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Zombie Zero

Page 14

by J. K. Norry

  Allen lost himself in being a zombie. He pushed all thoughts of Maya and Elayna from his mind, and filled it with hunger. He didn’t let Maya into his head, but he felt her hovering at the edges of his consciousness; he knew she still lived, and still moved in the feet of the monsters that covered the world. He knew it was her hunger that he fed; but his mind was not hers any more, or his. His mind was only hunger.

  In the same day that the hunger began to loosen its grip, Allen found himself somehow in front of a dark television at the appointed hour. His feet had walked here, his mind must have known the time; he was nonetheless surprised when he heard the voice issue from the device.

  “We’re at the Port of Long Beach this morning,” the voice said. “If you haven’t been tuning in, please listen now: we have a cure. There is no point of no return, for any of us. Stop killing your loved ones and come find us. We will issue the cure every morning, as we have for the past several days. We have plenty for everyone. We welcome everyone. So long as you do not approach with violence, we will not attack you. We are here to help. I repeat-”

  The street was empty when the voice was suddenly silenced. Allen was running, dashing down streets and leaping abandoned cars in his frenzied flight. Somehow he felt like this was his last hope, his final chance at redemption before he became nothing but hunger. He didn’t think of Maya, or Elayna, or the guilt that he had borne. He just ran.

  Chapter 25

  Harv was glad they lived in the desert. They had lost grid power first, and any news of hope; but it was easy to spot them coming from nearly a mile off. He had never been much for hunting, but Harv knew how to handle a rifle. In the last few weeks he had become a crack shot, and all of the members of the community came running to fetch him when one approached. The ramblers were easy, and he encouraged others to practice on them; the howlers were a different story. He took them down again and again, sometimes reloading two or three times before they finally stopped getting up. Harv knew enough to shoot them in the eyes; the cable feed had gone out before the community could learn of the cure. They banded together, living in the homes with solar or generators, coming to him to save them all time and again. Back at the cradle of mankind…

  Maya looked more beautiful than ever. She floated inches above the sand, in a wide flat expanse of barren desert, cocooned in electronic connections. Her nude body was relaxed as she levitated in the cloud, her delicate fingers tracing colored lightning connections. Her mind peered into the mind of every rambler, every howler, and every human on the planet. She nodded her head, slowly, although there was no one to see. Closing her dark eyes, she brought her hands together before her quickly. The clap shook the ground, thunder split the air, and an invisible shockwave rippled away from her in every direction.

  The pulse washed over every city, every home, every body that remained. Every television, radio, communication device and web surfer died. All of the lights went out, every dam and dike burst; and many darkened cities were soon flooded as well. Every internet portal closed forever, every last bit of electronically stored information gone in a heartbeat. The world’s hard drives were all wiped clean, and every electronic cloud evaporated. Backup generators didn’t even try to fire; and now, they never would. The part of the world that was dark was suddenly very dark, and a new silence settled over the planet that hadn’t been heard for generations.

  Vessels at sea stopped moving, their inside cabins plunged suddenly into inky blackness. Air filtration systems stopped working in the submarines, along with everything else; and ships drifted on the surface of the ocean while the submerged slowly suffocated. The pulse was felt by everyone; even those not surrounded by electrical devices sensed a shift. The wave swept the world, crossing over itself to meet again at Maya. For a moment she floated there, caught up in a network of electricity and information and ecstasy; then she burst into a billion pieces of shifting sand, and blew away in the next gust of silent wind.

  The howlers of the world began to turn on each other, and the mindless ramblers, as one. Their new hunger was as powerful as the old had been, though it did not take its place. Human flesh was still a welcome treat, albeit a rare one. Hunting packs became feeding frenzies, and lone predators drifted off to devise new tactics. Ramblers were easy pickings, and soon few of them scuffled down the deserted lanes of every city. It was all rats and roaches and flies, streaming through the streets like traffic, burrowing through walls and foundations and heaps of burnt corpses.


  Nick loved boats. He had always felt more at home on the water than on land, and had dreamed of being in the navy since he was a little boy. When the ship he had been assigned to became a vessel filled with zombies, he had managed to hide until he could escape. Nick had dove into that ocean he loved so much, swam to the smaller vessel as it was attacked, and waited in the water until they were gone. When the pulse hit, he was alone in the yacht and headed for shore. Now he was drifting, and hadn’t seen land since the tide had sent him back out to sea. He had gorged on the food in the fridge, before it could go bad; now he rationed what little he had left, and tried not to think about his odds of being rescued in a world with no engines or radar. In the closest sprawling city…

  Allen made it to the dock moments after the other howlers. They were attacking the distribution booths, the humans and ramblers and howlers that had shown up for treatment, and each other. The people had tried to escape; but their guns weren’t enough, and their boat wouldn’t start. In minutes the vessel was a drifting swarm of zombies.

  He tore into them, pulling howlers off people and pushing ramblers into the water. Allen realized that he just looked like another feeder in the frenzied free for all; nevertheless, he fought off the howlers until the smell of fresh flesh no longer filled the air. They turned on each other then, and him. Allen swam after the drifting vessel to climb aboard and stuff as many bottles of pills into a sack as he could. He lowered a small lifeboat into the water, fighting off howlers and pushing aside ramblers, then leapt into it when it hit the surface.

  Rowing with all of his might, Allen watched the city fade over the horizon as the sunlight dwindled in the sky. After he had rowed for awhile, he set aside the oars and opened the bag. Removing a bottle from the collection, he opened it and took a single pill. Allen closed the bottle, tied the bag, and began rowing once more.


  Dear reader,

  I hope you enjoyed my first zombie book, and my first horror novel. There is a lot more of this world to be found at my secret newsletter, between now and the next book. It’s free and easy to subscribe, and you become a member of the ‘Secret Society of Deeper Meaning’ on top of all the free supporting content. This year, there’s a lot of zombie stuff…it is the ‘Year of the Zombie’, after all. Next year…well, we talk about that in the newsletters.

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  Thanks for reading!

  All the best,

  J.K. Norry

  Twitter: @JayNorry

  ‘Secret Society of Deeper Meaning’

  Also available from J.K. Norry. . .

  Demons & Angels (Walking Between Worlds, Book I)

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  Meet the unsung heroes of the supernatural...

  They live normal lives on the surface, going to work, the bank and the grocery store like everyone else. All day they watch their countdown. When the moment comes, they draw their swords, don their armored over
coats, and walk between worlds. They stop demons from overwhelming people, without being seen and without asking a word of thanks. For thousands of years they have labored to save mankind from itself, quietly, one soul at a time.

  When Paul is thrust into this hidden world between worlds, he must learn to keep his secrets as quickly as he must master his mysterious weapon. His new powers are amazing, and his faithful guide is there to teach him the ancient ways of the demon hunter; yet questions nag at Paul’s mind while it overflows with new information. If Heaven is not truly perfect, and Hell is his only hope, he fears that walking between them will also mean walking away from the woman of his dreams; and if he loses her, he loses everything...

  Rise of the Walker King (Walking Between Worlds, Book II)

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  The ‘Walking Between Worlds’ story continues…

  The way of the demon hunter is finally beginning to make sense to Paul, as is the art of walking between worlds. He is forced to shoulder the heavy burden of leading this mighty army of immortals if they are to continue their vital secret work. Just when he needs her most, his love has been torn from his grasp. Rather than turn to his trusted Guide and best friend in his time of need, Paul turns away from him. Kris is left to wonder if the fire burning inside the new king will drive him to victory or madness.

  War takes the army to Hell, and pits their forces against a sea of displaced demons. Lines are crossed, lives are lost, and the battles take heavy tolls on both sides. As light looms at the end of the treacherous tunnel leading to victory, the army emerges to a shaking realization: the light is dragon fire, and the war has only just begun.

  Fall of the Walker King (Walking Between Worlds, Book III)

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  An explosive end to the ‘Walking Between Worlds’ trilogy.

  Heaven is in turmoil over the war being waged below. Hell is a ravaged wasteland, its beauty lost to all but ancient memory. Earth is trapped between, unaware of the army of supernaturals battling for their souls. A champion emerges to lead them, and to search for their lost king. His new student sees the timeless art of dealing with demons in an astonishingly unique way; it makes William question everything he is supposed to be teaching the warrior apprentice, while battling day and night to save the way of the Walker.

  Ruling from their lofty perches, the angels have long since lost their way. They want control of everything, and will stop at nothing to get it. Barely an army, the remaining demon hunters dodge plots from above and fire from below in their hopes to secretly save the worlds they walk between once more. The dragons that reign in Hell have grown more brutal over long centuries; when one queen fell, a more fearsome dragon took her place. It will take more than one miracle to stop her from setting all the worlds aflame forever.

  Stumbling Backasswards Into the Light (as Jay Norry)

  Paperback $12.99 ISBN 978-0-9907280-1-6

  eBook $0.99 ISBN 978-0-9907280-0-9

  From dark yesterday to bright tomorrow…

  When childhood is over, and adulthood tries to take hold, it all becomes too much for one overwhelmed young man. He sets out to find a place to give up once and for all, to lay his body down and let his wasted life drift away; instead he stumbles onto a whole new way of looking at the world.

  His new teacher calls him ‘Nobody’, and he can’t deny the truth in the name. A touching friendship unfolds as Nobody hears life and love being explained in a whole new way, and hope begins to burn in his heart as the poignant lessons etch themselves into his thinking. Their time together is a confusing chrysalis for Nobody. He wonders whether it is in him to burst forth a beautifully colored butterfly, as he is slowly transformed.

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  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Trigger Warning




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25



  Also from the author

  Publishers Note




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