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Convoy (The Shelby Logan Chronicles Book 1)

Page 49

by Chris Hechtl

  “It was an ambush for both sides,” Captain Layafette said as he felt the admiral turn to look at him. “Brief and savage. By the time we were fully cleared for action, they had taken damage but had fled into the nebula under stealth.”

  “And you didn't follow,” Captain Patch mocked, eyeing the human with disgust.

  “We had a mission to perform,” Captain Layafette said, turning to the fresh attacker.

  “Sure you did,” Captain Gutt drawled, for once in agreement with his rival.

  “We do have a mission to perform. The first part was to deliver fresh orders and materials to the vice admiral,” Captain Layafette said with a wave of his hand to the Neolion.

  “Tell me, Captain Gutt, you did take out your opponent, right?” the admiral drawled, flexing his claws in and out.

  “No,” the Neoape admitted, looking away. “They … got away,” he grunted.

  “Or you did. The Federation ships are fully functional. They have all of their hardware unlocked, including replicators to make field repairs,” Captain Layafette said.

  That quieted the crowd instantly. It was a long moment before anyone said anything as they digested the implications of his statement. “Great, so we could be facing them again,” someone said.

  “Yes. They can resupply too, possibly even make replacement munitions,” Captain Layafette said.

  “How did they start up?” Captain Gutt demanded. “Where did they come from?”

  “Rho,” Captain Layafette admitted. “At least, that's where we think they did. We received word of a fleet admiral of the Federation awakening and taking charge in Pyrax shortly after he tore apart a Gather task force sent there to take over the star system,” the human captain said. “We picked up intelligence on our way here that he managed to do that by salvaging a couple warships and rebuilding them to full 100 percent in less than a month,” he said. That set the lords talking.

  “Forces were supposed to be dispatched to crush him. Since we are seeing cruisers here, I am doubtful they succeeded,” the human captain said with a shake of his head.

  “And if he captured those ships, he undoubtedly added them to his fleet,” the vice admiral growled.

  Captain Layafette nodded.

  “Where the hell did they come from? Seven centuries without a peep and now …,” Kix said shaking his head. “How did he get those ships let alone the crews for them? How did they get the keys? You can't use replicators without keys!”

  “Are you sure they are Federation? Not the Tauren Confederation?” another person asked.

  “We've replayed the audio, sir,” Captain Baker said with a shake of his head. “It doesn't fit. It just doesn't make sense.”

  “Play it again, then the engagement,” the admiral ordered.

  “This is the United Federation Naval Warship Belfast to the Horathian pirate Black Corsage. Heave to and prepare to be boarded. You are ordered to safe your drive, weapons, and lower your shields or you will be fired upon. There will be no warning shot. You will be destroyed if you do not comply within the next two minutes,” a stern warning cut through the room, silencing the muttering going on in the audience.

  Quietly they watched the engagement. Eyes narrowed as they picked out details. Note LC against Black Corsage in a running battle. Technically, no pirate should go up against a warship in a stand-up fight, but they had the mass and firepower advantage. Obviously, it wasn't enough he thought as he watched the heavy cruiser break clear of the engagement.

  “Ran with your tail between your legs,” Captain Patch mocked.

  “Anytime you want to go there, the dome is ready and waiting, Sammy me bucko,” Captain Gutt snarled. Clearly there was no love lost between the two captains.

  “Enough,” the admiral ordered brusquely. “Replay the engagement with our Fourth Fleet comrades,” he ordered.

  Captain Layafette grimaced but watched dutifully, standing at attention as the video of his short but brutal engagement was replayed. He didn't offer any explanation or defense. He didn't even wince when Cytheria broke in half.

  Captain Gutt sucked in a breath as the other pirate lords and ladies hissed in shock. They hadn't seen one of their own so quickly and efficiently destroyed in ages. Some had never seen a ship lost in combat.

  Admiral Ishmael growled softly and drummed fingers on arm rest. The tips of claws came out; they made a ticking sound as each finger tapped the wooden arm rest slowly in turn. After a long moment, his claws came out fully to dig into the wood briefly when he saw the damaged cruiser continue to engage Fancy and the other ships until both sides managed to break clear.


  “Run this through our tactical departments. We need all the information we can get,” the admiral ordered as he turned to look at his Neochimp XO.

  The Neoape nodded. The admiral turned away to address the two captains. “You aren't worried about spooking our people, sir?” Kix asked, stopping the admiral before he opened his mouth.

  The admiral turned back to him. “No. Get our best people in on this. Look at the orders from the homeworld. Find out if they knew something.”

  “You'd think they would have told us about the second ship,” Kix growled, eyeing Captain Layafette darkly.

  “I know. Did they forget? Is it buried in their intel dumps? Or did they even know? It makes sense for this Federation to have sent two. But to send them so far from their home ….” He grimaced as he rubbed his jaw. “Are they exploring or expanding? Or both?”

  “I'll look into it, sir,” Kix said, making a note on his tablet.

  “Good, you do that.” the Admiral grimaced. “Send out a warning to all ships.” Kix looked up attentively. “I underestimated them. Based on what you've just shown me, Captain Layafette and Captain Gutt's warning is valid, these Federation ships are fully functional and obviously fully stocked with munitions and defensive weapons. They also have trained crews and are willing to engage. Make it clear in the orders that until we know more avoid contact with these Federation ships. They are very dangerous.”

  Kix nodded as he wrote the order down.

  “I'd like my revenge,” Captain Gutt said.

  The admiral turned to him. “You'll get it eventually, but not now. Your ship will need repairs I assume?” the Neoorangutan grimaced but then nodded once. “Fine. Do what you can here,” the admiral growled. He stood and addressed the audience. “Be it known. As admiral of ye mangy lot I order all to be under parlay. No more can we tear at each other. The dome will be open to settle disputes if necessary, but I'll punish any who step out of line. We have a new enemy. It be time we come together to deal with them before they become too powerful.”

  “Aye!” Kix said, pumping a fist into the air. “Aye!” The other pirate lords and ladies including Captain Layafette followed suit.


  The following day Captain Layafette confirmed Mister Flynn was indeed on Captain Gutt's ship. That meant it was imperative to get his hands on the seal. Since the seal was already indoctrinated, it should be a simple matter of arranging a transfer, but he knew nothing in the sector was simple.

  No captain in their right mind would want to part with a member of their bridge crew, especially one as highly skilled and prized as the seal. He nodded to Captain Gutt as the Neoorangutan placed a boot on a crate and had a rating shine it while he oversaw the transfer of cargo to and from his ship.

  Captain Layafette hid a grimace. The captain was right in the middle of the way, daring everyone to go around him. It seemed to bottleneck some of the larger pieces of cargo from being moved.

  “What can I do for you, pink skin?” the captain asked sourly as he eyed the human.

  “Captain, I heard you have a seal on your ship. A Mister Flynn?” the human asked.

  “Aye, that I do,” the captain drawled, pulling his torso erect and tipping his hat back with a wooden belaying pin of all things. “Mind your work or I be havin' ye keel hauled, Mister!” he berated, turning a gim
let eye on the rating shining his shoe. “Put your back into it!” he growled.

  “A part of my orders is to …”

  “I already know about your orders,” the captain said contemptuously.

  “I'm talking about my direct orders; Fourth Fleet was tasked with bringing in any water dwellers we can find. Seals, otters, Ssilli …”

  “Them! They be nothin' but fairy tales now,” the captain cackled.

  “Yes perhaps, but as I was saying …”

  “You can't be havin' 'em,” the captain said firmly.

  “Um, them?” the human captain asked, blinking.

  “Lieutenant Flynn and Lieutenant Gupta. They may be scalawags, but they be my crew.”

  “Look, Captain, there is a standing compensation for them. I'm willing to sweeten the pot …”

  The captain turned to him with a glower. “Ye have somethin' to offer? Like a grav node? Or a thruster for a Smythe 333 engine? Or ye be willin' to part with some of your missiles? I noted you fired quite a few yer ownself in your engagement,” the captain said.

  “Um … no,” Captain Layafette said with a frown as the captain checked his shoe as the rating leaned up straight, then swapped boots. “I think we can get you some parts for a grav node; we're talking a stern node?”

  “Aye,” Captain Gutt growled. “I be needin' an entire node though.”

  “Damn,” Captain Layafette growled.

  “So, unless you be findin' one or more or willin' to part with your missiles, I be keepin' my crew. They might be bumblers and stupid but they are loyal. I can work with that,” the captain said.

  Captain Layafette grimaced internally but nodded. He noted that the captain hadn't been loyal when he'd offered something in return but didn't bother to bring it up. He could see the other … man; he forced himself to think, had made up his mind. “Okay. Well, I'm sorry we can't come to an agreement,” he said.

  “Be off with you then. I be needin' to fix my ship. Move your tail, you scurvy dog!” Captain Gutt snarled at a brown Neodog who wasn't moving fast enough for the captain's taste. “Put your back into it!”

  “I thought I was supposed to lift with my knees?” the dog asked. The belaying pin went sailing overhead to hit him in the ear. The dog yelped and then moved away faster.

  Captain Layafette shook his head at the scene and then left while he could.


  News spread through the complex of a new ship's entry into the star system the following morning. Captain Layafette got the news as he checked in with the admiral's XO.

  Repeated exposure to Captain Kix Baker had allowed him to build up a tolerance and to treat the Neochimp as a fellow officer. It seemed bizarre, but that was what was required of him if he wanted to not only survive but also complete his various missions.

  But he had ample warning to never step out of line with the Neochimp. Not only did the chimp dress as a Caribbean pirate and was reportedly ten or more times stronger than a human, he also carried a pair of butterfly swords in one boot.

  He'd read up on the things; they were ancient Chinese and had been used by their military, civilians, and pirates long before spaceflight. The swords were asymmetrical but matched each other in a way that allowed the user to put them together to look like one sword and fit in a single scabbard. Which was why they could be tucked into a knee-high boot like the chimp liked to wear.

  He'd read up on them while reading a bit more about piracy. According to some of the material he'd read, the psychological surprise when the user revealed two swords for one could set an opponent off balance. According to what he'd read and the one time he'd seen someone use something like them, the user could defend with one sword while also attacking with the other.

  It was tempting to get one of his own, if only to mount on the wall. He did like the Neochimp's swords; he'd seen Captain Baker take them out and sharpen them once. The swords had a pommel and D guard. The D guard had a hook to disarm an opponent and to protect the hand if the sword was reversed so the user could use the pommel to stun an opponent. The last one-third of the blade was not sharp so the user can reverse the weapon and use the pommel as a blunt instrument when needed.

  That must come in handy in boarding actions, a small corner of his mind thought as the chimp adjusted the swords when he accidentally brushed one loose against the leg of the table.

  “It never rains but it pours. Another ship arriving at nearly the same time?” Captain Layafette asked as he sat down. “This is a busy port,” he observed.

  “Indeed. But Castrator is usually still on a run and normally stops at Tortuga. She must have come straight here for some reason,” Captain Baker said thoughtfully as he tugged on one ear. “She's really hauling to get here too,” he observed.

  “Should we be worried?” the human captain asked.

  “If it is important, she'd call,” Captain Baker said.

  “Sir, incoming transmission from Castrator. She is reporting the sighting of a convoy! A big one!” a junior officer said excitedly.

  Captain Baker blinked and locked his brown eyes with Captain Layafette's green ones. The human captain shrugged to indicate he didn't know anything about it. After a moment, the Neochimp turned to the junior officer. “A convoy?”

  “Yes, sir. Fifty-two ships!” the lieutenant exulted. “Such booty they must have! She did mention that many of those ships were warships. But they must be protecting something very important!”

  “Get me that recording,” Captain Baker said grimly.

  “Sir?” the lieutenant said, suddenly concerned as to why his boss would be grim about the convoy.

  “You heard me. Be quick about it,” the captain ordered. The lieutenant nodded and took off to get the recording.

  “Fifty-two?” Captain Layafette echoed quietly.

  “Yeah, you heard right,” the Neochimp said grimly. “This is the first convoy in living memory outside the Tauren Confederation,” he said. “But so many warships … I'm pretty sure they aren't yours. Ours,” he corrected himself.

  Captain Layafette shook his head. “No. We were the only ones operating this far out. Fourth Fleet didn't have that many ships.”

  “I thought you'd mention it if they were coming this way,” the Neochimp said, tugging on one earring. “That means it has to be the Federation.”

  “Yes. I'm curious as to what they are up to,” the human captain said.


  “Fifty-two ships,” the vice admiral echoed, equally stunned as he read the transcript and listened to the audio of Magda's report again. They'd gotten a second transmission with the Castrator's sensor recordings. Twenty-six of the ships were warships. Seven were couriers. The rest were freighters and other ships of various sizes.

  “These people are moving in. They move like lightening! They can hit Gamma and Delta so we're going to have to be aware of that, sir,” Captain Baker said, shaking his head.

  “I always wanted some competition, someone to play with, to make it interesting. The Tauren Confederation …,” the vice admiral shook his head. He'd left them alone to let them build themselves up. He was always like that, more interested in playing with his food than devouring it. He'd learned long ago to savor his victories when they didn't come cheap. The victory was all the sweeter for the carnage.

  “With all due respect, Admiral, I prefer an enemy who doesn't fight back. Less challenge yes, but less of a threat.”

  “Ah, but where is the fun in that? Without risk, you lose something … I think that's something we've lost, that zest, that sense of danger. We've become too complacent,” the admiral growled playfully, eyes glittering.

  “Fun … admiral,” the Neochimp shook his head. “Do you realize they can move two, maybe three times our speed, right? So, we hit one star system and if they get word and know which direction our ship ran to, they can be there ahead of them!”

  “There is that,” Admiral Ishmael said with a nod of agreement. “And we haven't let the
other bases and ships know. We need to do that soon.”

  “And again, they'll outpace our ships. The first thing one of our ships will know about them is when they are on top of them,” Captain Baker said insistently.

  “Or getting blown away by them. I see your point,” Captain Layafette said with a nod of agreement. All eyes turned to the Admiral.

  “It is a sticky situation,” the lion said, stroking his beard.

  “Sir, dinner is ready to be served at your convenience,” a Neogorilla steward said softly at the Admiral's elbow.

  “I thought that rumbling was familiar,” the admiral said. “Eat and be merry as we think about this,” the admiral said expansively, waving a hand. “I will not jump into something without first thinking it through,” he growled.

  “Wise, sir,” Captain Layafette acknowledged with a nod.


  Captain Layafette listened to the talk in the lords, but when they adjourned, he didn't have much to do. The admiral had ordered all ships to remain in port while he considered his options and the new information carefully. Some whispered that the admiral might be interested in striking the convoy.

  In order to get over his boredom, the captain explored the station. There wasn't much to see in the nest of pipe works and such, and the usual restaurants and such bored him after his second visit. One place did pique his interest though, the mention of a dome fight. He paid a small entry fee and even paid for a snack before entering the dome compartment.

  The dome was a metal gladiator cage with spikes turned inward. The audience sat outside around it or hung off the bars he noted. The best view was from above, but he had no interest in climbing the bars. Not only was it risky but it would also make him look foolish and stupid if he was clumsy about it, which he very well might be he thought.

  “Interesting,” he murmured softly.

  A familiar captain turned to him. “Ye be new here, right?” the female Neocat asked. Captain Layafette nodded. “Scores are settled in the court or pits. If it gets to the dome, it is life or death for one of them,” Captain Katy said solemnly.


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