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Convoy (The Shelby Logan Chronicles Book 1)

Page 64

by Chris Hechtl

  “I know.”

  “Should we delay? Let the Conestoga catch up?” Captain R'x'r'r asked.

  “Based on what our engineers said,” Captain Loggins said carefully. “She can't get out of alpha band in her current state despite the work our engineers put into her. She'll be here in another two and a half months. I don't know about you, but I don't want to sit around here that long.”

  “Agreed,” Captain Corbin said.

  “I'm curious if the commodore's Mercy Flights have left yet,” Captain Loggins mused. “And what sort of escort and medics they scared up,” he said.

  “Be glad it's not us,” Captain Gidget Lawrence said. “I don't mind helping out, and heavens the poor sods on the ground need the medic's help. But listening to some of it is hard, really hard,” she said. “I wouldn't mind some downtime on a nice beach, maybe some surfing, but I think it can wait,” she said.

  “Agreed,” Captain Corbin grunted. “Do we have any engineering issues that need to be addressed?” The various captains indicated a negative. “Are we good for supplies? If so I'd like to get out of here and get back to base. Perhaps the commodore will let us go on another mission if we're good little boys and girls,” he said with a smile.

  That earned a chuckle from the group.


  ME Mahoney and her consorts were forced to stop in Tau-23IX22 to refuel and replenish their onboard stores. While in the star system, the crew were granted liberty on the planet in shifts.

  The medics did their best to run the usual clinics while also distributing the cure diagnosis as well as steps to create the various vaccines as a preventive measure while they were in port. Downtime was a luxury they got when the ships were underway in hyperspace.

  Unfortunately, due to a series of hiccups with shipping as well as a mishap in the fuel works, the trio of ships were forced to stay longer than the one week they had planned. One week extended into ten days, then two weeks before, first, the food shipping situation was dealt with. Storms tended to do that, throw monkey wrenches into carefully planned schedules.

  The fuel situation was resolved when Captain Koko Fowler of Shrill Kill stepped up with her chief engineer to use her ship's small industrial replicator to make the necessary replacement parts needed for the chemical works. If she hadn't, then the trio of ships would have been stuck in orbit for a full month until the replacement parts could be made and shipped to the fuel plant and then installed.

  The Neogorilla found she hadn't made any friends in the manufacturer for her ship's efforts but didn't care. Two days after the parts were brought down in a shuttle and installed, the fuel began to flow once more. A day and a half after that, the trio of ships were refueled and ready to go. They bid adieu to the Asterion IX and set sail once more. Doctor Gusterson had little hope of making up the lost time. He couldn't feel better about his people's efforts on Governor Iapx's people's behalf while they had been in port. Thousands of people had been helped, thousands more remained to be helped, but he hoped that the skills they had passed on, plus the databases they'd left behind, will go the distance to make up for the loss of their presence in the star system.


  The two Mercy mission groups arrived in Tau-1929 to find that the star system's population were still slowly recovering from the plagues. It would be a long slow, heartbreaking course for the survivors, especially for those who had to care for the people who had irreversible brain damage. To see such wonderful people reduced like that and have to deal with it, with no hope of their ever recovering could be crippling all in itself.

  Captain Bzz'k'll of the Liberty class ship 1353 called the planets to check in with them as they passed through the star system. The T'clock found himself embroiled in a bicker between the two planets in the star system.

  The human governor of Samos, Farnsworth, had been confirmed as governor by the survivors on his planet. The Tauren transplant Los had been recently elected in a vote on Delos, though Governor Farnsworth disputed its accuracy and fairness. That hadn't endeared him to the Tauren apparently.

  Doctor Taylor had been in ongoing discussions with the medics on both planets as they passed through the star system. However, the captain had decided to check in for diplomatic reasons. “You people are a piece of work,” Governor Farnsworth said in disgust as they started to get past the small talk.

  “Why? Because they want to help?” Los demanded. “At least they are stepping up!” he had heard some disturbing stories about his new sister world's population. Stories that bothered him. When he'd asked for some sort of clarification, his fellow governor had told him bluntly to mind his own business.

  “I didn't say that was necessarily a bad thing,” Governor Farnsworth admitted in a different tone of voice. “They have given me hope. I don't know if that is a good thing; the pirates will just come around and crush hit.”

  “Perhaps. But we will be back to rebuild. And each time we'll get stronger,” Los replied.

  “Again, something to think about,” the human governor replied quietly.

  “Hope is important to have. I know you've lived with little hope over the centuries,” Captain Bzz'k'll said. “I'm sorry about that. All I can say is that we're here now. We're going to try to do the best we can. We may slip from time to time; we might make mistakes. In fact, I can almost guarantee we will! But I can tell you that without hope you don't have much of a life, just an existence. We're hopefully going to change that.”

  “Maybe. We'll see,” Governor Farnsworth said.

  “Never mind the sour puss, Captain,” Governor-elect Los replied. “Safe sailing and thank you from my people,” he said.

  “Not a problem. If we can, we'll stop and try to help you with your long-term medical care issues on the return flight,” the captain offered.

  “We'd appreciate that,” the Tauren replied.


  “What the hell is this, a rail station?” Governor Farnsworth demanded when his people brought the arrival of a new Federation force passing through the star system less than a week after the last one had left. “Not even a by-your-leave. At least they aren't stopping,” he grumbled.

  “This star system is a crossroads. Best get used to that,” Governor-elect Los said as he noted the Federation ships crossing the star system. “At least it is the Federation and not the pirates,” the Tauren said.

  He didn't get a reply from his surly counterpart. He shrugged it off and closed the channel, then opened another one to the cruisers and destroyers. “This is Governor-elect Los to the Federation ships passing through the star system. I'd like to welcome you back to our star system. It seems you don't have the time to stop. Perhaps next time. You just missed another movement of ships a few days ago,” the governor said.


  “This is Governor-elect Los to the Federation ships passing through the star system. I'd like to welcome you back to our star system. It seems you don't have the time to stop. Perhaps next time. You just missed another movement of ships a few days ago,” the Tauren's voice said. Captain Corbin grunted as he heard that.

  “We've downloaded the message traffic from the buoy, sir. That is confirmed. Mercy Flight 1 and 2 arrived here and left a short time ago for Lebynthos,” the comm rating replied.

  “Darn, missed them by a few days. Oh, well,” the captain murmured. He cleared his throat. “Comm, message to Delos. “Governor Los, this is Captain Corbin. First, congratulations on your election. You are going to have your hands full with the rebuilding efforts. I'm afraid yes, we are on a schedule to return to the capital. Perhaps next time. I do know at least one other ship will be coming along behind us, a ship we managed to liberate from the pirates. They could use a good solid trade partner since they are interested in making regular runs through this area. If you are interested, please feel free to give them a call when they show up. Strike from the Dark out,” the captain stated.

  A half hour later they re
ceived a reply. “Will do. Safe sailing star sailors.”


  Belfast arrived in Tau-9SC441 with the usual fanfare of energy. Once clear of the jump point, the ship located the messenger buoy and downloaded the contents.

  “The good news is, the cavalry has indeed arrived. Commodore Logan is here,” Captain S'th stated during her senior staff meeting. “That's Commodore Shelby Logan,” she added.

  “Wow, we have been out of the loop,” Lieutenant Parker murmured.

  “It seems that way,” the captain replied, swiveling one of her right eyes to her XO. “I've decided to follow the breadcrumbs and head to the new sector capital she is supposedly setting up. The good news is, they've been breaking trail for us as the expression goes,” the Naga stated.

  “I'm less concerned about that than I am the plague myself,” Lieutenant Parker drawled.

  The Naga captain looked up sharply. “What plague?” she demanded.

  “Ah … I guessed you missed that, ma'am,” the Neogorilla said carefully. “Let me catch you up to speed. Based on what was left in the message buoy …”

  Chapter 39

  Admiral Ishmael stood staring at the main screen with his hands tucked behind his back as his task force exited hyperspace in formation. His flagship Black Death was of course at the center of the formation. His five destroyers were out on point in a chevron formation, with the eight cruisers on the flanks and dorsal and ventral positions around his massive ship. The five freighters he'd brought along brought up the rear.

  There was no helping their bright pulse of energy announcing their arrival in the Asterion IX star system. It was a massive discharge of energy. He frowned as he noted a few of the ships were a few hundred kilometers out of formation. Before he could open his mouth, the miscreant ships adjusted their positions on their own.

  He didn't regret his decision to go on the offense, even though it might end up being a long chase. They'd picked up enough intelligence in Tau-X3301 to know that the Federation was helping the natives wherever they stopped. That should stall them enough to let him catch up eventually if he kept his people organized and moving.

  Black Death was his ace, though he didn't want to have her engage unless he absolutely had to. Like a fallow lion, he preferred that his ship be in on the kill but more to finish off the opponent, not draw first blood and potentially take unnecessary damage.

  He was still dredging up his old plans from when he'd first come out to the sector so full of ambition and life. So naive, he thought, shaking his head as CIC began to paint the plot as their active sensors began to get some return on their signals.


  “Ma'am, we've got a massive transit at the Tau-X3301 jump point,” a CIC rating reported, waking Captain Fowler out of slumber.

  “Eh?” the captain demanded as her implants kicked in to help clear her body of the last vestiges of Morpheus's grip. “Report,” she demanded, smacking dry lips. She kicked off the blankets and then swiveled herself to sit on the edge of her bed as she reached for a water bottle she kept near for her dry mornings.

  “It's confirmed, ma'am. Several dozen ships have jumped into the Tau-X3301 jump point. The XO has sent out a tachyon pulse. So far no reply.”

  The captain scratched at the fur on her back and sides as she fought a yawn. “Understood. See if we can get eyes on them. Alert Mahoney. I'll be right down,” she said as her bare feet hit the deck. Her toes wiggled. “Just as soon as I get dressed,” she said, reminding herself that it wasn't right for the captain to show up on the bridge in just her furry birthday suit.


  Doctor Gusterson finally felt like they were about to turn a corner. He'd moved further away from the capital of Knossos to a hot spot with a volunteer clinic made up of a couple of his orderlies and nurses and a group of volunteer natives who had been inoculated.

  The problem with the hospital ship was the tiny size of the ship. It meant she had a tiny boat bay and only a couple shuttles to service her and the people on the planet. She was reliant on other ships to shuttle up patients, but with the plague, the navy couldn't risk exposing other ship companies, even if they were inoculated. There was no telling how an innocent exposure on another planet could spread the plague. That would be catastrophic everyone knew.

  However, one of Mahoney's shuttles was outfitted as a mobile clinic. Security was a real concern on the planet; desperate people could do stupid things to hurt those trying to help them. He had a small security force made up of volunteers to help them, plus two egress plans if things got ugly. The good news was that everyone was keeping their cool and the medics had their implants to keep them conscious and on their feet despite the long, long hours of work.

  He knew he was no strategist, no tactician of the conventional naval sort. His battle with death was with an unseen opponent this time, a series of viruses, prions, bacteria, and other things maliciously spread across the planet. Not only did he have to deal with the plague and the patients, but also the panic and the after effects of those permanently damaged by it.

  All of that changed in an instant when news of a massive force arriving at the Tau-X3301 jump point got down to the planet. Panic set in and not just in the patients this time he noted.


  “Tango force is moving off the jump point. Course projection puts them here in orbit within three days,” CIC reported.

  “You heard that?” Captain Fowler stated. CIC had gotten enough of a read with their neutrino detector to tell them they had a lot of ships, one of them a BC coming their way. They had no response on the tachyon pulse, and she doubted she'd get one. Even if she did, she wouldn't trust it; CIC had managed to get a telescope on the intruders. They were painted black with skulls on their bows.

  That was enough of a broad hint to tell her they weren't friendly.

  “We need more time,” the T'clock captain protested. “Our people are scattered across the continent …”

  “I'm sorry. We can't get them out. Order them to go to ground,” Captain Fowler said.

  “But …,” Captain V'z'xx protested, clearly distressed by the deteriorating situation.

  “This isn't a debate. We have to look after the safety of our ships and the overall mission first; you know that! Every second we waste means the enemy has that time to generate an intercept vector. They've got an entire planet to hide on! We need to move!”

  “We've got a shuttle inbound. The other will be ready to go in two hours. Just give me that, three hours, and …”

  “You've got ten minutes to get that shuttle on board, Captain. We're leaving. Comm, patch me through to Cupid. Send them our log. Captain V'z'xx, I suggest you do the same. Cupid, once you get the logs and our tactical information, I want you to get the hell out of here pronto,” she ordered. “Comm, I want telemetry on Cupid at all times. Send them everything we've got as it happens in a whisker laser,” she ordered.

  “Aye aye, ma’am.”

  “We're warming up our drive now,” Cupid's captain stated. “Good luck.”


  “What have we here?” Admiral Ishmael purred when news of the three ships in orbit came to him from CIC.

  “It looks like three ships, sir, a small one, a warship, CIC is reporting it as an Arboth class, and a freighter of some sort,” Captain Baker reported. “They are making a run for the Tau-1183 jump point.”

  “They have a head start?” the admiral asked. He shook himself. “Of course they do.”

  “Not as long as you'd think, sir; they delayed breaking orbit,” the Neochimp captain reported.

  “Oh?” the admiral asked.

  “We've been monitoring the communications on the planet. When we first arrived, there was chatter about the plague and the Fed ships in orbit that had arrived to cure it,” the captain said carefully.

  “Cure it,” the admiral rumbled, ears back. He was torn between gratitude and surprise that the Feder
ation had managed to respond so quickly. “Dispatch the destroyers to run 'em down. Order them to flank speed, we can do somethin' about their fuel later,” he growled.

  “Aye aye, sir.”

  “Sir, the smaller ship is breaking formation with the other two. It looks like it is making a run for the jump point on its own,” the CIC rating reported.

  “Every man for himself?” Captain Baker asked.

  “No,” the admiral rumbled. The Neochimp turned to him. “Tis' not that. That be a courier me thinks. She be given the enemy a warnin' of our comin',” he rumbled. “We can't stop her,” he said.

  “Damn,” the captain said softly, turning back to the plot.


  “It’s official, the planet and we are in serious trouble,” Captain Fowler observed when she noted the ships coming their way. “Bloody pirates,” she growled in disgust as Cupid jumped at the Tau-1183 jump point ahead of them.

  “Ma'am, we've got four destroyers coming after us. They won't catch us until we have to decelerate for the jump out. Based on their course and speed, they'll do a running pass. We'll have a short long-range engagement at the worst time,” the tactical officer stated, putting the simulation he had just run up on the plot.

  The captain stared at the holo projection as it repeated twice. “Not good,” she finally said. She turned her massive head to the right. “Comm, put a call in to ME Mahoney. Tell them to pour on the speed. We need to narrow that window as much as possible. If that means we have to cut a few corners in the jump and make the run faster than regs allow, so be it,” she said. “Shrill Kill will play rear guard,” she stated.

  “Aye aye, Ma'am,” the rating replied. “Message recorded and sent.”

  “Good,” the captain said as she turned to the left. “Tactical, we've got a problem on our hands. We're going to have to fight a rearguard action here,” the Neogorilla said. “That means we need to slow them down.”


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