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Barrage (SAI Book 5)

Page 9

by Lea Hart

  Standing in front of her, she felt the weight of his presence. Not only his height but the sheer mass of him. He was over six-foot-two and solidly built, which made her five-foot-four stature no match. She looked up and saw nothing but unguarded carnal hunger and knew their time was coming.

  “I want nothing more than to slide that robe off your body and run my mouth from your head to your toes, and then let my hands read your skin like braille as our bodies finally become nothing more than servants to the lust brewing between us.”

  He lifted his hand and ran his finger along her collarbone and up her neck and then behind her head. Pulling her forward, he dropped his head and captured her mouth, and she knew surrender was no longer an option but an eventuality.

  Before she was ready, he ended the kiss and she stumbled forward. Resting her hands against his snowy white shirt, she sucked in a lungful of air. “Sam…I…”

  “No, Lucky, not going to let you deny what’s happening.” He stepped back and ran his hands through his hair and nodded. “I’ll be waiting for you downstairs.”

  “Mmm…kay,” she replied quietly as she watched him walk out of the room. “Dolce dio, what am I in for?”

  Looking around the room blindly, she had no idea what to do. The man she had lusted after, crushed on, and then dismissed had just proven she didn’t have an ounce of restraint. If he’d tumbled her back on the bed and told her to spread her legs, she would’ve. Hell, she’d probably follow any command he gave her.

  Sam Barton was her weakness and she needed to protect herself fully until she knew what to do.

  Pulling out her ugly underwear, she slipped them on and then added a pair of sweats and an old T-shirt. Nothing sexy about the get-up and she planned on keeping it that way because she needed to hold him off until she had a firm plan in place.

  By her calculations, it shouldn’t take longer than forever.


  Walking into the living room, Lucky saw Sam sitting on the couch with the dog at his feet and a beer in his hand as he watched Sports Center. “You realize you’re living the American dream.”

  “I’m well aware, and the fact that’s it’s taken me thirty-six long years to achieve it doesn’t make it any less sweet.”

  “Did Judit eat her dinner?”

  “Yes, just like the lady she is and now she’s enjoying hearing the updates about the teams we care about.”

  “She’s asleep and snoring.”

  “Taking it all in subconsciously.”

  Turning toward the kitchen, she gave him an ingratiating smile and then walked away. “Sure, Sam.” She opened the cupboard, pulled out plates, and set them on the table. When she saw him walk in, she gave him a smile. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “Dinner, walking the dog, and the general kindness you’ve been showing me.”

  He gave her a kiss and then sat down at the table. “Just getting started.”

  She pulled the pizza out of the oven and set it on the table along with the carton of salad he picked up. “Anything else?”

  He stood and went over to the counter and lifted the bottle of wine. “Can’t forget this.”

  Watching him pull out a wine glass and then fill it made her smile. “Sam Barton, you are a surprise.”

  “Just because I couldn’t get my shit together in the first year of knowing you, doesn’t mean that I’m not capable of becoming the man of your dreams.” He handed her the glass of wine and then returned to the table. “Come on, woman, sit, so we can get this party started.”

  Taking a seat, she looked at his impossibly handsome face and smiled. “You’ve managed to get me a dog, charm my relatives, and feed me in the span of a week. I don’t know what else is in store, so I should probably just brace myself.”

  “A wise idea, Ms. Santorini.” He opened the pizza box and slid a slice on her plate and then one on his own. “What are you going to do with your free time, now that you’ve figured out the hack?”

  “Breathe,” Lucky responded as she took a bite of the pizza. “Ivy informed me that my department is in for major changes and I have to figure what they’re going to look like.”


  “I have to decide if I want to become more of a manager or cede some of my control.”

  “And what is your gut telling you?”

  She watched him eat his pizza as she did the same and realized she had no answer. “I don’t know.”

  He dropped his crust on his plate and then wiped his mouth. “At least you have time to think about it, now that you’ve taken care of your client.”

  Lifting a shoulder, she shrugged. “I told Ivy that you’d be perfect for one of the jobs that’s being created.” She watched his face and saw a myriad of emotions run across his features. “We need someone to oversee the ops, and I think you’d be great at it.”

  “And what makes you think I’d want to leave my illustrious career at the FBI?”

  “Nothing. It’s a totally selfish suggestion on my part. The company has become big enough that we need each office to run their own direct-action missions and someone has to supervise and make sure they’re getting what they need. It’s a Director of Ops that we need and the person who fills the position needs to have combat experience.”

  “I’m happy at the FBI and don’t see that changing anytime soon.”

  “I know, and my suggestion had more to do with a ‘type’ we were looking for as opposed to SAI offering you a job. Don’t worry, Sam, I have no illusions about what you’re accomplishing in the Organized Crime Division. I know you’d never want to leave it.”

  “Despite the fact that they don’t always appreciate my methods, I’m a highly valued member of the Chicago office.”

  “Of course.”

  “And even though they sometimes operate very close to a snail’s pace at developing intel, I’m in no way frustrated with the strict rules and regulations.”

  “Was never a question,” she said as she pulled out another piece of pizza and internally rolled her eyes. Sam Barton was gifted, but that didn’t mean the FBI appreciated it, and she wasn’t going to be the person who convinced him otherwise.

  And to be totally honest, she didn’t want him up in her business and kingdom roaming around. She was the queen and she wasn’t sure he would understand that if he ever decided to join the team because he was an alpha through and through, and she’d bet he’d never want to work under her.

  Lifting the top off of the container that held the salad, she served him some and then herself. “How’s life at the FBI these days?”

  “Uneventful,” he replied glumly. “The Intelligence Division is developing the intel on Vazov and Yolkin and we’re months away from having anything actionable.”

  “That’s got to be frustrating,” she replied as she ate some salad.

  He tipped his head and gave her an inquisitive look. “I know you have more to say, so don’t hold back.”

  Slapping her hand on the table, she grinned. “I almost forgot to show this to you.” She stood and pulled her phone out of her purse. “I saw this thing on IG today and I have summer goals for you and Judit.” She opened the app and slid through it until she found what she was looking for. Holding it up, she beamed. “Look, the man has matching swim trunks with his dog. I can totally see you two on the lake this summer rockin’ matching outfits.”

  He took the phone and studied it. “She’s going to be matching you and not me.”

  Taking the phone back, she looked at it again and nodded. “You have a point.”

  She set it down and then lifted her wine glass. “I thought it was cute.”

  “I’m totally up for matching outfits when and if we have a son; until then, you can count me out.”

  Her head flew up and she stared at him with her jaw slack.

  Did he just talk about children?

  With her?

  “Close your mouth, because you look like a fish.”

  “I swear
I’m going to kill you if you say anything remotely like that again.”

  “Noted.” He took her hand and lifted the corner of his mouth. “I mentioned our future children and I can see the concept shocked you, so as opposed to dealing with my hurt feelings that you thought it was crazy, I said something snide.”

  “The speed at which you processed that lets me know you’re fully aware of what you’re saying and how it affects me, so don’t expect any slack.”

  “Understood.” He ran his hand over her fingers and then smiled. “Can we go make out now?”

  “Are you done eating?”


  “All right, we can watch TV for a while before I kick you out and, if you manage not to irritate me, then I’d be happy to kiss you.” She watched him stand and hold out his hand and when she took it, she saw a look of satisfaction that was unparalleled. “I don’t know what to think one moment to the next.”

  “Lucky, I’m crazy about you, so whatever you see me do or hear me say is a reflection of that. It’s not always going to be pretty or polite, but it will always be genuine, and I hope you can forgive my fumbles and see past them.”

  “I don’t want some polished version of you. I just want to know what’s real.” He pulled her closer and held her tightly.

  “Feel my heart beating?”

  Laying her head against his chest, she felt it thunder under her ear. “Yes.”

  “That’s for you.” He moved his hips close and moved back and forth. “Feel that?”


  “That’s how you make me feel.” He lifted her chin and gazed into her face. “If I could show you my brain, you see something that resembles scrambled eggs. Being around you knocks me out and all I’m trying to do is hold on and hope I survive.”

  Raising on her tiptoes, she pulled him down and pressed her mouth against his. When he licked her lips and she let him in, she knew nothing was ever going to be the same. Sam had annihilated her defenses and all she could do was hope to survive.


  Friday, September 15th

  Sam looked around his apartment and wondered what Lucky was going to think when she saw it. It was almost sterile in comparison to hers, but he was a man with limited decorating skills, so he’d done the best he could. Most everything was gray or brown and the few touches of color had been added by his mom when she’d been out to visit last spring.

  Giving himself a mental slap upside the head, he snapped out of his disquiet and knew that all that mattered was that he had something to feed her and several options for movies.

  That hopefully they’d never get to.

  They’d been in one another’s company almost every night over the last week and had been making out like it was their job, and he prayed tonight was the night they’d give in to all the lust and consummate their relationship.

  He wanted the privilege of seeing her undress slowly and to know he’d finally earned her trust, and she was ready to give him a part of herself she’d never given anyone else. What he felt for Lucky was beyond the usual lust a man felt for a desirable woman, it was more elemental, and he wanted more than her body—he wanted a part of her soul.

  Which he knew was crazy, but also wasn’t going to change simply because it didn’t make any sense. Checking his phone, he saw she and Judit should be arriving any minute, so he decided to turn some music on. Going through Spotify, he picked a playlist and then synced his phone with the speakers.

  “Ready,” he said quietly to the empty room.

  Hearing a light knock on the door, he let out a breath and moved to open it. When he swung open the door, he watched a shocked expression fall over Lucky’s face. “Everything okay?”

  “You’re wearing sweatpants.”

  He looked down at his slim gray sweatpants and didn’t know what the big deal was. He took the dog’s leash and Lucky’s hand and pulled them both into the apartment. “Did you think I wore a suit at home?”

  “Well, no…not exactly.” She looked around and then gave him a smile. “Your apartment is very nice.”

  He snapped the leash off the dog and then walked over to the corner of the kitchen where he had her bowls set up. “This is your spot, Judit.” Watching her look up at him with approval made him happier than he could’ve imagined. “I also have your bed set up next to the window.”

  “You really are serious about sharing her, aren’t you?”

  “Of course.” He watched the dog wander around and then settle herself on her bed. “She’s already comfortable.”

  “So, she is.”

  Walking around the small island, he took her hand. “I hope you’ll feel the same way.” The pulse in her neck started to jump as he moved closer, and he knew he wasn’t the only who’d been wondering what it was going to be like between them. “Actually, I want to make you feel a lot of things you’ve never felt before.”

  “Yeah, like what?”

  Lifting her hand, he covered it with his and rested it against his chest. “I want to make you feel out of control, cherished, and like you’d give me anything I asked for.” He drew her closer to his chest and saw her eyes begin to close in anticipation as he dropped his mouth.

  The kiss was soft at first, nothing more than a whisper of his lips against hers.

  Then she softened and melted in a way that let him know she was almost ready to give in. Moving his mouth closer, he made their connection deeper and heard her hum, like he’d finally managed to take her breath away and make her forget where she was.

  “I’ve never been kissed like that before,” she murmured breathlessly as she pulled away.

  Framing her face with his hands, he gave her a nod. “Just the beginning, Lucky.” The timer on the oven dinged and he looked over his shoulder and then back at her. “I’m going to feed you and then I want you to give me permission to do what I need to do.”

  “What do you need, Sam?” She asked quietly.

  “For you to give yourself to me and trust.”

  When her mouth opened and closed and nothing came out, he went on. “I want to discover what you like and how you like it.” The timer went off again and he kissed her nose before releasing his hold. “I made roast chicken and potatoes. It’s really the only thing I can make, so I hope you like it.” Turning around, he walked back to the island and opened the oven. “The wine is open, so pour us a couple of glasses.”

  When he didn’t hear anything, he turned around and saw Lucky standing there with her fingers pressed against her mouth. Not wanting to make her nervous, he didn’t say anything else and pulled the chicken out of the oven.

  Once he had the salad tossed and the chicken carved, Lucky seemed to have recovered because she was sitting on the island drinking her wine and studying him like he was a code she had to break. “How was work today?”

  “Fine, I had the final meeting with the client and the NSA and it seems everyone is happy with the compromise we’ve come up with.”

  “Can you talk about it, or is it confidential?”

  “It’s confidential, but I can say in general terms that something like that isn’t usually taken down. I’ve seen the government surveil sleeper cells and do reconnaissance, so they can keep tabs while they develop the capability to disrupt or highjack the botnet if it becomes necessary.”

  “That sounds like they’re letting the hacker think they were successful and will take it over when the time is right.”

  “It does—doesn’t it?”

  He filled two plates with food and then grabbed the loaf of bread. “What else do we need?”

  “Nothing, this is perfect.” He came around the island, grabbed a chair, and then lifted his glass. “Congratulations on the win.”

  She tapped her glass against his and smiled. “Thank you.”

  “Eat up because you’re going to need the energy.” He lifted his fork and watched her do the same and felt like she was as interested in seeing what they could become as he was.

bsp; ***

  Lucky and Sam stood staring at their dog as she stared back. “It feels weird,” Lucky commented.

  “I know.”

  Tilting her head, she watched Judit do the same. “Let’s put on Animal Planet, so she’s not lonely.”

  “Good idea because the last thing we need is for her to try and come save you when she hears you moaning and screaming.”

  “You that good, Sammy?”

  Lifting the remote, he flicked the TV on and searched for the channel. “Honey, you have no idea.”

  Pictures of meerkats filled the screen and Judit turned her head away and stared at the screen. “Meerkat Manor is one of her favorites.”

  “Thank God,” Sam said as he tugged her hand and led her into the bedroom.

  Stopping just inside the door, Lucky looked around. “I thought it would be more bachelor fabulous. Instead, it’s just a regular room with a nice comforter.”

  “Were you expecting satin sheets and a mirror on the ceiling?”

  Walking further into the room, she shrugged. “Not exactly. But since you made the control comment the other day, I’ve been picturing a bed with posts and hooks.”

  “And what would the hooks be for, Lucky?”

  Feeling him behind her made desire shimmer over her nerves. “For restraints. I didn’t know if you were into tying women up.” His hand ran over her arm, up her shoulder, and then along her neck as he lifted her hair. “I don’t know what kind of kinkery you’re into.”

  “No kink, Lucky.”

  His hot breath warmed her skin just as his mouth dragged along her neck. “I’m into old-fashioned fucking.”

  “Is that right?” she replied breathlessly as his hand gathered her hair and he tugged lightly, so she was looking up. Seeing his impossibly beautiful eyes darken, she sucked in a breath. “What are you going to do to me?”

  “Everything I want.” Letting go of her hair, he twirled her around and crashed his lips against hers.

  Oxygen was sucked from the room as he swirled his tongue inside her mouth. She was surrounded by his scent as his insistent mouth took control of hers. She moved her hands under his T-shirt and let her fingers explore. Feeling his six-pack, she smiled to herself as she lifted his shirt up.


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