and incorporation of Austria as province of Reich ref1
insists on appointment of Hüber to Austrian cabinet ref1
on manpower shortage ref1
on military prospects in west ref1
mission to Horthy ref1
mocks Ribbentrop for uniform ref1
and Munich Agreement ref1
and Munich Beer Cellar anniversary celebrations ref1
named as Hitler’s successor ref1
opposes Goebbels’ actions against Berlin Jews ref1
pessimism over outcome of war ref1, ref2
plots removal of Fritsch ref1, ref2, ref3
position and offices ref1, ref2
praises Hitler on birthday ref1
promoted Field Marshal ref1, ref2
proposes anti–Russian alliance with Poland ref1
rapport with Jozef Beck ref1
reassures Mastny ref1
and reduction of foreign trade in Austria ref1
reluctance to support attack on Czechoslovakia ref1, ref2, ref3
rise in esteem ref1
sailing on yacht ref1
saves Guido Schmidt ref1
shows off Luftwaffe to Vuillemin ref1
sidelined ref1
speech at Nuremberg rally ref1
speech in Vienna ref1
tests West’s defences ref1
tours Gaue in Czechoslovakia ref1
warns of financial difficulties ref1
Göttler (Gestapo officer) ref1
Göttweig abbey, Austria ref1
Graf, Josef ref1
Grant Duff, Shiela ref1
Graz, Austria ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Great Art Exhibition ref1
closes borders to Jews ref1
Jewish immigrants ref1
and transit of Jews from Austria ref1
Green, Operation ref1, ref2, ref3
Greissle, Felix ref1
Grenada ref1
Grimes, Rev. Hugh ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
Groscurth, Helmuth ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
Grünbaum, Fritz ref1, ref2, ref3
Grünbaum, Lilly ref1
Grünbaum, Oskar ref1, ref2
Gründgens, Gustav ref1
Grynszpan, Herschel ref1
Grynszpan, Sendel and Ryfka ref1
Gürtner, Franz ref1, ref2
Gusen ref1
Gustloff, Wilhelm ref1, ref2
gypsies: persecuted ref1
Ha’avara Accords ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Habicht, Theodor ref1
Hàcha, Emil ref1, ref2
Hackl, Heinz ref1
Hagen, Herbert ref1, ref2
Hahn–Warburg, Lola ref1, ref2
Halder, General Franz
at Nuremberg conference ref1
and opposition to Hitler ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
replaces Beck ref1
sees Chamberlain’s letter to Hitler ref1
Halifax, Edward Frederick Lindley Wood, 1st Earl of
believes Hitler mad ref1
and British non–intervention in Czechoslovakia ref1
and Chamberlain’s views on German opposition ref1
congratulates Göring on birth of daughter ref1
Göring promises hunting party to ref1
and Göring’s proposed visit to England ref1
and Hitler’s annexation of Austria ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
on Jewish immigrants to Britain ref1
meets Hitler ref1, ref2
meets Theo Kordt ref1
proposes final warning to Germany ref1
rejects Hitler’s demands ref1
Schacht meets ref1
told of Kendrick’s arrest ref1
warns Weizsäcker against attack on Czechoslovakia ref1
Haller, Paul ref1
Hammerstein-Equord, Kurt von ref1
Händler, Josef ref1
Hanke, Karl ref1
Hartmann, ‘Johnny’ ref1
Hase, Colonel Paul von ref1
Hassell, Ulrich von ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
Hayim, Ellis ref1
Headlam, Arthur Catley, Bishop of Gloucester ref1
Hechaluz Hamisrachi (Zionist organization) ref1
Hecht, Robert ref1, ref2
Hedenquist, D. Göte ref1
Heger (Gestapo officer) ref1
Heidelberg ref1
Heilig, Bruno ref1, ref2, ref3
Men Crucified ref1
Heilmann, Ernst ref1
Heinkel, Ernst ref1
Heinrich Gallop and Pollak (lawyers) ref1
Helldorf, Graf Wolf Heinrich von
and anti–Hitler putsch ref1
and Blomberg–Fritsch affair ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
hanged ref1_note
and Lida Baarova’s affair with Goebbels ref1
in opposition to Nazis ref1
and policy on Berlin Jews ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Helmstedt ref1
Hemdenmatz (store) ref1 & note
Henderson, Sir Nevile
arranges Chamberlain’s meeting with Hitler ref1
delivers Chamberlain letter to Hitler ref1
and German threat to Czechoslovakia ref1
on Hitler’s Diktat on Czechoslovakia ref1
and Kendrick’s arrest ref1, ref2
on Kleist’s visit to London ref1
at Nuremberg rally ref1
offers Germany return of African colonies ref1
protests at German occupation of Austria ref1
suggests direct talks between Chamberlain and Hitler ref1, ref2
view of Hitler ref1
withholds Chamberlain’s warning to Hitler ref1
Henlein, Konrad ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8
Henreid, Paul ref1
Hertz, Chief Rabbi Joseph Herman ref1
Herwarth, Hans von ref1
Herzog, Major ref1
Hess, Rudolf
meets Henlein ref1
and plot against Austria ref1
proposes Ribbentrop as Foreign Minister ref1
and Ribbentrop’s ambitions ref1
speech at Nuremberg ref1
and Tyroleans ref1
visits Austria ref1
Hessen ref1
l, Walther ref1
Heydrich, Reinhard
attends Berlin conference on ‘Jewish Question’ ref1
Canaris avoids ref1
on crushing of Schuschnigg ref1
disciplines Bürckel ref1
and Fritsch scandal ref1, ref2, ref3
gains influence ref1
orders murder of Ketteler ref1
plan to sacrifice Papen ref1
and Reichskristallnacht ref1, ref2
and release of Jews having papers ref1
selects concentration camp victims ref1
and SS in Vienna ref1
visits Vienna ref1
Weizsäcker protests to about Dachau ref1
Hiemer, Ernst ref1
Himmler, Heinrich
acquires armed SS ref1, ref2
age ref1
ambitions for office ref1
on antisemitism ref1
and British consular delegates ref1
complains about army generals ref1
decree against gypsies ref1
disciplines errant SS-men in Austria ref1
and exoneration of Fritsch ref1
Goebbels criticizes ref1
on ideology of SS ref1
influence on Hitler ref1, ref2
inspects concentration camps ref1
and invasion of Austria ref1
orders release of older Jewish prisoners from camps ref1
and Reichskristallnacht ref1
and removal of Fritsch ref1, ref2
and Ribbentrop’s ambitions ref1
seeks Austrian concentration camp site ref1
and SS in Vienna ref1
supports invasion of Czechoslovakia ref1
takes break in Italy ref1
visits Dachau ref1
visits Vienna after annexation ref1, ref2
warns Goebbels of Helldorf ’s disloyalty ref1
Hinz, Werner ref1
Hirsch, Baron von ref1
Hirschfeld, Louis ref1
Hirtenberg weapons factory, Austria ref1
Hitler, Adolf
aims ref1
army swears personal oath to ref1
accepts Chamberlain’s plan for Czechoslovakia ref1
addresses Reichstag on union with Austria ref1
advises against Beneš‘s concessions ref1
age ref1
antisemitism ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
appeal to women ref1
approves and controls Waffen-SS ref1
assassination attempt ref1
attends Nuremberg rally ref1
power ref1
believes army obstructing military plans ref1
and Beneš‘s intractability ref1
1938: Hitler's Gamble Page 39